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Himmler 17-09-2006 09:58 PM

so i installed an extension to my firefox called AD-block that was gonna block all the unwanted ads. but then i realised it did this to abandonia forum

and youtube has the same problem.

Treewyrm 17-09-2006 11:08 PM

ahahahaha... LOL LOL LOL....

you're blocking all *.css files, those are just stylesheets for visual formatting.

Himmler 17-09-2006 11:11 PM

so what should i do? i already uninstalled the damn extension?
if i reinstall it can i find some settings that would enable those css back?

Koen 18-09-2006 09:53 AM

I've got Adblock installed, but I don't know if it's the same program, since you say it's Ad-Block with a - character

- Go to extra's/extensions
- then double-click on adblock
- you should see a list of blocked url's, delete the item you want by selecting it and pressing the delete key. You can also disable it there with a checkbox.

HappyGamer 27-09-2006 11:57 AM

Is this a decent adblocker program. I have been dying to find a better adblocker for firefox. I hate those dang pop ups. Yet I do not want to download it if I going to have these kind of problems with it. Also does this block the pop-ups that come through java?

Abi79 27-09-2006 12:26 PM


Yet I do not want to download it if I going to have these kind of problems with it.[/b]
You won't. It's probably an error on Himmler's side, not on Adblock's. It won't happen to you.


Also does this block the pop-ups that come through java?[/b]
No. For that you have to get NoScript and forbid some sites from using java.

HappyGamer 27-09-2006 01:00 PM

Could you walk me threw the process of turning off the scripts for java ads and if it does not block java pop-ups what is the difference between this program and the built in adblocker that comes with Firefox? Not complaining just tring to understand better.

Himmler 27-09-2006 04:52 PM

stick with the will be the same. i must say that noscript and ad-block really slowed down my speed

HappyGamer 27-09-2006 06:09 PM

Thanks Himmler. I will do that since I am still using dial up and my speed is already slow enough. Oh well! I guess I will stick with the half working ad blocker on firefox for the time being. I really wish they would get the support that IE has for pop ups. I mean for IE it seems everybody and there mother has done an pop-up blocker for IE. Why not for FireFox?

Himmler 28-09-2006 06:33 PM

IE is dead ;)

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