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peace01 11-07-2008 07:57 AM

Too much eprsonal information is required in edit
My name, location and birht date are none of your busienss and should be required. Only requied information should be longin name and password. When I tried to change my password I hd it state that all the above information was required. You need to change that inforamtion to optinal.
You have no legitimate ned for that information and if it got out it could be used to steal my idtenty. Which is why i didn't give any of it accuartely other than my Country of location. With my name, city, state and biuirthdate anyone who wanted to steal my identy could easily do so.
So it should b totally otpional to add such information.
I suggest all users put false inforamtion in the fields.

Luchsen 11-07-2008 08:10 AM

It's widely known that Kosta collaborates with the ESA and collects any information to file a lawsuit against every single member of Abandonia.

The Fifth Horseman 11-07-2008 08:51 AM

Sure, sure... the only people beside Kosta himself who could access that information are the admins.
We don't check it without having a good reason, which pretty much means we barely ever do it at all.


You have no legitimate ned for that information and if it got out it could be used to steal my idtenty. With my name, city, state and biuirthdate anyone who wanted to steal my identy could easily do so.
I suggest all users put false inforamtion in the fields.
End this paranoia bullshit already, will you?
Name, location and birth date are hardly sufficient for anyone to steal your identity. They'd also need your social ID number (which is called different things in different countries). Not to mention a purpose to use your identity for.

Also. Your birth date is only required when the forum displays user birthdays for current day, but you have to re-enter it in the forum profile for that to work. And there you can choose if you want it displayed to begin with, and if so then how (as in: age only, date only or full age & date).

Kugerfang 11-07-2008 09:19 AM
Big Brother is watching.
"War is Peace; Freedom is Slavery; Ignorance is Strength."

Are you stupid or something?

Japo 11-07-2008 09:59 AM

I dunno why all that information is required... Just enter false data if you want.

dosraider 11-07-2008 10:17 AM


Originally Posted by peace01 (Post 330714)
With my name, city, state and biuirthdate anyone who wanted to steal my identy could easily do so.


THX peace01, started my day with a laugh.

Kugerfang 11-07-2008 10:54 AM

WTH? Someone deleted teh p1cture of Forrest Gump!


Originally Posted by peace01
Too much erpsonal

epic lulz

Juanca 11-07-2008 03:33 PM

Oops peace01 i think it already happened....
now thousands of members stole your avatar picture id

my god and it was such a good picture of you :(

_r.u.s.s. 11-07-2008 08:23 PM

i haven't seen sucha good burn in ages :laugh:

but yeah, if you don't want to insert your real data, just make stuff up

Lulu_Jane 12-07-2008 06:50 AM

I was going to steal your identity Peace01, but then I decided there can only be one person on earth who murders the English language like that, so you are safe... for now.

Sleep with one eye open buddy.

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