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Kosta 11-03-2004 10:19 AM

Dune 2 - The Building of a Dynasty
Feel free to comment and discuss this game here. Also, if you have any useful tips or tricks don't hesitate to share them with the others! Thanks!

Review and Download (if available)

Titan 07-05-2004 01:13 AM


1. Place concrete slabs before placing structures. It's worth upgrading
the construction yard so you can build the larger slabs. Upgrade the
light vehicle and heavy vehicle factories as soon as you can so you can
produce siege tanks. It's worth upgrading the heavy factory several
times on later levels so you can produce a mobile construction vehicle.
Watch the state of all your structures and repair them when necessary -
it costs spice but it's usually cheaper than building replacements.

2. Don't bother building walls (they cost too much and don't last very
long) build rocket turrets instead. You need to upgrade the
construction yard to be able to build them but you're going to do that
anyway aren't you? Spot where the enemy are attacking from - they
always attack from the same direction - and place concrete slabs on the
rock in that direction. Put half a dozen turrets on the extremities of
the slabs and with a bit of luck they should see off most of the
attackers before they get too close. Keep an eye on the state of the
turrets and repair them when necessary.

3. See whether there's a line of rock that stretches from your base
towards the enemy base. If there is create a pathway of concrete slabs
along the rock and position rocket turreys close to the enemy base.
When you attack the turrets are able to give your units covering fire
and you find yourself with a significant advantage. If there isn't an
unbroken line of rock consider using a mobile construction vehicle to
establish a construction yard on a piece of rock close to the enemy
which you can then use as a base for extending the range of your

4. On the later levels it's extremely important to restrict the amount
of spice the enemy mines because spice runs out extremely quickly. You
need to use a fast trike or quad to explore the map and find spice
fields and enemy harvesters and then you simply do everything possible
to destroy the harvesters.

LotharGR 12-05-2004 01:25 PM

Ah... with the exception of the follow ups to Dune 2, I don't remember any other game using this good idea with the concrete slabs. It adds much to the playability of the game ( like that you cannot build anywhere you want without problems )

Stroggy 12-05-2004 04:35 PM

C&C Tiberian Sun encouraged the use of concrete slabs so your opponent couldn't send an underground APC into the middle of your base.
but other than that...

gregor 25-05-2004 11:54 AM

another tip
5. the enemy will attack in a large group once you build small weapons (vehicles?!) factory and heavy weapons factory. so the best thing is to build the defence and put enough units for protection first and then build these buildings. that way you can repel the attack and perform a counter attack. it's also good to have enough energy plants build so if by any chance the computer destroy one you still have enough left.

6. it's not worth to put all the structures on concrete slabs. the structure will be half damaged when you set it up, but if you put it somewhere in the back (behing the main base and defences) it will be safe. this is especially worth for energy plants, baracs (later in the game) and defesive wall that just "steers" (directs) the oponent to your primary defences.

Dream 27-05-2004 03:11 PM

If you seriously beat up a building until it's "health" is in red you can send then inside any troop you want to and building will be yours!

rossb 06-06-2004 10:38 PM

I used to play this game on my Commodore Amiga, back in 1993. I played with house Atreides, but never managed to finish the game. I got to the last mission, but kept getting my base blown to bits by the Harkonnen heavy missile(some sort of nuclear missile launched from Harkkonnen palaces). Unfortunately for me, the emperor also has this missile in his palace, so repeated strikes from 2 missiles were enough to blow my bases to bits. Has anybody managed to finish the game, I would love to know what happens in the final cut scenes.

Titan 08-06-2004 11:06 AM

Well... the emperor gets blasted by a trooper... but realy try again.. use Harkoonan.. easiest clan.. those devastators are usefull for more then shooting.. build a few, send them toward the base.. it requires EXTREAM force to stop one... try 10... place 2-3 close to the contruction yard, and detonate the tanks..

Omuletzu 08-06-2004 02:08 PM

Save before a nuke hits you, and then load.The place were the missile hits is random but still close to your base.

THEEVILOFMEN 21-10-2004 12:41 PM

:sniper: :rifle: YAY! KILL ATRIEDES!!!!!! KILL THEM!!!! HAHAHAHAHHAHA!!!!! :sniper: :rifle:

Seriously, I LOVE this game! it's my favorite from Westwood, and a good preview of the kind of games they had in store for the world. My opinion when you play it though: Play as the Harkonnens. because, when you are evil.... YOU KICK @$$!!!

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