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TotalAnarchy 21-06-2009 07:04 AM

Happy Birthday, Abandonia!

Yes, it's true. This is Abandonia's tenth birthday. What now? Is the universe going to implode back to its original pre-Big Bang form?

Congratulations to you, to me and the whole community. We made it happen. :)

Don't forget to leave some words. It won't feel like a birthday party if everyone's silent. Also remember to check the history , if you haven't done so already.


unforgiven 21-06-2009 07:21 AM

Happy Birthday and thanks!

Mighty Midget 21-06-2009 07:28 AM

Happy Anniversary, Abandonia!

Here are two of your classics, dancing, just for you::banana: :monkey:

riccso 21-06-2009 08:09 AM

:birthday: HAPPY BIRTHDAY :birthday:
Abandonia's getting older and older....:old: Good luck for the next 10 years :tongue:

Thunderclap 21-06-2009 08:11 AM

Good work abandonia. This community is really something special, full of interesting characters and games gurus. United we are many, many happy returns. Thunder

Pex 21-06-2009 08:18 AM

Happy Anniversary and thank you for quenching my nostalgy for old games as well as helping me find so many that I missed out on when I was younger. :thumbs:

Japo 21-06-2009 09:26 AM

For it's a jolly good website,
For it's a jolly good website,
For it's a jolly good website,
And so say all of us. :D

Mousazz 21-06-2009 10:01 AM

Happy birthday! :birthday::partytime:

The history page really made me think how little I did (beside a few posts, nothing :no:). Oh well. There's still time. :dance:

P.S.: I just noticed there are smileys named after abandonia forum members (:jaw:)

And remember: :madness:

TaloN 21-06-2009 10:19 AM

Thought this would be a valid time for me to reappear :)

Congratulations guys, you guys meant alot to me however many years ago it is now i was active here. Been lurking since the rebuild of site. been very busy and am now a qualified doctor

Hope your all well and if anyones stil here that remembers me and vice versa I hoe your especially well.

Regards Talon

Acethor 21-06-2009 10:30 AM

Wow, 10 years!! AB has come a long way hasn't it... here's to 10 more years!!:woot:

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