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Kon-Tiki 07-04-2006 05:57 PM

Official site
SCI Studio VGA's work so far (pretty much fully functional) has been released, allowing everybody to make their own games like King's Quest 5, Police Quest 4, Leisure Suit Larry 6, Space Quest 5, etc, along with games like Quest for Glory 1, Police Quest 2 and others :ok:

Data 07-04-2006 08:21 PM

nice! will this have some influence on NF ?

Kon-Tiki 07-04-2006 08:34 PM

Nope. NF'll still be done in AGI. LSL4'll be done in this, though. Thought to go for AGS cause of the giant delay on this release, but now that this's out, we'll go with this one. Of course, it'll mean it won't stand a chance to get on AR, as they only allow AGS games as adventure games on there, but that's their loss.

StrangeQuark 10-04-2006 06:11 PM


Of course, it'll mean it won't stand a chance to get on AR, as they only allow AGS games as adventure games on there, but that's their loss.
Is that a new criterion? Because they do have Enclosure (and it gets the rating it deserves as well).
Whatever the case may be, I really can't see the reasening behind such a rule.

Edit: Also, from what I gathered, SCI Studio VGA isn't in working condition yet. But some people have stated that they're willing to take up the work. It might still take a while though, seeing as they have to make themselves familiar with the code first...

Kon-Tiki 10-04-2006 06:15 PM

Neither do I, but there're only 4 AGI games, on 54 AGS games, while I did give them a decent list of top-quality AGI games. Only 3 of them made it on their current To Review list, with such descriptions as: "An AGI adventure title, all you need to know." That's a bit degenerating, to say the least (especially as that specific one's on Residence 44 Quest, which has plenty more to add than it just being an AGI game)

StrangeQuark 10-04-2006 09:23 PM

I see. Didn't know that. For a site reviewing games, that's more than a bit close minded. Bah.. for shame.

win98 14-04-2006 04:54 AM

Nice find :ok:

taikara 20-04-2006 05:30 PM

@StrangeQuark: AR accepts whatever freeware game reviews the members choose to submit. It happens to mostly be AGS games, I suppose due to member preference for (or sheer number of) these games, but we have encouraged people to submit reviews for other types of games. We just don't tend to receive reviews for AGI games very often.

So, basically, the distribution of types of games on AR tends to reflect the community's favorites (the members of the community that submit reviews, that is).

So, feel free to check out the site and submit a review for an AGI game that's not on the site or that we may not know about, if you'd like to help us get more of those types of games :)

Kon-Tiki 20-04-2006 05:44 PM

What 'bout that list of AGI games I made, and it not being on the To Review list? And what 'bout telling Deathdude (who's pretty much the only one submitting AGS reviews) to stop that and take on some quality games instead? It pretty much seems to be reflecting one person's personal taste, instead of a general one. Nothing seems to be done 'bout that, either. Just letting the crappy AGS games go in front while either hiding or belittling the AGI games. For example, what do you do with: "Negative points: You have to type the commands" ? You don't go 'bout saying that Super Mario's negative point is that it's a platformer, or that a roguelike's negative point's its graphics, so why make the very essence of an AGI game a negative point?

DeathDude 20-04-2006 05:50 PM

Might want to take a look closer at my recent reviews dude, clearly there have been few AGS titles in the mix ;) and you can diss AGS all you want there are some clearly superior games out there, you don't like it that's your choice, but there is no discrimination in AGS or AGI it depends on the users to write the reviews.

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