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the exterminator 05-08-2010 03:37 PM

Translator on Page and Forum
I see that thread (internet) is closed but is says that bug is fixed so translators can work again.
I apply to TotalAnarchy to join Translator Group and even though my English is not so good, I am getting better every day and more I speak. I take lesson nearly every day and write on internet nearly every day.

Will Translators be accepted again or is something I should not hold his breath for?

_r.u.s.s. 05-08-2010 03:48 PM

are you sure you want to translate from english? :) maybe you should learn it a bit more first

i mean, there are so many things that can't be understood just with dictionary

eugene425 05-08-2010 07:53 PM


Originally Posted by _r.u.s.s. (Post 411144)
are you sure you want to translate from english? :) maybe you should learn it a bit more first

i mean, there are so many things that can't be understood just with dictionary

да, инглиш он неплохо знает (или я ошибаюсь?).

Originally Posted by Lulu_Jane (Post 411162)
English please Eugene :)

Yo, inglish he not bad known (or i wrong?).

Lulu_Jane 05-08-2010 08:09 PM

English please Eugene :)

TotalAnarchy 06-08-2010 04:40 AM


Originally Posted by the exterminator (Post 411140)
I see that thread (internet) is closed but is says that bug is fixed so translators can work again.
I apply to TotalAnarchy to join Translator Group and even though my English is not so good, I am getting better every day and more I speak. I take lesson nearly every day and write on internet nearly every day.

Will Translators be accepted again or is something I should not hold his breath for?

Into what language are you planning to translate?

Exterminator Forget PassW 08-08-2010 11:38 AM

Password and Language.
@Eugine. I can read English well enough to know that it says what it does.
I can read all these forums else I would not have joined and requested join of translator.
It will help with my English work and I say before that I get lessons everyday and it is getting better. Especially my future tenses.
For this post I use no translator :)

I forget my passowrd (again for 3rd time :() so I request new one. When it send me link, I have this link:
click and it go to new passowrd request page.
The password reset is not working so I can just make anohter account here and ask an Admin to merge, as the rules state or someone could send me a new password please.

In answer to TotalAnarchy question I thought was obvious because of my response (answer) to Fifth Horseman Future Bastard. That is (ie) Polish.

Exterminator forget PassW 08-08-2010 11:48 AM

Yes I am sure
@_r.u.s.s. Yes I am sure I can translate from English. I use no translator for these posts and I understand what even you and Eugine say, though your English is missing bits too. I only improve and look for translation to help me improve. If you will not help me then I look elsewhere for translation work.
My Teacher says it will help me a lot and then I can get a job as Translator for Company in England or Poland.
See? No Spelling Errors and I dont think and Grammar errors too.
Exterminator does not need dictionary though is always good to keep on close for hard words like Exterminator.
I put Exterminator when really I meant "Arnie is the Terminator".
I would like to request that I am the Terminator and I can have accounts merged please. Before doing so I will wait so that someone answers because maybe I can change name in profile but FAQ here is not so good because it says password is changed in User tab and is actually mon Profil page.
Also this "Image Verification" is terrible. I cannot read what is a letter or number or what is a line to fool computer programs. This is seventh time I try now.
In accordance (I use translator for that :() with W3C regulations you must have alternate method. Hearing or opportunity for other image to be displayed.

The Exterminator Leaves 08-08-2010 01:33 PM

Stupid Site does not work well at all.
You know? forget everything. I no longer have desire to help as this other two other site needing translation has accepted my generous offer and the password recovery works where it does not here. Even FAQ and rules here do not aply. Technically this site is a big mess of bugs. Not accepting hotmail is not clever. Half the world uses hotmail. Do you think you are so special as pepole wil sign up new emails to post in your forum to be ignored? Forum that does not work for password change from User Rules And FAQ and link from "forgotPassword" email?
Please Delete my Account as I chose stupid username anyway. Was meant to be Terminator not Exterminator. and remove my request to join Translator group.
I not return here as all games are available at XTC and other old game sites inclusion of those you do not have. You do not half the gams I own there.
Gamespot have accepted me to help based upon test I took last week. So have other old gaming site requiring European Translation and they do not question my English when see scan of exam results.

Good luck with your failing.

dosraider 09-08-2010 09:15 AM

Menstrual cycle....? :unsure:

Saccade 12-08-2010 04:38 PM


Originally Posted by dosraider (Post 411355)
Menstrual cycle....? :unsure:

lol - must be.

arnie is the

jesus - he didn't even get the terminator bit right.

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