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Snake_Plissken 02-04-2006 06:31 PM

Well, I noticed we have a nice sum of members here... And, as we can see, much of it can be said, and I think we could use a chat room here... Any comments or critics are welcome! :ok:

Master MC 02-04-2006 06:39 PM

I remember a chat room with the Abandonia plug-in... but unfortunately no one used that function.
Yeah I like that idea.

Snake_Plissken 02-04-2006 07:04 PM

And, one very important thing... If Chat room would exist, spammers, newbies and, of course, NOOBS, wouldn't post messages like "HOw do I download" or "What time is it" "How do I turn off my personal computer" ... Also, I'm sure that more people would be online here, AND moderators wouldn't have so much to moderate, as they probably do now...
I don't know about that Chat room that existed, but NOW Abandonia has more members, and more spammers and like.

:whistle: :whistle: :whistle:

BeefontheBone 02-04-2006 07:28 PM

Actually they'd have a lot more to moderate - we've discussed this before (in IRC channel form) and it's not going to happen; it would turn into a warez-fest within about 38 minutes.

moogle 02-04-2006 07:35 PM

Not to mention I'd spam the lyrics to the song I;d be listening to... :whistle:

..I'm too sexy for my cat...

The Niles 02-04-2006 07:42 PM

Yep, we need a chat function as badly as we need a lawsuit and if we get the chat function we would have both.
You need to realize that we are responsible for the contents of this forum and that is why we are as strict as wel are. If we implement a chat function we would become responsible for the contents of those chatrooms as well and we cannot garantee that content.

moogle 02-04-2006 11:13 PM

Might as well call it BittorentChat.

Tulac 03-04-2006 08:04 AM

I think you guys are over rating the problems, since I'm a member of emulation forums and rom begging is a problem, it never happens on an IRC channel, because mostly long time members visit it so they can communicate with each other, while I'm aware that admins might not have time moderating it I'm sure that there would be enough trusted long time members willing to moderate it if you'll give your support to the channel, because there have been atempts of an IRC channel but never lived, because of lack of support and popularity...

Seriously people I think you should give an IRC room a chance, and I don't think that it will be used for warez dealing or whatever but for chit chat between members and helping people get some games running, for those who are there for warez there's always the kick command...

Eagle of Fire 03-04-2006 08:15 AM

Well Tulac, I'm sorry to say that you have no idea of what you are talking about. I actually think The Niles and Beef on the Bone are actually underrating the problem. :whistle:

I never understood, since only the forum regulars will go to the forum (as newbies will obviously be banned on sight since we just can't expect them to read the stickies on this forum, why would they even bother following a set of rule? IRC is even worse than here, at least by 10 times), why don't we all get a chat program like MSN Messenger or ICQ and communicate this way instead of relying on a public chat like the shoutbox or even mIRC...

Tulac 03-04-2006 08:17 AM


This site is bigger than abandonia and has an IRC channel, a simple bot message about not doing the warez handling ought to do the trick...

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