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Red Fortress 05-03-2012 06:48 PM

Fargo To Attempt Wasteland 2 with Crowd Funding:
Fargo To Attempt Wasteland 2 with Crowd Funding:

If you've been paying attention recently, Tim Schafer's Double Fine offered to make an old school adventure game if they could raise $400,000 on Kickstarter.
They got that on the first day, and the total sum donated proceeded grow to about $2.5 million.

Needless to say this is turning heads in the Game Development community.

In the area of RPGs Design:
Chris Avellone of Obsidian has expressed interest in seeking crowd funding for an isometric RPG.
Info Link:

And more relevant to the title of this thread, Brian Fargo (former head of Interplay) has decided to attempt the making Wasteland 2.
Info Link:

His has stated that it will be top down, party and turn based.

He now has all original designers of the 1988 game (Himself, Michael A. Stackpole, Ken St. Andre, and Alan Pavlish) signed up for the project. Fallout 1 & 2 composer Mark Morgan will do the music.

The project is expected to be put up on Kickstarter this month, with the goal of raising $1 Million.

(This thread should probably :doh: be moved to "Gaming Zone"...)

TheChosen 05-03-2012 08:03 PM

Gonna copy-paste my comment from Destructoid


As much as I adore Brian Fargo for both Wasteland and original Fallouts, Im gonna say no. He got the Wasteland license many years ago (2003 apparently) and only now he's found a way to bring it back? By fans expense? He did hint about it in 2007, but nothing came out of that. He hasn't even bothered to get in resale for places like GOG or make it freeware.

Either he hasn't found the right publisher, his ideas are so bland that no one's interested or he hasn't even tried.
I say Brian is trying to cash his nostalgia-check.

Maybe he should ask money from the No Mutants Allowed community. Im sure they'd love to pay Brian to develop what they'd call "A true Fallout sequel" (BLEH!).

This was also posted on Destructoid by a new user


As a former inXile employee I can tell you don't hold your breath for anything special. While the team has some very talented and hardworking people on it, their management and organizational skills are poor and worse of all they have poor game design decisions. I can't tell you how many times someone on design would come up with a really good idea, only to have it crushed by the managing staff cause it didn't fit their narrow minded view of what the game should be or they just didn't want to spend the time developing the idea when there was already something similar being developed, regardless of whether it was a good idea or not. They've been trying to pitch a Wasteland game for years. I helped work on a pitch to Bethesda who laughed in our faces when we mentioned it at all.
As for the Tim Schafers Kickstarter, good for him that he's getting what he asked, but I really dont want every developer to start asking their fans to pay for their projects. And Tim asked for 400k, but Brian wants a million? That doesnt sound good.

Panthro 05-03-2012 08:34 PM

RPGs are more complicated than adventure games, so I guess that's why he's asking for more money. Or just because he thinks he will be able to get it, since DoubleFine got so much.

How much does it cost to make an RPG these days anyway? Depending on his ambitions, $1million might be too little (but didn't he say he was looking for/already had other backers?)

DarthHelmet86 06-03-2012 02:32 AM

I wouldn't go as far as Chosen, I could think of reasons why a good game idea would be blocked by the normal producers. If he wasn't willing to update it to a wider market base then they might see it as just a loss of money. Chosen does bring up a good point about him not actually doing anything about the license to get the original game out and about in the community, Wasteland seems popular amongst certain groups of gamers but I don't think it really is known at all...or known more then "That game that inspired Fallout".

This is being put in the wait and see basket.

Also NMA idea of a good Fallout game would be to set fire to everything, troll it a bit and then rage about new games for awhile.

Red Fortress 09-03-2012 12:45 AM

They got the website plus forum up and running:

People are suggesting stuff they want to see in the game...

Panthro 10-03-2012 02:28 PM

Plenty of information about the Kickstarter offers too:


If you're willing to put up a fair amount of cash, you can get quite a few trinkets and such. Or you could just pay $15 for a DRM-free version of the game (not sure what they mean by DRM free though, since I don't how how it's going to be distributed).

It all looks rather promising at the moment, but it's likely that we're only going to be getting a very slow drip-feed of information for quite some time.

Red Fortress 13-03-2012 01:13 PM

The Kickstarter page is up:

Things are certainly :unsure: moving fast...

TheChosen 13-03-2012 01:57 PM

Well, at least they seem to have some sort of concept and plan. Tim was more like "Hey, give me money and I'll make an adventure game", at least here we know more what were getting.

Dont think Im gonna donate though, but if this comes out of course Im going to buy it.

DarthHelmet86 13-03-2012 02:00 PM

4 days to get 900 grand. Do people get their money back if they don't make that? Oh well the idea written down sounds interesting...but at the same time sounds like a dig at Fallout 3 and New Vegas doing something new. But hey if it is a good game I don't care, I won't be throwing money at it I have other alpha games to support. But if it comes out and interests me I will buy it.

Panthro 14-03-2012 08:50 PM

They're doing really well so far, over 750k funded (out of 900k).

I decided to add to the fund myself, went for the $250 option.

Now of course, there's a very long wait before the game is actually available. Kind of the main problem with paying for a game so far in advance.

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