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Titan 09-10-2003 11:52 AM

Best game(s) ever?
I'd DEFENETLY have to say this is my top 3:

Ufo: Enemy Unknown

Had them all on Amiga 500 and 600, and now have them (originals) for PC also :)


muaddib 09-10-2003 03:36 PM

Best games ever are

Quest for Glory Series
Dune 1 & 2
Baldur's Gate 2

mika 10-10-2003 08:48 PM

I spent plenty of time playing Ultima IV. Also have fond memories of commander keen :)

JoM 12-10-2003 07:39 PM

One that I just had an impulse to download was The Settlers 2 Gold Edition.
I love that game, I sit up for ages trying to complete the world campaign.

It's so huge, and complex. It took me 10 hours just to conquer europe. Bit shorter than the Romans in real life though. :P

The Niles 21-10-2003 05:22 PM

From before the win 95 scene I would say civilization and colonization score high on my list. Master of Orion and Master of Magic are also a good pair.

A little further back then even those is Airborne ranger. A very nice game for the time.
There are a ton of good classic games. Trouble is only a few remain worth playing since their are so many much better modern games that have the same set up but deliver much more. Civ3 compared to civ for instance. Colonization and Master of Magic are exceptions since they have no real modern competitors.

Anonymous 02-11-2003 01:38 AM

Well i love adventure games, and especially The sierra Quest ones. The space quest series would have to be my favoutite, with SQIII being the best out of them.

I love strategy games such as Civilisation, and i also love the lemmings games as well as the keen games. There are so many old games i love, its hard to say them all.

auhsor 02-11-2003 03:41 AM

That last one was me. I forgot to log on.

Danny252 03-11-2003 11:31 AM

YEY SC2!!! now Ive got SC2,3 and 4!! now WHERE THE HECK IS MY OLD SC1!

Titan 03-11-2003 01:53 PM

it's on the server.. i've uploaded it... it'll be put up as soon as Kosta has it ready..

Danny252 04-11-2003 10:52 AM

aah.. SC1.. SC2.. SC3.. SC4.. played them all.. SC4 is soooooo hard.. SC1 writing shows a junk.. SC3 is complicated too.. SC2 is just right.. Now for simtower.. or yoot Tower if you can find it.

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