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DarkStar88 08-07-2009 12:27 AM

DarkStar88 - Lucasfilm - Battlehawks 1942
Review, boxscans, floppy images*, ring-bound manual scan...the works. Had this game back when I was a little-bitty sprout, found a copy with the whole shebang for $2 at a thrift store just today. :woot2:

This is a sweet DOS WW2 flight sim that Abandonia should be graced to have!

*the game includes both 3 1/2 and 5 1/4 size disks. I should be able to get one of our ancient 5 1/4 drives to work, and hopefully the floppies are still good.

ltsajber 08-07-2009 12:44 AM

can we have some nice pics of it? :D

DarkStar88 08-07-2009 01:00 AM

You'll get nice pics of the whole thing. The 'manual' is not only a game manual but has so much factual content (all of it 100% accurate) it could also be considered a war-history/reference book/technical manual all in one. As a matter of fact, the historical content is mixed in so well with the game-related stuff it's almost impossible to say where one ends and the other begins! :weird: :max:

Oh yes - and did I mention the foldout maps of the four sea full color? :love:

ltsajber 08-07-2009 01:03 AM

Can you scan and post some pics here on the forum? :P

DarkStar88 08-07-2009 01:23 AM

I'll see if I can get my scanner working with one of my boxes. (had to rebuild them both quite recently)

Here we go. Note that these are quick-and-dirty scans; I don't know what the heck caused those funky slanted lines.

A scanned battlemap---


And finally a two-page spread---

ltsajber 08-07-2009 01:54 AM

nice! :)

DarkStar88 08-07-2009 02:38 AM

Thanks! Sorry about the massive size, forgot about that. And I'll see about those **** lines.

As to the rest of the stuff - how do I upload disk images and everything?

ltsajber 08-07-2009 02:46 AM

Very shiny! :D

TotalAnarchy 08-07-2009 10:51 AM

[APPROVED] I'll send you a PM with instructions about how to upload it on FTP.

Have you got some screenshots too?

DarkStar88 09-07-2009 05:30 PM

Will get the screenshots up by end of today.

One of the 5 1/4 disks won't read, but thankfully the 3 1/2 copied without a hitch. Scanned the reference card and working on the manual now; I'll try to stitch all the copy-protection pics together as a single JPEG for convenience's sake. :max:


Stupid $#%& zonealarm blocking all the imagesharing sites :flame: :sucks: :wacko: we go AT LAST.

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