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ianfreddie07 10-05-2009 03:54 PM

Unreal Tournament

The Unreal Tournament, Abandonia team is having a revival after the main founders, IanFreddie07 and Tomekk have sparked renewed interest on the game, and we want YOU to be a member :D

And this time, we'll make it simpler so that you guys can instantly join in on all the action, carnage and fun!

And when we mean simpler:


Who among you guys still has UT and plays it? Because the team needs your skills, reflexes... and your patience. :p

Why the hell are you still reading? Join NOW, and FRAG a LOT. :3:

Oh, and just for the lulz...

Tomekk 10-05-2009 04:03 PM

*post reserved for info of UT and mods*

_r.u.s.s. 11-05-2009 01:37 AM

i can play
but i don't know if tomekk wants to play with me cause he got pissed after i kept owning him by sniping him down and accused me of camping lol

ianfreddie07 11-05-2009 04:40 AM

He told me he hates 1v1 (more of luck than skill, it's the opposite for me) :p and he hates snipers. But then, that's excuses a noob would make, IMO. LOL

AlumiuN 11-05-2009 07:17 AM

If only I had a better internet connection... *sigh*

Tomekk 11-05-2009 12:42 PM

Fine we could play again russ, but my mouse got a bit okward for some reason, so I'll pretty much loose again :p

@Ian: We'll see.... about that. :minigun:

ianfreddie07 11-05-2009 03:00 PM

The complete list of warnings...

We are not responsible for:

1. Hooking you to Unreal Tournament
2. Getting yourself in Tomekk's crosshairs
3. Defining RPBs as Rocket Propelled Buttocks
4. Constant swearing due to yourself being owned.
5. Killing you while you're AFK.
7. Letting yourself get PWN'D by a giant IceSkaarj.
8. Dragging your sorry carcasses out of Sniper Elite. Or any other FPS. :p
9. Getting sweared at for poor teamplay.
10. Beating As_HiSpeed while you're still in Car 1.
11. You getting owned by explosive crossbows for 257 damage.
12. Getting gang raped by Proxy Mines :hihihi:
13. HyperBlast'd
14. Getting your molecules torn apart by a gravity vortex.
15. Abnormal downloads in attempt to connect to the server.
16. Giving 3 year olds guns and a big swords.
17. Grapple Hooking yourself to epic phail.
18. Trying to befriend Skaarjs and getting killed.
19. Having Gordon Freeman dragged from Black Mesa.
20. Getting telefrag'd!
21. Acethor's constant Waaaaahs!
22. Tomekk's constant swearing, ranting, yelling, etc.
23. Getting piston'd.
24. Fubbl'd. :p
25. Getting chopped up by huge-ass swords.
26. Chopping ponies with huge ass swords.
27. Making you abandon your broom closet.
28. Having your connection fail when you're about to win.
29. Getting smacked in the face by rocket propelled buttocks.
30. Disturbing your sleep.

OK, can you guys suggest more PS-es? :p

aarne 11-05-2009 03:26 PM

Dont have any versions anymore, tho i was fan for 4 years, had all from UT to UT 2004 + unreal 2 but discs are somwhere, dunno where :P

Tomekk 11-05-2009 03:28 PM

:pirate:@aarne. :whistling:

ianfreddie07 12-05-2009 01:10 PM

Hmm... We could use more players. :D

Now Hiring: Unreal Tournament players.

1. Must be able to run.
2. Must be able to jump.
3. Must be able to shoot.
4. A knowledge of Rocket Propelled Buttocks.
5. Ability to tolerate outrageous downloads.
6. Must have knowledge of teamplay.
7. Ability to tolerate Tomekk's incessant ranting. ^_^
8. Must know that AS_HiSpeed can be beat in less than 1 minute. Too many people complain. :notrust:
9. Must know that being godlike is... not really your job.
10. Must have a knowledge on... :pirate:

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