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Petter1979 16-11-2005 07:39 AM

Update, I replaced the noisy 12gig harddrive with a silent Seagate IV 60gig and placed it in a rubber suspension, i packed the case with sound absorbtion pads. I made the same partitions on the new harddrive, and the new harddrive have a aditional partition aswell.

the PC generates NO NOISE :D :D , the only noise in my bedroom/computer room is my bathroom ventilation, and i never noticed that before now :blink:
But that is removed when i shut the door to the bathroom.

here is a inside pic:

i was thinking that there might be heat build up inside, but the 1 fan in the PSU is good enough.
CPU is 28degrees idle, and 40degrees at max load.

First Post:
I made a old computer, a pentium 133Mhz, here is the link for specs ect.

I have upgrade the computer a bit, and make it easier to get the old games down on its harddrive.

Now the specs are:

-Celeron 366Mhz 2.0Volt Vcore @ 366Mhz 1.392Volt Vcore, cooled by a modded artic cooling copper silent heatsink with no fan on it.
modded heatsink
-Abit BM6 Motherboard.
-128MB SD-Ram
-Network Card PCI 100Mbit
-Trident 9680 2MB gfx ram.
-Creative Labs Sound Blaster AWE 64 Value ISA.
-52x Asus CD-Rom.
-Floppy Drive.
-Replaced fan in PSU, with a 15db fan, running at 7Volt. Its inaudible.
-Old 12Gig harddrive(going to be replaced with a newer quiet one at some time, since this is the only noise source in the pc now)

All of the hardware is now in a old atx case i have, but i dont have a pic of that yet, but i have a pic of when i had most of the hardware scattered on my dining table:

I use the boot disk i made for my other computer and it works without a hitch on this new build.
I have partitioned the harddrive up into 2 primary partitions.
1st. C: partition (WINXP) 10gig for Windows XP, NTFS formatted.
2nd. D: partition (OLDGAMES) 2gig for dos games, FAT32 formatted.

So if i want to run Windows XP i just dont insert bootdisk, and if i want to run dos i insert the bootdisk. With WinXP i can get on the internet and download old games.

When i boot up on my bootdisk, the old dos files wont see the 1st. XP partition, only the 2nd partition, and the 2nd partition will get C: as a drive label. so my drives would be in dos:
Floppy A:
2nd partition C:

Data 16-11-2005 07:48 AM

how's that trident holding out ?

Petter1979 16-11-2005 07:58 AM

great i havent encountered any problems with it, in any of the games i have played on my new old rig.

Atm i have tested:
Master of Orion
Master of Magic
Hi Octane
Blood & Magic
Lords of the Realm 2

Petter1979 16-11-2005 08:50 AM

Gonna test some more games now, gonna edit this post with games that im going to test:

atm working fine with sound and all:
Hero Quest 1
Civilization 1
Cyber Empires
Star Control 2

The Fifth Horseman 16-11-2005 12:06 PM

Certain games might have trouble with >16 MB RAM, I know for example Space Hulk does.
2 MB GPU might have trouble with some Windows games, suggested 8 MB.
Windows XP isn't the best choice here, performance-wise, but I have a similar hardware platform running Win98 right in front of me, and it works flawlessly. Also, XP has trouble with a number of games that were made for 9x (Mechwarrior 2, Chaos Gate, Mechwarrior 3 are the examples I remember well, but IIRC there are a few more).

Myself, being in your position, I'd build a dedicated DOS machine and a dedicated 98 one, with a bit higher specs.

Petter1979 16-11-2005 01:48 PM

^^^^ Well its is a dedicated dos machine when i insert my bootdisk, im only using WinXP to get access to the internet and download games, and unzip em.

I havent had any problems so far with any of the games i have mentioned as of yet, gamespeed is normal, sound is working 100%(digital+midi)

No OS other that some old dos drivers is getting loaded when i insert my bootdisk, and ofcource sound,mice,cdrom support.

I have all the old dos drivers, plus Soundcard, mice, cdrom drivers.

Petter1979 16-11-2005 02:29 PM

Oo :D

XCOM Apocaplypse is working :)
I can even see the Intro, without it chopping(the intro crash/chopping when im using winxp on my main PC with vdmsound)

Nice, im going to load my last savegame from my main PC, i havent seen the video when i finish the game.

edit: was nice to see the last video :)

Never seen it before

Petter1979 21-11-2005 06:30 PM

See the first post for the update :ok: :cheers:

win98 25-11-2005 05:53 PM

Nice PC anyway it would be better having windows 98 on c:\ and you configre dos drivers for it and boot to win98 command promt to run the games after running a bat file you make in wordpad after copying the autoexec and renaming it. Anyway that is what I would do.

Petter1979 26-11-2005 11:17 AM


Nice PC anyway it would be better having windows 98 on c:\ and you configre dos drivers for it and boot to win98 command promt to run the games after running a bat file you make in wordpad after copying the autoexec and renaming it. Anyway that is what I would do.

hmm why should i use WIN98? i dont have a registrered version, only have WinXP with reg key.

for what use do i need win 98?

With the computer i have build i have:

DOS 7.1 with bootdisk inserted, im playing the old games with this config.


Windows XP for when i need to download games

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