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Dream 27-05-2004 01:37 PM

Close Combat I
I dare to challenge you to find first game in series!

Bridge too far would be nice too but that's not abandonware.

FreeFreddy 27-05-2004 01:49 PM

Close Combat? Is it in any way related to Mortal Kombat?

Dream 27-05-2004 03:05 PM

Eh no, it's RTS strategy on tactical scale.

There's some terrain and you're given a bunch of soldiers, tank or two and you have to get certain locations.

Ordinary RTS right?

I played only bridge too far but it was cool.

First of all the sounds were absolutely cool, graphical effects everything, you had feeling like if you would be right there on the battle field.

Also combat was realistic, if they shot on a soldier and they hit him, he was dead not that he lost a few HP.

Also you could order your soldiers to crawl, cautious march, they could run into house and you saw them lying on floor....

It's a must get, I don't know how good is no. 1 but bridge too far and Russian front rocked.

preDa 27-05-2004 04:35 PM

hum nice...
i will try but...
what the year of game? you know?

LotharGR 27-05-2004 09:09 PM

Ive played only the "a bridge too far" part from the series of "close combat" games... what i really liked in the game was the factor of the soldier's psychology. They weren't just mindless robots, they acted like real persons. They could panic, if your orders were crazy ( like sending one soldier with a simple rifle against 2-3 tanks ) they could refuse to obey etc... It was really nice.

mika 28-05-2004 07:24 AM

Sounds cool, although that's not what I would call realistic. Realistic would be soldiers getting hit in the leg, bleeding to death, screaming, dying for hours. Maybe even soldiers carrying their buddies out of harms way, to hospitals and such. (morbid post I know). All I'm trying to say is that maybe units with HP might be more realistic that you think. :shock:

LotharGR 28-05-2004 11:54 AM

Yeah, the HP factor is not unrealistic, it must be used. But simply, if you want HP and realism together, you can do other things. First make the weapons do more damage. Then you can also import critical hits ( like hits to the head etc ). I believe that in a realistic war game 50% at least of the hits must be immediate kills. And of course i talking about rifle hits... Hits by larger guns, like Tank cannons etc should be most of the time ( if not always ) fatal.
And also there is another realism factor. When a bullet hits a man, it isn't a simple "live or die" matter. Even if he lives, and even with a small wound, there are other things that can happen to him. When people is hitten by a bullet the shock is so great that most of times he looses his senses ( its not like the movies :P ). And this is the case especially for weapons of WW2 were the caliber of this weapons was 7.62 or 7.92. The philosophy of modern guns is most of the times to wound the enemy ( a wounded enemy screaming and moaning is more.... "usefull" than a dead one..... ). The guns of WW2 killed more easily.

Dream 28-05-2004 12:02 PM

Game is from 1996, please find it, I think it's nearly impossible to find it and if our "local zuppah smurf" or someone else would find it I would be forever grateful.

Tom Henrik 28-05-2004 03:00 PM

I was kinda hoping my name would not appear in this topic, because this game is extremely difficult to find... :wink:

What I can say is that the game is from 1996, true... But the game is not abandonware. They are making a new game as I write this.

(Check it out if you did not already know of it).

I can see if I find a working download, but do not have too high hopes.

Dream 28-05-2004 04:21 PM

Close combat 1 is abandonware, what I see is on of many sequels.

Please try it, you are my only hope!

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