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Fubb 11-07-2008 04:31 PM

Settlers 2 Gold Multiplayer question
Um, how can I get a 2nd mouse workign so I can play multiplayer in this game? Like, I have two mouses, ones plugged into the mouse plugger-into thingi in the pc, and the others plugged int oa USB port, and they are both on, but how can I get the 2nd one to register as the second player mouse in the game?

Anyone know?

_r.u.s.s. 11-07-2008 08:00 PM

no, the 2 h/w mouses now control 1, that was before controlled by 1 only. it's no difference, just 2 controllers. but hey, you could play pushover with friends=S

Fubb 11-07-2008 08:44 PM

I tried rise of nations pushover once...didn't work out so well..

Eagle of Fire 12-07-2008 04:07 AM

In Settlers 2, you were supposed to buy a splitter for 2 mouses or buy the special dual mouse...

Not sure if you could duplicate it with two separate mouses though. However, I do remember that me and my brother used to play "co-op" games against the computer, and we didn't have two mouses. It's probably possible to play with the keyboard in some way.

Fatigue999 12-07-2008 01:39 PM

Guys I got one mouse in PS2 and one in COM (still got an older pc ;] ) and it works nicely for the multiplayer. If u have combo of PS2 and USB it should work too but is untested...:unsure:

GTX2GvO 12-07-2008 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by Eagle of Fire (Post 330765)
..........and we didn't have two mouses. It's probably possible to play with the keyboard in some way.

From what I understood from Settlers 1 (and I assume no difference in S2),
the "second" mouse is ACTUALLY the attached joystick.
Which is utilized AS a mouse, But I'm not quite sure about this....
(haven't really tried it)

Just thinking out load here. If it doesn't works (or makes sense), then DON'T bite my head off....

_r.u.s.s. 12-07-2008 05:38 PM

yes, and monitor is ACTUALLY attached speakers

but hey, Fatigue999, what are your pc specs, like os or are you using a dos emulator or?

Fubb 13-07-2008 01:22 AM

you don't suppose a Gravis Eliminator Game Pad Pro would work do you? Also, do you need to run it through DOSBox to make multyplayer work?

Cause I am just running s2 gold normally, without DOSBox (don't ask me how I did it, because I don't know how I did it..)

Fatigue999 13-07-2008 01:36 PM

I got
Compaq Armada E500 (notebook;))
P III 600 Mhz
Ati RAGE mobility
one mouse in PS2(or touchpad, it's emulated on same port)
and one in COM

And I run Settlers 2 without dosbox or anything and nicely with its MIDI music (didn't manage to make my pc play fx sounds)

and, the COM mouse i use for multiplayer somehow doesn't work in Windows, even if I set up all manualy. I think game checks itself All possible ports for mouses and uses own mouse drivers, but this is just a speculation.

P.S. If I remember well, then Settlers 1 second player could move cursor by certain keys on keyboard, of which I don't remember ANY. Don't know on S2 for I haven't tested.

Fubb 13-07-2008 06:20 PM

Yay! Someone with a terrible pc like me!! :)

I got windows XP
512mb RAM
Nvidia TNT model 64
One mouse in normal mouse port
One mouse in USB port
1 Gravis Eliminater Gamepad Pro game controller in USB Port
and oregon trail! OMG!

Yea, I don't think it's quite possible. Why doesn't somebody go and mod this game up??

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