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rallier 11-08-2004 08:29 PM

OH my god!!!!!!!!!!!
By the structure of DosBox it seems to be written by the twisted Flex which is an evolution of the perverted Micro and is followed by the ^%$@%^$%%%^ YACC/Bison......heck i don't want to use it...... it reminds me about compiler design each time and that lecturer who has a very dark and twisted sense of humor.......also he likes killing his students. Average scores from his test (whatever subject that may be) hmmmmm around 30%?...i am lenient and that's he says: come on guys it's easy, i am very lenient!!! (yeah like programming on a piece of paper in Java around 4 different small games and applications, and a quite big game...... the likes of Space invader in one and a half hour is possible....heck even him couldn't do that!
And the final exam on compilers design? well he actually asks you to build a compiler from scratch ( like a mini pascal compiler)!!!! and with special tasks.... Even that is tough as a semester project not in 2 hours.
I just hate him!
See what's DosBox doing to me????????

Maikel 11-08-2004 10:11 PM


I don't know what it does to you...but it scares me

xndr2181 11-08-2004 10:15 PM

Calm down rallier, take some deep breaths, maybe get a glass of water. Once you're calm, please explain what's troubling you, I think I can help, especially if it involves DosBox, I've just started using the same program, and had many frustrating moments, but with some help from friends (Mainly Tom and Maikel) I've figured it, what's goin on?

FreeFreddy 11-08-2004 10:24 PM

Hmm, I think DosBox is anything other than frustrating, it's pretty easy to get used to and it's very useful. :?

xndr2181 11-08-2004 10:29 PM


Hmm, I think DosBox is anything other than frustrating, it's pretty easy to get used to and it's very useful. *:?
Trust me freefreddy, it can be quite difficult to use, I've just learned out how to use it, and boy was that an adventure, :wink:

FreeFreddy 11-08-2004 10:42 PM


Trust me freefreddy, it can be quite difficult to use, I've just learned out how to use it, and boy was that an adventure, *:wink: *

That's the advantage of using Ms-Dos for at least 5 years :wink: I used it on my old PC (486DX2 66 Mhz, upgraded to Pentium 100 Mhz later) since 1995 and didn't have enough money to allow me one of the new high-end machines until in year 2002. The commands in DosBox are mostly same as in, other really easy to understand because of that.

xndr2181 11-08-2004 10:44 PM

ya, see I've never used MS-DOS which I'm assuming is the same for rallier, and without that helpful bit of experience it becomes quite challenging.

Durak 11-08-2004 11:38 PM

I used to use MS-DOS a fair bit. But if you need help with DosBox head over to the website. They have guides to help you along.

xndr2181 11-08-2004 11:40 PM

I also think that Data has a guide, he seems like the guy to go for this kinda thing...

Durak 11-08-2004 11:41 PM

Don't know if he HAS a guide, but he sure sounds like a guide himself.

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