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LoOsaH 01-02-2005 07:42 PM

Hi. I recently downloaded The Lost Files of Sherlock Holmes: The case of serrated scalpels. I tried to run it normally at first by double-clicking on the "install.exe" icon and it just wouldn't run. Then I tried to run it through DosBox. At first, I opened DosBox, I mounted the c drive and then through the right directory opened the install.exe file. The game install screen opened this time, but when I pressed on the "begin install" button, I got an error thatit couldn't open the c:\...\portrait.lib
So, I tried this time to simply drag the install.exe icon on the DosBox one. This time, the game install screen appeared once again and when I clicked on the "install now" button, the installation began! But right after the first disk of the game was installed, the game asked me to "insert disk 2".
Well, I have no idea how to make this work, I would really appreciate any help possible. Thanks in advance :)

Oh btw, I am also really curious why the first time that I regularly mounted c and run the game I got this error with the portrait.lib. Any info on that too would be thanx =)
AND i'm running the game under WinXP!

Eagle of Fire 01-02-2005 10:38 PM

I downloaded the game from Abadonnia and unarchived it right away. Then I got HOLMES.BAT to work with VDMSound without a problem. However, the mouse was not working but the game was still playable because the "hand" on the screen could be moved with the keyboard.

I then tryied with DOSBox 0.63 and the game worked flawlessly, the mouse was working fine.

As a rule of thumb games from Abadonnia are already fully installed in their respective archive and are not meant to be reinstalled again. There is rare exceptions on this rule, but this game is not one of them.

LoOsaH 01-02-2005 11:17 PM

Holmes.bat won't open because it says that "In order to take full advantage from your computer, you must first run INSTALL to configure the game to your machine." What happens when I try to run the INSTALL file, I explain it above.

I have unloaded the zip of each disk into its own seperate folder, but does it matter? should all the files from all the disks be together in the same file perhaps?? o_O It would get really messy...

what did you mean that there's no need to reinstall the games from Abandonia, I didn't really get that? :O

Eagle of Fire 02-02-2005 12:07 AM

Did you get the game from this site?

If yes, you don't need to install it because it's already fully installed inside the archive. All you need to do is to unpack it in a 8 letters directory (for DOSBox) and then use DOSBox to run Holmes.bat.

If you did not download the game from this site then I really can't help you on the matter since I don't know what that archive is all about.

This is what the Holmes.bat file is about:

Originally posted by From HOLMES.BAT from this game archive
@echo off

if exist HOLMES.CFG goto RunGame

echo In order to take full advantage of your computer, you must
echo first run INSTALL to configure the game to your* machine.

goto EndGame
TITLE %1 %2
GAME %1 %2


Translation: the file will look for a file named HOLMES.CFG on the same directory. If the file does not exist then it will display (echo) "In order to take full advantage of your computer, you must first run INSTALL to configure the game to your machine.". The rest is commands to actually run and game.

So if you get that "run the install first" message then you are missing the HOLMES.CFG file. However, this file is supplied with the archive from this site.

My best guess would be that either you did not download this site version of the game (available here) or you simply did not unpack the archive right and the .cfg file is missing from the game main directory.

Either way should be easy to fix.

LoOsaH 02-02-2005 12:37 AM

the truth is, I did get the game from another site (feeling guilty, LOL). I didn't know there were different versions of the game available for download, I guess I will have to try get it from here as well. Thanks man :ok:

Adis 16-11-2010 12:33 PM

problem with the game Sherlock Holmes

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