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rabadi 11-08-2006 01:11 AM

This is actually an old news, but I did not really find out about it until yesterday, when the newsletter arrived on my inbox, so... :bleh:

Anyway, Phoenix Online Studios has released "The Silver Lining" public demo RC1. The link is:

Don't forget the patch:

I just thought King's Quest fans might like to know that.

_r.u.s.s. 11-08-2006 10:32 AM

oh yess, i m looking forward to it :kosta:
so is there some full version to buy or something?

guesst 11-08-2006 04:37 PM

Against all odds this looks like it's actually going to happen. Pleased as I am, I'm still amazed.

rabadi 12-08-2006 01:05 AM

No, they have to release the trilogy for free. Otherwise, Vivendi will certainly not be happy. After all, they were shut down in the past after a C&D letter from Vivendi. Only after negotiation, and lots of support and petitions over the internet (see for more info), the project got approval.

For a brief history on the game, check this wikipedia entry:

EDIT: I don't think they have the full version yet. Shadow is only the first part of The Silver Lining trilogy. So the demo should be just a taste of what is coming. Let's cross our fingers that they will finish the trilogy in the future!

EDIT: Speaking about King's Quest, you guys already know about KQ III VGA remake ( ), right?

rabadi 15-08-2006 12:57 AM

Received another newsletter yesterday, which is about patch 2.0 and hintbook 0.1. Here's a quote from the newsletter:

TSL RC1 Patch v.2.0 and Fan Hintbook v.0.1

RC1 Patch v.2.0 is now released, along with the TSL Fan Hintbook v.0.1. This is a highly recommended patch, as it contains many fixes and enhancements. This patch must be applied after installing: The Silver Lining - Public RC1.

This patch is cumulative, meaning it includes all previous patches as well as the following fixes, updates, and enhancements:

- updated About box
- added dynamic loading for Graham's Bedroom, resulting in smoother and less choppy gameplay in Main Hall
- fixed mispelling of Hassan's voice actor (sorry Russ! :P)
- fixed pouch from not disappearing from inventory
- fixed grammar in one of the Narrator error messages
- removed Direct3D from display options
- fixed dialogue for Bookshop regarding non-existant note on door
- fixed Hassan's scurvy conversation logic! =P
- added Yes/No messagebox when Hassan asks "Ready to sail?"
- removed zoom and rotate from Ferry
- fixed Map to use pointer cursor instead of walk
- fixed fadeout to stay black for longer during scene transitions
- added missing Hassan dialogue
- fixed grammar in Hassan conversation
- fixed vague cloak Narrator error dialogue

The TSL Fan Hintbook is a Sierra-style hintbook, created by our fans using Macromedia Flash. It contains no spoilers, and we highly recommend you check it out!

Both Patch v.2.0 and the TSL Fan Hintbook v.0.1 can be found on our Trilogy section.[/b]

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