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Wicky 20-06-2011 12:07 PM

why are we here?
Is it because those damn developers don't manage to produce a game,
which can top our ancestors? Maybe
Or is it because graphics have taken over? Maybe

Fact is, that every million $ spent in a graphic engine is one million less in gameplay, story, balance, you call it the "REST"

Big thumbs down, you want something exciting, something that tackles your brains. But I guess we humans have no brains???
You want a serious game but there isn't.

We are getting old, I wish my body functions would already cease functioning in order to not see too much of this crap which is produced these days.

Scatty 20-06-2011 01:27 PM


Originally Posted by Wicky (Post 429097)
why are we here?

Because we wanted it so. Well, not you and me I bet, but you know what I mean.
That said, the thread title doesn't fit well for the actual theme of the text.

Seriously though, it's a quite simple reason for today's games being where they are - making games is serious big business, it has developed over the years but also degraded. From making games with happiness, fun and imagination to making games for money and really mostly money, under the narrow corridor of dictation of whoever runs the development company and often with serious limits to freedom of imagination and fun. Making games has become a job, and jobs are rarely fun.
Hence why imagination remained mostly only in the indie scene, where people make freeware games for everyone.

The Fifth Horseman 20-06-2011 01:43 PM

All of the above. :p

Lulu_Jane 20-06-2011 03:03 PM

Let me blow your mind guys: It's entirely possible to enjoy old games and new games at the same time. Appreciating one does not preclude the other.

*bong noises*

Eagle of Fire 20-06-2011 04:04 PM


From making games with happiness, fun and imagination to making games for money and really mostly money, under the narrow corridor of dictation of whoever runs the development company and often with serious limits to freedom of imagination and fun. Making games has become a job, and jobs are rarely fun.
That. Really, mostly, that.


It's entirely possible to enjoy old games and new games at the same time.
Please speak for yourself. I have never been someone who is "normal". New games nowaday are aimed only at one thing: get a hold of as many players as possible to make as much money as possible.

I'm not part of the masses the very vast majority of games aim at these days, so I am not interested in them at all. They are boring, unoriginal and unimaginative and don't catch my interest at all. I find no point in playing a bad version of C&C for the 25th time, a pale version of Duke Nukem 3D for the 55th time, a 108th copy of Golden Eyes, etc.

Lulu_Jane 20-06-2011 04:06 PM

I always do speak for myself.

arete 20-06-2011 04:14 PM

David Wong wrote a rather thoughtful article about this, and it made my blood boil, frankly. Just looking at what the industry is trying to do to the consumer.

Lulu_Jane 20-06-2011 05:02 PM

I think it's important to note that this is the first thing that entered my head when I read the thread title.

Tracker 20-06-2011 05:04 PM

The golden days of the video gaming industry is over. Get over it, we are definitely not the people who can make those billion dollar choices which define the 'industry'. Note I said industry, not culture. We're not about feelings anymore, we're about sold copies, virtually or not. As a cracked reader I'm pretty much aware of the future of the so-called gaming industry: you'll be literally forced to pay monthly subscription fees to some repititive and uninteresting team-oriented games where you need to pay for every small feature. Battlefield Heroes, to name a name?
I know some of us welcome this very future, where adventure and logics demanding games will be anything like Final Destination 3 (as I have said this before somewhere): You will only choose a pathway, and you will just see a nice HQ rendered movie. 21st century fun!
Or you will play games directly streamed from the developers' servers... etc. We all know this right now.

As for playing new and old games simoultaneously: that's a quite time and wealth consuming option. If you buy a console, it's either a simple, outdated Wii, which only really works if you've got some folks to play with, or an Xbox which as a M$ product can red ring anytime, anywhere, or a PS3, which is, nice, and all, but the games are the same as anywhere else, and besides, they are expensive as hell. Even if you pirate them. As a morally degraded person, I tried to come up with a saving solution, but buying a Blu-Ray writer and discs is as expensive as buying the games themselves, so... (I don't even recall seeing a blank BR disk anywhere too).
Or maybe I could buy a PC, which is not only expensive, but can span a billion of problems, not mentioning that you can still only play the same boring games you could have on the consoles mentioned above.

All in all, we have no real option if we want to be picky about videogames and want something artsy-feelsy thing we hunger for since the last time we got it...

Japo 20-06-2011 09:50 PM

You're old!

LOL If I play Lulu's video from her post, it looks like her gorilla avatar is lip-synching. Hahahahaha you can't do that on purpose.

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