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Blake00 10-04-2005 08:53 AM

Hi guys.. over my years on the net there was one constant thing that I found when chatting to people online was that a lot of people love the Heroes of M&M series of fantasy strategy games.

After the release of the 2nd add-on pack for Heroes IV a few years ago the long time creator of the series New World computing was closed down when their publisher 3DO went bankrupt (party due to Heroes IV being a rushed out screwup). :( But then the might and magic name was bought out by the European company UBISOFT and up until this point I’ve been watching and waiting for their official announcement on a new sequel and it has finally come with a new website and screenshots of Heroes of Might & Magic 5!

Here’s 1 of the screenshots they released. You can see many of the traditional heroes map buildings here with beautiful detail. Oh and I’ll point out that these shots are showing off the engine so I’m sure that when playing the game normally you will still be in the traditional top down view that the previous Heroes games were played in.

FreeFreddy 10-04-2005 08:59 AM

Well, looks good so far. We'll see. Heroes of Might & Magic IV was graphically and combat-oriented quite good, but the music and the story wasn't that incredible compared to part 3 or 2. Let's just hope this one will go up again. :max:

Mad-E-Fact 10-04-2005 09:54 AM

Heh, people didn't believe me when I posted this on April 1st... :P

Lizard 10-04-2005 11:21 AM

This WONT be Heroes of Might and Magic....It would be just strategy with same name, and some ideas/monsters/events from HOMAM with it....

Tulac 10-04-2005 12:23 PM

It looks like an RTS...

Here are the confirmed features...
-there will be six towns;
-the game will use a 3D engine;
-the game will lean more towards strategy than RPG;
-the system requirements will remain low, and offer some scalability;
-a simultaneous turn system is considered, but only as a means to
speed up the early parts of the game;
-there will be a demo
-demons and the undead might form separated factions again;
-the multiplayer mode will focus on Internet play, but hotseat might be included
-there will be a unique storyline for the single-player campaigns;
-the story style will be the faction switching / linked storyline style;
-stacks, dragons, upgrades, a combat grid and other basic concepts from the previous games will be back;
-a combat-grid resembling the one in H3 will be implemented;
-towns will seem more "alive" than before;
lots of changes/improvements in the combat-phase of the game;
-heroes will probably not participate in combat as in H4, but they'll be
more involved than in H3;
-diplomacy will not be a major key in the game, but creating alliances during missions will be possible;

NrmMyth 10-04-2005 01:00 PM

Well the 3D engine is good, maybe (*the upper picture*) :ok:

swordsman 10-04-2005 02:38 PM

i think what HOMM4 was a stupid game but HOMM3,HOMM2 are a good games!HOMM5 i think bee a good game

Lizard 10-04-2005 02:40 PM

Let see how they make it with 3D engine...Anyway I dont put great hopes or exceptations in it....
We will see,but....(returns to HOMAM 3 again)

Eagle of Fire 10-04-2005 03:47 PM

I don't really know what to say, but I would be inclined (as usual) to say that it's bad news since the game will be in 3D... :not_ok:

Yobor 10-04-2005 03:51 PM

HOMM3 is still the best out of the series. Sometimes it would be better to leave it lie.

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