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Abandoned Witch 08-03-2021 01:17 PM

The End of Abandoned Witch (Farewell)
Well, it's been ten years since I stayed in Abandonia as the legendary Abandoned Witch, but as times pass, and everything changes, everyone should go. The reason for my leave is because Abandonia, the once great site, became flooded with spam and casino ads. Why was the reason for all this, since the original Abandonia staff and members have left, is beyond anyone's guess So that means I am saying farewell to the site that I used to live in. The members that I remember, have gone, but I still remember their names. Darth, Midge, Halindir, Lulu, and Fifth, may return someday. All the others still around, however.

Farewell Abandonia. I will miss you.

~Abandoned Witch~

Capo 08-03-2021 03:26 PM


Tracker 09-03-2021 03:30 PM

It seems something brings back old members every now and then.

I hope we will see you again, sometime, AW.


Smiling Spectre 10-03-2021 12:36 PM

You could try other abandonware sites or torrent ones... And see you!

Cluseck 12-03-2021 10:26 PM

Farewell and good luck!

DrWho42 15-03-2021 04:30 AM

so long and thanks for all the posts

Japo 18-03-2021 07:02 PM


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