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TheEseth 20-05-2012 08:55 AM

Hello fellow abandonware lovers,

I would like to take a moment of your time and see if anyone can remember this game I have in mind...

As the thread title suggests it is a turn based sci-fi DOS. Here's what else I can remember about it:

It was very dark (atsmospherically and graphically), set in a spaceship or space station... You start either at the lowest or the highest deck level and need to go all the way up or down. I might be wrong but the game had 9 or 10 of these levels. Each level was significantly harder but there was loot, weapons... At the first level you basically battle against rats. Giant rats or mutated rats or both, I don't remember. Either I was bad at that game or it was really hard at the start because you started almost naked and the mentioned rats sometimes ate you swiftly.
I also remember the death screen a bit. It showed a skull (I think) and said something like "ALAS YOU HAVE PERISHED RADDARADDA".

Hope this will be enough and someone will help me remember it :) I'm really eager to beat this game because I'm still angry and provoked by that death screen...

TotalAnarchy 20-05-2012 09:32 AM

What about the perspective: first-person, third-person, top-down...? And the graphics: were they 4-color graphics (CGA) or better?

DarthHelmet86 20-05-2012 09:36 AM

Could it be something like System Shock? Even if it is not that game is that the style? Or was it top down or isometric perhaps?

Pex 20-05-2012 10:33 AM

Starts the same as Fallout, and even death screen is similar, but that's where all similarities end... Sorry for not helping :whistling:

TheEseth 20-05-2012 10:48 AM

@TotalAnarchy it is a first person game, you only see what you're facing, like in old RPG's like Might and Magic.
There were few colors.. mostly black and white but there could have been some more.. I think I remember some walls of levels being teal, pink, purple.

@DarthHelmet86 it is a bit like System Shock but turn based, less colorful. And older, pretty sure.

@Pex Yeah, rats and stuff are similar to Fallout :D

TheEseth 20-05-2012 03:22 PM

Also, walls and basically surroundings in that game are very similar to how it looks in Wizardry 1. Except that, I remember that the window of player's vision is not taking the whole screen but rather is situated top left and the rest of the screen is filled with statistics and game messages.

yoga 20-05-2012 05:00 PM


Originally Posted by TheEseth (Post 442578)
Also, walls and basically surroundings in that game are very similar to how it looks in Wizardry 1. Except that, I remember that the window of player's vision is not taking the whole screen but rather is situated top left and the rest of the screen is filled with statistics and game messages.

Do You checked Games in AB yet?

TheEseth 20-05-2012 07:46 PM

@yoga I had, twice, but not 120% thoroughly so there is a tiny chance I missed it.

TheEseth 20-05-2012 08:25 PM

I found out that this game is very similar to Xenomorph, only it is way darker and grotesque.

TotalAnarchy 21-05-2012 07:13 AM

Could it be something like Mines of Titan?

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