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Lozzenger2 05-04-2008 07:56 PM

3d Point and click game?
My memory of this game is extremely vague so bare with me.
It had graphics that reminded me of the original Myst graphics, only it was set indoors with a point and click style horroresque story, it was very dark. The game came bundled with about 50 games (most were crap but there were a few gems like little big adventure thrown in (If I remember rightly), the games came in 5 boxes, each a plain colour with a number on it from 1-5, I'll have to hunt for them when I get home in may) and had some generic title like Seven or Hex something.
Any clues?

Frodo 05-04-2008 08:35 PM

Hmm, do you have any more info on this game, apart from 'set indoors with a point and click style'? Can you remember anything about the story, or any memorable scenes\characters? :)

Lozzenger2 05-04-2008 08:49 PM

I really don't have any recollection of the game other than I enjoyed playing it x_x
There was a main room that led off into others, one was a dining room set up like you would expect in a haunted house or a 1940's german mansion.
It might have been based on a murder of somesort?

olemars 06-04-2008 12:24 PM

The 7th guest perhaps? Or is that too new?

The Fifth Horseman 06-04-2008 04:03 PM

Or 11th Hour?

Lozzenger2 06-04-2008 10:01 PM

Hmm, 7th guest could be it but I'd need to see more screenies, the ones on there I don't recognise specifically but it does look a lot like the game I'm thinking of...if that even makes any sense.

Dave 06-04-2008 10:03 PM

Did you look screens for Windows version?

Frodo 06-04-2008 10:12 PM

It might also be 9: The Last Resort.

Lozzenger2 07-04-2008 01:52 AM

Hmm no I missed those. I don't think either of those are the game I'm thinking of actually. I'm sure I'd remember those characters but the only live action game I ever remember playing was Stonekeep. It was more solving puzzles than interacting with characters or ghosts.
9 looks far too colourful to be the game too.
One thing I've remembered though was a possible inclusion of the game Reversi. I might be thinking of a different game there though.

olemars 07-04-2008 09:43 PM

Are you sure it wasn't 7th guest / 11th hour? You don't actually interact with any characters in those, it's purely puzzle solving. There were short movie sequences that sort of were the "prize" for solving the puzzles, and I guess they were meant to carry the actual storyline. They weren't very memorable though.

I can't remember all the puzzles in 7th guest (never played through 11th hour, but it was basically the same), but there were a few word puzzles, riddles, a chesslike game, and a really annoying maze in the basement. Wouldn't be surprised if there is a reversi-like game in there somewhere.

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