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Frodo 31-05-2009 07:53 AM

I'm trying to find an old Tetris game I remember playing years ago. I remember it was on floppy disk - long before cd roms became popular. So it must have been... late 80s\early 90s? :)

I remember it wasn't actually called 'Tetris', but a varient on the word 'Tetris'.

There are a lot of Tetris games out there, but I remember 4 distinct levels, each designed to wreck your carefully placed bricks, which I'm hoping will jog someone's memory. :whistling:

The levels I remember are (in no particular order):
  • The level would keep adding extra tiles, at the most inconvenient moments (i.e. right before you place that brick you've been needing for ages). You had to compensate for this, and build up lines around the extra tiles.
  • Just like the last level, except this time, tiles keep getting removed, leaving you with holes in your carefully planned lines.
  • The entire grid woud keep shifting one space to the left, leaving you with an entire blank line on the right hand side.
  • You would hear an evil laugh. This was a warning to take note, and memorize, what your screen currently looks like. Then the screen would go completely black for a while. You still had to place blocks, but you had to remember what the screen looked like, so you could (hopefully) fill in the holes. The screen would come back after a while, then go black again a while later.

Does this ring a bell with anyone? :max:

willcaleb 02-06-2009 09:15 PM

Is it Quadroid (1993) I ran into it surfing the net and found it on an old roms site but I'm not sure that is the answer because everything I have suggested that an unknown game is a different game I have always been wrong. But it's a suggestion none the less. :)

Frodo 03-06-2009 01:06 AM


I don't remember it being so colourful. Especially the backgrounds. :max:

But the gameplay is so familiar. The extra lines appearing... starting with blocks placed like a pyramid with spaces... a quad tile at each end... pieces floating to the top (which seems familiar, now I see it again). Also, the way "Lines Left" is written seems familiar. :)

At the moment, I can't get past Level 6. I need to practice at it more, to get to the later levels (hopefully, those mentioned above), but I think this could be it.

Thanks Willcaleb. :clap:

_r.u.s.s. 03-06-2009 08:48 AM

i think this is approved, somebody should move it

Frodo 03-06-2009 10:41 AM

The version I link to is shareware. When I quit the game, it tells me it's shareware, and I should pay $10 for it.

If a full version should be found, and it really is abandoned now, I would like to review it. :max:

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