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usurperking 02-03-2013 01:21 PM

[TannerW] Kingdom
When I was young, under 10, I played a text based Medieval game on my father's computer. I am not sure the type of computer, but I remember the game was on a floppy disk. I believe it was late 80's, early 90's but don't know how old the actual game is.

My recollection is foggy but I believe the game was set up like this: You are the King, and you had to defend your castle and have enough food for your peasants and knights. I think there was some strategy with castle garrisons too. But the clear part I do remember is:

A) It was definitely text-based. There were no graphics.
B) It may have come in a bundle with other games, one of which was a 'meta tic-tac-toe game' that was like regular tic-tac-toe but with four squares side by side

The game play is the most detailed information I can give you right now. The computer specs are unknown to me but I can email my dad and ask.

Thanks for your help.

RRS 02-03-2013 07:00 PM

Please be more specific, at least tell us if you played it on PC?

Was is something like those turn-based menu-driven games where you have to feed your subjects, send armies etc.?

usurperking 02-03-2013 11:19 PM

Thanks for your help. It was an Acer? DOS. That's all the Specs I could get, sorry. I will look into your links.

To answer your question, yes, it was a turn-based menu-driven game. I had to feed the peasants and send my armies out into battle each turn.

Please tell me if my answers gave you another idea.


*Edit: I looked through the screen shots of each game you suggested. The game I am thinking of looks like Kingdom, Picture Kingdom, and especially Hamurabi. But I am sure now that it was a DOS game and I am convinced that there were armies involved in the game along with feeding the masses.


Originally Posted by RRS (Post 450184)
Please be more specific, at least tell us if you played it on PC?

Was is something like those turn-based menu-driven games where you have to feed your subjects, send armies etc.?

usurperking 07-03-2013 10:31 PM

Does it help if I mention that the game may have been part of a bundle?, including various other games... One of which being a "meta tic-tac-toe" game that was a four square version of tic-tac-toe...

Megaten 08-03-2013 01:13 AM

I don't mean to be critical or cynical, but there's several implementations of the 3D tic-tac-toe concept out there:
As you can see, these games aren't immediately easy to distinguish from one another in terms of mechanics...and there could be a dozen or more versions which aren't recorded anywhere on the internet.

If any of the games above look familiar to you (not necessarily the individual games but how they choose to portray the cube/four boards), that might be helpful.

hey, wait a second...

I didn't realize this until just now (argh), but the variation of Kingdom on that Mobygames list and one I passed over yesterday are actually different, since the one I found is a DOS version with a bit of new content. I disregarded it at the time because....well, I wasn't really paying attention, I guess. Bah.

Hammurabi Clone, Strategy: for as Few or You Citizens to Starve as Possible While Your Army Conquers Others. Limited But Fun. Last Revision Date in ARChive: 07-08-1990.
(there's a couple typos, probably from someone manually transcribing the description as it and other games were downloaded en masse from a BBS)

ZIP here:

I tried it out briefly in DOSBox:

If you're looking for a Sumer game variant, this could be it, but there doesn't seem to be anything about garrisons. Perhaps that was yet another game...?

usurperking 08-03-2013 06:42 PM

Thanks for your help. I'll download it and let you know.

TannerW 25-04-2014 07:00 PM

The game you're looking for is called Kingdom, but it's not the Kingdom that Megaten referenced. Here's a screenshot that should bring back a rush of nostalgia:

It was part of the GW-BASIC pack, which you can download right here.

The game files are in the .bas format, so you'll need an extra piece of software to run them. I used Qbasic and it worked like a charm.

Lemme know if you need any further help.

usurperking 21-02-2016 07:31 PM

Thanks, TannerW!! This is definitely it..


Originally Posted by TannerW (Post 459971)
The game you're looking for is called Kingdom, but it's not the Kingdom that Megaten referenced. Here's a screenshot that should bring back a rush of nostalgia:

It was part of the GW-BASIC pack, which you can download right here.

The game files are in the .bas format, so you'll need an extra piece of software to run them. I used Qbasic and it worked like a charm.

Lemme know if you need any further help.

usurperking 22-02-2016 01:37 AM

Now I can't figure out how to play it with qbasic. Downloaded qbasic, and when I get to the blue screen, I don't know what to do. Dosbox won't play the game, either. It says illegal command every time I try to run it with dosbox.

The game files are in the .bas format, so you'll need an extra piece of software to run them. I used Qbasic and it worked like a charm.

Lemme know if you need any further help.[/quote]

Smiling Spectre 22-02-2016 02:41 PM

Try QBASIC gamename.bas in the command prompt.

Load "Gamename.bas" could work too, inside Qbasic itself, but I don't know exact syntax of it, so first way is preferred. :)

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