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nvrmre 09-07-2008 01:15 AM

RTS/strategy game suggestions
Hi all

I'm on the hunt for some good PC strategy games to play. Not necessarily abandonware, if its a good game I'd pick it up or try a demo.

I've always been a big fan of the sim type games, and recently have been branching into some RTS stuff. Age of Empires, Civ, Warcraft III, and the like.

Now I'm looking to see if anyone has some suggestions of anything a little more obscure... any hidden gems. Current or older.

I'm also trying to see if I can find any turn-based strategy games for PC, similar in gameplay to Final Fantasy Tactics or the Nippon Ichi games for PS2/3.

Any suggestions would be very welcome, thanks for your help!

Blood-Pigggy 09-07-2008 02:30 AM

It's not obscure but it's been butchered by its "spiritual successor" I suggest you try Total Annihilation.

Those turn based "strategy" games you mentioned are only going to find you more complex counterparts on the PC, if that's what you want, there are tactics games like Silent Storm and Jagged Alliance 2 (JA2 being the best in existence) that are absolutely top of the line. Of course there's also UFO (available on this site) that you should definitely try out if you can get past the learning curve.

Eagle of Fire 09-07-2008 03:30 AM

There is Vantage Master available on Abandonia Reloaded. You're going to love it. :)

nvrmre 09-07-2008 06:04 AM

Great suggestions!

One thing that I forgot to mention is that I tend to prefer the historic/fantasy strategy games over the modern warfare games (Command & Conquer, etc). I will admit that I haven't given the modern themed games much attention, so maybe I just need the right one to get me into them. Total Annihilation looks interesting

Eagle of Fire: Vantage Master definitely looks up my alley - they even mention FF Tactics and the Nippon Ichi games in the description, LOL! I'll give it a try.

I noticed at the bottom of the page they mentioned an indie game called Battle of Wesnoth - looked at the site and it looks very promising as well. Has anyone played this one?

Thanks again for the suggestions

The Fifth Horseman 09-07-2008 10:22 AM

Try MechCommander (the first one).
It's fun, especially if you get the Gold version (extra campaign, plus you can increase the difficulty :D)

Dave 09-07-2008 10:34 AM

Let me suggest you an old classic, Dune II, it can be considered the father of modern RTS, my first love.

Also Starcraft is an enjoyable game, but it's likely you have already played it, right? :p

_r.u.s.s. 09-07-2008 10:45 AM

pshh guys, he wants some fantasy stuff

i remember once i played this "warlords battlecry ii" demo and it was fun, i don't know how is the full game. i think you should check out the series


nvrmre 09-07-2008 01:43 PM

Yeah, don't know why, but I'm much more into a game if they're fighting with swords and bows rather than guns and bombs. Sci Fi isn't bad, it's more the WW2 era stuff that makes me lose interest. Dune is classic, I should look into that. Mech Commander sounds familiar to me

I have played Starcraft, good game (though I like the Warcraft series better, probably because I'm familiar with the lore from the MMO)

Warlords Battlecry - nice one, looks very promising! It actually reminds me a bit of the Warcraft RTS games from the screenshots

Man, these games make me want to set aside a few nights and spend some quality time in front of the monitor! :p

gregor 09-07-2008 01:54 PM

Heroes of might and magic.

I - is here on site
II and III are good but still sold i believe
V seems also good

They are not RTS, but combat is fast enough to keep you occupied.

Out of Sci-Fi (turn based):
Galactic civilisations II is OK
Space empires III is also OK, while SE IV is a bit too complex IMO.

RTS in older days - i would say Settlers III and Settlers IV are good. Sort of Age of empires only much larger armies (like 200 vs. 200 :D)

Scatty 09-07-2008 02:04 PM

Well if it comes to a Fantasy Strategy game one has to play Master of Magic. You can even get it from Abandonia here.
It is round-based though, and not realtime, but I'm sure you'll love it nevertheless.

You might also want to try out KKND though it isn't Fantasy, and it's not abandoned either.

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