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Iowa 21-01-2007 02:35 AM

Quake by Id Software

Where should I start? Perhaps at the memories of joyful gameplay, maybe the astounding sound, quite possibly the tight controls...but it doesn't matter where I start. This is Quake.

Taking the world by storm in the 1990s, it pushed the boundaries of graphical power with it's fully-3D rendered environments and gorgeous special effects. It was so powerful at that point, as a matter of fact, that it forced many people to upgrade to the then-cutting edge Pentium processor.

But does it still hold up to that hype today? Does it really offer a satisfying game experience? The answer to that question, my friend is "yes".

Quake's first noticable paramount is it's level design, consisting of varying terrain including underwater and low-gravity areas, it's very mapping will provoke spells of delusion and joy. You see, it throws out the age-old straightforward levels and throws in quite cunning displays of traps, backtracking, and other...surprises.

True, if you compare it to today's must-haves, it's "find the key" objectives may seem old hat, but delve deeper. That is all you have to do to realise that this is a one-of-a-kind game.

As I said before, the soundtrack is really something to be admired, with ambience and tension so thick, it will leave the average player on the edge of their seat with eyes hurriedly darting back and forth just trying to stay alive. Quake will try to give you hints, that is, if there is a Grunt (the lowest-rung on the ladder basic enemy) around a corner, you'll be able to hear his signature rasping "Grr-rr-rrr".

Quake also provides a quite creative cast of characters meant to soon become your shotgun-fodder. With enemies ranging from the basic Grunts to the absolutely terrifying Shamblers, keeping the right weapon on hand at all times is an absolute must. And speaking of weaponry, it dishes out a welcome array of firepower for you to get your grimy hands on:

The weapons are, in numeric order, as follows:

-12-gauge shotgun (the default [!] weapon)
-Double-barrel 12-gauge shotgun
-Super nailgun (known to his friends as the Perforator...and you will find out why)
-Grenade launcher (for those tight corners)
-Rocket launcher (for when a grenade just absolutely has to be there on time)
-Mr. Thunderbolt (you can read, yes? Well, that's just what this weapons is: a thunderbolt)

As you can guess, the Thunderbolt is acquired last and ammunition is quite difficult to come by, but when a Vore is angrily screeching at you from 10 feet away, you'll be glad you've saved your Cells.

I'm sorry if it seems as if you don't get a specific idea about Quake and that is because of this: I, as a human being, cannot fully describe is far too beyond me to even try. But I am willing to let you see for yourself!

Yes, for a short download, you will receive the demo for the greatest computer game ever made.

The shareware version can be found at this address: Id Software's Quake

If you have any problems running the demo, please don't give the Abandonia administrators a headache, save them the trouble and try asking me. I don't know as much as they do, but they do enough already.

Again, this is Not the full version so please refrain from asking why you can only play the first episode. When you realise the full potential of this wonderful entity we call Quake, please purchase it at this address: Buy Quake

A View of Gaming Paradise
Note: if you do, by any chance, find this...don't go into the portal. Just don't.
Because this will probably happen to you

Feel free to leave comments, questions, suggestions, or additions. Every little bit helps ;)!


gregor 22-01-2007 08:26 AM

well i would add the interesting background of the story for this game. the arguing and all... Romero ment it to be RPG, others wanted futuristic setting so in the end there is some confusion in episodes setting. and also the weapons are kind of strange choice.
oh and also worth mentioning are the mods that give you Direct 3d graphics which make the game even better (higher resolutions, better graphics).

another thing that made this game special was multiplayer support for more players. Deathmatches really became popular.

all in all a game that brought so many new things and spawned so many other games that deserves the glory it has.

The Fifth Horseman 22-01-2007 12:23 PM

Quake has a couple interesting things when it comes to the controls too - you can introduce scripts in the config file and bind them to keys, as well as change keybinds on the fly.

This means you can for example script a rocketjump or an "autofire" which continues firing your weapon until you press fire button. :evil:

No one can call themselves a serious FPS gamer if they didn't play Quake. Nuff said.

velik_m 22-01-2007 03:55 PM

Doom > Quake

Chainsaw, BFG. Nuff said.

JJXB 22-01-2007 04:22 PM

i play using the "darkplaces" sourceport and that enhances the graphics no end :P

Iowa 23-01-2007 01:57 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(velik_m @ Jan 22 2007, 08:55 AM) [snapback]276012[/snapback]</div>

Doom > Quake

Chainsaw, BFG. Nuff said.

Quake [awesome graphics, full immersion gameplay, blood, gore, Mr. Thunderbolt]

Doom [crappy graphics, boring gameplay, sprite-rendered everything, BFG, Chainsaw]

'Nough said.

{assuming you're talking about Doom I, if Doom II, then we have a contender}

The Fifth Horseman 23-01-2007 11:58 AM

Quake is more dynamic then Doom.

velik_m 23-01-2007 05:53 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Iowa @ Jan 23 2007, 03:57 AM) [snapback]276072[/snapback]</div>


Quake: awesome graphics, [/b]


full immersion gameplay[/b]
pointless marketing phrase


, blood, gore,[/b]
doom has more blood and gore.


Mr. Thunderbolt[/b]
I'm sorry, but the weapon just isn't cool. and it doesn't hold the candle to BFG. you can clear entire room in couple of seconds with BFG.


Doom: crappy graphics,[/b]
compared to quake yes.


boring gameplay, [/b]
it's the same gameplay as in quake - FPS


sprite-rendered everything, [/b]
sprite rendered > blocky


BFG, Chainsaw[/b]
perfection. chainsaw >>>>>>>>>>> axe - i mean wtf? axe?


'Nough said.[/b]


{assuming you're talking about Doom I, if Doom II, then we have a contender}[/b]
Doom 2 > doom > quake

Tulac 23-01-2007 09:05 PM

Nah Quake is better, at least I had more fun with it, it had better music and atmosphere and it was much faster and had levels that were designed better.
Now Quake3 and UT that is more of a battle.

Iowa 24-01-2007 04:37 AM

I personally prefer Unreal Tournament...just seems a bit more fun to me...

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