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DarthHelmet86 21-06-2012 11:54 AM

This is the Western version of the game, it is not like the original Metal Gear in many ways. At the start of the gun you have nothing but your fists and a cigarette. There should be some way of opening your inventory but I don't know what it is. Also the repeating scenes is that at a crossroads in the jungle? Because at that point if you go left or right it repeats but going down takes you to the next area.

Sievers 21-06-2012 12:01 PM

yes, that's what i meant. there's a crossroads and a watchdog in the middle. if i go to the left/right it's repeating, but if i go the way down i'm ending up in an area with a few trucks and 2 guards which also repeats by leaving to the left/right.
And i can't go down because of some fence blocking the way

DarthHelmet86 21-06-2012 12:03 PM

Try jumping into the trucks they sometimes take you different places.

Sievers 21-06-2012 12:10 PM

oh my......that's itXD
i tried to get into the trucks and it worked. In one of them it said: The truck started moving. So that was the trick.

Thanks a lot for that tip:2thumbs:
Awesome, now i can REALLY start playing the game and don't end up getting stuck in the first areas

TheChosen 30-06-2012 05:02 PM

Looking back at this, I think this is my favorite review from TotalAnarchy.Nevermind, should have paid more attention.

Also, I'd like to explain this point, since Im such a Metal Gear geek


rookie operative Solid Snake is sent into Outer Heaven alone - for some strange reason armed only with a pack of cigarettes. Smoking may kill, but I'd rather have a gun.
This idea was explained bit more in later games, especially in Metal Gear Solid 3. In first Metal Gear Solid, Snake starts with binoculars and cigarettes (which he smuggled out without his superiors knowing that) and Snake refers this as "Weapons and Equipment OSP (on-site procedure)", meaning that all the weapons and equipment have to be gathered from the field of operation.

They reveal bit more details in 3 that this was Foxhounds method of operation even from the start, back when it was called the FOX-unit. Using the weapons found in the field (which presumably belongs to the enemy) makes it impossible to trace back to the FOX and therefore the US Government, in any way that would prove their involvement.

Its a pretty nifty idea and makes sense. Then again, I had to ignore the fact that Naked Snake did bring his own gun and knife in MGS3...

Japo 30-06-2012 07:44 PM

It doesn't really make much sense, they could have always provided third party weapons. I remember that movie about the US in Afghanistan against the USSR starring Tom Hanks as a senator. It told how the US bought Kalashnikov rifles in the black market to arm the mujahideen so it weren't so obvious that it was the US. (I don't know if this is historical truth or just in the movie.) Back then video games prioritized other aspects instead of mimicking reality.

DarthHelmet86 02-07-2012 10:48 AM

I suppose they are going for an even more black black ops by not taking weapons. Even buying stuff from the black market could be traced back to the buyer, using the enemies weapons means that the only people to trace those guns back to are the people who got killed. Though it wouldn't surprise me if Metal Gear just has no weapons to make the start a bit harder and to explain why you don't come to the field with everything you need rather then a real world reason.

MG-Handbook-Fan 17-12-2015 06:34 PM

Handbook needed
Would someone please provide the manual?

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