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bloogbae 09-04-2014 01:05 AM

Serpenthead for windows
I have been looking all over the internet for a download of serpenthead by great mind games to download on the internet. I played a shareware version of cendrics quest which is part of this series on a shareware games dvd I got years ago and wanted to play through the whole thing. It was a point and click adventure for windows. The one I player was 1999. I cant find any for sale anywhere either. If anyone can contribute it would be nice. Thanks.

Cluseck 18-04-2014 12:10 PM

The publisher/developer is not an ESA member.
No buylinks found. Before the site update, I included links to the developer's site but I can't find them now.

I think we can label the game as 'approved'. Can anyone confirm that?

marko river 18-04-2014 07:27 PM

Some more info about the game here and here. It seems publisher is called Pharos Games. On this place however, I found misleading info on publisher, but according the description it should be the same game. There is downloadable installer here, file called, but it needs to be run in old version of Windows. Check it out and report is it working.

bloogbae 18-04-2014 10:39 PM

This appears to be an demo version that will need a registration code. I have only found demo versions so far. I searched google for a registration key but no luck.

marko river 19-04-2014 01:21 AM

Perhaps it is best to try contacting developers. Not sure, but this seems like their site, hopefully those are the same guys that may be interesting in releasing the game to public domain. And hopefully they still have it.

I did found this as well, but not sure what game from series it is and it is probably also shareware demo. But could have some contacting detail as well.

Oh, and if you have any luck, please do share it with us :D

edit: Hmmm, at the second look, it might not be the same company, since this new one is called "Gaming", not "Games". Worth trying anyway, and look for some other contact from those demos you have. After some googling, it seems that used to exist, but no more I guess :(

edit 2: Ok, few more tries.
Try Adventure Legends link, many their games on CD but could be all demos. Some info and screenshot on this 1999 games page, search for "Cendric". This one is similar, only installer. And this is that revisited game again.

bloogbae 20-04-2014 02:40 AM

The iso that was located here had an installable for cendrics quest and when I opened the program I clicked the register button it said its already registered so looks like I found it. I also believe the full serpenthead on the iso also.

marko river 20-04-2014 11:16 AM

Yes, I just learned that if that site (Adventure Legends) says it is full demo, it means full game. So you probably have them all now. Enjoy! :D If you by some chance create few screenshots and write short review, feel free to offer those to us - we won't reject you :mischief:

bloogbae 24-04-2014 04:04 AM

Not even sure what this kind of obscure software this is considered

Rwolf 30-04-2022 04:14 PM

The game is still not on Abandonia, I thought it got approved?

(edit: I found a copy of the demo elsewhere, so I could make an entry with some screenshots for Mobygames)

Smiling Spectre 03-05-2022 12:34 PM

Site is practically dead, so don't hold your breath.

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