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Sebatianos 18-06-2007 07:40 PM

Phantasie III - The Wrath Of Nikademus
Feel free to comment and discuss this game here. Also, if you have any useful tips or tricks don't hesitate to share them with the others! Thanks!

Review and Download (if available)

Talin 18-06-2007 07:52 PM

it was a great move uploading this game, it is one of best SSI game series besides the Golden Box series :)

i played it last sunday actually on my C64, it was great as ever ^_^

lgonggr 19-06-2007 07:44 AM

This is one of the most enjoyable RPGs I've ever played. Bit of a spoiler, but there are two (even more) alternative endings. Extremely highly recommended !

Woodsman 19-06-2007 02:00 PM

Hey all.

I played this game from 93-98 and just found it again last year.

The reviewer forgot to mention that you need the Manual to read some things that are going on at certain locations. Such as a certain funeral. It really helps you to figure out what to do (also including some tactics tips by the creators).

A popular method is to reload dungeons after exploring and visiting them again to go munchkin with the exp and items (you can't have too many +10 swords before finding the good stuff). Bows for everyone able to use them also help. As well as saving the limited "spell slots" for higher level spells.

The manual also has a chart on what type of monster reactions you get from Greet/Threaten/Mercy and so on.

Heh, won't spoil this.

Lonewolf1044 19-06-2007 02:56 PM

I played this game years ago and really enjoyed it. However, I played it on the Amiga and the graphics was beautiful. I will try the PC version and see where it will take me.

LingonKungen 29-06-2007 01:16 PM

Hi its my first time playing this game and i would like to know if you can help me whit this question? if i lose a bodypart how can i get it back. :kosta:

LingonKungen 29-06-2007 01:34 PM

Thx for ur patience.... the suspence is over... Healing III works atleast.... but does all heal revive dead limbs?

TO ARMS!!! :titan:

Palocles 11-02-2011 04:10 AM

I love this game and used to play it, probably, when it was new!

Just got it again and i'm at the first copy protection. I hope it's been patched...

edit: I found the answers so don't know if it's patched but have another problem.

I get a error message saying "Disc Error! A save may have been attempted to a write protected disk. Make sure the right Phantasie disk is in drive A: and press a key". This is after a message asking if i'm playing from hard drive.

I just pressed a key and played on yesterday and it seemed to work and save fine but after closing the game down and starting again today, nothing has saved.

Can i fix this by making a save folder in the phantasie folder? Has anyone else had this or a similar error and found a solution?

Palocles 22-06-2012 02:06 AM

Nearly finished playing through this again. Just going to grind a few levels at Lord Woods enbattled tent before finishing off Nicademus.

For anyone who comes after, here are the answers to the copy protect questions:

adventurer skills = 9
trains per level = 3
slash attacks = 3
med shield str = 8
short bow attr = 6
dagger attr = 6
num social classes = 4
slash num att = 3
flamebolt 1 dam = 7
Thief MPmx lv5 = 8
monster status' = 4
adventurer attr = 9

I'm not sure if that last one is the same as the first or a different question. I think Adventurers actually have fewer than 9 attributes. Probably 6 like in D&D.

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