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Mystvan 27-11-2020 06:56 PM

Thank you for always posting to remind us to get the Free Goodies. Life is so busy and complicated that sometimes we forget about it without realizing it... :no:

Mystvan 27-11-2020 07:04 PM


Originally Posted by EricaR (Post 485072)

Try <some suspicious app> to download paid Android games for free.. (Need root access)


Originally Posted by MrFlibble (Post 485077)

How is this related to the topic of free games? Are trying to promote this software?

I think it is very risky and illegal to do this on an expensive Device just to get paid games for free. :no: It would be very imprudent. In the case of doing this to recover Data, I would even understand it and is really worth taking risks. :sos:

The advantage of Apple :apple: over Android :borg: :ufoalien: would be to recover data (like True Image for PC) without needing root access.

twillight 05-12-2020 01:34 PM

Witcher 1, enhanced edition
According to this article:

you have to install GoG-Galaxym go into the "recent" folder (the basic folder when GoGalaxy starts), and (if you don't own the game yet?) you'll have a banner to click on, which'll ask you to subscribe to the GoG-emails at least for the period you receive the game (then you can unsub).

Btw, GoG's newsletters are not that often, and many times ocntain additional discount options, so it's totaly fine to leave it turned on.

NOTE: I do have to game already from a previous promo, so I cann ot confirm the article, or at least can tell the banner is not there if you already have the game.

twillight 16-12-2020 03:06 PM

Prison Architect
Build your own prison with this.
There is a campaign mode (always important), and a (by the sound of it) promising sandbox mode too.

twillight 22-12-2020 04:10 PM

Brigador: Up-Armored Deluxe
Maybe this was planned all along, or GoG just tries to deal with the Cyberpunk 2077 disaster, but here it is:


I take this for the audiobook. I had no audiobook before.

twillight 30-12-2020 03:24 PM

Metro: Last Light Redux
For 2 days.
Looks a story-heavy FPD - you decide wether this is a good or bad thing.

Mystvan 04-01-2021 05:18 PM

Thanks. Platforms such and Epic have given us a lot to distract us during the Pandemic! :clap:

samui 19-01-2021 05:50 PM

free games are great

twillight 19-02-2021 05:40 PM

Not a free game, but discount-option
I feel, this worth one post.

GoG seems in the recent times gives extra discount options aside what appears on their side for those who are subbed to their newsletter.

These discounts are usualy just 5% extra compared to the currently running discounts, or the usualy running discounts, but that's still an extra bonus, and a good way to call attention to certain games you wouldn't consider otherwise.
Also, if you are lucky, and you want that game from the running deal, this will make it extra cheap :OK:

At least once they did giveaway too through this method too (some "how this was made" behind the scenes featurette/documentary/extra, still like 10 bucks worth stuff).

twillight 30-03-2021 02:57 PM

XIII - 46 hours more

Looks like a pseudo-2D, 3D shooter.

Dunno why there is a remake which costs 40+$.

I'll settle with the original for free.

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