Ghost Master
It's one of those team-managerial thingy, you see you recognise, I bet.
Did not produce good numbers, but on giveaway it might worth a look. |
Requiem: Avenging Angel
A good, somewhat original first person shooter.
Besides running around shooting down targets, you also gain special (magic) powers, like possession, or locusts (what is a fire-and-forget damage-over-tme thing). It's a bit low on the frame per second (meaning computer sickness is possible), though still somewhat better than Doom and Quake, and the amount of ammo and enemies are well measured (meaning they give a reasonable amount for the average player, but that also means at times you'll see your quantities get close to zero - this is intentional), plus there's no creasy sommersaulting enemies, like in Quake. It has a top-notch story for its time too. The only negative I can recall is, I could never legitimately beat the boss. |
The Night of the Rabbit
Some old-school point&click adventure game.
People said it's a bit too much walking around or something, I say it looks good enough to pay a couple bucks even for it. |
Looks like some german point&click game. You can't rly go wrong with a point&click adventure game if you ask me. It has some paralell dimension running, like in Fringe. Fortunately this is not some wWII era game, though needs closer inspection what it is.
Blacksad: Under the Skin
Looks like some Batman-parody, but the game's page tells practicaly nothing of the gameplay.
From THIS video it seems there are quick time events for dialogue, "pixel hunting" for clues, and some interface you mess with the found clues. If you are into the gamestyle, sure, otherwise maybe skip? |
6 game bundle
Ok, it's technicaly not free, but so cheap, I must mention THIS.
I actualy prefer the "for 1$" treatment, that way people don't hit the "yeah, sure" button mindlessly, and hoard junk. |
Shadows: Awakening
Seems to be a Diablo 2 clone. Says it doesn't take too much space, so it might even work on not-high end machines.
Maybe worth a try. |
"Open World Adventure Game".
Well, if you want to call it that. I call it TORTURE. See, the world-map of it is horrible. You can not make notes, nor does it make auto-notes. Then you have animal companions, yes, not just the dog. The Clown hugging things will show up as a secondary quest-map in his tent - but the unsolved sidequests do not appear on it. I have no idea where the dog pissing on firehoses show up, and have zero clue what the mouse's gimmick is. The real torture is, thatt he map is hugh, and there is no fast-travel, while there is a real-life time-measuring system, which has 4 states, which all can change what you can find on each screen. Dusk and Dawn last for seconds, so good luck mapping the whole thing ON PAPER. Even with its convoluted icon-talking system it wouldn't be a bad game, especialy that you can only do 1 thing with any hotspot, but we need a questlog, fast travel, and everything! |
The First Templar - Special Edition
Don't know what1s special about it, and I have a similar game, so don't really care for this one, but it is a 3D beat'em'up with 2 characters to alternate or play in coop. The usual skill-tree and stuff.
Doesn't look special, but none says it's broken, so it's a good grab if you want to try out the genre. |
Seems like some top-down old school-style stealth-game, but it doesn't look bad, so I say pick it up for some rain-day.
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