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DarthHelmet86 25-02-2012 04:29 PM

Weekly Poll: Favourite Game Setting? Finished!
From RRS we have this weeks poll, "What's your favorite game setting?"

Don't forget if you don't like any of the options let us know in your post what is your favourite game setting.

DarthHelmet86 25-02-2012 04:33 PM

A tricky one for me, I really like them all. But I suppose I really prefer games that are either fantasy or a few minutes into the future. QFG being my favourite game series means that this time I will vote for Fantasy to honour it some more.

Scatty 25-02-2012 04:36 PM

Usually Fantasy, be it RTS's or RPG's or even 3D Shooters, like Heretic / Hexen series for example. Though I like Futuristic and / or Sci-Fi setting also, on smaller scale.

Wereboar 25-02-2012 05:57 PM

I would say "sci-fi" but the way I understand this term pretty differs from its common definition (especially here, where it is paired with "futuristic"). I prefer alternative history and worlds that are use scientific method in the explanations "what would have happened if..." but it is not limited to futuristic settings. This is why I like retrofuturistic worlds (steampunk "Martian Dreams", dieselpunk "Crimson Skies" and technofantasy "Arcanum"). And I'm not a fan of space operas or sword&sorcery. So, 20th +/- 2 centuries works best for me.

Of course "Fallout" series that are both futuristic (XXII/XXIII century) and retrofuturistic (good ol' 50's) with tons of gallows humour and cultural references really takes the cake.

Japo 25-02-2012 07:20 PM


I like sci-fi when it's plausible, for example Ghost in the Shell.

I don't like fantastic settings most of the times, but it depends on their quality. I love Tolkien, and the Elder Scrolls universe (as described in Daggerfall and subsequent--but unlike the setting, the plots in TES games are awful). I feel most other fantastic settings are nothing but playing or battling grounds with no substance.

EviL GaMer 25-02-2012 08:26 PM

First post, so, hi! :D

Have to go with the sci-fi/futuristic option, though I'd like to say that I like "realistic" or plausible science-fiction the most, hard sci-fi. It's very hard to find though, right now only Fallout comes to mind and maybe Bioforge (haven't finished it, but what I saw, seemed to fit). Oh, and Beneath a Steel Sky, of course.

Also I don't consider space opera sci-fi, it's more like fantasy in space, as it doesn't explain the science, things just work.

EDIT: Forgot another one or two rather Policenauts and Snatcher

Diamondfist 25-02-2012 10:15 PM

I rarely have one favorite thing; I wish I could vote for two choices here!

I woulda voted for Fantasy and Sci-Fi/Futuristic, but I chose Fantasy, because that is what I was taught when I first learned of role-playing games. I've grown to love sci-fi/futuristic though, and it ties with fantasy for fave gaming genres. Looking forward to seeing the results of this poll.

Eagle of Fire 25-02-2012 10:30 PM

Very close call for me between sci-fiction and fantasy... But since I'm a DM in D&D I decided to call fantasy on this one.

BranjoHello 25-02-2012 11:07 PM

Fantasy is my first choice, it can be implemented in every game genre.
Historical setting goes home with silver medal.

RRS 26-02-2012 12:11 AM

My 4 primary choices were thought as a narrowing down of possible choices, of which there would be more, as these do mix well. As some of you mentioned, some characteristic settings are a cross-between: contemporary + sci-fi = post-apocalyptic, historical + sci-fi = steam/dieselpunk, sci-fi + fantasy = Star Wars etc.
Still, even in these examples, there's always the dominant element (e.g. Star Wars is mostly sci-fi, with only small amounts of fantasy).

On a side note: did you notice how often the creators choose generic sci-fi or fantasy? It's easier to make up own world and rules, rather than going through a painstaking research process as in the case of historical setting.

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