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Playbahnosh 19-06-2006 12:24 PM

This little vid speaks for itself:

On The Streets Of America


Grinder 19-06-2006 02:46 PM

I see no video.

_r.u.s.s. 19-06-2006 02:49 PM

click the link. once you'r on the site, link to Play's address once again

(rightclick "On The Streets Of America" and coppy the link to your clipboard, then paste it to the adress panel in your browser)
tulac shown that link as well

Mighty Midget 19-06-2006 02:54 PM

Uh, and for us that can't even pronounce what it says?

Tulac 19-06-2006 03:03 PM

Try this:

My understanding of Slovenian has allowed me to navigate through the page :P

Hmm seems you'll have to copy paste the link...
Saw that already it's an Australian comedy show IIRC, anyway it's not just Americans you have ignorant people all over the world, there was a similar thing here in Croatia, people didn't know what telepathy is and etc.

_r.u.s.s. 19-06-2006 03:38 PM

i think they pay to those people answering

Tulac 19-06-2006 03:40 PM

I don't, I believe there are people like that everwhere, at least I've seen a few cases in my school let alone grown ups...

Playbahnosh 20-06-2006 12:39 AM

Oh man, this is just hilarious and pathetic at the same time :D

I mean, they picked random people from the street and NONE of them answered ONE SINGLE QUESTION right. Okay, that might be coincidence, I agree. BUT, there are some things I just don't get.

Not knowing squat about any foreign country is more or less acceptable (like how many Eiffel Towers are in Paris), BUT not knowing squat about one's OWN country is like commiting treason. Like which state did KFC come from? IT'S IN IT'S NAME!!! But I guess most americans don't even know which country Kentucky is in. And an american doesn't know who was the first man on Moon? He was an american for God's sake! And he was not russian, nor Shawn Glenn, rather Neil Armstrong. Most of the hungarians even know who was the ONLY hungarian astronaut ever reach space, he was Bertalan Farkas.

Meh, and according to those people there was three world wars, Tony Blair is a skating actor, man has one kidney, collateral damage is a film, aaand the best one, Star Wars is based on a true story. LOL!!!!

The only thing that had a half good answer was what Al Quaida is. "A suicide bomber group in Israel, and their "president" is Jasser Arafat". Yeah, right <_< This is probably due to the extensive campaign in the USA. Go figure...

The most descibing answer was to the question "The language they speak in Latin-America is Latin... True or false?" and the anser was: "...the wha'?" :D And the question that made me ROFL: "Where was the Berlin Wall?" Answer: "...(silence)...(more silence)...Believe me, I don't know the answer to this question, but I'm thinking..." Yeah, sure you are dude :D

Okay, there are people like them in every country, I agree. People that doesn't know more than the way to the nearest supermarket and how to use the remote. But these questions asked are ELEMENTARY SCHOOL material here in hungary, and I guess in the rest of europe too. And the participants asked were all in Wahington, the captial of USA, not some redneck anti-civilised village.

It never seize to amaze me how low-key is the education there. Like if you ask someone there what is "π?"(PI-squared), I bet the most of them will think of some rectangular dessert. :P And they are still living....

Well, all in all, they really gotta do something about the level of education there concerning foreign knowlede and just about everything else...

plix 20-06-2006 04:01 AM

It's nothing but a knock-off of a long-running bit on the Late Show called Jay-walking (from "The Late Show" which is hosted by Jay Leno and runs on NBC in the US).

ReamusLQ 20-06-2006 05:14 AM

wow...they were really stupid. I knew the answer to everything, and I'm a stupid American.

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