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DonCorleone 20-03-2005 11:15 AM

Magic - The Gathering
Uhhm, thought I saw this one on abandonia last night. I must have dreamt :blink:

Ragnor 20-03-2005 11:25 AM

Hey don't worry you weren't dreaming, I was about half way downloading it from abandonia and now it says it doesn't exist??

DonCorleone 20-03-2005 11:32 AM

Uhoh...some mysterious kind of alien kidnapping targetted here :D

MrBackAlleySka 20-03-2005 12:31 PM

Must not have been abandonware. Good thing I waited hehee

Chris 20-03-2005 01:03 PM


Posted: Mar 20 2005, 02:53 PM

Well this time the update of this thread wes different. I had to update it, because the latest game on our site was too big, so it was taken off.
This won't stop us however. We're slowly but surely reaching the 500 reviews (but we still need a bit over 60 of them, to get there).

original post here

Lizard 20-03-2005 02:26 PM

Anyway,I was quick enought to download it :apple: :bannana:

MrBackAlleySka 20-03-2005 02:43 PM

Oh? So it is Abandonware, just too big for the site. Gotcha, if.."IF" if is indeed abandonware, could someone send me a link to where I could get it? The only ones ive found are french (I don't trust french abandonware sites.) and spanish.

MrBackAlleySka 20-03-2005 02:51 PM

Hehe that is true, ive been meaning to write a review on something, but I haven't had the time, and every game i find, i've found on HotU, or on other abandonware sites heh. But anyways. It'll happen one day. I'm even savin' up for a good money donation.

Flop 20-03-2005 03:12 PM

Dare I ask how big it was? Just curious.

TaloN 20-03-2005 03:29 PM


i was just about to go download it!!!

I HATE I HATE U ALL!!! u tempt me with it and then rip it away!!! :'( i wanted this game for so long.

im gna go thump my head into a wall now.

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