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wookiee 16-02-2008 11:46 PM

Black Thorne
Iīm using D-Fend to run my abandonware, it works just fine with everything I throw into it... except BlackThorne.

It just freezes in the DOS-Box load and stop.

Help, anyone? If you donīt use DOS-Box or D-Fend to run your games please dont answer this thread.

Thanks in advance.

_r.u.s.s. 17-02-2008 12:08 AM

hit ctrl+f12 few times

if that doesn't help type in core and tell what does it say

The Fifth Horseman 17-02-2008 10:23 AM

He's using D-Fend. First thing to see is if running the game without a frontend changes anything.

wookiee 17-02-2008 02:15 PM

Lets start from scratch then, this is what I got when the game is downloaded:

I provide D-Fend with the link to each application, the exe and the setup... but really donīt know what to do with the crack file, when clicked it prompts a DOS screen for about half a second and dissapears without any kind of interaction available, this is what it looks (screenshot dificulty:sharpshooter)

The information provided to D-Fend to run the game is default in the settings, Iīve not made any modifications to screen sizes, mouse/keyboard/joystick, FPS and stuff like that.

Thanks to you guys for the quick response, if you know what happens bare with me a little, I want to play this A LOT and I can install and uninstall, reconfigure and tweak the settings as needed... just donīt make me use core barenaked DOS to run this, Iīm willing to even give up D-Fend and use DOSbox only instead.

_r.u.s.s. 17-02-2008 02:35 PM

well, i dunno, run pure dosbox, type
mount c c:\docume~1\Mikah\escrit~1\retro\blackt~1\
core dynamic
cycles 15000
setup (here setup your soundcard, if running on default settings it's gonna be: sound effects- sbpro 220 7 1; music sound- sbpro 220; save and exit)
then try "black.exe" and if that doesn't work run crack first instead

dosraider 17-02-2008 04:34 PM

mount c c:\docume~1\Mikah\escrit~1\retro\blackt~1\
hurts my eyes and my feelings.

Can help you.

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