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Lozzenger2 10-01-2009 07:28 PM Loz made 'em D:
First off, this is a WIP of a picture intended for my CV.
My CV is going to be styled like an old PC game, in a big box with a floppy boot disk and examples of my artwork in the manual, with the actual CV itself and my working examples on disk. (I' go into Game Level Design)

EDIT: Here's the bare link if you can't see it here:

The cover itself was based loosely on some old Commodore 64 covers I had knocking about, which were crazy fantastic.
Obviously, my attempt at a cover is still in dire need for some more refinery.
Let me know what you guys think, should any colours be changed? Should I make it lighter/darker? Should I add more detail or keep it simple? etc.

Otherwise, I'm not sure If I ever linked my Elfwood here, but if you guys wanna see some of my work, you can have a gander:

Bare in mind though, that I haven't updated this gallery with new material for well over 5 years now.
I'd recommend starting your viewing with the Jester. Since I believe that's one of my personal bests.

Ho hum!

Also, if anyone has any old blank (preferably black) PC game boxes going spare, drop me a line :P I need to get my hands on around 5-10 more if I can.

_r.u.s.s. 10-01-2009 09:14 PM

how can you draw like that? WITCHCRAFT!

Lozzenger2 10-01-2009 09:48 PM

I stick pencils up my nose and sneeze them out; art appears!

Japo 11-01-2009 11:00 AM

LOL ... I would read it

ayoeness 11-01-2009 01:42 PM

This is really brilliant, and so are the old pics by the way. You make me never wanna draw again. :amused:

edit: even better, and you're right.

Halindir 11-01-2009 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by ayoeness (Post 348075)
This is really brilliant, and so are the old pics by the way. You make me never wanna draw again. :amused:

I feel the other way, your pics are really awesome and makes me want to draw again :E

Quintopotere 12-01-2009 06:21 AM

You had a very fine idea for your CV!
Sadly, I'm not able to see the pic in your message... :(

However, your drawings at elfwood are good: I just wonder how much you improved yourself in 5 years...

Dave 12-01-2009 12:17 PM

Wow, really nice :nuts:

Spoonman 12-01-2009 04:01 PM

Very nice! I would really like to see stuff like those drawings integrated into a full picture with full background and stuff, that's got to be awesome (like your CV!) :)

Lozzenger2 13-01-2009 12:45 PM

@ Quin: I've stuck the direct link up underneath where the pic should be, not sure if that will work better for you or not.
Suffice to say I really don't think I've improved that much in 5 years. I took a looooong break for a while with the odd doodle here and there and have only really taken up my drawing habits again within the past year or so. My understanding of anatomy has improved a little thanks to some life drawing workshops my uni set up, but other than that....well, it's difficult to tell without me doing a big piece, which I really don't have time for at the moment with all the work I have to do.

@Spoonman: Do you mean that for the CV or for a drawing in general?

Thanks for the comments guys =]

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