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TheGiantMidgit 02-01-2006 07:02 AM

A nice place to chat about the acts (sadly) eluding the spotlight... stuff like Godspeed You Black Emperor, Arcade Fire, Modest Mouse, Neutral Milk Hotel, LCD Soundsystem, Sukpatch, Draco, Broken Social Scene, The New Pornographers, Wolf Parade, Animal Collective, A Silver Mount. Zion, Cursive, Pinback, KC Accidental, My Morning Jacket, or At the Drive In. You know the type.

Tulac 02-01-2006 09:41 AM

So this is the place to brag about our musical elitism?

TheGiantMidgit 02-01-2006 09:42 AM

Sort of, or just to escape the metal that dominates the forum which is what I was striving towards. ...and I don't intend to brag, but I'd genuinely like to talk about some of the acts going around. ...and it's not like these guys are so horrendously obscure, even the VGCats forum has a full blown Neutral Milk Hotel topic on itself, and they aren't exactly musical conisseurs.

Tulac 02-01-2006 09:48 AM

But it doesn't make sense to talk about bands only 10 people have heard of...
But hey I like Pink Floyd, is that for the masses?

TheGiantMidgit 02-01-2006 09:50 AM

It demonstrates taste. ...and it's not to say they aren't for the masses, after all, Dark Side is one of the best selling albums of all time. ...but see, there's a reason for it, it's great. I'm just trying to spread some awareness of a few amazing bands that are bullied out of most popular media.

Tulac 02-01-2006 10:51 AM

Aha, OK, but you could say from what kind of music they are, and if there are any downloads available...

TheGiantMidgit 02-01-2006 10:53 AM

Well, for example, I think there may be a video by Arcade Fire up.... Most are indy rock, some are minimalist techno, some are just experimental, but all are brilliant auditory artists. Arcade Fire's Neighbourhood Part 2 (Laika) video. Acquired musical taste, but still pretty well realized. and modest mouse song sample mp3's from their latest (and somewhat well known album. Nothing tops Moon and Antarctica though) album. Also included is the video for the song "Float On", which I was unaware existed until now.

Iron_Scarecrow 02-01-2006 10:59 AM

A Wilhelm Scream are deffinently worth a listen, most orignal and energetic punk I've ever heard. Their two albums Mute Print and Ruiner are absolutely amazing, their first, Benefits of Thinking Out Loud is more generic, but still good.

TheGiantMidgit 02-01-2006 11:03 AM

I'll be sure to check them out.

Iron_Scarecrow 02-01-2006 11:23 AM

If you want to download some songs these would be the ones to look for: The Rip, The King Is Dead, Famous Friends And Fashion Drunks, Me Vs. Morrisey In The Pretentiousness Contest (The Ladder Match) and The Pool.

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