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vipin 28-06-2007 05:18 AM

I have a game in java, it has a .java file extension. The game works well when I tested it on my windows xp using java sdk.
How can I make it playable on a cell phone?
Is there some kind of conversion involved?
Moreover, if the conversion is possible, then which cell phones are going to support it (it will be great if you can provide me with cell phone models so that I can search them).

If all this conversion is not possible, then what can I do so that I can create a game for playing on cell phones?

thanx in advance

guesst 28-06-2007 05:57 AM

THis belongs more in programming.

My understanding is that it has to be developed for cel phones using a speciffic cel phone java environment. I could research more on it, but I'm too lazy right now. You can't just zap convert it, but you may be able to tweak it to be celphone compatable if you get the SDK.

Ioncannon 06-07-2007 01:42 PM

I have been programming for mobile phones over the past few weeks so I can try to help. First, how complicated is your program? Java ME has only a select few of classes so you many need to change or remove some parts of your code. I haven't coded games in Java2SE but I am pretty sure you will need to modify it to use the GameCanvas class and other classes in lcdui.Game.

vipin 09-07-2007 08:25 AM

here's the code:->
(jst download this, its a very small notepad file)

but i think J2ME will not do it. its a bit complicated. i downloaded this code from the net.

Ioncannon 09-07-2007 06:38 PM

Sadly I have yet to experiment with vectors and 3d coding. Though from going over it, it seems that it would be possible to port this game. Most of the classes this game uses is in Java ME. The only thing I see that wouldn't work is the sound code. Maybe ask the author if he can port it?

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