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Lulu_Jane 17-08-2011 01:10 PM

Ravenloft - Strahd's Possession
Feel free to discuss the game and give hints and tips here.

Download here (if available)

Doomz 17-08-2011 01:39 PM

This game is great! Extremely atmospheric with a very eerie soundtrack. I bought the full version of the game a while back, played it all the way through and enjoyed it alot.

Unregistrered 17-08-2011 05:26 PM

Not a great one for me
I got this game back in 1994? on a disc that also Al-Qadim and Darksun (first game) on it. I liked Darksun better. Darksun is bleak and hard, Al-Qadim is a real adventure, and Ravenloft is the serious of the bunch.

This game has definitely good sides, but it is something else. I could only ever stand it for a couple of hours.

I never liked the balance between your starting characters and the world they live in. From their portraits and character sheets they seem too polished, too goody-goody and clean cut. The world has nasty wolves and poison and vampires. They should be dirty and bloody and hurt, not packing fresh colors and sparkling scrolls.

Some of the NPCs you meet are acting way over the top. The choices for the dialogue doesn't help. All NPCs speak in this incredibly theatrical way, like "I am done for, it is clear for all to see... I yeild, I am at your mercy..." Enough with the goth acting already, I've had my fill for this life.

All the lady-NPCs have big boobs. Who doesn't like big boobs? I guess the graphics designer wasn't gettin' any, well, it completely destroyed the atmosphere when I met the lady-ninja with a shirt about to burst.

I never really got into the part about the "realm in between", hidden by the mist and so on... If you touch it, you're wounded? Some of my friends wanted to play pen and paper Ravenloft, but I always declined, having seen this.

rabadi 18-08-2011 12:22 AM

Excellent release, Abandonia :OK:

DarthHelmet86 18-08-2011 02:48 AM

@Unregistered the Heroes are not from Ravenloft, they are from the Material Realm. The Mists hurting you is not something used in the P&P version of the game though with some of the Dark Lords when they close the borders the Mists will change to something that might hurt you. Also in the P&P game the Player Characters are normally from the Realms in Ravenloft and don't even know about the Material Realms, though it is possible to play someone from the Material Realm you get a few disadvantages.

It is a pity you never tried out the P&P version because you would have found one of the best D&D modules out there with some of the best stories and atmosphere.

byron45 18-08-2011 01:16 PM


Though the CD version includes refined graphics and extra detail like bats and the like flying around, these are just visual aspects and do not affect the player at all.
The CD version does include additional NPC, dungeons and quests, making it a "bigger" game.


Sadly this game is not perfect; as in many SSI games, bugs can be found, and some can be break your game. While playing this game to review it I found myself unable to move through certain doors and had to restart the game to move through them. And so far I have had trouble keeping NPCs in my party, as they seem to leave randomly, dumping all their gear at my feet.
Most of the versions of Strahd's Possession are quite buggy (the one from the AD&D Masterpiece Collection is bug free, though), but the leaving of NPCs is not a bug, but a feature. The story requires the cleric and the fighter to leave the party after exiting the catacombs beneath the Ivlis.

yoga 20-08-2011 09:41 AM

I would like to THANK

both Hunvagy and DarthHelmet86 for their perfect work!!


I played the game already, but many AB members now have the chance to meet and destroy bad Ravenloft..

I will wish You both big luck with next saga game -
Stone Prophet...


Guest Guest 28-08-2011 11:41 PM

Looks interesting, but the character portraits kinda suck. This is an RPG, so getting into the character is part of it right? Well playing a ranger without a decent portrait. Hmm Lets see, should I play the Human Ranger with the guy who looks like a barbarian? Or the one that looks like a swarthy hobbit or old wizard? I tried a human thief, but the only one that looked like the thief I wanted to role-play was an aged guy in a hood, who was obviously a wizard, but what the hell. But then I was stumped when rolling attributes, the character sheets only show human character ages from like 16-19 yrs old. That doesnt go with the character picture. So what I'm saying is that they should have put in more pictures to select from, but they seem to have this problem with alot of RPGs. I had this same gripe even when playing games like Baldurs Gate, though the limited pics are a bit more workable. With Ravenloft, I guess if you are playing a hobbit, dwarf or hobbit wizard you are good to go, baby

Scatty 29-08-2011 06:59 AM


Originally Posted by Guest Guest (Post 433091)
I had this same gripe even when playing games like Baldurs Gate, though the limited pics are a bit more workable

You can add your own portraits in Baldur's Gate 1 or 2 to select for characters, though. If you like any custom ones, I can send you few dozens of good ones (in my opinion).

Guest Guest 30-08-2011 12:56 AM

Thats cool that you can add pictures to Baldurs Gate. See, that's thinking about the players. Maybe I dont wanna play a hobbit pimp (you know the pic im talkin about), but the makers of Ravenloft thought otherwise I guess.
Its too bad though I stopped playing BG awhile back and gave it to someone else. Sometimes a small issue like bad player pics will stop me from playing a game, but with Baldurs Gate, I just plain didn't like the other adventurers in the party. LOL

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