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Slevin 30-04-2008 10:55 PM

Problems to run Daggerfall on XP
Hi, i've just got a copy of Daggerfall from the internet but i can't run it. I'm trying to do it on DosBOX, but it keep asking for a CD... There's a file in the game directory called "noCD.bat", and i thought it was the game's crack, but it doesn't run (when i try it DosBOX screen goes black and not return)... What can i do?


Scatty 01-05-2008 07:01 AM

Well, downloading Daggerfall from the internet is illegal, since it's still protected by ESA.
Buy yourself the game on CD and you should have no troubles.

Slevin 02-05-2008 04:40 PM

oh man.... Will you tell me that you've never done something similar? Like downloading a music from internet? Bethesda don't need the money that would be got if i or any other guy buy daggerfall... And I don't have enough money to buy it... But i am a fan of games like this one, it's a good game that dont need a powerful machine (actually i dont have one, i have a Win98 Pentium 1, 64 RAM 166 mhz, i hope these information may be useful to abandonia database)... Can someone help me? if you dont want to do it in this forum i'll give my e-mail:
[removed for your own good, believe me]...

thank you

Mighty Midget 02-05-2008 05:56 PM

First, we are somewhat reluctant to discuss warez. Where to get it is right out and even how to get it to run can cause a bit of concern for some.

Second: We dont condone piracy, not even if you "can't afford it". That simply is no excuse.

You may have come across one of the Daggerfall for Win9x versions. I have one with a nocd crack but I couldn't get it to run in XP. The only way I got it to run was through Virtual PC with Win98SE installed. Of course, you can try Win98 compatibility in XP, but I had no luck with that. Also, at least for my copy, it had to be installed to a c:\dagger folder, that is, the folder needed to be in the root directory of the c drive.

Another thing is: Please edit out your email address in the post. Forum rules, you see. Ask people to PM you instead.

Slevin 02-05-2008 06:52 PM

thank you mighty midget, for aswer me.
Ok, i'll never try to discuss something similar again, i'll respect abandonia rules.

I've put the files in C:\dagger, and now i'm getting a new error message: " You cannot play dagggerfall off the cd, please install the game first", but when i try to run the install.exe file, "DOS file not found: data\dagger.col", but this file IS in the right directory...?

Mighty Midget 02-05-2008 07:00 PM

Does the game come as a bunch of zip/rar files with a zip/rar exe? Is there a readme file there? Do they tell you how to set it up, the guys you got it from?

I could try to dig up my copy and see how it's supposed to be unpacked and set up. I only need to find it first.

Slevin 02-05-2008 07:08 PM

It came as a 128 mega zip file, when i unziped it there were a lots of "dagger.r01, dagger.r02, .r03, ......) and a Winrar self-extracting file.

they don't tell anyhing about how to install the game, just some files about fixes of the patch 2.13 and the save problem... but i'm reading them now... dont think there would be nothing useful..

Mighty Midget 02-05-2008 07:17 PM

Ok, unzip the rar files to a folder different from C:\dagger.

Now, first do a test to make sure you won't mess up your c:\ root.
Create a folder named Dagger in C:\

Run the rar exe and unrar the files to that folder. You'll either end up with all the game files in C:\Dagger, or you'll get them in a C:\Dagger\Dagger folder.

If the latter is the case, delete these unrared files as well as the Dagger folders, and unrar to C:\

If the former is the case, you are on the right track.

Slevin 02-05-2008 07:37 PM

i've just done it, th install.exe file runs now, but it dont found another file that IS in the data folder, the font0000,FNT

Mighty Midget 02-05-2008 07:39 PM

You DON'T need to install it. Just run setup for sound and run the nocd.bat to run the game.

EDIT: And you want to run whatever patch exe there is, especially fixmaps. Do NOT run fixsave unless you really screw up the savegames.

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