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dosraider 05-11-2009 03:15 PM

Dosbox and Windows 7 [Basic howto]
Installing and running Dosbox 0.73 on Windows 7
Download "Windows 0.73 Win32 installer" from
Run the installer. Accept everything.

Next important step: create a folder to use as virtual C:\ in dosbox.
Open 'computer', browse to c:\users\your name\ and create a new folder named oldgames.

Now open your start menu, open dosbox menu items, open configuration,
click on edit configuration, will open your dosbox 0.73 config file in notepad.
*If you want multiple personalised conf files read the dosbox readme to know how to proceed, but for most users the default config file will do fine*
Scroll the whole way down to header [autoexec] and add:
mount c "c:\users\your name\oldgames"

Save and exit.

Run dosbox now, if you did it all correctly dosbox will start up with a C:\ prompt ready.

Using a virtual C located in your personal folders will avoid getting all kind of troubles installing/saving games running in dosbox 0.73 / Windows 7.

If you have a partitioned harddisk, you also simply can create an 'oldgames' folder on your D: partition (or E: F: ...).
Adapt your mount lines accordingly.


Dosbox 0.74 is released, that's the one you should have now.

Almost everything is the same, except you'll find the dosbox conf edit in 'options'.
Uploaded with
If for some reason you want to keep an older version of dosbox besides 0.74, no problem, they won't interfere with each other.
==> But do NOT use the ol'dosbox conf files with 0.74.

Ziggy1977 02-08-2010 05:21 PM

DOSBox with no command line
I did it all with 0.74. But when I open DOSBox, there window is blank with no command lines (only the header stating CPU Speed 3000 cycles, Frameskip 0. Can you help me, please?

_r.u.s.s. 02-08-2010 06:01 PM

look on the bottom, at your taskbar...

The Fifth Horseman 03-08-2010 10:05 AM

Screenshot, please.

dosraider 04-08-2010 02:30 PM

Alter output= in dosbox conf, this usually solves such problem.

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