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TheChosen 03-09-2012 12:49 AM

Oogieloves, the biggest flop seen in a while
I just heard about this movie and oh man, sounds like this is the contender of one of the awfully bad movies of all time. The kind of bad that its not even funny unless you've had several shots of alcohol or dose of drugs.

This is actually a audience participation movie, kind of like Rocky Horror Picture Show. Problem is, its a kids movie. The kind of kids that would watch Teletubbies or Barney & Friends.


I actually watched the trailer for first time as I was writing about this and yes, it really does look that bad. The production quality is so low. Then they got guys like Carey Elwes and Christopher Lloyd! I would really love to see Elwes in another comedy rather than this. And when was the last time Lloyd was in a more serious and at least semi-decent movie? Seeing Jaime Pressly makes me sad too, as it reminds me that this exist, but fifth season of My Name is Earl doesn't.

Another reason why this is such a big deal is that its a cinematic release. Yeah, it looks like it was made for TV or a DVD-release, and I honestly woulnd't probably making such a fuzz if it were, but no, they actually showed this film in cinemas across the America. For its opening week, it only earned 448,131$ and was showed in over 2000 cinemas so the average is about 224$. Whats the budget? 12 million dollars (EDIT: And apparently 4 times more than that). Money well spent.

No kid deserves this. Please dont let your kids see it. Even the Teletubbies seem like a sensible choice.

Scatty 04-09-2012 11:52 AM

It would be probably something worth notice in the beginning of the 90's, where things like Sesame Street were still running all over TV channels (at least in Europe). But then again, on TV's only. How (and why) they managed to get this one out to the cinemas is beyond me.

bukimi 13-09-2012 10:01 AM

For me, it's more fascinating that you can spend 12 million dollars on a film like this one :D

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