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guesst 22-06-2006 05:34 AM

While doing some stuff I'm told I can't talk about I found something I'm told I can't talk about which resulted in my loading up my SMS/GG emulator. I was fortunate to choose the right one or I never would have discovered this game, well not the way that I did. But when I did discover it I just had to share it with someone. (Boy, that's alot more crypic after the edit)

<div align="center"> Hunter 3D</div>
The screen shots above don't do this game justice. This Sega Master System game was one of only 8 games produced that took advantage of SMS's flicker glasses to produce a 3D effect. Of the SMS3D games that I played something about this one inspired me. Unlike most of the rest where objects are flying at you from the screen, this one was basicly a top-down game that could have just as easily been done in 2D. The 3D effect was used like a pop-up book to add depth to the screens. Similar to the recent GBA title Zelda and the Minish Cap a certian amount of the game play involves travel between the various depths so that while you are on the top looking down you know that eventually you will be teleported to that lower level. Unlike Minish Cap, however, the levels are not as interactive with each other. But seeing this executed in 3D just added so much vitaility to the game that it would be a shame to play it any other way. It's the sort of thing that touched that little corner of my mind that designs games I can't ever hope to see a reality. This game seemed distilled straight from that subconscious.

In order to experience the game in 3D you have 2 options. One, hunt down and buy a Sega Master System, flicker glasses, and cartrage. The other option is the SMS emulator Dega. Unlike other, aparently more popular SMS emulators, only Dega takes the shudder effect of the old games and converts it to red/blue. That's right. Get out your 3D glasses left over from that 3D movie you bought, or the back of the cereal box, or that 3D comic book, or whatever. Surely, somewhere you have red/blue 3d glasses lying around. Then just load up the game and enjoy. Unfortunately the red/blue-ing of the game does desaturate the colors somewhat, but it is the price one pays for easy 3D. (Apparently, Dega's screen capture re-saturates the colors and only gives you the left eye view, and prt scr is of no effect, otherwise I'd give you a sample here.)

Dispite being years before polygon games would allow "true" 3D, here Sega was making it happen with just a little bit of slight of hand. Sure it was a gimic, and not a very popular one. Without 3D this game would be little more than a mildly annoying maze game. Its one hit deaths and limited weapons make for arcade-like restart frequency. Then again, enemies are generally sparce and also killed with a single swipe of your mighty lead pipe, and once you were fimiliar with a level it wasn't so bad navigating it.

I give this game a 4. Give it a 3 if you're using another emulator and can't get the 3D effect.

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