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derboo 22-08-2009 03:32 PM

derboo - Any interest in old games from Korea?
Lately, I've been introducing Korean DOS-Games on a site I frequent, HardcoreGaming 101.

I wondered if those might be interesting for Abandonia to host. I understand the site won't have any of the RPGs, but there's a ton of other games that are playable without any language knowledge, and most of these games have been virtually unavailable to western gamers so far.

I figure most of the companies that made them are out of business by now, but I'd offer to check that on a case-by-case basis. I could also provide the necessary informations for the database, and maybe even write some reviews.

How about it?

Luchsen 22-08-2009 08:00 PM

Of course! It is a pity that there are so many untranslated games, so we should at least get the ones which are playable without translation. We only need the games and someone to review them. :)

Unknown and endangered games are the first that have to be saved. :D

derboo 23-08-2009 02:02 AM

Alright. Where can I make submissions to (files will probably come in slow at first, since my access to the internet is rather unstable atm).

Luchsen 23-08-2009 01:59 PM

PM sent. :PM:

derboo 24-08-2009 01:26 PM

I've uploaded the first batch:

Mirinae Software
* working on a review

* will work on a review after the other one is done

Super Cop

Van Slug: X Mission
Soft Action (published by Samsung)

Super Trio
Dong Sung Joycom

Lars the Wanderer
(this might be in a grey zone for the site, there is some ingame dialogue, but it's not much of a hindrance, other than the choice between 1-and-2-player modes, which could be explained in additional notes to the review)

Family Production

Saccade 24-08-2009 06:32 PM


I have to know some Korean for MA - Grandmaster Chang's English isn't so great sometimes.
I can't read it, unless it's martial arts stuff... But I can pick out some words to glean something from.

I'd love to see these...

derboo 25-08-2009 11:22 AM

Can I just post reviews in here? Or should I upload those, too?

Paco 25-08-2009 11:34 AM

Yes, you can uploads it in txt or doc format in the Game-Folder in your Folder.

but make it at last long enough (at last 15 Lines or more) but i think TA can explain you more of it.

Next time create a Folder for each Game and put Game, Review, Screenshots, Extra in there.

TotalAnarchy 25-08-2009 12:16 PM

Since I'm a lazy person, I'll just copy-paste what I wrote before. XD


Originally Posted by TotalAnarchy (Post 378176)
When doing a review, remember to follow these guidelines:


1) Review must be longer than 15 lines.
2) Review has 4 sections:
-DOSBox Info
-How to run the game
Last three are optional but should be included if:
a) Notes - if there's additional info you have (trivia, about extras, sequels, hints or helpful comments etc)
b) DOSBox Info - If the game is run using DOSBox and needs a different number of cycles than the default ones. Additional DOSBox tweaking.
c) How to run the game - If there are additional steps needed to run the game besides starting a specific executable, it's recommended to specify them.
3) Not point-based. That means you can divide the main review into sections like (Introduction, Graphics, Sound and so on), but you're not allowed to rate them separately.
4) Include a score from 1 to 5, without counting decimals (only 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
5) I, myself consider this optional, but some updaters would appreciate if you include the game's release info and titles of the games similar to it (already on our site). But if you don't want to, don't do it. The updaters are still obligated to check the release info.
6) Save it in a txt or doc file.


You need to supply at least 5 screens. 5-8 screens is the optimal number. If the review is very long, you can upload up to 15 screens (that's the max). You need to include also the listingshot (titleshot, at the beginning of the game, where the title is displayed). In DOSBox you press Ctrl+F5 to capture a screenshot.

Optimal size of screenshots: 320x200. If there is no such resolution or one that can be resized to this, capture the original resolution.

derboo 26-08-2009 12:40 AM

Uploaded a review and screenshots for Erachacha.

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