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Kosta 11-03-2004 10:28 AM

X-Com - Terror from the Deep
Feel free to comment and discuss this game here. Also, if you have any useful tips or tricks don't hesitate to share them with the others! Thanks!

Review and Download (if available)

LotharGR 26-03-2004 11:41 PM

As a game it is less good than UFO 1, but i imagine that the makers of this game read a lot of Lovecraft books :) I remember UFO 2 having too many references to the cthulhu myth. As also, if i remember correctly, another games that are inspired are alone in the dark and Shadow of the comet ( by the way is this game anywere? i never played it :( )

Anonymous 14-05-2004 09:06 AM

I prefer the first X-COM. It just looks, feels and plays better. That is not to say that X-COM2 is bad, it's just too samey. I remember reading a review somewhere where they said X-COM2 should of been an expansion pack, not a sequal. That pretty much sums it up. :wink:

I think Home of the Underdogs have Shadow of the Comet. Do a search on google for 'em. :wink:

Danny252 14-05-2004 03:30 PM

TFTD is ok IMO, but Xcom 1 is cooler.

MarsTheGod66 15-05-2004 12:03 PM

is there a patch for ufo2 for windows (i have xp) because the game runs ... well i dont know how to say it ... choppy, it just doesnt run smoothly, it feels like i have small LAG-s (if you play over the net then you know what i mean)

Anonymous 24-05-2004 05:55 AM

To the Mars God,

If the game is choppy than either download the Window version of X-Com2 or run the dos version under a program called Dosbox

yours sincerely,

The X-Com fanatic/worshipper

Anonymous 24-05-2004 08:36 PM

I got XP too
Unforunatly I cant even start the game i get the following message:
...INSATLL.EXE cannot run Attempt to acces invalid adress.

Anyone knows what that means?

Anonymous 02-06-2004 02:55 PM

Yeah baby
XCOM rocks, I am the commander.

Anonymous 11-06-2004 12:22 PM

Re: I got XP too

Unforunatly I cant even start the game i get the following message:
...INSATLL.EXE cannot run Attempt to acces invalid adress.

Anyone knows what that means?

I have the same problem.

Run it in zip file.

that worked on my computer.

Anonymous 11-06-2004 12:22 PM

Re: I got XP too


Unforunatly I cant even start the game i get the following message:
...INSATLL.EXE cannot run Attempt to acces invalid adress.

Anyone knows what that means?

I had the same problem.

Run it in zip file.

that worked on my computer.

Anonymous 27-06-2004 02:36 PM

As good as the original
I found this sequel as good as X-Com 1. I would even say that it's a *little* better ... Sure that it's just under water and there not as much battle on the ground, but the advantages (more crafts, weapons, technologies, and graphics a little better) surpasse the disadvantages IMHO. I've finished the two games !

It's my best DOS game of all time with X-Com 1, King's Quest 6, Space Quest 5, Goal, Little Big Adventure(!), Privateer(!), and Lands of Lore(!). The last one is ssooo good !!! But warning ... it's too addictive ! ;)

NeVeR 27-06-2004 03:43 PM

Hmm...I kinda feel the opposite....Ufo 1 graphics seem kinda better to me *shrug*
Maybe I just like the models more...

Kosta 27-06-2004 03:46 PM

I agree. The geoscape in TfTD is just plain ugly, and the rest is the same from what I saw. They could have definitely done a better job, but its still fun to play :)

revgb 28-06-2004 01:26 AM

this is a subject heading!
i actully found that the game wasnt very fun to play, the boat missions where you had to do 5 maps on one encounter got relly tedious. also i dunno if its been fixed but i seem to recall when it first came out you would only get the wepons and equipment of the final level.

i only relly finished it to see the end, as opposed to ufo which i play to have fun

gregor 28-06-2004 09:42 AM

Re: As good as the original

I found this sequel as good as X-Com 1. *I would even say that it's a *little* better ... *Sure that it's just under water and there not as much battle on the ground, but the advantages (more crafts, weapons, technologies, and graphics a little better) surpasse the disadvantages IMHO. I've finished the two games ! *

:?: weapons are more or less the same then in UFO only differently designed and named. as well as crafts and aliens. X-com does have beter graphics (larger figures and combat field), but it really lacks the surface combats. why? who knows. i mean what difference would it make to throw in a couple of surface combat areas?

my first contact with these games series was X-com - a long time ago. and to tell you the truth when i then saw UFO i wasn't impressed with it's graphics so much. but like i said i first played xcom and then ufo. i like the terror site in UFO a lot more though.

lasdlt 02-07-2004 04:57 AM

I liked XCOM1, and I'd love to play XCOM2 (I actually bought it recently) but can't get it to run on Windows 2000 and it runs much too slowly on DOSBox. I've built a Windows 98 machine that it should run on, I'm just too lazy to set it up :P.

Omuletzu 02-07-2004 08:02 AM


I'm just too lazy :P.
Yeah i know the feeling

Anonymous 12-07-2004 06:34 AM

I have actually played and completed both X-Coms, and I have to say that the sequel is actually inferior. The only good thing about TftD is that the alien fuel source is no longer as scarce. In the original X-Com, elerium was a rare commodity as UFO engines usually get blown whenever you shoot them down. In order to ensure a decent stock of elerium, I had to allow the UFOs to land in order to capture them intact. In TftD, the fuel source zrrbite is plentiful as the UFO engines do not disintegrate so easily.

Aside from that TftD is just a revamped X-Com but with a higher difficulty level and a slightly different tech tree. The terror missions are way too tedious and you certainly get frustrated and/or bored after having to do a door-to-door search to find the last alien for the umpteenth time.

The sequel isn't a game for first timers. Play the original first, and give this a try only if you happen to want more action.

revgb 12-07-2004 08:34 AM

i defenetly agree with what bontakun said, TFTD wasnt half as good as the original.

Btw lasdlt i can play UFO enemy unkown just fine in win2k

Eagle of Fire 13-09-2004 08:04 AM

There is some land missions. I remember that terror missions on the surface of water were aimed at cruise boats, and you had to fight that 2 map mission on the deck and inside the ship. I also remember hitting terror missions on harbors.

But then, it was hardly interesting if half of your guys were equiped with water weapons... <_<

Tomat 19-10-2004 12:30 AM

I would like to know where can i download x-com2?


Tom Henrik 19-10-2004 09:38 AM

If you mean Terror From the Deep, then we have it on the site.

sweetjimmy 24-10-2004 03:29 PM

newb alert. Hey I love this site, just discovered it yesterday and I've been playing UFO ever since. I downloaded TFTD but I was wondering if there is a trick to get sound to work. When I installed it (everything seemed to go okay) it asked me a bunch of stuff about my soundcard like IRQ, etc. I have no clue what these should be or even if setting it to SB16/Awe32 will work for my Live! card.

Anyone have a tip for me?

Tom Henrik 24-10-2004 03:33 PM

Run the game in DOSBox.
Choose Soundblaster.
Set the IRQ to 5.

Guest_sweetjimmy 25-10-2004 06:01 PM

awesome! thanks man!

jpnuar1 02-11-2004 03:28 AM

Works horribly in windows. Choppy sound, nearly impossible scrolling, even at slowest speeds, and randomly closes in terror missions.

One question though, for those who actually had the patience to beat the game. Is it just me, or is it impossible to research allien alloys? I cant get armor for my troops, and without it, I can't get better ships (can I?) so is this game just like xcom 1, only harder because of these, or what?

Eagle of Fire 02-11-2004 05:18 AM

The game is not meant to be played in Windows. Use DOSBox.

To research the alien alloys you must have a live Night One available in research. If I remember well you don't have to research it, just have it available in your research tree. This will open up the alien alloys.

jpnuar1 02-11-2004 05:33 AM

Well, DOSBox really helps with the battles, so thank you. But it goes too slowly in the world map, so I had to (by which I mean I chose to) save it and restart in windows.
Also, which race from X-Com 1 are the Night ones equivalent of?
Please not ethereals please not ethereals please not ethereals please not etherals.....

Eagle of Fire 02-11-2004 06:01 AM

There is a key in DOSBox to get the game go faster or slower, I think it's CTRL-F11 or CTRL-F10. You should look in the helpfiles, it's all there. I usually use 10000 cycles, but I think it's computer dependant. If you get it too high for your computer it will start to run slower back.

The alien I am talking about is the melee alien, the one who "spits" acid at his victims.

I myself never had a problem with Ethereals in UFO, and I really wonder what's the deal about it.

D-1-Viper 03-11-2004 08:11 PM

when i bought ufo i got it in a colectors edition it waz ufo1 and ufo2 + the compleat strategy books for both games maps and all and i still got the books to bad i cant send them to you

Psyclone 05-11-2004 01:07 AM

I played X-com Apocalypse first and am now playing Ufo, i have to say i like the Apocalypse better, but that's probably just because i played it first. Btw, is X-com Apocalypse abandonware yet? If it is i'd happily upload it..

Eldin 18-11-2004 07:28 PM

I absolutely love this game and ufo defence. :ok:
UFO defence has better graphics but I think that tftd has the same feeling to the game as ufo defence.

I'm having a bit of a problem though. It seems my scientists absolutely refuse to research Aqua Plastics! :crazy: So I can't get any armor which is sort of a drawback and makes things abit complicated. :wall:
Anyone know how to fix this? It happens in every game. :cry:

Eagle of Fire 18-11-2004 07:31 PM


To research the alien alloys you must have a live Night One available in research. If I remember well you don't have to research it, just have it available in your research tree. This will open up the alien alloys.

The alien I am talking about is the melee alien, the one who "spits" acid at his victims.

Guest 18-11-2004 07:48 PM

Think they're called dark ones ... :whistle:

Anyway, thanks a lot! :-)

Eagle of Fire 21-11-2004 09:43 PM

I've found a site which can be really usefull for anyone playing TFTD. It seems that the research tree is meant to be researched in the right order or you might not be able to research some important aspects of the game and not even be able to finish the game whatsoever.

This site will help you win the game if you encouter this bug. Be warned tough that using this site to get access to all technology is considered cheating.

Guest 21-11-2004 10:15 PM

A great game. I prefer UFO slightly because of the terrain which is more varied.

Havell 21-11-2004 10:56 PM

I don't like TFTD as much as UFO because the aliens in TFTD seem to be hugely more powerful, they can shoot you from the other side of the map when you can't even see 10 feet in front of you.

Eagle of Fire 22-11-2004 01:54 AM

We did not been playing the same game R Havell... Really not... :huh:

Joe 29-11-2004 07:11 AM

I love this game. I prefer it to the original by quite a lot, even though it has seemingly random difficulty. In one game, I barely defended the area around Japan (where I always put my base) and I got up to September (1st year). On the other, I blew up/killed/captured every...single.... alien and their UFOs. But no, that wasn't good enough for you, was it, YOU STUPID FUNDERS. Anyways, here's a tip - load yourself up on scientists and research that magnetism thingy so that you can tell who is in the ship. Saved me may a time from the goddamned lobster-man.

They are seemingly incapable of dying easily, too, which is annoying. But oh well.

Eagle of Fire 29-11-2004 08:23 AM

Well, you should build your first base around USA since they are the major funder. If you neglige them you will find that you lack funds quite fast, since they start financing you with 800,000$ on the first month..!

Tom Henrik 06-12-2004 02:11 PM

Added the manual in .pdf format :D

Dr. Dude 09-12-2004 09:35 AM

Great games Ufo and Tftd :pimp:

BUT... on the last mission of Tftd... the game crashes :karate:

Anyone knows a fix for that? I am running on crappy win xp pro sp2...

Eagle of Fire 09-12-2004 10:00 AM

I never actually finished TFTD myself. :tomato:

I know of a rumor which said that the comercial release of TFTD was infected by a virus known to format the HD of the player when they reached the last mission.

I am not sure if that rumor is true (or was true), but if you can't play the last mission try to find a patch for TFTD. This is likely to be enough to let you end the game. :)

Dr. Dude 09-12-2004 10:26 AM

er... and where can i find this "good" patch?

I have tryed about 3 patches :whip:
A virus? Well i guess norton will kill it before it try's something

I had a Hd crash last week so not much to lose anyway :whistle:

Eagle of Fire 09-12-2004 10:46 AM

First of all, do you use DOSBox?

Dr. Dude 09-12-2004 05:59 PM

The what? Can you eat that? :blink:

Thats a no :ph34r:

Edit: I have downloaded it, and tryed evry start command in the ufo folder. Al say it can't be run in dos :ranting:

Eagle of Fire 10-12-2004 01:39 AM

Then you have the Windows version. I would suggest that you find the DOS version and use DOSBox with XP to run it, but then I am really not sure if you could take your savegame to the DOS version... Would beat the purpose.

Fawfulhasfury 29-12-2004 12:51 AM

This game is chalk full of H.P. Lovecraft references. One of the sea creatures is even Cthulhu. :D :ok:

The Duke 09-01-2005 12:45 PM


Originally posted by Fawfulhasfury@Dec 29 2004, 01:51 AM
This game is chalk full of H.P. Lovecraft references. One of the sea creatures is even Cthulhu. :D :ok:
what the hell is that. any way i have(in cd form) all X-com games and have had them for a while. i like UFO-Enemy Unknown I also Like TFTD And Apocalypse. i think the battles in TfTD are better and the colours of the menues are also better but the geoscape in UFO is better designed. I also think the Shipping routs are a pain in the behind and the way the tech tree is designed is gay eg you cant get the displacer sonic until you get the hammerhead. i agree tho that the lobster men are a pain but all you have to do is use thermal shock bombs, sonic cannons and disrupter pulse launchers :sneaky:. all in all i think both are great games as well as apoc(classic). they are probably the best stratigies ever. much better that C&C.

ps. my friend finnished it(commercial version) and it didn't format his HD. its a myth.

Fawfulhasfury 09-01-2005 02:37 PM

that is an author of some real good horror books. Try shadow of the comet to play a game based on his books.

The Duke 09-01-2005 10:37 PM

TFTD was the one i played first cos the floppy version of ufo didn't load on properly and i still feel that tftd is that much better than UFO

Guest 12-01-2005 03:54 PM

i ever say that tftd is the best stategy game of ufo and sequels 'cause it have the better grafic and gameplay.
i tried xcom apocalipse thinging was better and i considered its grafic very ugly, and the game play very complex...
not else :D

OneOfTheMany 14-01-2005 01:45 AM

UFO was far better that TFTD. Those cruise terror missions.... :not_ok:

X-COM Apocalypse was ok, but it lacked that ufo atmosphere, and organic-based alien tech sucked... :blink:

The Duke 14-01-2005 07:02 AM

Why do you think that i think its original.

OneOfTheMany 14-01-2005 12:18 PM

The 'organic alien tech' idea is good, but the implementation was bad. Remember spitters (dudes with no heads, shooting acid from their necks, :sick: )? The brainsucker thingy was great, on the other hand.
Also the ships looked very bad, those small ones looked like sh*t, literally :D
They missed so many things... imagine what it would be like if you could build sam sites near your base for example (like those pwt cannons from xcom, the base defense). :ranting:
Missions....all you needed to do is line up your soldiers in a firing squad and wait for the aliens to come and then :sniper: :rifle:

Eagle of Fire 14-01-2005 12:52 PM

Actually, the hover bikes is one essential part of my ship force. They are extremely usefull.

OneOfTheMany 14-01-2005 07:41 PM

i was talking about alien ships, YOUR ships (my ships) looked great, especially the annihilator. Hoverbikes were cool too

The Duke 17-01-2005 04:07 AM

Thats a good idea tho. SAM sites :ok: . yeah well there aliens who knows what crazy stuff they do. but we all know that there taste in design is up there ar*e. :D

Eagle of Fire 17-01-2005 04:11 AM

Please, this thread is about Xcom 2 not Xcom 3. I replyed to it earlier because I actually tought it was the Apocalypse thread, how about going back to topic?

The Duke 17-01-2005 04:13 AM

Roger that :ok:. Sorry champ.

Guest_john 17-01-2005 01:37 PM

any way to slow the game down? it runs on xp but the clock goes well fast, and on the missions every time i move the mouse i end up at the edge of the map!

Eagle of Fire 17-01-2005 01:39 PM

Use DOSBox. If it's a Windows version I don't think you would have that problem.

For the edge scrolling and squaddies walking, there is speed options in the ? button to the lower right of the screen.

Guest_john 17-01-2005 01:58 PM

it was the version that i downloaded from here.
yeah i changed scroll settings down to 1, but its still quite hard to play

The Duke 19-01-2005 09:40 AM

Look for a program called 'turbo' i have it but dont know if i can give it to you what it does is you type in say 50 and it will slow your computer down to 50% i got it off a friend ages ago. :ok:

Jman4117 22-01-2005 08:38 PM

Excellent game, but rushed out the door with most of the code reused from the original. From a tactical standpoint its far ahead of X-com, play this one on beginner after beating the original on superhuman. :evil:

Strategy Tips:

1. You can actually open doors before you enter a room in this game. Use it to keep from being cut down with reaction fire from all those aliens that stop moving after 10 or so turns.

2. All of the Sonic guns are on relativly equal footing. The cannon rarely gets you more than one shot, whereas the rifle and pistol can give you 2-3 shots on the move.

3. Use those tanks to scout in that wide open ocean terrian.

4. Gas cannons are awesome, anyone who can carry one gets one at least until gauss rifles come around.

5. Explosives do 4x damage to large terror units, and also the weak under armor is used instead of the side that was hit when the damage is decided. (Best use of Gas cannon HE :ok: )

6. Shok bombs knock Lobbies out cold. Fire then nade the body.

P.S. - Be on the look out for the research bugs. Whatever you do, DON'T research a Tasloth Commander, it is not a legal unit and will likely corrupt your save.

As for Turbo: I saw it on one of the X-com fan sites about 6 months ago, not sure if it is still around on the web.

Bluk 25-01-2005 12:50 AM

I got a problem. When my curser even touches the edge of the screen in battle mode, instead of slowly scrolling to a different part of a map, it jets me all the way to the other end faster than my granmother can take down a cheeseburger. I have a similar problem when im trying to look at a different part of the world. I click the rotation butten as quickly as I can and the world spins compleatly around. can anyone help?

Jman4117 25-01-2005 03:38 AM

Your CPU is to fast for the game, keep in mind it was made for 486's. Get a slowdown utility such as Turbo to get the game playable

Eagle of Fire 25-01-2005 06:24 AM

Use DOSBox.

Bluk 25-01-2005 09:04 PM

Thanks :)
I do have dosbox. I tried to figure it out last night, but I almost pulled my hair out.
Now looking for that turbo thing.

Bluk 25-01-2005 09:19 PM

I just figured it out. Heh, so simple. Scroll speed.

Guest 29-01-2005 12:13 PM

I agree in general about the difference between X1 and X2, X1 had more thrill and excitement, while almost everything is the same on X2. However, it's the twists in the research tree that make X2 so interesting, as well as the use of Hand to Hand weapons (Which cleave through the lobsters like butter btw) For those who don't know it, calcinites are the key to H2H weapons, a corpse will be enough for the Vibro Blade, but a live one is needed for the others. The problem is that they don't always appear in the game

Kevin 31-01-2005 01:33 AM

I remember the intro video was actually animated when I first played x-com 2 many years again. I the game I downloaded here has the intro as a slide show. Is that just the way it is now?

Jman4117 31-01-2005 04:18 AM

That version of the game is about 30mb I believe. Would take up a lot of extra bandwidth just to get the video.

albur 31-01-2005 08:41 AM

xcom 1 is a litle better than xcom 2 but the best for me is xcom-apocalypse (xcom 3) you can do a lot of things you've never imagine. I recomend it for you all

another_guest 06-02-2005 12:16 AM

Some people told me TFtD was too hard for them to complete - I never tried, as it looked way too much like UFO...
But a sort of cheat I've never run across on the internet so far, is to alter your soldiers:
use a hexeditor to open the "soldiers.dat" file; you'll see their names followed by a series of figures. Change any of those values that aren't 00 to CC (for an early saving). This will give you more time units, excellent accuracy, etc. Only throwing grenades won't work anymore since every possible place is out of reach. Maybe it's got to do with the throwing accuracy being too high.
Oh, and the reason why I'd limit to CC (theoretically you could go all the way up to FF, which is hexadecimal for 255) is that your soldiers will improve with time. Once they'd get above 255 for any characteristic, you won't be able to use them at all.
As for savings later in the game: the improvements of your soldiers compared to their beginning status, will be listed after their initial values in the file, so there only alter the first half of all values (or change them all to 66 -> together with the improvements that will give you about 200 for each characteristic).
I'm not 100% sure about the order in which the characteristics are listed in the file, I believe it was the same order as in the game when you look at the soldiers' stats, but if you want to be sure you'll have to try for yourselves...

Jman4117 06-02-2005 04:50 AM

The game isn't THAT hard... O.o

Eagle of Fire 06-02-2005 04:44 PM

The game is easily twice as hard than the original but that's hardly a problem for me... :blink:

The real problem woudl be that it's also twice as long, so twice as boring...

x-com maniac 11-02-2005 07:01 AM

the game ! X-com Wow awsome ...

the story ! great !


DrGamut 14-02-2005 06:56 AM

ACK! I'm having a big issue in X-Com 1. :( :( :(

Can anyone help me?

The first time I played, I did terrible, scored negative monthly ratings every time, and eventually lost the USA to the aliens.

Second time around, complete opposite, 1000+ monthly ratings every month, taking down every sighted UFO and/or defeating their forces at land.

April 1999 comes around...suddenly the USA is buzzing with UFOs. I take down 2 larges and various smalls, but allow two very larges to conduct their business in Canada and USA untouched, big mistake. An infiltration mission succeeds and I lose USA. So I reload my save and redo April, this time I take out both battleships as soon as I can (after they land on the USA), and a large abductor as well. Another large ship manages to slip away before I can get it. This is on the 14th. So I fast forward to the end of the month to see what happens, skipping through completed research notifications and spottings of small craft (no terrorism site comes up, though it does if I don't fast forward). At the end of the month...


What the hell is up? If I play too poorly I lose them? If I play too well I lose them? This wouldn't be such an issue if my base wasn't /IN/ USA.

...what do I do? =(

Eagle of Fire 14-02-2005 07:30 AM


...what do I do? =(
Asking in the right game thread might be wise...

Guest 14-02-2005 07:46 AM

I don't see a thread for the original X-Com, I figured this game was close enough to make the question appropriate. I also assume many of the players of this game played the original, as well.

If you can point me to the thread for the original game I'd be pleased to post there.

Guest 14-02-2005 07:48 AM

Doh, I found it, nevermind. :bye:

PrejudiceSucks 14-02-2005 03:15 PM

I have to say that whilst this game is good, the original is about twice as good.

I think that the most annoying element was that they changed all of the names of all the useful earth weapons, to be more 'futuristic' and I had to learn everything again!

And Dye grenades still knocked the aliens out!

Another problem was that, like the first game, to start with, you have such a horrible layout for your base that it is nearly impossible to defend and early on in the game it's quite hard to get enough money to build another.

So whilst the game may be championed by some for adding a new place to fight, it is basically a worse version of the original, but also with an annoying research bug.

Xcom-fan 15-02-2005 02:46 PM

I'm using dosBOX 0.63. Has been working flawlessly.

The alien name you all refer to is Deep One.

The best weapon against the Lobstermen are "Vibro Blades" and "Thermic Lances"
Why ? Because they require very little time units to be used and can penetrate
their tough exo-skeleton ;-)
Since they require few time units to be effectively used, you can spend more
units walking around.

As far as Apocalipse goes, I'll say that the radical change in the alien life forms
took off good part of my empathy for this game. Come on, can anyone accept
the fact those giant green slugs have any remants of intelligence or the others
can build all that weaponry ? Not to mention the final alien... it's simply pathetic.

But I really like the aerial battle against those ufos over the city

Still cannot set aside any of these games... once in a while I catch myself playing
Enemy Unknown and TFTD :-)

lala 17-02-2005 11:21 PM

i don't know if it's a version thing, (i got the UK Powerplus version of this game if i remember),

i never had any problem with a research bug, but i did have....

synapse (or whatever) site missions were impossible to complete sometimes, because of a bug that ment the last alien was hidden behind a wall off the map, and even if i destroyed the 'synonim device' (or whatever) the mission didn't end, and if i evacuated after destroying it the game wouldn't recognize that i had completed the mission and it would come up as failed .. all that time wasted... and then facing the over numerous and extremely boring cruise ship missions, etc :cry:

one thing i did think was an improvement, was the layout of the 'ufos', the way they had gantries and stuff to shoot you from above as u entered the alien ships, i thought that was clever design

Ultralisk 18-02-2005 02:09 PM

I wanna ask you sth. the thing is I can't run it with the bootdisk I mean it's givig some soundblaster errors and we are clicking on the aren't we ?

Eagle of Fire 18-02-2005 07:19 PM

There is a research bug in TFTD. If you do your research in the wrong order you might not have access to some research in the tree, and some of them are essential.

Here is the fix, but if you use it without the bug then I do consider this a cheat. So should you.

PrejudiceSucks 23-02-2005 11:37 AM

The one I especially hate is when you research a Tasloth Commander (I think they're called that) and it stops you getting the research to the Leviathon, which is necesssary to complete the game.

That is possibly the most annoying thing ever, especially if you only keep one campaign save!

Lizard 23-02-2005 07:21 PM

I have finished Ufo few times and I thought I go and play X-COM TFD...And you all are RIGHT it is a lot tougher than UFO but more or less the same :rifle: .I have question:How you actually upgrade your soldiers?I mean all my mens have 8 missions with OK and EXCELLENT rating and the best one has killed more than 15 alien but he is STILL ENSIGN!! :ranting: And other at lowest rank.They have quite good stats thought but it is diference between seaman with good stats and commander with good stats...So how actually does this system work? :blink:

Eagle of Fire 23-02-2005 07:37 PM

I think you can only have a set number of higher ranked squaddies and this depend of the total amount of squaddies you have. For example I never managed to get the higher ranked soldiers until I dramatically increased the total number of squaddies in one of my games. After I got more squaddies and done a single successful mission then they all got promoted in a flash. Some people who did not even take part in the mission (but were not rookies anymore) even got promoted.

So I'd say that if you'd want those particular soldiers to get higher rank you either have to take the higher ranks out of the game somehow or have more squaddie under them. Once they get a rank they can't get back so I guess it has something to do with a first there first serve basis.

IMHO ranks mean nothing. I never noticed a real difference except for the moral effect when an officer die.

Lizard 23-02-2005 07:50 PM


Originally posted by Eagle of Fire@Feb 23 2005, 09:37 PM
I think you can only have a set number of higher ranked squaddies and this depend of the total amount of squaddies you have. For example I never managed to get the higher ranked soldiers until I dramatically increased the total number of squaddies in one of my games. After I got more squaddies and done a single successful mission then they all got promoted in a flash. Some people who did not even take part in the mission (but were not rookies anymore) even got promoted.

So I'd say that if you'd want those particular soldiers to get higher rank you either have to take the higher ranks out of the game somehow or have more squaddie under them. Once they get a rank they can't get back so I guess it has something to do with a first there first serve basis.

IMHO ranks mean nothing. I never noticed a real difference except for the moral effect when an officer die.

I dont know.I actually always thought that when squadie get higher rank,all his abilities will improve a little? :blink:

Eagle of Fire 23-02-2005 08:04 PM

Even if this is right, it's nothing which can't be done better with training (read: killing Aliens in missions).

Jman4117 24-02-2005 03:19 AM

I believe it goes something like 35 troops for a Commander/Captain, 21 per Colonel/Commander, 15 per Captain/Leutenant, 7 per Sargeant/Ensign, and you can have any number of Squaddies/Able Seamen.

Lizard 24-02-2005 10:09 AM


Originally posted by Jman4117@Feb 24 2005, 05:19 AM
I believe it goes something like 35 troops for a Commander/Captain, 21 per Colonel/Commander, 15 per Captain/Leutenant, 7 per Sargeant/Ensign, and you can have any number of Squaddies/Able Seamen.
Overall or equipped in ship?

TheChosen 24-02-2005 11:57 AM

I dont like this game. Its not bad, but i still dont like it :not_ok: .
The original X-com( UFO) was better.

Hkizzle 24-02-2005 02:25 PM

I've installed Dosbox and was playing the game fine. Finished a couple of missions, but whenever the first land mission starts, the game will just exit to windows.

Can anyone help me out?

PrejudiceSucks 24-02-2005 04:19 PM

Yeah, the game sometimes does this. Remember to keep any other ships but your landing craft out of the sea/air, or sometimes the game crashes.

Lizard 24-02-2005 05:57 PM


Originally posted by TheChosen@Feb 24 2005, 01:57 PM
I dont like this game. Its not bad, but i still dont like it :not_ok: .
The original X-com( UFO) was better.

Yes it is definetly worse than UFO.But I will beat it anyway becouse I am serious X-COM freak :D .

PrejudiceSucks 24-02-2005 08:27 PM


Overall or equipped in ship?
I think it is overall and in all bases. If you think about it, you're not gonna have 35 Aquanauts in one ship, ever (even a leviathon)

And yes, the original is far better.

I think that what pissed me off the most was that the 'gauss' weapons need clips! How annoying! Stick to the lasers, people!

Another annoying thing is that you can fire hydro-jet cannons etc in a base / in a harbour - But only reaction fire! NOOOOAAAARGGHHH *goes crazy and falls asleep in a pool of my own... crazitude*

Hkizzle 24-02-2005 10:53 PM


Originally posted by PrejudiceSucks@Feb 24 2005, 05:19 PM
Yeah, the game sometimes does this. Remember to keep any other ships but your landing craft out of the sea/air, or sometimes the game crashes.

It didn't crash when I was in the World map mode. It keeps crashing when the mission has already started, during turn 1 or 2 of the Alien movement. I tried underwater missions as well as land and each time I get to the third mission on the first or second turn for the aliens, it also crashes.

Lizard 25-02-2005 10:28 AM

One question:What I need to research to have better aircrafts?I am in month 5, have four bases everything researched what I can but I still have just baracuda and triton...(althought with sonic technology)Did I missed something? :blink:
Or it is research bug?

alphafoxtrot 25-02-2005 11:28 AM


I use to play this game on windows 95 when i was a kid, and I felt like playing this
after sometime, but i encountered some problems. I downloaded this game from this site, unziped the file and tried installing, but it doesnt work. I have a winxp, someone plz help me!

PrejudiceSucks 25-02-2005 12:10 PM


One question:What I need to research to have better aircrafts?I am in month 5, have four bases everything researched what I can but I still have just baracuda and triton...(althought with sonic technology)Did I missed something?*
Or it is research bug?

To research the new crafts, you generally need to research aqua plastics, Zyrrbite and things, but also usually need some kind of live alien.

But not a Tasloth Commander!

I think that there is a link to a place with the research fix, but there is also a X-Com 2 researches list (very, very handy!) in a .pdf format.

You can get your info there. Also Lizard, congrats on the 100th post! (I was considering a quadruple post to get to 100 but that wud get me kicked out!)

Although I got the 500th UFO post :bleh:


I use to play this game on windows 95 when i was a kid, and I felt like playing this
after sometime, but i encountered some problems. I downloaded this game from this site, unziped the file and tried installing, but it doesnt work. I have a winxp, someone plz help me

There is no need to install anything, there is an X-Com Terror from (or of, can't remember) the Deep icon (it's an .exe file) which you can run it through. There are two, one of them runs in XP.

Lizard 25-02-2005 12:13 PM


Originally posted by PrejudiceSucks@Feb 25 2005, 02:10 PM

One question:What I need to research to have better aircrafts?I am in month 5, have four bases everything researched what I can but I still have just baracuda and triton...(althought with sonic technology)Did I missed something?*
Or it is research bug?

To research the new crafts, you generally need to research aqua plastics, Zyrrbite and things, but also usually need some kind of live alien.

But not a Tasloth Commander!

I think that there is a link to a place with the research fix, but there is also a X-Com 2 researches list (very, very handy!) in a .pdf format.

You can get your info there. Also Lizard, congrats on the 100th post! (I was considering a quadruple post to get to 100 but that wud get me kicked out!)

Although I got the 500th UFO post :bleh:


I use to play this game on windows 95 when i was a kid, and I felt like playing this
after sometime, but i encountered some problems. I downloaded this game from this site, unziped the file and tried installing, but it doesnt work. I have a winxp, someone plz help me

There is no need to install anything, there is an X-Com Terror from (or of, can't remember) the Deep icon (it's an .exe file) which you can run it through. There are two, one of them runs in XP.

Thanks... :max:
Yup,I researched anything,all ufo components,all weapons,all aliens,all CAPTURED TASLOTHS :ranting: :Titan: .
Hmmph-Going to start new game-

PrejudiceSucks 25-02-2005 12:18 PM

Only the tasloth commander breaks the game, you can research all of the rest of them!

Lizard 25-02-2005 12:22 PM

Dont know.Maybe I just miss some Ufo components? :blink:
However it is much harder when you must shot down Very large ufos just with baracudas but it is playable.But I guess to win the game you will need some Super-Dooper uber aircraft (like Avenger in Ufo) which can reach the final mission

alphafoxtrot 25-02-2005 02:31 PM

Hi, sorry for being such a newb, but can some help me?

I read the old posts in this forum, and thought that dosbox will be a good choice
to try. I kinda struggled with the commands but managed to install and start TFTD,
but my sounds is extremely slow. The game itself runs fine with the use of ctrl+F12, and the only problem is my sound. I think that it might have to do with the sound configuration when installing but I dunno.

Some one plz help!

PrejudiceSucks 25-02-2005 02:43 PM

Lizard, the craft you speak of is called the Leviathon!

To get it you need to get a live Lobsterman Commander, I think, although if you research a Tasloth commander the research bug makes it impossible to get the research for the Leviathon, and hence the game is unwinnable.

Really, really annoying if you only keep 1 campaign (geoscape) save.

Lizard 25-02-2005 04:05 PM


Originally posted by PrejudiceSucks@Feb 25 2005, 04:43 PM
Lizard, the craft you speak of is called the Leviathon!

To get it you need to get a live Lobsterman Commander, I think, although if you research a Tasloth commander the research bug makes it impossible to get the research for the Leviathon, and hence the game is unwinnable.

Really, really annoying if you only keep 1 campaign (geoscape) save.

Lobster mans?But they are Evil!!! :ph34r:
I hate them.I hate all aliens that survive two headshots with sonic rifle GRRR...
Btw I must start a new game I guess becouse I HAVE just one geospace save...
Im beginning to doubt if is X-Com Terror from the depth worth it :angry:

Eagle of Fire 25-02-2005 04:56 PM

I posted a fix for that a week ago. Just go back a page or two and you'll find it.

PrejudiceSucks 25-02-2005 05:29 PM

Yeah. That is one of the reasons I never completed TfTD. Some others were - Aquanauts can't swim upwards - how hard could it be?
The technologies have really sucky names
It's really, really hard
the aliens for the most part were awful
Under the sea is bad enough, but door-to-door searches on the ships?

No! ARRGH! :wall:

Plus, your soldiers didn't go :rifle: it was more like

'Hello I am aqaunaut number 2 :whistle: You may shoot me now if you like, or you could wait until I can't even see you :whistle: '

Lizard 25-02-2005 08:01 PM


Originally posted by PrejudiceSucks@Feb 25 2005, 07:29 PM
Yeah. That is one of the reasons I never completed TfTD. Some others were - Aquanauts can't swim upwards - how hard could it be?
The technologies have really sucky names
It's really, really hard
the aliens for the most part were awful
Under the sea is bad enough, but door-to-door searches on the ships?

No! ARRGH! :wall:

Plus, your soldiers didn't go :rifle: it was more like

'Hello I am aqaunaut number 2 :whistle: You may shoot me now if you like, or you could wait until I can't even see you :whistle: '

Yup.I am sick of it.And I dont want to play it once more.I guess I return back to Ufo:Aftermath.Still beating on hard :whistle:

PrejudiceSucks 25-02-2005 08:05 PM

LOL good move, mate!

If you don't want mediocrity don't play TfTD or indeed Apocalype (although I'm probably gonna get lynched for that)

Just play the orginal! WOOO! BREAK THE CHAINS!

Yeah... that's enough rebelling for one day.

Top TfTD tip of the day : Get gauss tanks asap - they own the other tanks.

Eagle of Fire 25-02-2005 08:28 PM


I guess I return back to Ufo:Aftermath.Still beating on hard
If there is a game that is not worth playing then it's Aftermath. I'd play TFTD anytime instead of playing that extremely crappy game.

Even TFTD is superior to Aftermath in every aspect. I don't like 3D.

Lizard 25-02-2005 08:38 PM


Originally posted by Eagle of Fire@Feb 25 2005, 10:28 PM

I guess I return back to Ufo:Aftermath.Still beating on hard
If there is a game that is not worth playing then it's Aftermath. I'd play TFTD anytime instead of playing that extremely crappy game.

Even TFTD is superior to Aftermath in every aspect. I don't like 3D.

Well maybe...
I actually dont even thing that Aftermath is part of "Ufo family" But it is quite enoyable game althought it has many bugs and is absurd difficult sometimes.I agree,if you waited sequel to ufo and X-com it was a quite disapointing,but it is good tactical game...

PrejudiceSucks 26-02-2005 08:33 AM

Aftermath really crosses the line from the X-Com games which are more strategic to games like Silent Storm (I think it is called that) which is really a tactical strategy game.

Whilst I do miss the geoscape element of the game, I think that Aftermath is still a good game.

TfTD not only didn't improve on the orginal's graphics or gameplay, IMO it actually made it worse.

At the start of the game, it is nearly impossible to get anywhere due to the awful weapons you start with, and it doesn't get any easier as the game goes on.

The graphics are worse (more pixellated) and the environment you fight in gets very boring quickly.

Anyway, that's enough ranting.

Carp 26-02-2005 08:31 PM

Sorry for this horrible question, but I can not for the life of me figure out how to end a dang turn during fights?

Lizard 26-02-2005 08:40 PM


Originally posted by Carp@Feb 26 2005, 10:31 PM
Sorry for this horrible question, but I can not for the life of me figure out how to end a dang turn during fights?
:blink: LOL
There is end turn button on right.(There where you got level up,level down, ? button etc...)The controls are the same as in UFO...

Carp 26-02-2005 08:45 PM

Oh, I see now. I was afraid to hit that, because the first time I did the game crashed. Thanks

zombie 26-02-2005 10:20 PM

i didnt get UFO unknown to work, cause winzip taugth it was a screensaver. i dont get this one to work either. i download. uzip. click on install. and i stands:
Invalid option: Deep\INSTALL:EX
MicroProse Install ver 2.00:
-s Do NOT auto-detect sound cards
-b Turn ON speeker-beeps
-p Do Not Load Background Art

WTF does it mean?!? :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :ranting:

PrejudiceSucks 27-02-2005 10:05 AM

Zombie, don't bother installing it - Extract it to a folder of your choosing and just use the Terror From the Deep .exe file!

Zach 01-03-2005 09:41 PM

The sound is HORRIBLE!

Lizard 01-03-2005 09:43 PM


Originally posted by Zach@Mar 1 2005, 11:41 PM
The sound is HORRIBLE!
:blink: Never played it with sound.I remener that in originall Ufo were sounds pretty good and made a good atmosphere,but X-com is worse than Ufo,almost in everey aspect :not_ok:

PrejudiceSucks 03-03-2005 04:26 PM

So, does anyone here bother using the new types of craft you get later in the game?

I use them all apart from the Leviathon, really, because that takes way too much Zyrrbite.

Any of you like the manta etc. ?

Jman4117 03-03-2005 05:25 PM

I use them all. Leviathan comes in handy when you need a full squad with tanks on the other side of the world yesterday. :P

As for Zybrite, it is much more plentiful than E115 was in UFO.

PrejudiceSucks 03-03-2005 05:38 PM

Yeah, I guess and it is easy to get if you go attack cautiously, but still... I don't think it's very useful.

Still a better transport than the basic one, I guess (unlike in UFO 1)

gregor 03-03-2005 07:14 PM


Originally posted by PrejudiceSucks@Mar 3 2005, 05:26 PM
So, does anyone here bother using the new types of craft you get later in the game?

I use them all apart from the Leviathon, really, because that takes way too much Zyrrbite.

Any of you like the manta etc. ?

Leviathan can take more damage than Manta (usefull if oyu dont' have the proper weapons for ships yet or have problem downing a really big alien ship).

Still it is mostly usefull just for last mission (in the deep, deep watters where other ships can't reach). Ah also good for colony missions because you can load it with vehicles (they can't be "wounded" in next mission) and totally destroy the colony.

Hkizzle 04-03-2005 12:24 AM

Manta and Leviathan are both good ships. Hammerhead is a waste of Zybrite in my opinion, can only fit 12 people in. You want a ship that can fit as many people in as possible so they can go get some xp off the missions.
The new recruits are really green and tend to be the ones that get killed even with good armour, so you want to increase their stats fast.

PrejudiceSucks 04-03-2005 12:07 PM

LOL am I the only person here who uses the Hammerhead (Lightning) to attack colonies or Terror sites?

I send a group of 12 people (all of whom are well trained and armoured) to attack that kind of thing. Tanks in both UFO games are totally pointless after you get anyone in a team better than Sergeant/Ensign.

And Hammerheads are a way better transport than Leviathons, as with Leviathons everyone fills them with loads of crap soldiers, who need a lot of grenades and clips to be any good.

With a Hammerhead, all you need is 8 soldiers in good armour, with Guass Rifles and a Motion detector grenade (or whatever UFO2 calls it) and a Sonic Pulser and you can take down even the best UFOs.

Especially with a team of people ranked up to 'Commando' :ph34r:

Jman4117 04-03-2005 10:41 PM

If you want a REAL commando fight use Xcomutil and use the fighters as transports. 6 heavily armed elites.... :rifle: :rifle: :rifle: :rifle: :rifle: :rifle:

PrejudiceSucks 05-03-2005 08:55 AM

XcomUtil eh?

Where wouldst I be obtaining this... *thinks of medieval term* brave... piece of computer software?

I don't mind cheating with crafts, I just despise those who use money cheats!

P.S. does it work for the original UFO/X-COM?

Jman4117 05-03-2005 07:20 PM

It works with all versions of UFO/TFTD.

PrejudiceSucks 06-03-2005 09:07 AM

Holy crap that thing is AWESOME!

Woo now I don't have to bother fighting at night.

And the Heavy Laser is good, if expensive!


Wow... that is awesome. Go the Guass Weapons now! WOOOOO!

Sorry... ummm... yeah....

TfTD hint for the say: PWT is merde, apart from for defences. PWT defence is fantastic, get it, but have Sonic Oscillators on your ships.

WOOOO XcomUtil! :guns: Wooo Manta kicks behind!

Newcomer 16-03-2005 11:19 AM

Hi Guys..I am a newcomer to the X-com series..I am even a new comer for anygame dating before 1997 or 1998.. My first real contact with abandonned games was 2 weaks ago when i started downloading stuff form this site..This is why you will have to forgive me for a question about this game that might look stupid for "little experienced" players: i am playing this game now, didn't go so far yet but i am still unable to load tanks -or whatever they are called- to the Triton..So how to do this? Thanks for whoever will answer this question..

PrejudiceSucks 16-03-2005 06:47 PM

The tanks in this are called Golgumeths or something like that, they are very expensive and the torpedo ones only fire underwater.

For this reason, research Guass technology until you can get guass Golgumeths and also Guass craft cannons, which are quite good, especially compared to normal craft cannons.

They are just a normal item to load and it will tell you if there is not enough ammunition for the tanks.

They are listed under 'SWS' once loaded.

My-Q 17-03-2005 07:05 AM

It's "coelacanth" :D
I don't know about you guys, but my TFTD game loves to jump out to windows so often, even when i'm running it from dosbox. Maybe it's just short of memory? :blink:

PrejudiceSucks 17-03-2005 12:00 PM

Mine's fine, but I use Windows 98SE with DOS, so I should be alright.

Shame yours doesn't work, it's quite a good game.

The original is better though.

Jim6 17-03-2005 05:07 PM


Originally posted by Newcomer@Mar 16 2005, 12:19 PM
Hi Guys..I am a newcomer to the X-com series..I am even a new comer for anygame dating before 1997 or 1998.. My first real contact with abandonned games was 2 weaks ago when i started downloading stuff form this site..This is why you will have to forgive me for a question about this game that might look stupid for "little experienced" players: i am playing this game now, didn't go so far yet but i am still unable to load tanks -or whatever they are called- to the Triton..So how to do this? Thanks for whoever will answer this question..
Well, a tank needs the same amount of space as 4 people - look at the top of the "Ships" screen, and make sure you have space on your Triton (I think it's max is 14, so you can onnly use 10) and then add a tank in the Equipment screen.

TftD is far better than Xcom 1 - I much prefer the difficulty level. Added to that, the music is incredibly atmospheric!

PrejudiceSucks 17-03-2005 06:22 PM

If you want the game to be hard, use X-COM Util and make the original harder.

The original has better graphics and smoother gameplay, plus the research tree is way easier to get to grips with.

Newcomer 18-03-2005 09:50 AM


Well, a tank needs the same amount of space as 4 people - look at the top of the "Ships" screen, and make sure you have space on your Triton (I think it's max is 14, so you can onnly use 10) and then add a tank in the Equipment screen.

(Jim6 @ Mar 17 2005, 06:07 PM)

Thanks Jim6! This will eliminate a big handicap in my game..

My-Q 18-03-2005 12:31 PM

I agree with PrejudiceSucks.. the ufo:enemy iunknown game has better graphics and overall play is better. Well, the research tree is more challenging in TFTD, so i prefer TFTD for veteran ufo players, rather than playing ufo again and setting the difficulty higher.

Felton 26-03-2005 06:49 PM

Hey guys. This game is a classic, and I still love it. I can get the game to work, but when I do a mission, I scoll off the map. I know there was talk about earleir in the thread. Use DOSbox. So I went and got DOSbox, installed it and all, and I can't figure out to get the game to work in it. Could someone help me with this please?


another_guest 26-03-2005 07:39 PM


Originally posted by Felton@Mar 26 2005, 07:49 PM
I went and got DOSbox, installed it and all, and I can't figure out to get the game to work in it. Could someone help me with this please?
Use D-Fend as a front end to Dosbox: this way you can get a game running through Dosbox in no time, without having to type a single command.

Felton 26-03-2005 07:43 PM

Yeah, stupid me, I didn't think of looking in trouble shooting. Found out how to use it though. :D

Newcomer 30-03-2005 05:58 PM

Hi guys! I am having a couple of problems with the game again:
the first one: i made some encounters with an alien "Flying dish" during some shipping routes attack..No amunition i tried so far seems to be able to detroy that thing..How to destroy it?
The second one: i have some trouble with the Triton's door, sometimes it remains opened after an aquanaut exits, sometimes it doesn't..Remaining opened is sometimes very penalizing..So what is wrong with that door?
Thanks for anyone interested in answering this problem.

PrejudiceSucks 30-03-2005 07:45 PM

Yep, don't fire at shipping routes, you are supposed to land soldiers there.

As for the Triton thing, 1 turn after you pass through the door (maybe 2) it will close the door.

Hope that answers your questions.

Jman4117 31-03-2005 05:17 AM

Land at the shipping routes, it's the equivalent of a terror site. You have to clear out two sections of ship (plan on about 2 hours).

As for the Triton's door. You can right click to open and close it so long as a trooper is facing it. It takes no TUs and works on any door. VERY useful when an alien is lying in wait for you.

PrejudiceSucks 31-03-2005 08:36 AM

Because the door starts closed, what I recommend is to get everyone to prime their grenades (all of them) and stick them back in their pockets!

The aliens don't, as a rule, go into your transports on purpose, so you could easily prime 3/4 grenades with everyone, and in TfTD grenades don't blow other grenades up, so you could explode with a few magna packs if you get eaten by an alien.

Works like a charm!

Oh and Shipping Route missions are just about the most tedious things ever.

Newcomer 03-04-2005 02:50 PM

Guys, u solved the second problem for me..Thanks a lot..As for the first one, i am afraid that i didn't explain well: of course i landed my soldiers in the ship to clear it.. The problem is: there is an enemy "alien" that i am not managing to destroy and it looks like a "small flying dish" floating around.. Usually, this "thing" appears with "tasoth soldiers" and does not appear when i land my soldiers in terror sites or to clear a ship and find the "Gill men and Deep ones"..Hope i clarified the problem this time..Thanks again for the answers..

Jman4117 03-04-2005 11:59 PM

Can't find it? They stop moving after about 10 turns. Looks like a room by room search is in order. ;)

Or can't destroy it?....hrm....what do you mean by "small"? Only thing I can think of that might be fish are the 4x4 nautilus and jellyfish and those have massive armour...

PrejudiceSucks 04-04-2005 05:41 PM

Yeah, those things are very, very nasty, especially on a Cruise Attack or whatever they are called. You really want to watch out for them.

On other notes : I got the 150th TfTD post... w00t.

flash 05-04-2005 05:34 PM

i still remember spent few hours to develop new tech, search for alien.....

Jman4117 05-04-2005 07:26 PM

and that annoying bug that keeps you from finishing the game.... >.>

Arrrgh! 06-04-2005 09:20 AM

Hi Guys,

Just a newb question,

I'm trying to get TFTD to install, but I just get a message saying "Install not complete". The only options I get in the install menu are view readme file and exit install.

I know an earlier poster said to just run the .exe file, but the only executables in my zip are the install, mpscopy and pkunzip. Any ideas?


efthimios 06-04-2005 09:45 AM

What bug doesn't allow you to finish the game? Is it in the "gold" version as well? I was thinking of playing the game after all these years (never finished it), but if there is a bug that doesn't allow you to finish it I might as well save my time.

Jman4117 06-04-2005 09:51 AM

Still beatable, just have to be SURE you get EVERYTHING in the correct order in some places.

BeefontheBone 06-04-2005 10:00 AM


Originally posted by Arrrgh!@Apr 6 2005, 09:20 AM
I'm trying to get TFTD to install, but I just get a message saying "Install not complete". The only options I get in the install menu are view readme file and exit install.

I know an earlier poster said to just run the .exe file, but the only executables in my zip are the install, mpscopy and pkunzip. Any ideas?

Weird, I have the "Install Game" option at the top. Try extracting them to a folder and the installing in dos/dosbox, and if not try redownloading the archive.

efthimios 06-04-2005 11:05 AM

Jman, is there something like a guide for that? I wouldn't want to reach a dead end because of it.

Jman4117 07-04-2005 02:33 AM

I believe it may be in the USG. Be sure you get a live and a dead Deep One. Most of the tech hinges on it.

efthimios 07-04-2005 04:35 AM

Live and dead Deep One, check.
Thank you!

Arrgh! 07-04-2005 11:21 AM

Thanks BeefontheBone,

Installs fine under DosBox.

Lizard 07-04-2005 11:34 AM


Originally posted by efthimios@Apr 6 2005, 12:05 PM
Jman, is there something like a guide for that? I wouldn't want to reach a dead end because of it.
The bug is,that when you resreach Tasloth(one of alien types) commander,you wont be able to resreach finall craft(something like Avenger)-so you wont be able to finish the game.Happened me once :wall: :wall: :wall:

efthimios 07-04-2005 11:48 AM

So, apart from that deep one creature, I should also first research the final craft before researching that second alien. Thanks.

Jman4117 07-04-2005 03:27 PM

It's the Tasloth Commander that messes the T'Leth bit up. It isn't supposed to exist and if you get one via a bug you can't get the stuff to beat the game. *Does web search.....*

Jman4117 07-04-2005 03:49 PM

From what I dug up, it seems to be: Deep One corpse > Aqua Plastics > Plastic Aqua Armour > Ion Beam Accelerators > Live Deep One > Ion Armour > Magnetic Navigation > Mag Ion Armour

Then you get the ship tech after the Mag Ion.

Keep a sub contruction around while doing the research too...

efthimios 08-04-2005 02:53 AM

Ah, so I shouldn't research any Tasloth alien, and focus on that path you mentioned. Thank you.

efthimios 08-04-2005 08:33 AM

if you look down till you reach xcom ii it has a file called research tree fix, I wonder if this helps?

Jman4117 08-04-2005 08:36 PM need a Tasloth to get psi, just avoid any Tosloth Commanders like the plague.

Otis_Lee 15-04-2005 04:44 AM

Hey Everyone,

At the risk of being considered lame, is there a research guide or some such thing for X-COM2? I've had too many problems researching things and it getting messed up

Also.....does anyone out there have the cheat that gives you 50 000 000 dollars?

Xcom fan 15-04-2005 06:15 AM


Originally posted by My-Q@Mar 17 2005, 08:05 AM

I don't know about you guys, but my TFTD game loves to jump out to windows so often, even when i'm running it from dosbox. Maybe it's just short of memory? :blink:

Oh, you have to save often.
I use Win98SE with DOS and I ocassionally get burst out of the game, usually when you start a battle. It's best you do a double-boot Win98 and WinXP to run old games on 98, it works most of the time.

Xcom Fan 15-04-2005 06:16 AM


Originally posted by Otis_Lee@Apr 15 2005, 04:44 AM
Hey Everyone,

At the risk of being considered lame, is there a research guide or some such thing for X-COM2? I've had too many problems researching things and it getting messed up

Also.....does anyone out there have the cheat that gives you 50 000 000 dollars?

There is full research tree, hints, tips and cheats at

Game on,

Otis_Lee 15-04-2005 10:47 PM

Does anyone now how to use the editor from I'm using windows xp with dosbox.

tuapuk 17-04-2005 05:05 AM

does anyone have tried this game on winxp pro SP2?
coz the zip file i downloaded fr this site only has the below exe files:

1. Install.exe
2. MPScopy.ex

there's no terror form the deep.exe
also, the install.exe doesnt work, nor i tried to install from within the zipped file, nor i tried clicking the Install button on winzip. all doesn't work.

it says:
16 bit MS-DOS Subsystem
c:\windows\systems32\autoexec.nt. The system file is not suitable for running MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows applications. Choose 'Close' to terminate the application.

i've also tried DOSbox to run install.exe but doesn't work too. i'm familiar with dosbox hav used it to run other games.

any suggestions?

tuapuk 17-04-2005 05:11 AM


Originally posted by PrejudiceSucks@Feb 27 2005, 11:05 AM
Zombie, don't bother installing it - Extract it to a folder of your choosing and just use the Terror From the Deep .exe file!
that's the problem.. the zip file i downloaded from this site doesn't have this file "Terror From the Deep .exe"

in fact, the only files in the zipped file downloaded are:


total 8 files.. don't have terror from the deep.exe
any clues?


Eagle of Fire 17-04-2005 05:48 AM


c:\windows\systems32\autoexec.nt. The system file is not suitable for running MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows applications. Choose 'Close' to terminate the application.
"Problem with Autoexec.nt" thread in Troubleshooting section...

You need to install the game to play it if you only have the files mentioned in your last post.

tuapuk 17-04-2005 06:36 AM

thanks pal.. hav located the autoexec.nt file and made a copy in the system32 folder.

the game installed and able to run. :)

X-guy 17-04-2005 05:21 PM

somehow every DOS game on this site doesnt work on my computer. I have Windows XP Service Pack 2 and for some reason I had Windows 98 and the DOS games worked. Can someone find a solution to how I will get my computer to play DOS games again?

another_guest 17-04-2005 05:28 PM


Originally posted by X-guy@Apr 17 2005, 05:21 PM
somehow every DOS game on this site doesnt work on my computer. I have Windows XP Service Pack 2 and for some reason I had Windows 98 and the DOS games worked. Can someone find a solution to how I will get my computer to play DOS games again?
Run them through Dosbox. You can find Dosbox and its tutorial here:

Jman4117 17-04-2005 05:31 PM

Solution 1: Install DOS

Solution 2: Install a DOS based Windows (95/98/ME)

Solution 3: Get a DOS emulator, such as DOSBox....

Xcom fan 20-04-2005 01:06 PM


Originally posted by X-guy@Apr 17 2005, 05:21 PM
somehow every DOS game on this site doesnt work on my computer. I have Windows XP Service Pack 2 and for some reason I had Windows 98 and the DOS games worked. Can someone find a solution to how I will get my computer to play DOS games again?
Install double-boot XP and 98 so that whenever you need real DOS to run old games you are ready. Note: you have to install 98 first.

Old Lou 23-04-2005 03:34 PM

To the people having trouble running the game on XP, here is my option:
I use the windows version of TFTD and it works fine under XP. I don't know if that's the same version that is located here in Abandonia. I think that this is the best and easy way to make XCom2 run under such operative system. Don't forget to deactivate the hardware acceleration before running the game (if not you'll see "interferences", at least with Nvidia Gcards)
There's also the option of using DosBox but you'll need a fast machine to make Xcom run smoothly
Bye, hope it helps!

Xcom fan 24-04-2005 09:11 AM

You are right, the version of Xcom2 at abandonia is the DOS version, which has trouble running on XP.

Anyone get problems with the Abandonia Xcom2 download please try to get the Windows version (which runs fine on XP) at Check the Strategy section and you will find Xcom2. The download is around 4MB.

Warning: Two versions have difference research tree!!!
To understand it, please visit this website of a veteran:

and go to the Xcom2 research tree section.


Eagle of Fire 24-04-2005 04:42 PM

OR do like everybody else and use DOSBox. :ok:

Edit: Very nice site BTW.

Jman4117 24-04-2005 04:43 PM

OR install DOS 6.2....

PrejudiceSucks 24-04-2005 07:23 PM

OR simply use MS-DOS prompt in Win '98 if you have it (lucky bastards) or D-fend (handy as hell).

Jman4117 24-04-2005 10:17 PM

OR a boot disk and FAT partition...

PrejudiceSucks 28-04-2005 06:38 AM

Any of the above will work. I hope that you have fun with this game (that isn't as good as UFO, but whatever).

lol 02-05-2005 03:19 AM

i have trouble running TFTD ond dosbox it runs kinda slow and i have a fast computer

any help?

PrejudiceSucks 02-05-2005 06:12 AM

Yeah, try increasing the cycles a bit, or alternatively download the HoTU version which works with XP. It also saves Abandonia's money! Woohoo.

Filipsan 02-05-2005 06:43 PM


Originally posted by lol@May 2 2005, 03:19 AM
i have trouble running TFTD ond dosbox it runs kinda slow and i have a fast computer

any help?

or download win version from underdogs..

PrejudiceSucks 03-05-2005 01:20 PM

I actually said this before. You fool.

Old Lou 03-05-2005 03:13 PM


I keep thinking that the best option is to run Collector's Edition instead of DosBox.
Yes, the Dosbox option is there over the table, you can use it, but I think unless you have a monster you won't be able to run it smoothly, specially playing tactical on 4th levels. I know that because I did it before and that was the result. The other options are to get it somewhere or upload the Collectors Edition into abandonia. I think I'll suggest it to the admins and maybe we'll avoid future compatibility problems. I'm now running Xcom3 with DosBox and runs choppy choppy in tactical scape at 7th or 8th levels.
I use DosBox often and I think is a good tool, but I also hate to run my games with a poor framerate. Hope improvements though.

efthimios 03-05-2005 04:02 PM

Xcom3? Apocalypse? In that case you do not need to run it under dosbox. :max:

Gabriel Hickmann 03-05-2005 05:53 PM

yes, i played. but i never understand some things of the game... well, better play my favorite games: Liero, Stunts, Carmen Sandiego and Faery Tale Adventure. :D

PrejudiceSucks 03-05-2005 08:02 PM

I recommend the original of the series. Apoc was lame and TFTD is way too hard and the graphics are worse.

Sorry, but it's true.

Guest 04-05-2005 03:23 AM


Originally posted by PrejudiceSucks@May 3 2005, 08:02 PM
I recommend the original of the series. Apoc was lame and TFTD is way too hard and the graphics are worse.

Sorry, but it's true.


PrejudiceSucks 04-05-2005 08:02 PM

I hope you did, or I wouldn't have said it.

Btw, 200th post is MINE... good night.

Eagle of Fire 04-05-2005 09:02 PM

Apocalypse is a very decent game if you can take the fact that it is really the worse game of the triology. By taking the game as it is then it is good by normal standard. I always got a lot of fun playing Apocalypse as soon as I learned how the game worked. Unfortunatly it has a steep learning curse... Worse than the original Xcom.

PrejudiceSucks 07-05-2005 10:06 AM

Exactly, which is the reason I didn't like it. The aliens also suck, they look and feel really... bad...

Eagle of Fire 07-05-2005 05:08 PM

When I said worse I was talking about the learning curve, not the game.

PrejudiceSucks 07-05-2005 07:07 PM

Ah... right... well I think that it is worse in both. On the other hand, that is a bit off-topic.

Woohoo 200th post is mine.

By the way, any news on if we can get X-Com Interceptor?

Student 23-05-2005 01:51 PM

Well i would complain bout the learning curve i learned the basics in 1 or 1,5 hour.
I think the aliens look S***Y but the rest is OK.
TFTD is hard... Too damn hard ive had an cillman port atack in the game before i could build gauss rifled (so i had to use harpoons) witch were very inefective versus deep ones :ranting: . they whacked me quickly.
And the Xcomutil crashes randomly when i place the cursor near the edge of the screen.

PrejudiceSucks 23-05-2005 08:06 PM

Hmm, the basic are not enough. I really recommend UFO over this one. UFO has alright graphics and is just a better game to play.

XcomUtil is a bit annoying sometimes, I just switched to XP and it doesn't even let me get to the battlescape :(

Malice Mizer 23-05-2005 08:09 PM

I can't even get TFTD deep to run.. such a pain in the arse..... any advice? I have DOSOX

samtam90 23-05-2005 08:10 PM


Originally posted by Malice Mizer@May 23 2005, 08:09 PM
I can't even get TFTD deep to run.. such a pain in the arse..... any advice? I have DOSOX
Do you get an error message? If yes, what does it say?

Malice Mizer 23-05-2005 08:36 PM

I can sort of install it (though it never accepts any sound options) then it tells me to type the exe commands into dos to run it, but when I try that in DOSBOX it can't find the directory.

buntstein 25-05-2005 08:37 AM

cool games, i loved it - but i can't play with windows 2000 :cry:

PrejudiceSucks 25-05-2005 05:32 PM

Get DFend people. Also Win 2K should work, isn't there a 'UFO.exe' the same as the one for X-COM 1?

SnowBlind 27-05-2005 07:45 AM

TO settle it all, YEs X-COM 1 is much cooler! The weapons looked Awsome, The Armor was Awsome, the Armor was Awsome! Arming my first squad with all Laser and HE Weapons was awsome! There was not a single building left standing and my squad didn't even have to leave the Skyranger Area. It was hard to sure.. Still fun!

TFTD However was the HARD MODE, long Grueling Missions spent Out Gunned and Out Numbered, and beyond vissual range!! OUCH.

Favoret Moments:
X-COM1 :The Lone Hero? That sole Survivor who snaps out of Panic mode near the sKyRanger without a weapon! He finds a Laser Pistol, Auto Cannon, or Spare Stun Rod inside.... Then goes on to complete the entire mission ALONE. Then you save the file in his honor and he gets promoted to Commander ^^

TFTD: :Titan: Vibroblading any Alien, surrounding an Alien with a stun battons and waiting for him to wake up again ;), and Running out of ammo and throwing my weapon at the SOB that just wouldn't die! It hits him and he dies! Also fun was throwing the random missle and it actually exploding on contact or eventually.. odd bug and fun to!

X Apoc: The Hover Bikes, Arming a fleet of HoverBikes with Justice Missile Launcher and swarming a UFO... hahah the havok!

Snowblind 27-05-2005 07:49 AM

Does anyone play X-COM Email? there is a serverless version avilable since the primary server was shut down. Also has anyone been able to get XCOM 1-2-3 into multiplayer internet mode somehow some way? Thats what we all want isn't it =) yeah....

Eagle of Fire 27-05-2005 06:11 PM

Looking here would probably answer your question.

To the best of my knowledge it's the only game which allow you to play Xcom multiplayer.

Xcomeragain 30-05-2005 09:18 AM

Hi guys just wondering if the version provided here is patched to V 2 or not? I found out there was a patch released for this game fixing several bugs and downloaded it from the micropose FTP website. Actually I was thinking of updating the game so could anyone help me out?

jimmy7512 31-05-2005 11:07 AM

I got a problem everytime I try to do engage the UFOs with my crew and battle them I get this error and then my rating goes to poor even when I didn't get to do the mission. :angry:

PrejudiceSucks 31-05-2005 11:10 AM

That, my friend, is a missingfile methinks.

jimmy7512 31-05-2005 11:15 AM


Originally posted by PrejudiceSucks@May 31 2005, 11:10 AM
That, my friend, is a missingfile methinks.
I extracted the whole thing again in the same folder replacing everything and tried it and it still came up with the same message ? what can I do now ? :cry:

PrejudiceSucks 31-05-2005 07:03 PM

Download from another site. Search for that file maybe.

Abi79 03-06-2005 02:32 PM


Originally posted by jimmy7512@May 31 2005, 11:07 AM
I got a problem everytime I try to do engage the UFOs with my crew and battle them I get this error and then my rating goes to poor even when I didn't get to do the mission. :angry:
You could try to check if "X-Com - Terror From the Deep" files are read-only. Select all files => right-click on one of them => select properties. There should appear a "box" in which you can see if the files are read-only, hidden ... . If they are read-only (the box near read-only is marked), unmark the box and select OK.

If it doesn't work, do what PrejudiceSucks said.

PrejudiceSucks 03-06-2005 06:27 PM

Because when has the Melancholy Man-Bot ever failed?

davischoi 06-06-2005 02:09 AM

My PC kept crashing randomly in during mission and whenever it the alien's turn to move? can anyone suggest a solution?

Eagle of Fire 06-06-2005 03:49 AM

Use DOSBox if you don't already. Otherwise the Xcom games are known to crash randomly from time to time. Saving often usually prevent that problem from being too much of a nuisance.

PrejudiceSucks 09-06-2005 07:08 PM

There is none sadly. Some problems are just stuck with the X-Com games...

fattyfats 22-06-2005 11:00 PM

does anyone know of a website where i could buy the x-com CE, amazon has it but its like $100 more then it should. would be of great help to me :Titan:

PrejudiceSucks 22-06-2005 11:12 PM

Try eBay, it could help you in your search!

Good luck on finding it like. It's rarer than rocking-horse sht

Zifer 24-06-2005 01:47 PM

I'm kinda supprised that everyone tells that X-Com 1 is better than X-Com 2. You just compare everything in XC2 with your beloved XC1. Well I'll say that I've started from TFTD (6-7 years ago) and just week ago jumped on XC1. Well XC1 is just... smaller - everything in TFTD is bigger than in UD, from maps to ufopedia :)

The one thing I like more in UD is music on geoscape (but I'll say that music in TFTD is more... climatic)

That's all, never played UFO? Start with TFTD and don't hear those "fanatics" ;]

PrejudiceSucks 24-06-2005 08:09 PM

No, try UFO first and you'll be more disappointed with TFTD. The maps are too large and time-consuming and the aliens are stupid.

It is either too hard or too easy. UFO was just right.

pedro0930 26-06-2005 09:23 AM

TFTD really isn't that good compare to the first game....
just the tech-tree bug can trash all your hard work not to mention the really damn ugly air-fight screen and the nonsense-can't-attack-in-air-need-to-prsuite BS
WTF is all the good old weapons from the first game? You might say because X-COM can't find the I-15 thingy, but why can't you at least use the laser weapon?
And the gauss weapon need to research/make clip is just totally lame

PrejudiceSucks 26-06-2005 11:37 AM

Yeah, I find that totally unfair. Plus the game starts off too hard and ends too easy...

cupak 13-07-2005 01:42 PM

hey i cant make it working :(. downloaded here version works fine (video), but too fast. when i run it in dosbox, screen flicker (LCD).
any1 can help ?

fattyfats 15-07-2005 03:32 AM

Game download from here is a little choppy in windows and does crash from time to time is there anyway to fix that?, but i've found it plays flawless in dosbox, except its terribly slow. No matter of cpu cycles will fix it, but if anyone has any info how to make it run more smoothly it would be great. One last thing, is there a weapon in TFTD, that like the Laser in UFO does not require ammo? thanks

Shifter 15-07-2005 04:29 AM

I agree that it wasn't good as the first one, but I never had any bug issues with it...talking about the original which I bought anyways..not sure about the ripped one.

I agree though that it wasn't as good. Apoc was cool though :P

PrejudiceSucks 15-07-2005 03:02 PM

@ FattyFats

No there isn't. The Guass Weapon is the closest you get and that needs bloody clips.

jimmy7512 16-07-2005 11:01 AM

I think they should've of made X-com enemy unknown and TFTD in one game with the outline of Enemy unknown of course the design for TFTD is UGLY.

Guest 21-07-2005 08:48 PM

:help: I can't figure out how to run it :help: Help

Kearnsy 23-07-2005 07:48 AM

i like how the underwater scenarios are acctually interesting.
Eg: Sunkenships and old stone buildings.
Unlike UFO where its farms and farms and farms then a jungle then farms

...I just hate those Lobstermen!!!

B-man 04-08-2005 12:16 PM

I have xp on my computer and the game runs almost as it should. The only problem is that the game shuts itself down from time to time. Especially when I try to go down stairs and steps.
Anyone got any tips?

PirateGame 04-08-2005 02:29 PM

Hi TFTD is a very good game. I like it better than ENEMY UNKNOWN I played it for HOurs, DAYS , WEEKS ...and now a year i have buyed it from ebay in a game pack: If u like it u should buy it too. The game pack is Named Power, Coruption and Lies - and contains Beneath a Steel SKY, F 14 Fleet Defender, Ufo Enemy Unknown and UFO Terror From The Deep.

Guest 08-08-2005 12:40 PM


Originally posted by Newcomer@Apr 3 2005, 02:50 PM
Guys, u solved the second problem for me..Thanks a lot..As for the first one, i am afraid that i didn't explain well: of course i landed my soldiers in the ship to clear it.. The problem is: there is an enemy "alien" that i am not managing to destroy and it looks like a "small flying dish" floating around.. Usually, this "thing" appears with "tasoth soldiers" and does not appear when i land my soldiers in terror sites or to clear a ship and find the "Gill men and Deep ones"..Hope i clarified the problem this time..Thanks again for the answers..
Flying Dish/Mini UFO - it takes a couple of hits/depends on weapon as well. If you fire at it enough with gauss/sonic better it should go down.

Grunty 08-08-2005 10:32 PM

I like this game but I can't get it to run properly. If I use the DOSbox version then it's extremely slow. If I use the windows version then there is no music and it occasionally CTD. Anyone know how to get the music running?

Toxik 08-08-2005 11:43 PM

the first missions are way too difficult
you cant hit anything its mostly one hit-one kill
and the thing that i hate most is the alien grenades!!
they have awfully large explosion area so the aliens just bomb all my soldiers,whilst my grenaden cant clean even small ufo

Eagle of Fire 09-08-2005 12:04 AM

Been there, done that.

Dig up this thread and search for my advice on the matter.

Acolyte 09-08-2005 12:31 PM

Some time ago i saw in the market a game named.
UFO GNIEW BOGA (Wrath of God).
I was an Turn based strategy similar to EU and TFTD.
Even the screens at the back looked familiar.
i recognised sectoids with their disks and humans in power armour with tanks.
Is it a part of ufo saga ?

PrejudiceSucks 13-08-2005 04:01 PM

It sounds like a mod to me.

Hints for anyone struggling with grenades : space yourselves out and get armour as soon as possible, that way, your troops will survive.

OTOH you could just split up and go Rambo with a guass pistol.

And a tip about Lobstermen - They are very easy to kill or stun in close combat, a single taser hit drops them to the floor. Then throw them towards your transport!

gregor 14-08-2005 08:49 AM

how cna you efectivelly use proximity grenades???

PrejudiceSucks 14-08-2005 11:26 AM

Prime them and then throw them 1 square away from a door (not right next to it). If anything tries to come out of it then they will die.

Other than Lobstermen, obviously. Hit them with Thermal Tazers instead.

Eagle of Fire 14-08-2005 08:32 PM


how cna you efectivelly use proximity grenades???
I never used them in any of the 3 games. The reason is simple; if you know how to play your team tactic well, using soldiers to hunt down the Aliens is way more faster and often even simplier.

The only "good" use I could think of would be to securize your back when you are running around with a single squaddie. That way you'll know if an Alien is coming at your back.

Otherwise, I guess you really need to be very, very patient...

Lonely Vazdru 14-08-2005 11:51 PM


Originally posted by gregor@Aug 14 2005, 08:49 AM
how cna you efectivelly use proximity grenades???
Sell them ! :ok:

gregor 15-08-2005 07:28 AM

yah there doesent' seem to be much use of them. mainly because their damage is weak.

i did found in one walkthrough that you can use them to fidn out where aliens are, but the problem is that their hidden movement often means that they remain in one place.

has anyone else noticed how aliens love that kitchen on the passanger boat? i wonder what kind of a meal they cook on thsese boats to attract aliens so much. oh and they also seem to be some kind of perverts since often they hide in wardrobes or whatever those small areas in passanger quarter are. LOL

The Unknown 20-08-2005 12:57 PM


i didnt get UFO unknown to work, cause winzip taugth it was a screensaver. i dont get this one to work either. i download. uzip. click on install. and i stands:
Invalid option: Deep\INSTALL:EX
MicroProse Install ver 2.00:
-s Do NOT auto-detect sound cards
-b Turn ON speeker-beeps
-p Do Not Load Background Art

WTF does it mean?!?

I got the same problem! I cant use TfTD.exe cos i dont have it. :angry: I checked te zip and saw that biggest file in it was TfTD. 001 But it cant be used?

Do i have the DOS version? I downloaded it from the site.

Plus I actually dont know how to use DosBox correctly. My friend helped me with it, but it doesnt seem to work. :help:

PrejudiceSucks 20-08-2005 02:39 PM

Use D-Fend, it's a lot easier. I don't use straight DOSBox because I know little about DOS.

D-Fend on the other hand is piss-easy to use.

Guest 21-08-2005 02:27 PM

Now i have to learn to use D-fend :blink:

The Unknown 21-08-2005 02:36 PM

Sorry, forgot to log. when i make profile to D-fend it asks to select game exe... Dont know what to do... takes time to learn this. :crazy: Does the profile making mean, i make profile for a game?.. if so i cant make one for TfTD

The Unknown 21-08-2005 02:45 PM

As I told before The TfTD.exe is replaced with TfTD.001 file!!!

And D-fend cant use it as game exe!

PrejudiceSucks 21-08-2005 02:50 PM


Then use the install.exe program and put it in its default directory. It's what I did and it worked fine on XP.

No disc or copy protection. So do that.

The Unknown 21-08-2005 02:58 PM

What Install.exe program? :D Sorry, i guess i know what u mean.. :)

The Unknown 21-08-2005 03:04 PM

I cant use D-fend to play TfTD cos it doesnt have any game file, what i can use to start the game.... Maybe Im just dumb and dont understand what u mean :tomato:

The Unknown 21-08-2005 03:25 PM

LOL! I was just messing around, trying to do everything i can to get it work, and accidently i hit something and i got it working! :Brain: :Brain: :roflol:

Only problem now is that the gam is running too fast.

PrejudiceSucks 21-08-2005 06:42 PM

Run 3 copies of it :D - works fine.

The Unknown 21-08-2005 07:17 PM

ok thx :D

The Unknown 21-08-2005 08:19 PM

I tried to run copies of it at the same time, but computer locks down if i continue...

When using D-fend, all my time is going to set up the correct settings for the game! If i run the game with the default settings, the game is a bit slowish...

for example, when i click the place for my base, the base appears after few seconds, not right away.

The sounds are like from bullet-time mode :not_ok:

laiocfar 22-08-2005 02:41 AM

try running winnap as same time :whistle:

it´s a good game but i am at half of second year and i need to win it... HOW?
i got no more techs to get
all missions are the same, sometimes the aliens manage to make some damage to the sas but there isn´t any more challenge and i am growing boring :yawn:

The Unknown 22-08-2005 02:29 PM

I think u got the Tech bug? read this thread for help... of course not sure of it... What's Winnap? :D

PrejudiceSucks 22-08-2005 02:39 PM

Try UFO : Enemy Unknown.

Eagle of Fire 22-08-2005 02:39 PM

If you think you got the tech bug, you should look here.

I consider using that site as a cheat if you are not really under the tech bug tough. So you know.

The Unknown 22-08-2005 03:56 PM

Yeah, might play Enemy Unknown instead. I just know all of it and playing it again doesnt fell nice atm. Dont have a choice. :)

B-dog 25-08-2005 02:01 PM

:help: When I run Install.exe there are only two buttons: "readme" and "exit". I unzipped TFTD.001 in the same folder but no use. The other files are not recognized by WinZip, WinAce or WinRar.What can I do to install the game? :help:

Guest 25-08-2005 09:42 PM

There exitst modified exe for both X-com titles TFD and XC wich makes those games work FLAWLESSLY under modern XP os without any problems. I liked to post a link orginall but i can't find it again, even if i have both exe. I could submit them i guess... how would i do that ?

Christian 25-08-2005 10:32 PM

I started playing this game again after growing a bit tired of UFO (my base got attacked and destroyed and I hadn't saved for a very long time) and everything was working fine and I entered my first mission bravely. Killed all aliens I encountered until I met one bastard in the darkness... seems I encountered some sort of bug where this alien had auto-shot and it seemed as if his shots didn't cost him any time units. So not only did I rush him with 7 men and they ALL got killed (mind you, it was ONE aquatoid in the first mission on the BEGINNERS level), it took forever as well to fight it since he misses 9 out of 10 shots.

Oh... my... f*cking... god!

Eagle of Fire 26-08-2005 12:14 AM

Sounds like a normal fight for me.

'cept that I learned how to survive that way. Fighting in the darkness is the biggest mistake you can make ever in the Xcom games.

PrejudiceSucks 26-08-2005 10:46 AM


I don't know why it being day or night affects sight 2000 feet down though. It's pretty dark all of the time.

And the aliens do have a sight advantage at night in this one I believe.

Christian 26-08-2005 11:07 AM


Originally posted by Eagle of Fire@Aug 26 2005, 12:14 AM
Sounds like a normal fight for me.

'cept that I learned how to survive that way. Fighting in the darkness is the biggest mistake you can make ever in the Xcom games.

An aquatoid firing auto-rounds 50 times when I come near him doesn't sound normal... unless the game is extremely hard.

gregor 26-08-2005 12:52 PM


Originally posted by PrejudiceSucks@Aug 26 2005, 10:46 AM

I don't know why it being day or night affects sight 2000 feet down though. It's pretty dark all of the time.

And the aliens do have a sight advantage at night in this one I believe.

look closely on the map and you will see that not all parts of the world are deep. some are deeper and darker while others are closer to surface and brighter. so when you down the ailen craft into shallow watter it's logical that it's a bit brighter.

gregor 26-08-2005 12:57 PM


Originally posted by Christian@Aug 25 2005, 10:32 PM
I started playing this game again after growing a bit tired of UFO (my base got attacked and destroyed and I hadn't saved for a very long time) and everything was working fine and I entered my first mission bravely. Killed all aliens I encountered until I met one bastard in the darkness... seems I encountered some sort of bug where this alien had auto-shot and it seemed as if his shots didn't cost him any time units. So not only did I rush him with 7 men and they ALL got killed (mind you, it was ONE aquatoid in the first mission on the BEGINNERS level), it took forever as well to fight it since he misses 9 out of 10 shots.

Oh... my... f*cking... god!

yes suonic pistols use very low ammount of time units. so if the aquatoid was commander or some highranking officers he would have a lot of time units to spare and autoshot is cheap on sonic pistol. also the aliens carry ammo with them.

you will see later in game the giant dinosaur like alien that is somewhat equivalent to your vehicle. he is armed with sonic cannons of some sort and can be really troublesome because he can shoot fast (auto) and lot of shots. luckilly he is not precise.

Once you will get the sonic vehicle you will also dominate them as it has 100 shots at it's disposal. sonic pistol also has a lot of ammo in one clip.

PrejudiceSucks 26-08-2005 05:24 PM

Shallow being 1000 feet down or more. That's still going to be very dark.

And Guass pistols do fine for a bit at least. Guass rifles are pretty good.

Christian 29-08-2005 09:04 PM

I don't care what you're saying I still think my version has a bug.
Now when I restarted the game and played, my entire crew got killed by ONE alien even before they got out of the ship. He most've shot a 100 shots and killed all my men. THAT is not normal, especially when I'm playing on the beginners level.

Guest 29-08-2005 09:16 PM

i got a problm i can't receh meg-nav evan wan i have the stuff for it. :eeeeeh: :huh:

Toxik 29-08-2005 09:52 PM

what u said? :eeeeeh:
was that supposed to be any known human laungage?

efthimios 29-08-2005 10:15 PM

I think he said he can't research meg-nav(?) even when he has the right (insert your best guess here).

gregor 30-08-2005 08:33 AM


Originally posted by Christian@Aug 29 2005, 09:04 PM
I don't care what you're saying I still think my version has a bug.
Now when I restarted the game and played, my entire crew got killed by ONE alien even before they got out of the ship. He most've shot a 100 shots and killed all my men. THAT is not normal, especially when I'm playing on the beginners level.

why would he need 100 shots for 12 men? :blink:

gregor 30-08-2005 08:36 AM


Originally posted by Guest@Aug 29 2005, 09:16 PM
i got a problm i can't receh meg-nav evan wan i have the stuff for it. :eeeeeh: :huh:
no you can't. you need to capture a live alien commander and interrogate him. he will tell you how mag. navigation works. and then you could research it. :bye:

Christian 30-08-2005 10:39 AM


Originally posted by gregor+Aug 30 2005, 08:33 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (gregor @ Aug 30 2005, 08:33 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Christian@Aug 29 2005, 09:04 PM
I don't care what you're saying I still think my version has a bug.
Now when I restarted the game and played, my entire crew got killed by ONE alien even before they got out of the ship. He most've shot a 100 shots and killed all my men. THAT is not normal, especially when I'm playing on the beginners level.

why would he need 100 shots for 12 men? :blink: [/b][/quote]
Because he aims like crap.

Eagle of Fire 30-08-2005 08:45 PM


I don't care what you're saying I still think my version has a bug.
Now when I restarted the game and played, my entire crew got killed by ONE alien even before they got out of the ship. He most've shot a 100 shots and killed all my men. THAT is not normal, especially when I'm playing on the beginners level.

Hummm... Sound like TFTD for me. ;)

Daevilb 31-08-2005 08:43 AM


Originally posted by Christian+Aug 30 2005, 10:39 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Christian @ Aug 30 2005, 10:39 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>

Originally posted by gregor@Aug 30 2005, 08:33 AM

@Aug 29 2005, 09:04 PM
I don't care what you're saying I still think my version has a bug.
Now when I restarted the game and played, my entire crew got killed by ONE alien even before they got out of the ship. He most've shot a 100 shots and killed all my men. THAT is not normal, especially when I'm playing on the beginners level.

why would he need 100 shots for 12 men? :blink:

Because he aims like crap. [/b][/quote]
Let me guess, if you skip using your TRAINERS och CHEATS maybe this wouldn't have heppend :D

Christian 31-08-2005 08:52 AM


Originally posted by Eagle of Fire@Aug 30 2005, 08:45 PM

I don't care what you're saying I still think my version has a bug.
Now when I restarted the game and played, my entire crew got killed by ONE alien even before they got out of the ship. He most've shot a 100 shots and killed all my men. THAT is not normal, especially when I'm playing on the beginners level.

Hummm... Sound like TFTD for me. ;)

The game is THAT hard?

PrejudiceSucks 31-08-2005 09:19 AM

If it was a lobsterman then it's entirely likely, to begin with anyway. And yes, it's murderously difficult.

Eagle of Fire 31-08-2005 04:47 PM


The game is THAT hard?
It all depend on your playstyle. For me, it's just slighly above average in difficulty and the only real problem I had to adapt in TFTD VS UFO is the Aliens grenage throwing which really improved in between the two games.

Grenades hurt. :cry:

Christian 31-08-2005 08:39 PM

But I mean: ONE freaking alien sometimes shoots against my crew like 50 times. Is that normal?

Lonely Vazdru 01-09-2005 06:51 AM

If it really is one alien and 50 times i think it's definitly not normal. 15 or 18 times would be more than enough even with a sonic pistol. But go get them anyway ! :sniper:

Eagle of Fire 01-09-2005 10:10 AM

Having a lone Alien going berzerk on you and firing auto shots which can seems like endless, it can happen. However, did you ever heard of cover? Or/and you don't have to walk right away to the Aliens in the game. Try to ambush it or something, or throw a grenade from afar.

If it's a night mission, bring at least enough flares to give every soldier one and never advance on the mission without taking your flare and throwing it further away. Otherwise it would be a suicide mission.

Christian 01-09-2005 02:17 PM


Originally posted by Eagle of Fire@Sep 1 2005, 10:10 AM
Having a lone Alien going berzerk on you and firing auto shots which can seems like endless, it can happen. However, did you ever heard of cover? Or/and you don't have to walk right away to the Aliens in the game. Try to ambush it or something, or throw a grenade from afar.

If it's a night mission, bring at least enough flares to give every soldier one and never advance on the mission without taking your flare and throwing it further away. Otherwise it would be a suicide mission.

Trust me, I've been taking a lot more cover now than before, and chucking grenades all over the battlefield.
But it's really annoying when one of those aliens is waiting for me right outside my ship in the darkness and as soon as I step out with my guys, 4 of them get killed (again, one aliens shoots around 50 shoots and since the soldiers are tightly clustered, at LEAST 4 of them gets killed.

efthimios 01-09-2005 02:59 PM


Originally posted by Christian+Sep 1 2005, 02:17 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Christian @ Sep 1 2005, 02:17 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Eagle of Fire@Sep 1 2005, 10:10 AM
Having a lone Alien going berzerk on you and firing auto shots which can seems like endless, it can happen. However, did you ever heard of cover? Or/and you don't have to* walk right away to the Aliens in the game. Try to ambush it or something, or throw a grenade from afar.

If it's a night mission, bring at least enough flares to give every soldier one and never advance on the mission without taking your flare and throwing it further away. Otherwise it would be a suicide mission.

Trust me, I've been taking a lot more cover now than before, and chucking grenades all over the battlefield.
But it's really annoying when one of those aliens is waiting for me right outside my ship in the darkness and as soon as I step out with my guys, 4 of them get killed (again, one aliens shoots around 50 shoots and since the soldiers are tightly clustered, at LEAST 4 of them gets killed. [/b][/quote]
Soooo, don't have them so close to each other? Take cover? Use a tank to scout?

Christian 01-09-2005 06:30 PM


Originally posted by efthimios+Sep 1 2005, 02:59 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (efthimios @ Sep 1 2005, 02:59 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>

Originally posted by Christian@Sep 1 2005, 02:17 PM
<!--QuoteBegin-Eagle of Fire

@Sep 1 2005, 10:10 AM
Having a lone Alien going berzerk on you and firing auto shots which can seems like endless, it can happen. However, did you ever heard of cover? Or/and you don't have to* walk right away to the Aliens in the game. Try to ambush it or something, or throw a grenade from afar.

If it's a night mission, bring at least enough flares to give every soldier one and never advance on the mission without taking your flare and throwing it further away. Otherwise it would be a suicide mission.

Trust me, I've been taking a lot more cover now than before, and chucking grenades all over the battlefield.
But it's really annoying when one of those aliens is waiting for me right outside my ship in the darkness and as soon as I step out with my guys, 4 of them get killed (again, one aliens shoots around 50 shoots and since the soldiers are tightly clustered, at LEAST 4 of them gets killed.

Soooo, don't have them so close to each other? Take cover? Use a tank to scout? [/b][/quote]
How the hell am I supposed to NOT have them clustered in the ship? ALL squads starts a mission clustered in the ship.

gregor 01-09-2005 06:33 PM

could it be possible that you only see it as many shots, because of some screen flickering??

i seriously never heard of this bug. and i also never had any problems with XCOM:TFTD. i know some other bugs, but not this one.

efthimios 01-09-2005 06:59 PM


Originally posted by Christian@Sep 1 2005, 06:30 PM

How the hell am I supposed to NOT have them clustered in the ship? ALL squads starts a mission clustered in the ship.

If your troops are getting shot while inside the ship (never happened to me but I believe you), the use a smoke or two grenades at first to cover your exit from the ship. If you have a cannonfodder soldier or a tank, use them to exit first for a quick scan of the area. If your troops are clusteres together right outsise the ship, then, don't put them together so tight but let one or two at a time and look for cover before you take more out.

Christian 01-09-2005 09:53 PM


Originally posted by gregor@Sep 1 2005, 06:33 PM
could it be possible that you only see it as many shots, because of some screen flickering??

i seriously never heard of this bug. and i also never had any problems with XCOM:TFTD. i know some other bugs, but not this one.

No, I'm positive that the aliens are shooting THAT many times.
It's kinda fun actually because it makes the game REALLY hard... I'm just worried about one thing: If it is this hard when playing on beginner... :rolleyes:

laiocfar 02-09-2005 01:45 AM

50 SHOTS!!!!??? :sniper: :sniper: :sniper: :sniper: :sniper:

"Trust me, I've been taking a lot more cover now than before, and chucking grenades all over the battlefield.
But it's really annoying when one of those aliens is waiting for me right outside my ship in the darkness and as soon as I step out with my guys, 4 of them get killed (again, one aliens shoots around 50 shoots and since the soldiers are tightly clustered, at LEAST 4 of them gets killed."

I am the top of tech tree and still using one man with the Gas Cannon with P proyectiles.
I can´t kill nobody with this but it will light the way.
But if happens that when u open the door of the triton an alien is already shotting u. ABORT ABORT
nothing to do, just take the few loses posible.
use the tank in land too (at the begin of game the sas or tank only shots in water).
if they destroy the tank continue as u can.
Anyway for help u, i need to know what tech do u got???

Anybody has ended the game in the good way.

gregor 02-09-2005 05:19 AM


Originally posted by Christian@Sep 1 2005, 09:53 PM

No, I'm positive that the aliens are shooting THAT many times.
It's kinda fun actually because it makes the game REALLY hard... I'm just worried about one thing: If it is this hard when playing on beginner... :rolleyes:

not to mention the last mission where you can't save...

tip:always save in base before going on a mission, and when on a mission save each turn.

i am trully interested if you somehow manage to develope molecular control, how many time units will the aliens under M.C. have?

it might be that there is some error in file that determines their time units. tat way they could shoot many times. whenever i pleyed they usually shoot at me afew times. i didnt' give them much time anyway too shoot.

the only aliens i know that are capable of many miltishots are ther ones that looks like flying saucer and the one that looks like a dinosaur (takes up 4 squares like your tank). these two especially the saucer can shoot a lot of times (3-4 sometimes 5 shots per turn) and it's very hard to kill. others usualyl have max 3 shots per turn and even then they have to be standing and using autoshot.

Christian 02-09-2005 10:05 AM

Which version are you guys using? I have two versions, the one from here (DOS version) and another one from The Underdogs (Windows version). The DOS version runs kinda choppy but I don't know if it has the "bug" as well.

laiocfar 02-09-2005 02:49 PM


tip:always save in base before going on a mission, and when on a mission save each turn.

i am trully interested if you somehow manage to develope molecular control, how many time units will the aliens under M.C. have?

it might be that there is some error in file that determines their time units. tat way they could shoot many times. whenever i pleyed they usually shoot at me afew times. i didnt' give them much time anyway too shoot.

the only aliens i know that are capable of many miltishots are ther ones that looks like flying saucer and the one that looks like a dinosaur (takes up 4 squares like your tank). these two especially the saucer can shoot a lot of times (3-4 sometimes 5 shots per turn) and it's very hard to kill. others usualyl have max 3 shots per turn and even then they have to be standing and using autoshot.

For the molecular control, 1 turn. When u see an alien and make the MC attack u must choise attemp to control the alien(for the turn of tht MC att u will move the alien and for the next aliens turn, he will be like an aquanaut, but for your next turn he will be an alien again) or just disrupt him (lower the moral and cause panic). The succes of the MC att is bases in the MC capacity of your guy, the training in MC of your guy and the tipe of alien. A orange alien(i can´t traslate hombrelangosta) is one of the easier targets, a tashlot is an medium taget and a tentacult is a hard one.

Each alien can shot as max 2 times. There are exeptions like the dinosaurs, the telebrains(the brain over a plataform, the one when killed explodes) and the Anrunoid. But in general, twice shot per alien and if the alien haved avance at least 3 block he will shoot single.

Some questions for you:

How did you do the first time that u find the orange aliens(hombreslangosta en espa?ol)?
I don´t got enough equipment to defeat them, i was still over the arpons launchers.
With some tanzer i manege to capture one of them. And i just bring the Gaus rifle to fight them but until i got MC, the missions against they took about 5 causalities each.

And before that i denvelope MC, each mission where one aquanaut gets controled by aliens was aborted.

And how i have to do for get the last mission???

laiocfar 02-09-2005 02:53 PM


Originally posted by Christian@Sep 2 2005, 10:05 AM
Which version are you guys using? I have two versions, the one from here (DOS version) and another one from The Underdogs (Windows version). The DOS version runs kinda choppy but I don't know if it has the "bug" as well.
i got the windows one

piroklasztit 02-09-2005 09:55 PM

It's easy: hombreslangosta = Lobster man :ok:

laiocfar 03-09-2005 05:14 AM


* It's easy: hombreslangosta = Lobster man ok.gif
I speak many languages, all of the very bad or MAX POWER :tomato:

Another question the sonic cannon has more fire-power but the Gaus rifle has the auto-shot (3 shot for the half of the move points and with the accurasy of a quick shot)
I chose Sonic C beacause time to time, i like to do a mission without tank, without MC, just the 4 men squad:




Artillery and ilumination


laiocfar 07-09-2005 02:40 PM

Since my last psot doesn´t got any reply....
i will question again, what i have to do for get the last mission?

PrejudiceSucks 07-09-2005 02:50 PM

Research the Alien City and then build a Leviathon.

laiocfar 07-09-2005 09:03 PM

I got all the tech tree but i never used the leviathan it was too much power.... i will see if can finish the game now, thanks :evil:

MD 22-09-2005 03:44 AM

Can you tell me what is the best setting for the DOSBOX Configure

Sometime I can got it to full screen, but the pixel like very bad. :wall:

efthimios 22-09-2005 09:12 AM


Originally posted by MD@Sep 22 2005, 03:44 AM
Can you tell me what is the best setting for the DOSBOX Configure

Sometime I can got it to full screen, but the pixel like very bad. :wall:

Get a CRT monitor?

Mohhingman 25-09-2005 12:56 PM

Hi all

It's great to see so many hardened UFO fans after all these years :D ! I've been playing the original UFO and TFTD in annual binges since 1995 :)

The original UFO was fun. The missions are quite possible to finish without reloading and are nice and varied. The research tree and crafts were good. However, i found the original XCom too easy. It lacked the real harcore hardness of the second one. Without any hacking or scientist monthly plane ride exploting, on superhuman mode i could get 8 bases fully loaded with all facilities with 2 avengers in every base. Elerium supply was no problem by doing each landed ufo mission and tight elerium distribution between bases. Virtually 95% of my income came from weapon sales from missions. I only had one sponsor toward the end of the game :) Overall, i think UFO is one of the best PC titles ever made.

With all things being equal, I have to say i prefered TFTD. It is sooo hard i want to cry happy tears :kosta: The crabmen earned my respect very early when my whole team were wiped out playing darts a with crabman target :sniper: The bases were tough and the artefact sites were sooo scary - waiting in horror in those dark corridors for a brainbug to come find you :ph34r: Hey why are the shipping routes tedius? I find it is highly satisfying after searching the whole ship to find the last alien cowering in the freezer room :) I managed to complete tftd on superhuman. It was the most intense challenge of my life :Titan: I am about to play it again for the 2005 annual binge.

Good to know you are all still playing Xcom :D


UFO Tip: Always try to do missions during the day. If you are forced to do missions at night, make sure you bring flares with you. They make it possible to have a chance at shooting aliens a distance away (the aliens must have infra-red eyes to shoot from that distance without flares) :eeeeeh:

Guest_crono 05-10-2005 01:11 AM

:help: hi im a player of ufo2 terror from the deep and i have a problem, when i play the game runs normaly but in the missions kicks me, i don't know why, i have windows xp if somebody understand me please help me

if you can read in spanish here is the post
hola yo juego ufo2 terror from the deep, pero tengo un problema, cundo empiezo todo esta normal, pero en las misiones el juego se cierrra automaticamente, no se porque, ?sera porque tengo windows xp? si sabes la solucion a este problema porfa responde gracias :help:

laiocfar 17-10-2005 09:05 PM

Proba de cargarlo en Dosbox aunque en Win98 anda perfecto y tu inglés es correcto :ok:

Guest 21-10-2005 05:54 PM

well i finally got through all the posts and i have to say that i am suprised that so many ofyou guys think tftd is so much harder. The biggest problem i have ALWAYS had has been goddamn sectoid/aquatoid mind controlling my guys and killing my entire squad. I can't say i find much difference between the tftd and enemy unknown in that respect. I really like being able to open doors without walking through them though :D I know the obvious solution to that problem is to develop mind control for my guys but i always thought it was alittle too powerful and not very military - esque, for my guys to have superhuman abilities. Anyway i was wondering if i am alone on this one... anyone else out there avoid mind control like the plague? and if so how do you deal with those goddman sectoid/aquatoids? I just finished a mission where i had only one aquatoid left who killed around five of my guys, hiding on the third level of his ship and mind controlling me :ranting:

ps - i am SO stoked to find so many other people worship these 2 games as much as myself....

Guest 21-10-2005 06:06 PM

oh also why don't you guys like night missions? I think they rule! Like someone mentioned before ( i can't remember who) all you need is one flare for each guy and to be careful to blanket the map with flares and its all good. I think its alot more atmospheric too, it should be that dark every mission as we are supposed to be on the ocean floor.

just on a side note i think i like the death screams in enemy unknown more than tftd i think that's my only real complaint, less satisfying when you kill the aqua aliens and hear them scream than the land versions... ahh well

Guest 21-10-2005 06:09 PM

oh hey also i checked out ufo2000 and OMG its AWESOME!!!! 640x480 res is so sweet!!!! And i am sure this is probably a retarded question but i take it you can't use that program to mod tftd or xcom1 to play the battles in 640x480? that would rule SO hard.... sooooooooooooooooo hard.....



so hard...

anyway that's my last post for tonight i promise. Thanks for anyone answering my no doubt stupid questions


Public Bob

laiocfar 21-10-2005 08:16 PM

Guest: u must drink and no water :beer:

Anyway, i love dark missins too but i use the gas cnnon with p proyectiles to "make the light" :Jesus: The mind control is pain, i have enormus causalities and got runned away in the most of mission by 3 months until i got mind control and started to blast them out off the earth, unlucky, they brided another gov and i lost :cry:

*Happy* 21-10-2005 09:25 PM

Actually, there are far fewer aliens in TFTD that can mind control than in X-COM 1
-Aquatoid Navigator - rare, Commander - very rare, Technician
-Gillman Commander - very rare
-Tasoth Squad Leader - these are the most common ones, but in X-com 1 ALL Ethereals could mind control

laiocfar 22-10-2005 03:17 AM


Gillwhat?.... :blink:

*Happy* 22-10-2005 02:08 PM

Gillmen - you know the green guys that hang around with Deep Ones in the terror missions?

Or if you're referring to their Commander - he only appears if you assault a Gillman Dreadnought - him using M.C. gave me quite a surprise...

laiocfar 23-10-2005 08:03 AM

I get it "hombre barnquia" equal to gillmen :wall: :ok:

pazzo 06-11-2005 08:31 PM

i have a little problem... it goes too fast on my pc!!! someone knows ho to slow it down??

laiocfar 06-11-2005 10:01 PM

Are u sure that the game speed is in 5sec?

well, if yes try to load it in dos-box and down pc cycles, anyway i doesn´t look like one of this old games that goes and run like fire in gunpower.

Guest 07-11-2005 09:44 AM

i tryied but it is too fast and use 100% cpu!!! why?

laiocfar 09-11-2005 02:22 AM

Try to open winap(or other mp3 player) while loading the game. The game works well to me and if u set cool musik u can play even better. Try to redownload the game. And good luck with it :ok:

Viky Boy 19-11-2005 12:37 PM

I have a problem.The game runs fragmented,please help me someone

SupSuper 19-11-2005 01:26 PM


Originally posted by Viky Boy@Nov 19 2005, 01:37 PM
I have a problem.The game runs fragmented,please help me someone
Could you be more specific? What exactly is fragmented? The graphics, the speed, etc.

Zorkman 04-12-2005 02:47 AM

I've recently downloaded this game, it's alright. No match for the original, however, but there is one thing that really sticks out to me; The Molecular Control chips. In the Alien Base missions, they can take over any one of your guys, even though it should be technically possible to find and remove any/and or all chips implanted in the brain (This is 2040, for gods sake). So how can they control your guys when they don't have any chips?
And secondly. What happened to the old X-com guys? They are probably old, tired, and mostly out of business eating rice-pattys in an old age home, but wouldn't some of the scientists from 41 years in the past come forward and say "Hey! I still have a large stockpile of Elerium! And the plans for the Avenger, now we can modify it to go underwater, but still!" and have some really good technology from the start other than the stuff that manages to get 18% hit rate regardless?
This is just curiosity, but, It has puzzled me for the last week. :bye:

rlbell 05-12-2005 05:47 AM


Originally posted by Zorkman@Dec 4 2005, 03:47 AM
I've recently downloaded this game, it's alright. No match for the original, however, but there is one thing that really sticks out to me; The Molecular Control chips. In the Alien Base missions, they can take over any one of your guys, even though it should be technically possible to find and remove any/and or all chips implanted in the brain (This is 2040, for gods sake). So how can they control your guys when they don't have any chips?
And secondly. What happened to the old X-com guys? They are probably old, tired, and mostly out of business eating rice-pattys in an old age home, but wouldn't some of the scientists from 41 years in the past come forward and say "Hey! I still have a large stockpile of Elerium! And the plans for the Avenger, now we can modify it to go underwater, but still!" and have some really good technology from the start other than the stuff that manages to get 18% hit rate regardless?
This is just curiosity, but, It has puzzled me for the last week. :bye:

The important thing to remember about Xcom2, is that the largest amount of feedback about the original was that it was not hard enough. TFTD is little more than a reskinning of Enemy Unknown, with additional tweaks to make the game more challenging. If I was really bored, and I had my nuclear physics textbook, I could use some first year calculus to come up with the number of neutrons that produces the longest lived isotope of Elerium 115. It would probably be less than a year. Gauss weaponry attempt to produce much of the whammy of a plasma weapon, but without the unobtainable ingredient.

The aliens can MC any earth lifeform. The implants make the control more complete and more reliable. The Synomium device network, if completed, will allow the aliens to control all of humanity, at once.

The Avenger is fast and quite capable of shrugging off plasma strikes, but it is not a sub. Any avengers built by X-com are languishing in aircraft museums, for lack of fuel, if nothing else. In many ways, the barracuda is much more kick behind than an avenger, if for no other reason than its ability to go supersonic in an almost incompressable medium.

What surprises me is that you do not complain about the totally inappropriate weaponr taken on terror missions. Who, in their right mind, takes a jet harpoon launcher to a gun fight, when laser pistols are the standard sidearm? I would even be thankful for the chemically powered projectile weapons of 1999. Fortunately, the aliens suffer worse, as they have no handy dry place to stash plasma weapons between terror raids.

TFTD was for all of the people who cleared out Cydonia and wept for lack of a further challenge. Unfortunately, many of the aspects of TFTD that make it more challenging than Enemy Unknown make it more annoying, too.

Nightshade 05-12-2005 07:20 PM

I have a problem running this game. I use dosbox, get the cycles just right, etc. I then have the game running flawlessly on my computer. However, I will get in a battle that freezes up the program. It always happens when there is an explosion in one of the darkened areas (not visible) of the map.The game just freezes there. I have restarted the game and my computer numerous times to replay the battle, and it always freezes up in the same spot when the explosion happens. I have uninstalled, reinstalled, and started new games a number of times, only to get in a battle where the problem repeats itself. I may be a newbie on this site, but I assure you all that I have a rather solid background in computers. Please help me out here... Thank you in advance.

ShadowBlade 06-12-2005 02:24 PM


Originally posted by Zorkman@Dec 4 2005, 03:47 AM
I've recently downloaded this game, it's alright. No match for the original, however, but there is one thing that really sticks out to me; The Molecular Control chips. In the Alien Base missions, they can take over any one of your guys, even though it should be technically possible to find and remove any/and or all chips implanted in the brain (This is 2040, for gods sake). So how can they control your guys when they don't have any chips?
And secondly. What happened to the old X-com guys? They are probably old, tired, and mostly out of business eating rice-pattys in an old age home, but wouldn't some of the scientists from 41 years in the past come forward and say "Hey! I still have a large stockpile of Elerium! And the plans for the Avenger, now we can modify it to go underwater, but still!" and have some really good technology from the start other than the stuff that manages to get 18% hit rate regardless?
This is just curiosity, but, It has puzzled me for the last week. :bye:

Elerium goes inert when in contact with water, so that's basically why you can't use all the Elerium-based equipment and vehicles from the previous game. And that's why you must resort to Zrbite and entirely new technologies in TFTD.


SupSuper 06-12-2005 03:38 PM

The most powerful equipment in the world, and it isn't waterproof :bleh:

Zorkman 07-12-2005 10:39 AM

Thanks. And, Nightshade, I couldn't get TFTD to work for the first 4 weeks, either. I said "Screw it" and called it a crappy game. Then, I found The Underdogs (Google it). They have a windows version of TFTD, that SHOULD work for you. Worked for me.
Thanks again for te info about TFTD.

Nightshade 08-12-2005 08:00 PM

Thanks, but I think I fixed whatever was causing the glitch.

laiocfar 10-12-2005 03:33 AM


I've recently downloaded this game, it's alright. No match for the original, however, but there is one thing that really sticks out to me; The Molecular Control chips. In the Alien Base missions, they can take over any one of your guys, even though it should be technically possible to find and remove any/and or all chips implanted in the brain (This is 2040, for gods sake). So how can they control your guys when they don't have any chips?
And secondly. What happened to the old X-com guys? They are probably old, tired, and mostly out of business eating rice-pattys in an old age home, but wouldn't some of the scientists from 41 years in the past come forward and say "Hey! I still have a large stockpile of Elerium! And the plans for the Avenger, now we can modify it to go underwater, but still!" and have some really good technology from the start other than the stuff that manages to get 18% hit rate regardless?
This is just curiosity, but, It has puzzled me for the last week. bye1.gif

My first aproach to x-com was download and play TFTD and i liked it too much. It was a good, defiant and well done game. But by the time i downloaded UFO-Enemy Unk and i get the big rob that was TFTD.... what in the hell they had done??? Nothing, they just changed the whole game to leave us the same game. Each alien, each weapon, each craft, mission, everything of UFO it´s his underwater version in TFTD. They didn´t solve the mistakes of UFO like the fact the u don´t get pints from shotingdown the enemy craft. Or any modification like normal force to help x-com when the gov finances u or aginst u when the alien packs. New crafts or a new research tree. The best of both games is in the first x-com that u play its the first mission, the surprice of didn´t know what are u fighthing against or how fight it.... when the denvelopers remaines the game like fisrt, they didn´t added nothing but they leave it without the emotion of the discovering of the game :ranting:

Acolyte 16-12-2005 10:56 AM

Well there are some changes.
New items (VIBRO BLADE).
New aliens (Lobsterman).
Weapons that only work underwater (OK there just modified old weapons).
Some aliens needed for making reasearch.

Any tips how to defeat a lobsterman?
In an island terror mision ive tried to blast one...
here are my arguments
9 gauss shots
2 sonic pulser's
1 magnablast (yep i was desperate)

After all that he fell and i seant two guys to take wathever he had and the presumably dead alien for reasaearch BUT at mission status i noticed that he was still alive (squad leader).

Is there any faster way of knocking them out.

*Happy* 16-12-2005 02:25 PM

To kill Lobstermen use close combat weapons (vibro blade, thermic lance, even thermal tazer if desperate), sonic cannons (rifles can be used, but they need several shots) or stun them with thermal shock launchers. Molecular control also works very well on them. Don't use ANY explosive weapons - they're practically invulnerable to them), gauss weapons (it takes about 15 rifle shots to kill one) or gas cannons (tried, but never managed to kill one with it).

Mostly, I agree with you, but as Acolyte pointed out there are some differences. I think X-com 2 is more like an expansion pack than a sequel. However, one very important difference is that it plays quite different. For example, X-com 1 can easily be finished only with lasers, but in X-com 2 there's no way you're going to win only with Gauss. I must say I rather like the feeling that the aliens are really superior (especially when I met a Lobsterman the first time) and the much more sinister atmosphere of X-com 2.

P.S. you DO get points for shooting down or destroying alien craft.

dondaggi 18-12-2005 06:46 PM

:w00t: I totally get crazy because the Researchsystem is *dirty word* me off because i cant develop Alienships!!!! I read on an Rushian WEbsite that there is a Bug in the game and so you cant finish Research. I have a old gamestar cd with a Patch but it doesnt work. So XCOM TFTD is from the story a way better then UFO and hopefully on one Day i will finish the Game :cry: :sniper: :wall:

If you have some Tipps for me how to Finish all the Researchor if you want a version from the Update just Email me

laiocfar 18-12-2005 09:39 PM

The famous research bug, is that sometimes the reviewer not tried to interrogue a commander!!! There it´s also another problem, some times the wanted research item just didn´t appears, so zorbite, aquaplastic, the alien city, MC, armor level 2 can fail to be loaded on the game :( . Maybe there are more research items that fail.

About, Xcom I vs Xcom II...
I found that in the second one the smoke grenade doesnt works as well than in Xcom I. The terror aliens works better in Xcom II... in Xcom I, many of them just didn´t make real damage to troopers, in Xcom II they are really dangerous at point that sometimes my soldiers carry grenades set to 0 in the bag, so if they get killed by a close combat, it will blow everything. The problem is when a wounded soldiers get stunned. Also i found that in Xcom II there is a bigger chance to capture aliens.

Let me see about the alien´s spices...

aquatoid - sectoid
floater - ?
? - gillmen
snakeman - tadosh
lobesterman - muton
tentacult - the guy like a crab
alucinoide - reaper
telebrain - ciberdisk
the dino with rockets - the robot with rockets
Calamarx - ?
? - etheral
calcinate - the fliying stomach type A
arunoide - the fliying stomach type B

i sure that near 90% of names are bad but....

gregor 19-12-2005 05:49 AM


Originally posted by dondaggi@Dec 18 2005, 07:46 PM
:w00t: I totally get crazy because the Researchsystem is *dirty word* me off because i cant develop Alienships!!!! I read on an Rushian WEbsite that there is a Bug in the game and so you cant finish Research. I have a old gamestar cd with a Patch but it doesnt work. So XCOM TFTD is from the story a way better then UFO and hopefully on one Day i will finish the Game :cry:* :sniper:* :wall:

If you have some Tipps for me how to Finish all the Researchor if you want a version from the Update just Email me

so if i understand correctly, you researched everything there is to research? All aliens?? and all their artefacts? you also captured and researched live aliens of all ranks? (technician, soldier, commander...) you also researched some alien (live) life forms twice ?

*Happy* 19-12-2005 07:09 PM

For which aliens are equivalent, look at their stats. Personally I think:

Aquatoid - Sectoid
Gillman - somewhere between Floater and Snakeman in strength
Lobsterman - Muton, but much tougher
Tasoth - Ethereal, but tougher and psychically weaker

Tentaculat - Cryssalid, but can fly
Calcinite - Reaper, but smaller
Deep One - Celatid, but weaker
Xarquid - Celatid, but stronger and bigger
Triscene - Sectopod
Hallucinoid - Reaper, but can shoot
Bio-Drone - Cyberdisc, but is smaller leaves a trail of fire like a Silicoid

As you can see the Silicoids, Floaters and Snakemen have no real equivalents and there are only four major races (x-com 1 had five)

Acolyte 21-12-2005 01:39 PM

I must say that some aliens look (Floating brain witch turns your men into green goblins?) quite erratic.
Oh and btw some aliens seem to be inspired on Lovecraft books.

Madow Nishura 22-12-2005 11:52 PM

Is it possible for you guys to upload a Windows version of TFTD?

sewen 23-12-2005 11:17 AM

If you wish for widows version you may go here. But I personally prefer DOS version in emulator, because it have much better sounds. Under windows, you will do the best if you mute them. They aren't good.

Madow Nishura 25-12-2005 11:07 AM

The code you have to use doesnt work when your gonna download the file, there is a error about the code not being given:(

Cockroach 27-12-2005 03:50 AM

Shok launchers pwn. Area effect, and it devestates the toughest aliens in teh game.

SupSuper 27-12-2005 04:19 PM


Originally posted by Cockroach@Dec 27 2005, 04:50 AM
Shok launchers pwn. Area effect, and it devestates the toughest aliens in teh game.
Lobstermen survive sometimes. Nothing more frustrating than seeing one of them standing in the middle of a pulverized area.

laiocfar 28-12-2005 05:56 AM


Lobstermen survive sometimes. Nothing more frustrating than seeing one of them standing in the middle of a pulverized area.
Very sad and true.

Cockroach 29-12-2005 10:52 PM

That's why you use the shok launcher and not the blaster thingie. You can drop half a dozen with one shot then grenade them.

laiocfar 30-12-2005 03:26 AM

Interesant aproach to the problem... u are sure about one right aimed stun shot = lobstermen get stunned?

Cockroach 30-12-2005 04:43 AM

They go down enmass. I always have a veteran trooper that uses one and gets mad firing accuracy from all the area effect hits from the thing.

*Happy* 01-01-2006 07:39 PM

True, stun weapons are very effective vs. Lobstermen. However, they sometimes do survive 1 shot and you'll have to carry a lot of grenades to make sure they stay down... Still, it's the only area effect weapon that's good against them. The PWT launcher usually doesn't kill them in 1 shot. The best solutions, though are MC and Close Combat Weapons.

On a side note, early in the game the Thermal Tazer can be quite effective against them.

laiocfar 01-01-2006 08:28 PM

Tanzer are the only weapon with u can try to attack lobstermen in early game but u need to attack with many people a single alien to succes

gregor 02-01-2006 09:01 AM


Originally posted by laiocfar@Dec 30 2005, 04:26 AM
Interesant aproach to the problem... u are sure about one right aimed stun shot = lobstermen get stunned?
yes usually they get stunned, unless they are commanders. but nromal soldiers get stunned quite easilly. and in attack on alien base i too use stun launcher and then throw a greande (at least untill i research that heavy drill thingy). when you got the heavy drill, you can crack them open anytime...

Guest 02-01-2006 02:51 PM

Hey i recently downloaded TFTD and i have a problem i run the game with VDMS or something like that and the Game crashes on Terror Missions i try to save and then load but it crashes in the same place every time when i end my first turn:(

punch999 02-01-2006 11:59 PM

Use dosbox then.

*Happy* 03-01-2006 01:03 PM


Originally posted by Acolyte@Jan 3 2006, 01:55 PM
Gauss Cannon gets you Coelacanth Gauss. To get the Displacers (flying HWP's) you must research much more - all the sonic weapons, Ion Beam Accelerators and more (i don't recall exactly what, but there is a tech tree somewhere on the net - try Google).

Acolyte 04-01-2006 06:18 AM

I did reasearch Gauss cannon but i could only builg craft cannons (the tank didn’t show up in the manufacture menu)
Guess it’s a bug and I hawe to restart the game).

gregor 04-01-2006 12:43 PM


Originally posted by Acolyte@Jan 4 2006, 07:18 AM
I did reasearch Gauss cannon but i could only builg craft cannons (the tank didn’t show up in the manufacture menu)
Guess it’s a bug and I hawe to restart the game).

nah you can continue. eventually they migh pop up. maybe you need to research smth. else also. if not, who cares. i never used gauss vehicle anyway. it's more important that you get the floating armor and research sonic weapon as far as possible. that way you get sonic vehicle tht floats and has 100 very powerfull shots (and it doesn't need any ammo to be kept at home).

Sonic is the key not gauss. Sonic can kill lobstermen and other heavy nuisance more easilly.

Spoiler (FAQ):

As you can see it has atech tree and other usefull info. To get Gauss wehicle you also need to research hammerhead (it's a ship). but as i said before: better use&research sonic.

oh and dont' research Tasoth commander before you researched everything. better to use lobster or aquatoid commander anyway (both found in very large ships or in alien colonies)....

*Happy* 04-01-2006 02:13 PM

1. The tech tree is different in different versions of the game. The Gauss Coelacanth isn't available until near the end of the tech tree in the older versions, but this should be corrected in the newer ones (like the one on this site). Its cannon, while inferior to the Sonic Tank's, is much more powerful than a standard Heavy Gauss.

2. I don't think researching the Aquatoid Commander gives you anything, but this was in the older versions. DONT research the Tasoth Commander no matter what version you have. The Lobsterman Commander is the key.

3. Gauss weapons aren't exactly useless; only the Heavy Gauss is. The Rifle in particular is very effective against Gillmen and Aquatoids, as it has automatic fire mode (the sonic weapons don't). However using them vs. lobstermen or Tasoths is suicide.

laiocfar 04-01-2006 04:52 PM

The Sonic Cannon its really better than Gauss rifle. Anyway at end MC its everything

Cockroach 05-01-2006 12:10 AM

Really depends on the trooper's roll in the squad and what you are facing.

Sonic Pistol is quick to fire snap shots and allows you to use the 2nd hand for other tasks, such as using grenades or carrying a drill.

Sonic Cannon is best used from the rear in open terrian due to the very low rate of fire (you'll probably only get one shot a turn). Best used by snipers.

Gauss Rifles are your frontline assault rifles for fighting anything short of Lobstermen. Auto fire makes up for it's lower power.

Blasta Rifles are a mix of the sonic cannon and pistol. Accurate, and having the ability to realistically fire twice a round.

Gas Cannons are the most versitile guns around. You can rain highly accurate HE whoopass on 4x terror units and most lightly armoured aliens, killing them in one hit.

laiocfar 05-01-2006 12:27 AM

Yes, its true, Gauss rifle its a good option to front line and assault troopers but with experienced squads that got high accuracy and many TUs the power of a Sonic Cannon suits better.

And i loved the Gas Cannon with P ammunition to iluminate dark areas.

gregor 05-01-2006 05:33 AM


Originally posted by laiocfar@Jan 5 2006, 01:27 AM
And i loved the Gas Cannon with P ammunition to iluminate dark areas.
i used these to equip soldiers that were a liability to squad. so when they started panicking and shooting arround all they did was lit up the are and i sometimes reveal the aliens. while the shot itself doesn't do too much damage on your own squad, especially if they wear some good armours.

By the way i think you can research Ion armour quite fast and it may be a good idea as it is almoust as strong as magnetic, only i doesn't levitate.

Guest_Nick 07-01-2006 11:53 PM

Could anyone tell me what happened at the end of this game? I played and completed UFO, but after buying this on the first day of release got bored... Tried again about a year or 2 ago and got quite far but again got side tracked with the pressures of a new wife, kids and a new machine with XP.

Cockroach 08-01-2006 04:22 AM

You send a squad to the Yucatan impact site to assault the alien colony ship and you get blown up while destroying it.

duckpatch 08-01-2006 11:55 AM

Thanks for spoiling it...

another_guest 08-01-2006 12:11 PM

Hm, maybe it's better to delete that post and PM the info to whoever asked for it? :)

Oldblue153 09-01-2006 02:12 AM

OK just need one of you guys to tell me you've finished the copy thats downloadable from this site, I can deal with the glitches withBad Saves, dead aliens on your craft when you land, reasearch bugs etc etc etc...but BEFFORE i invest another 200 hours in the game I just wanna know that I can actually finish it this time.....been foiled 3-4 times on really good solid tries by research glitches, bad save , ^$^%&%*# Computer died last time and i was reaserching the ultimate craft too dammit,.

Ive got it installed via DOSBox and played an experimental scenario and all seems fine just tell me one of ya have finished the game posted here pleeeease

rlbell 09-01-2006 04:47 AM


Originally posted by Oldblue153@Jan 9 2006, 03:12 AM
OK just need one of you guys to tell me you've finished the copy thats downloadable from this site, I can deal with the glitches withBad Saves, dead aliens on your craft when you land, reasearch bugs etc etc etc...but BEFFORE i invest another 200 hours in the game I just wanna know that I can actually finish it this time.....been foiled 3-4 times on really good solid tries by research glitches, bad save , ^$^%&%*# Computer died last time and i was reaserching the ultimate craft too dammit,.

Ive got it installed via DOSBox and played an experimental scenario and all seems fine just tell me one of ya have finished the game posted here pleeeease

I know the feeling. After much experimentation, I have discovered that I have precisely the wrong hardware to play this game. It is too slow to emulate a 486 with dosbox, and Win98SE has a file handling problem that usually corrupts the game file (dreaded green text bug).

I did complete the game about three and a half years ago, but my 486 has lain idle for most of the time since, so I do not know if it still works. I have some other hardware that I might run it on, but my children complain when I hog their computer (I can get away with it if they have gone to bed, or they are doing something else, but TFTD needs alot of time).

gregor 09-01-2006 08:49 AM


Originally posted by rlbell@Jan 9 2006, 05:47 AM

I know the feeling. After much experimentation, I have discovered that I have precisely the wrong hardware to play this game. It is too slow to emulate a 486 with dosbox, and Win98SE has a file handling problem that usually corrupts the game file (dreaded green text bug).

what do you mean??? if you have win 98 SE you dont' need dosbox to play it. you simply make dos boot disk, boot your computer with it and start the game. it works perfectly.

@ Oldblue153

I don't know about this version, but i have some previous one, which i completed it about 3 times. it has some bugs, but nothing major. i mena i just load the previous save.

Here is how i manage my save files. if iremember correctly there are 10 of them, right?

slot 1 - saving only on planet surface
slot 2 only mission start where i put description and size of ship
slot 3-8 - save each turn when on a mission where i add a nbumber of turn to the filename and short description of events (e.g.slot 3: sees 2 being the rock t2,slot 4: behind rock killed t3...)
slot 9 - use it to save in the middle of turn. for example i already killed 2 aliens but i know there is a 3rd one (hard to kill) hiding at the next corner. so i save and then use other team member to progress.
slot 10 - use it to save at the end of each month - can be used as "backup save"

this save technique enables that all of the crew survives almoust always. my death rate is max 2 aquanauts per game - sometimes i really must sacrifice them. so basically almoust everyone from my xcom teams survives.

Oh and another thing (this one i learned from FAQ) is that it pays off to have your tema members renamed in such a way that you immediatelly know their fucntion. you frist check their poins, do a Strengs and weakness check up and then they get a letter added to their name. eg. aquanaut that is very strong should get a rocket launcher, so at the end of his name i woul dive him letter R- for example "Orski Manski R". you can also give them team insignia e.g. Orski Manski RED R

Btw the first time i played it i didnt' know how to go on special mission. so i played and played when finnaly a friend told me where i must click. by the time he told me that i had 4 bases and instead of aquanauts i had SUPERNOUTS. their skills were amazin - snap shot accuracy 160%, throwing accuracy over 180%. took out the terror sites in few mins, as they could accuratelly shoot form one side of map to the other one with snapshot or throw a greande very very far. all had over 90 MC resistance... anyway with this special team assembled only form the best of all bases i went to final mission. it all went like a swiss clock.

Cockroach 09-01-2006 12:45 PM


this save technique enables that all of the crew survives almoust always. my death rate is max 2 aquanauts per game - sometimes i really must sacrifice them. so basically almoust everyone from my xcom teams survives.
cheater..... :whistle:


Btw the first time i played it i didnt' know how to go on special mission. so i played and played when finnaly a friend told me where i must click. by the time he told me that i had 4 bases and instead of aquanauts i had SUPERNOUTS. their skills were amazin - snap shot accuracy 160%, throwing accuracy over 180%. took out the terror sites in few mins, as they could accuratelly shoot form one side of map to the other one with snapshot or throw a greande very very far. all had over 90 MC resistance... anyway with this special team assembled only form the best of all bases i went to final mission. it all went like a swiss clock.
wierd..thought they had that bug fixed before TftD came out... O.o

Oldblue153 09-01-2006 01:12 PM

Wellllll Gregor....with all due respect I know how to play the game, been at it for 10 years. and theres MAJOR glitches in the game like the "Invisable Alien ...these appear on Alien Bases Very Large Dreadnaughts and possibly Alien Artifact sites ( not positive on the last) once youve saved when even 1 alien turns invisable during your turn it will happen everytime you play these types of scenario's....also the glitch comes into play on those rare occasions when you land and whats this? a dead Alien on my ship ..hahah free kill...NOT if you complete the mission and save again youve hit the invisable ALien GLitch (its Very disheartening to play a 200 turn Extra Large Mission only to see the one of the last Aliens turn invisable when you kill him and theres no body there ughhh gotta reload and do the entire mission over).

IF you place more than 255 Manufacturers or Scientists on 1 single Base BAM A new glitch end of the month you have -255 manufactueres or scientists..again to follow you for the entirety of you campaign no fix for it.

Theres the Research GLitches that prevent you from continuing the research tree if youve mistakenly researched an item out of a peticular order Armor, and Molecular control comes to mind regarding these issues.

Theres the rarely talked about glitch that if you sell off all your Sonic Pistols + Clips in the game and DONT save at least 1 to research that after the first month passess you simple dont find them anymore thus preventing you from continuing the Sonic research tree.

Thers the INFAMOUS Tsoth Commander Glitch which prevents you from getting to the last mission if you research him at ALL.

Not to Mention silly stuff like needing a Live Deep one terrorist to research Armor and you really only have 1 or 2 shots at this cause generally you get a Gillman Terror mid to late Jan and possible a second mid to late feb then you face tougher ones and these Deep Ones are very very rare after April 1st.

Ive found all these glitches the HARD way by playing and discovering them.

My Question was Regarding the program itself I'de hate to play a years game time n find out I'm missing some bloody folder on the DL that makes it impossible to finish yet once again.

And Sir ...well...Some of us don't feel that resetting after we miss a shot or our soldiers die is a realistic or fun way of approaching the game...matter of fact some of us play on Superhuman and play NO RESETS (unless one of those many many Glitches appear)

So to say ive only lost 2 men...well dude that really doesnt impress a harcore fanatic of the game hell ive lost 4 to one frikking sectiod with a pistol just this morning.

Anyone can keep thier soldiers alive by resetting over n over ...

Oh n PS just read a new Glitch for those poor poor People who own the Gold Edition Win 98 Version....It Crashes on the very very very last mission and closes the program...poor buggers

gregor 09-01-2006 01:56 PM


Originally posted by Cockroach@Jan 9 2006, 01:45 PM

Btw the first time i played it i didnt' know how to go on special mission. so i played and played when finnaly a friend told me where i must click. by the time he told me that i had 4 bases and instead of aquanauts i had SUPERNOUTS. their skills were amazin - snap shot accuracy 160%, throwing accuracy over 180%. took out the terror sites in few mins, as they could accuratelly shoot form one side of map to the other one with snapshot or throw a greande very very far. all had over 90 MC resistance... anyway with this special team assembled only form the best of all bases i went to final mission. it all went like a swiss clock.
wierd..thought they had that bug fixed before TftD came out... O.o

what bug is that??? anyway i only enocuntered one bug during my play. and that was that i didn't get molecular control somehow (i only had the M.C. lab). even if i researched the deep ones. oh well i didn't need it anyway...

my save technique is not cheating. it's just using save function. what you always play strategy games with no save? i am sorry but there is and was not time for that. sometimes i would play 3 turns combat mode and then do some homework and go play some more etc.

@ Oldblue153

Ehm most of those i never got (i guess i never put myself in those situations). especially invisible alien. i never got that one.

yes deep one are hard to find later in game. not alway though. once i got them back next year and i think in August same year. quite a lot of them actually and they got annoying cause they are no challenge.

but that's preety easy to avoid (you just capture them in early game stage).

in fact much of the problems you've mentioned are easy to avoid (except for the invisible alien :blink: ), so i dont' see a problem here. you know where the error might occur so you just play in a way that it doesn't. like instead of 255 people you get 200. it will still get you through as you really dont' need that new technology that much once you have sonic blasters & shock rifles. you just stun the lobster and throw a grenade and he is dead.

Cockroach 09-01-2006 05:56 PM


what bug is that??? anyway i only enocuntered one bug during my play. and that was that i didn't get molecular control somehow (i only had the M.C. lab). even if i researched the deep ones. oh well i didn't need it anyway...
The bug where you could actually pass 80 TU, 120 FA, etc. It's supposed to be only in the 1.0 version of Xcom 1. IIRC you can get 160 with an editor in later versions.


my save technique is not cheating. it's just using save function. what you always play strategy games with no save? i am sorry but there is and was not time for that. sometimes i would play 3 turns combat mode and then do some homework and go play some more etc.
I save when I leave the game, or before the game switches between the two exe files. Not every turn so I can reload until I get the outcome I want.

Oldblue153 09-01-2006 07:39 PM


Originally posted by gregor@Jan 9 2006, 09:49 AM

Here is how i manage my save files. if iremember correctly there are 10 of them, right?

slot 1 - saving only on planet surface
slot 2 only mission start where i put description and size of ship
slot 3-8 - save each turn when on a mission where i add a nbumber of turn to the filename and short description of events (e.g.slot 3: sees 2 being the rock t2,slot 4: behind rock killed t3...)
slot 9 - use it to save in the middle of turn. for example i already killed 2 aliens but i know there is a 3rd one (hard to kill) hiding at the next corner. so i save and then use other team member to progress.
slot 10 - use it to save at the end of each month - can be used as "backup save"

this save technique enables that all of the crew survives almoust always. my death rate is max 2 aquanauts per game - sometimes i really must sacrifice them. so basically almoust everyone from my xcom teams survives.

Are you Kidding me? thats a Direct Quote from your first post them you follow it up with

"my save technique is not cheating. it's just using save function. what you always play strategy games with no save? i am sorry but there is and was not time for that. sometimes i would play 3 turns combat mode and then do some homework and go play some more etc."

LOL uhhhhhh those are 2 entirely different usages of the save game feature both are your words dude slots 3-8 as detailed as who was killed, where the alien was etc i mean OMG why not just find an X-Com Editor and remove all thier weapons about the same cept you woulnt need to waste all that time rewriting save files.

Cmon ..Honestly...who do you think you are trying to fool?

personally I don't care how you play you game long as your having fun but dude.... "Don't piss down my back and tell me its raining"

rlbell 10-01-2006 12:22 AM


Originally posted by gregor+Jan 9 2006, 09:49 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (gregor @ Jan 9 2006, 09:49 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-rlbell@Jan 9 2006, 05:47 AM

I know the feeling.* After much experimentation, I have discovered that I have precisely the wrong hardware to play this game.* It is too slow to emulate a 486 with dosbox, and Win98SE has a file handling problem that usually corrupts the game file (dreaded green text bug).

what do you mean??? if you have win 98 SE you dont' need dosbox to play it. you simply make dos boot disk, boot your computer with it and start the game. it works perfectly.

Evidently, I forgot to mention that the first peripheral ruined by small children, after the mouse, is the floppy drive. All of my computer mice are neutered. This would not be so bad if they were optical mice at the outset. I can think of few things more useless than non-optical mice with no balls.

For those rare occassions when I must load a floppy, I have a floppy drive hidden away where small children cannot jam things into it. Slotting it into a PC requires a fair amount of work, so I cannot be bothered for anything less than restoring the files on a hard drive with no bootable partitions, or running the utilities for a brand new hard drive.

gregor 10-01-2006 05:22 AM


Originally posted by rlbell@Jan 10 2006, 01:22 AM

Evidently, I forgot to mention that the first peripheral ruined by small children, after the mouse, is the floppy drive. All of my computer mice are neutered. This would not be so bad if they were optical mice at the outset. I can think of few things more useless than non-optical mice with no balls.

For those rare occassions when I must load a floppy, I have a floppy drive hidden away where small children cannot jam things into it. Slotting it into a PC requires a fair amount of work, so I cannot be bothered for anything less than restoring the files on a hard drive with no bootable partitions, or running the utilities for a brand new hard drive.

No problem! you can add the dos settings to windows DOS settings. if you know what i mean. basically what i am saying you can add the necessary dos settings to your windows configuration files, so when you start up your computer you press F8 untill a menu appears (you must do this before it starts loading windows). there you can choose the mode you wish to boot your computer in. among others there is Ms-dos prompt (i think option 5 on menu) and MS-DOS command prompt only (usually last one on menu or option 8). well as i said before you can add items to this menu - meaning you can make different settings according to your liking.

Before trying to put a new item in this menu i suggest you try the MS-DOS prompt option. maybe it will do the trick. it did for me for most games.
While command prompt is basically pure DOS (no drivers, no highmem, just pure DOS) so no boot disk (floppy at least) is required.

another option is to go to start menu in windows -> shutdown -> restart in MS DOS. this could also solve some problmes playing DOS games.

My point is that you really don't need DOSbox to play old DOS games if you have win 98. well unless you are playing a game that runs way too fast on computer, but even then you can use "moslo".

If you really enjoy using boot disks you can make a CD boot disk.

You really should assert more control on your children. :D

gregor 10-01-2006 05:27 AM


Originally posted by Oldblue153@Jan 9 2006, 08:39 PM
personally I don't care how you play you game long as your having fun

Btw i dont' always write the detailed description only when i need to stop playing it for a longer time or wheni want to.

And if i want to use townportal to escape mosters, rearm, heal and retun - would hardly be cheating.

there are osme cheats for X-com available, but i really never used them. like unlimited fueld and ammo for crafts etc.

Guest 10-01-2006 06:23 AM


Originally posted by gregor@Jan 9 2006, 02:56 PM
what bug is that??? anyway i only enocuntered one bug during my play. and that was that i didn't get molecular control somehow (i only had the M.C. lab). even if i researched the deep ones. oh well i didn't need it anyway...
grenade and he is dead.

In order to prevent the Research bug regarding Molecular control you MUST have in stores at least 1 M.C. Reader BEFORE you complete research M.C Lab or the bug will prevent you from continuing.

As far as I recall the tree goes as follows... Live Terrorist>M.C.Lab>M.C.Reader>Live Tsoth>M.C.Disruptor>M.C.Generator

oh n PS this bug never got me as i generally keep 1 of everything till its reasearched....cept that 1 time with the danged Sonic Pistols.

The invisable Alein bug is akin to a bad save bug things that happen are:

1 aliens are visable while their turn is in play but as soon as thier turn ends they go invisable ( not all generally 1-2 which can still be killed via a gernade but what a pain in the behind).

2. Alien bodies dissappear immediatly upon killing the said alien ei shoot with a Heavy plasma/ Sonic Cannon the alien drops and you see no body on the ground but his equipment is there...also you do not get the bodies when the mission ends so 17 kills 3 bodies.

3 Somic Pulsars and Thermal Shock bombs turn into Disruptor Bombs ( even gives the DPL launch sound with a tossed gernade...FOR ALIENS not you)

4 Game Crashes...self explanitory.

Postnote...Molecular Control is by FAR the most Deadly weapon of the game...once reasearched and you have 4 well trained soldiers the game becomes ridiculously easy to the point you grow bored and don't complete the game cause yawn its practically impossible to lose even 1 man.... on one turn you can control up to 12 aliens (4 MC soldiers fully trained)and your men may never even get off your ship....Hell it gets to the point that you dont even have to use 1 bullet to play a scenario just MC em all...walk em all right to the front doors of your ship and have the guy in the front equip a Heavy Thermal Lance and kill everone with it

gregor 10-01-2006 08:30 AM

wow! still i never did have the invisible one. i did see the one where corpse dissaperas. i thought maybe it's supposed to be like that. you know, too high setting on the gun disintegrated the alien.

never crashed on me. at leats not that i can remember. i did play in dos not dosbox...

ah yes MC.. stack em all together and then one of the aliens fires disruptror. and all of them die...

laiocfar 11-01-2006 06:10 AM


Postnote...Molecular Control is by FAR the most Deadly weapon of the game...once reasearched and you have 4 well trained soldiers the game becomes ridiculously easy to the point you grow bored and don't complete the game cause yawn its practically impossible to lose even 1 man.... on one turn you can control up to 12 aliens (4 MC soldiers fully trained)and your men may never even get off your ship....Hell it gets to the point that you dont even have to use 1 bullet to play a scenario just MC em all...walk em all right to the front doors of your ship and have the guy in the front equip a Heavy Thermal Lance and kill everone with it
Sadly, its very true. They should have reduced the MC power in the game.
THere its also bugs that stop your research like u never get the posibility of research aquaplastics even when u got them

Oldblue153 11-01-2006 08:55 AM

Yeah forgot that 1...again tied into the Deep One Terrorist and the unavailabilty to see them after Apr 1 (although they still appear its VERY rare after Apr 1 you could go 6-7 Months and Still not get 1).

These peticular errors in the game are a good reason to use the reboot, although I very very rarely reboot due to lossess ( once inna while cause I'm soooo peeved that I played a scenario so poorly cause of impatience usually even then its complete from before I landed so the Aliens get a complete reset too.....heh hey im human :P).

I do admit that I manipulate my First terror mission to coincide with Gillmen not Aquamen as once you miss that window of opportunity it may never happen again, as an added bonus its one Terror mission that I don't have to deal with that annoying MC stuff.

After ive ensured its a Gillman one I play it fair n square and only reboot the Entire scenario (Again prior to Landing) if I didnt manage to get a live Deep one or the one I had got killed in an Explosion etc.

I'm not saying I'm Superhuman LOL the first time I played UFO Enemy Unknown I overused the reset like TONS of us do or did, but with time i found it unsatisfactory I'm telling you guys who do it..try the first Terror Mission without doing can still make it without losing one single man you should have semi-decent weapons Gauss Rifles and Sonic Pulsars and of course 1 Tazer for the live Deep one are possible to have researched and manufatured.

Its an Entirely different Game without resetting and you reallly really have to plan your moves carefully some terrors have taken me upwards of 400 turns to play BUT OMG the satisfatction of hearing that last scream will have you throwing your arms in the air and yelling YEAHHHHH!!!!!

PS Ive always thought that armor shoulda been tied in with Lobstermen, the very first time I encountered one of these buggers i had a heck of a time killing him via shooting AND many gernades he dropped i grabbed him up ran back to my ship and aborted knowing ide never survive with the weaponry I had...I was Very dissappointed that the research told me what I already knew...they were thickskinned and tough to kill...gee thanks.

rlbell 11-01-2006 03:30 PM


Originally posted by gregor@Jan 10 2006, 06:22 AM

You really should assert more control on your children. :D

Admittedly off topic, but I should not just let this comment be. All children are different, even if (or especially if) they are siblings. Parents often forget this. So after having two well behaved two year olds in succession (well behaved being confined to "two year olds who do not jam things into the orifices of consumer electronic goods"), the third two year old came as a rude shock.

Two year olds resemble terrorists for the simple reason that they only have to be lucky, once, to accomplish their mischevious goal, but parents must stop them each and every time to prevent it. For the most part, I will consider parenting a success if I can laugh at my granchildren doing the exact same things to their parents (unfortunately, this will be a long, long wait), and I have reconciled myself to not having any nice things that I cannot store at, or above, shoulder height.

Q: Why are children so cute?
A: So parents do not kill them.

That joke divides all people into two groups: those that find it offensive, and parents.

rlbell 11-01-2006 03:55 PM


Originally posted by Oldblue153@Jan 11 2006, 09:55 AM

I'm not saying I'm Superhuman LOL the first time I played UFO Enemy Unknown I overused the reset like TONS of us do or did, but with time i found it unsatisfactory I'm telling you guys who do it..try the first Terror Mission without doing can still make it without losing one single man you should have semi-decent weapons* Gauss Rifles and Sonic Pulsars and of course 1 Tazer for the live Deep one are possible to have researched and manufatured.

Its an Entirely different Game without resetting and you reallly really have to plan your moves carefully some terrors have taken me upwards of 400 turns to play BUT OMG the satisfatction of hearing that last scream will have you throwing your arms in the air and yelling YEAHHHHH!!!!!

Bahh! I am reluctant to reload unless something REALLY BAD happens. Anything that gets more than half of the troopers back to the transport is not that bad. REALLY BAD is exitting the craft, only to be greeted by four Xarquids in good firing positions. REALLY BAD is taking heavy casualties to kill the first four of nine aquatoids, only to discover that the other five are still in the light cruiser, which can only be entered through the front door. REALLY BAD is losing all of your squad responding to a terror site.

If TFTD was not so much more of a challenge than Enemy Unknown, I would still only be saving once a session (when I stop). That got me into severe trouble when I forgot to equip the troops with armor on the way to Cydonia (casualties were a tad heavy, but it was Enemey Unknown, so the error was survivable).

Guest 11-01-2006 08:35 PM

Heh Heh rbell when my boy was 2 he discovered that bolonga slices fit perfectly inna a CD Tray :)

laiocfar 12-01-2006 02:57 AM

Anothers bigs mistakes that autorize Save/load without be a cheater: normal mouse click fail or when an aquanaut is too near to a micndcontroled aquanaut and by mistake u shot the one who is fine.

gregor 12-01-2006 08:30 AM


Originally posted by Oldblue153@Jan 11 2006, 09:55 AM

Its an Entirely different Game without resetting and you reallly really have to plan your moves carefully some terrors have taken me upwards of 400 turns to play BUT OMG the satisfatction of hearing that last scream will have you throwing your arms in the air and yelling YEAHHHHH!!!!!

PS Ive always thought that armor shoulda been tied in with Lobstermen, the very first time I encountered one of these buggers i had a heck of a time killing him via shooting AND many gernades he dropped i grabbed him up ran back to my ship and aborted knowing ide never survive with the weaponry I had...I was Very dissappointed that the research told me what I already knew...they were thickskinned and tough to kill...gee thanks.

why so many turns? i mena all you do is reserve time units and move very slow. you can kill them all on terrosite without them killing one of your aquanout. you probably noticed but i'll say it anyway... alines always appear on more or less same places (especially terror on ships - they like to be in kitchen or elevators) so i often blast areas where they usually are at random with grenades. and behold! dead aliens without aiming. ha, ha, ha!!!!

second thing, if i am not mistaking, lobster research tells you that their lower armor is not as tough, so they should be more prone to grenades. is that true? sometimes two grenades are not enough.

Anyway i had same problem as you did only suprisingly with tasoth. when i first saw they made a colony. i didn't know back then that there is an approximate limit for number of aliens. and it was my first colony and first time i saw MC. i was shocked and stunned. then i saw tasoth (didn't see lobster yet).

i shot him with coacelanth aquajet missiles. he is still standing...
i shot him wiht gas cannon, still standing...
then i decided to bring in the heavy weapons. the guy shot him with heavy gauss (just ended research on it and was it's first try). but he was still standing.

i though this is one tough MF, i waited another turn one of aquanouts panicked which made me panic as well. cause i never seen this before. so i shoot with torpedo rauncher, it misses him and explodes next to him. still standing there... so i throw sonic pulsar at the tassoth and finnaly he dies. go pick up his body, run back to ship and reaserch. but unfortunatelly i dint' know how to play the game back then, so didnt' have enough scientists in base, didnt' know i can target terror sites... game ended by the end of april.

A tip on how to get deep one later - when you see a gillman or aquatoid large ship and you suspect they will try to make a terror site (usually at beginning of month) you let them pass, so they make it. at the terror site with these two races there is a bit bigger chance you might get the deep one pissing his black liquid on other people.

Oldblue153 12-01-2006 12:00 PM

Why so many turns? as i said try it without resetting ....try a nightime terrorist without resetting it once ( Gee Lucky you they NEVER land at night when you play)n see how many turns it takes you to keep your men alive.

Its not at all like the reset everytime someone dies mode you cant simply run everyone out the door all nicely spread out and then end turn and go oops ok reset and try it different...often you will run for the nearest cover...bringing out 1-2 men.

They might even see an Alien but because of poor positioning they may decide that Gee if I shoot this guy and miss he's looking right at me he'll shoot back n i'm dead meat (I know YOUR soldiers NEVER miss a shot and the Aliens ALWAYS drop when hit) so you have to find a position for another shooter to get him that could take 10-12 turns to bring another guy safely to a point where he could shoot him and so on.
then of course when he's dead the location of the Flare you threw out is really way out in the open and going to get it to throw again will leave you wide open bring another guy out run him along the same safe route with his flare....throw it......

AS I said the games an ENTIRELY different game without using the reset and until you've actually tried it you will NEVER understand how different.

Walking around and playing shoot the Aliens isnt the same as playing the game at all.

And I dont care how many times you tell me you have Homework to do ..YOU RESET to keep soldiers alive and reset at every single missed shot or dead soldier

2 dead in a whole campaign hahahahahahahah yeah and you only reset when ya had stuff to do ...which coincidentally happens when you miss a shot or get killed and you forget to save after that bad shot or killed soldier ...oops oh well guess i'll have to load from the last save.

Incidentally my 400+ mission goes as follows for equptment and soldeirs
Date Jan 17 (app mebbe 18 mebbe 16 ...mid Jan)
Experience 2 missions Jan 1rst very small + small amd 1 mission jan 5 small
soldiers 14
weapons Heavy Cannons plus 1 extra clip each=42
Gernades 2 each Manga Blast Gernades =28
extra equiptment 1 Tazer 1 Magna pack Explosive 8 flares=10
total Equiptment 80\80.

Lossess ...although ide like to say none it wasnt I lost 1-2 I cant remember.

Why not better weapons or gernades...simply cause they hadnt been reasearched yet....lemme guess you save before you assign research and reset if its "unknown" rather than average or good

laiocfar 13-01-2006 04:16 AM

400 turns isn´t that much is u are playing without. I play without reset but i still do it when i make mistakes like fail with mouse, etc. Its very different, u will know what means HEAVY losses. for each Triton u will got like 20 people + refill at end of each mission. Anyway if he take 400 turns, it was a large map and terror site or colony or systonium network or maybe a hard fight in a big ship. U must know that the tactic game goes top without reseting(try it!). To fail a shot in a high level difficult will turns in a countershot and a dead guy. Also u will take option of save Tus for snap or auto shot in their tuen. U will use a lot more of grenades and other stuff. Anyway u can make many missions without losses in no reset mode, easy missions. The difficult of the mission is given by the opposition number and the class of aliens.

Oldblue153 13-01-2006 06:12 AM

Exactly Liao...thank you.

gregor 13-01-2006 07:07 AM

Ha! Yesterday i played without save - large ship.

11 aliens (aquatoids) using molecular control. finished it in 15 turns.


Heavy sonic all
Medikit 3
2 PWT launchers
sonic cannon vehicle
all had floating armour
all had sonic grenades

2 soldiers got wounded one got under MC, but i waited untill he snapped out of it, killedthe last aliens so no one went missing in action.

One spots the alien, the other one launches pwt, or throws a grenade. others move with units reserved for snapshot. except for the most accurate aquanauts who move using units reserved for aimed shot

Yes you are correct i almost never have night terror site. i simply send triton dnear it and then wait untill daylight comes to it and only then the crew get's out to have some fun...

Oldblue153 13-01-2006 07:55 AM

Good for you...glad you tried it, now select new game and save in slots 8-9 (so as not to disturb your present game much) and try it with untrained unarmored underequipped soldiers, oh and on a high difficulty level like 4 Genius or 5 Superhuman (5 is very tough,if you want to see how tough advance to the first terror mission on both levels (start new game click 1 day will take a few seconds dont bother equiping buying researching etc you just wanna see something) ..dont even play it...just go to the site and end turn ...on level 4 you will hear the aliens shoot and kill a couple civilians mebbe toss a gernade even hear some missed shots, on level 5 you will hear a succesion of 4-6 shots immediatly followed by a scream of a civilian dying...they dont miss often, honestly just try that its actually quite funny to hear its like OMG!!!.... its a very good way to quickly gauge the difference between the 2 settings )
Ok you say mebbe cause of positioning then save before you land and land a couple times at each site to doesnt change on level 5 they kill 4-6 immediatly with one shot each..and not bang auuugh wai its bang-aaaaa-bang-aaaa-bangf-aaa 6 dead with 2-3 seconds.

Yesterday I played it on an Island ( lukky landing there i like the Island ones) there was 7 civvies, I let Aliens take the first turn as it increases the chances of them usuing up thier tv's and not having opportunity fire on me when exiting my craft..result 6 of the 7 civvies dead.
I played it out losing a couple guys to a gernade but the most insulting part of the whole mission was...i couldnt find the last alien on an island....sigh i searched everywhere except 1 one of the tunnels beneath the island, it was blocked by the last civilian...yup he was hiding the last alien...i tried knocking him out with the tazer but it killed him sigh....and there was the Deep One hiding behind him

Oldble153 13-01-2006 08:31 AM

For those players who are having problems with MC, Scotts X-Com utilities version 9.6 works somewhat with this version of TFTD I tried experimenting with it and found that the features that can be used are:

Diff Base Setup-optional
Modified Triton and Barracuda-no option
Gauss Weapons Do not require Clips- no option
Very Small and Small Alien Craft have been reversed so a very small has 1 room and the small has the three rooms- no option
Initial Tanks have improved armor-optional
NO MC- optional

PS there is a Patch Available to Reverse the Modified Gauss and Ship configurations
Only bug I found was that the Very small is not there at all when either landed or shot down just the alien but it seems a very trivial thing as you really only go to 1-2 very small missions in a game as they are usually destroyed with even the lightest of weaponry
Theres many other features that are offered but unfortunatly they are not compatable with this version....just thought it might be helpful to the people who simply cannot stand MC to the point they dont like to play the game.

rlbell 13-01-2006 03:21 PM


Originally posted by Oldblue153@Jan 12 2006, 01:00 PM
Why so many turns? as i said try it without resetting ....try a nightime terrorist without resetting it once ( Gee Lucky you they NEVER land at night when you play)n see how many turns it takes you to keep your men alive.

I still do not get why so many turns. I only got to even 99, only once (it went for another hundred), but that was looking for the last alien in a base defence of a large base. I eventually found the alien on the second level of a living quarters section.

Of course, the reason it never takes me nearly 400 turns to clear a night terror mission is that killing the last alien scores enough points and equipment to compensate for any number of losses that still allow for completion of mission. I just recruit another eight aquanauts and hope the next terror mission is after they show up.


Its not at all like the reset everytime someone dies mode you cant simply run everyone out the door all nicely spread out and then end turn and go oops ok reset and try it different...often you will run for the nearest cover...bringing out 1-2 men.
To keep with the spirit of the game, I will respond to the disaster by running the survivors back to the transport and clicking the abort button. Sometimes, if I have saved at the start, I might reload and then abort. My problem with reloading is a personal one: you cannot reload during a tactical mission, so you have to abort the mission, select options, and then select "load saved game". I feel that this takes too long, so I seldom bother.


They might even see an Alien but because of poor positioning they may decide that Gee if I shoot this guy and miss he's looking right at me he'll shoot back n i'm dead meat (I know YOUR soldiers NEVER miss a shot and the Aliens ALWAYS drop when hit) so you have to find a position for another shooter to get him that could take 10-12 turns to bring another guy safely to a point where he could shoot him and so on.
I find that with aquatoids, you may as well take the shot, as trying to return to cover is almost as likely to draw his fire as missing him. I cannot imagine taking 10-12 turns to get into a firing position. Usually, I employ grenades to attack aliens that are hard to shoot. Skulking around to get a better shot might take three or four turns


AS I said the games an ENTIRELY different game without using the reset and until you've actually tried it you will NEVER understand how different.
The funny thing is I have this situation backwards. I do not understand why people reload after every single casualty.

Oldblue153 13-01-2006 03:59 PM

Again on why so many turns.... Inexperienced soldiers;( 8 with 3 missions 6 with 0 missions) armed with heavy cannon an extra clip and two Magna Blast Gernades may have thier movements impeded to the point that he/she has as low as 36-40 tv's...this means of course you must drop some items in order to progress far enough to even say youve moved 6 tiles. Heavy Cannons are about the best combat weapons in the early missions as they are fairly accurate and MOST the time will kill a aquatiod in one shot or a gillman in 1 or 2.

If you are at all Familiar with the Heavy Cannon then you know that it has a capacity of 8 rounds and options for Aimed or Snap shot...taking these factors into consideration its apparent that Aimed is the better option as wasting shots is NOT an option. Still you will Inevitably have some soldiers empty thier clips leaving them useless and they must either get a clip from someone else or return to the ship or the point they dropped it for another.

As for just gernading them ...once gain these are not ALIEN Gernades they are MAGNA blast gernades which must land exactly on the feet of a gillman often 2 gernades to kill him... for Aquatiods if it lands as far as 2-3 tiles away odds are it will survive.

I reasearch as quickly as possible in this order -Gauss tech >Gauss Pistol >Gauss Rifle >Gauss Rifle clip >ALien Gernade.
If by chance I got Unknown (more often than not) on everything it can take almost the full month to research them. so its the ultra-poor startup weapons if the Terror comes Early.

An alien who has not died but gone unconscious is good fodder for a weak soldier who desperatly needs to boost his stats by getting a kill or two so often i will run this shmoe over to the body and stand on it till it revives so i can shoot it with the said rookie and get those desperately needede experience points(more points for a kill than a knockout and of course the added bonus of the 20 grand for the body is needed in that first few weeks badly).

Sure i can finish in 15 turns too just like Gregor ..without resetting too ...ARMED WITH THE WEAPONRY HE HAD AND WITH SOLDIERS WHO's SKILLS ARE MAXED

velik_m 13-01-2006 04:32 PM


Originally posted by Oldblue153@Jan 13 2006, 04:59 PM
Again on why so many turns.... Inexperienced soldiers;( 8 with 3 missions 6 with 0 missions) armed with heavy cannon an extra clip and two Magna Blast Gernades may have thier movements impeded to the point that he/she has as low as 36-40 tv's...this means of course you must drop some items in order to progress far enough to even say youve moved 6 tiles. Heavy Cannons are about the best combat weapons in the early missions as they are fairly accurate and MOST the time will kill a aquatiod in one shot or a gillman in 1 or 2.

If you are at all Familiar with the Heavy Cannon then you know that it has a capacity of 8 rounds and options for Aimed or Snap shot...taking these factors into consideration its apparent that Aimed is the better option as wasting shots is NOT an option. Still you will Inevitably have some soldiers empty thier clips leaving them useless and they must either get a clip from someone else or return to the ship or the point they dropped it for another.

As for just gernading them ...once gain these are not ALIEN Gernades they are MAGNA blast gernades which must land exactly on the feet of a gillman often 2 gernades to kill him... for Aquatiods if it lands as far as 2-3 tiles away odds are it will survive.

I reasearch as quickly as possible in this order -Gauss tech >Gauss Pistol >Gauss Rifle >Gauss Rifle clip >ALien Gernade.
If by chance I got Unknown (more often than not) on everything it can take almost the full month to research them. so its the ultra-poor startup weapons if the Terror comes Early.

An alien who has not died but gone unconscious is good fodder for a weak soldier who desperatly needs to boost his stats by getting a kill or two so often i will run this shmoe over to the body and stand on it till it revives so i can shoot it with the said rookie and get those desperately needede experience points(more points for a kill than a knockout and of course the added bonus of the 20 grand for the body is needed in that first few weeks badly).

Sure i can finish in 15 turns too just like Gregor ..without resetting too ...ARMED WITH THE WEAPONRY HE HAD AND WITH SOLDIERS WHO's SKILLS ARE MAXED

gass cannon with HE ammo is the best weapon in the beginning.

and Gauss technology is not worth researching

*Happy* 13-01-2006 10:21 PM


Originally posted by velik_m@Jan 13 2006, 05:32 PM
gass cannon with HE ammo is the best weapon in the beginning.

I disagree - your poor, inexperienced seamen will blow one another up. You must have good firing accuracy to use it safely. Also, no firing accuracy will save you in a confined area - like in terror missions or inside alien subs.

Oldblue153 13-01-2006 10:38 PM


Originally posted by velik_m@Jan 13 2006, 05:32 PM
gass cannon with HE ammo is the best weapon in the beginning.

and Gauss technology is not worth researching

Forgive my interpretation of the name ...Heavy cannon is Gas cannon ( played Enemy Unknown so much i still mix the names between the two games or make a hybrid name ei calling an Aquatiod Aquatiod is difficult...look like damn Sectiods to me or for Deep one...he's a Spitter)
As for the Ammo I must disagree with HE (65 power)over AP (60 power)simply cause of the lossess in close combat ( at the doors of the craft for example or when shooting off your own ship and you either...ughh plug another guy in the back or hit the wall...with AP its a lost man or missed shot with HE it could spell disaster.

As for Gauss being useless well yes it is ...However..initially its fast to research and the Rifles are quite effective against both Aquatiods and Gillmen and even Deep Ones... Calcinites often take 2-3 shots..factoring in the 0 resource (elerium/??TFTD) to produce it and it being the highest return in the old manufature/sell dept you MUST research it (94 tekkies can manufature 8 gauss cannons a day netting 29,000 profit each for app 232,000 a day or almost 7 million a month.
If i remember correctly the second highest is Motion scanners netting about 3.5 mill a month and gauss rifles come in third around 3 two of your top 3 cash items are on the gauss tech tree...hardly wasted research time.

I do Agree that after you start hitting Lobstermen and Tsoths that its run its course for effectivness but generally youve got time to research the plasma/sonic stuff before then.

laiocfar 14-01-2006 04:43 AM

I like Gauss rifle, i like the auto shot that none of the sonic weapons offers.

velik_m 14-01-2006 10:55 AM


Originally posted by Oldblue153+Jan 13 2006, 11:38 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Oldblue153 @ Jan 13 2006, 11:38 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-velik_m@Jan 13 2006, 05:32 PM
gass cannon with HE ammo is the best weapon in the beginning.

and Gauss technology is not worth researching

Forgive my interpretation of the name ...Heavy cannon is Gas cannon ( played Enemy Unknown so much i still mix the names between the two games or make a hybrid name ei calling an Aquatiod Aquatiod is difficult...look like damn Sectiods to me or for Deep one...he's a Spitter)
As for the Ammo I must disagree with HE (65 power)over AP (60 power)simply cause of the lossess in close combat ( at the doors of the craft for example or when shooting off your own ship and you either...ughh plug another guy in the back or hit the wall...with AP its a lost man or missed shot with HE it could spell disaster.

As for Gauss being useless well yes it is ...However..initially its fast to research and the Rifles are quite effective against both Aquatiods and Gillmen and even Deep Ones... Calcinites often take 2-3 shots..factoring in the 0 resource (elerium/??TFTD) to produce it and it being the highest return in the old manufature/sell dept you MUST research it (94 tekkies can manufature 8 gauss cannons a day netting 29,000 profit each for app 232,000 a day or almost 7 million a month.
If i remember correctly the second highest is Motion scanners netting about 3.5 mill a month and gauss rifles come in third around 3 two of your top 3 cash items are on the gauss tech tree...hardly wasted research time.

I do Agree that after you start hitting Lobstermen and Tsoths that its run its course for effectivness but generally youve got time to research the plasma/sonic stuff before then. [/b][/quote]
well, of course HE will not work in closed spaces, but in open ones it's good because accuracy is less relevant (you don't have to hit the alien, just hit the wall next to him)

as for profitabilaty of gauss, i really can't remember, but there is guide out there that has a table of profits for specific equipment you can make. Yes they don't need zrbite, like sonic, nut you can steal a lot of equipment from aliens.

rlbell 14-01-2006 04:10 PM


Originally posted by Oldblue153@Jan 13 2006, 04:59 PM
Again on why so many turns.... Inexperienced soldiers;

[much snippage]

Sure i can finish in 15 turns too just like Gregor ..without resetting too ...ARMED WITH THE WEAPONRY HE HAD AND WITH SOLDIERS WHO's SKILLS ARE MAXED

I still do not get it, but then, I admit that I am a hopeless money cheater and my style of play has different problems/solutions.

Instead of fourteen troopers, my tritons have ten troopers and ceolacanth/gas cannon. Unlike my troopers, the SWS will actually endure two or three sonic hits (depending on the source). It gets expensive to replace them, but I balance cheating on how much money I am given by only playing at the superhuman level. Tritons are lost with all hands, tritons return with only a few wounded, and bases are lost. On tactical missions, often the only indication of a nearby alien is a screaming datum, or blasted corpse(s). Terror missions, even the first one still take less than fifty turns. The nice thing about terror missions is that some of the screaming datums are not your troopers. My only real fear is getting a terror mission before the first run of purchases show up, or either a terror mission or base attack within 72 hours of a high-casualty operation.

There is one alien sub that, at the superhuman level, has four or five aliens walking around outside it with PWT launchers. Now that is a tough nut to crack.

Once I get a useful armor, I can replace the SWS with more troopers, but this is only until I get the dispacer SWS.

I am not saying that you are a bad player, just that I cannot imagine spending 400 turns on a terror mission. I spent less time on T'Leth. The final mission of TFTD has three stages, but you can only save during the first two of these three stages (I ended up switching off my monitor and leaving it for thirty hours, but you can do that with an old 486 running DOS).

Cockroach 14-01-2006 05:34 PM

You can always swap the different clips in and out of those things though. Takes about 25 TUs and since the guys carrying gas cannons are usually a fair distance from the enemy, 1/2 a turn is meaningless most of the time.

Oldblue153 14-01-2006 05:53 PM

Wow only an Unlimited supply of tanks and funds, yeah i can see why you don't understand.

Oldblue153 14-01-2006 06:38 PM


Originally posted by Cockroach@Jan 14 2006, 06:34 PM
You can always swap the different clips in and out of those things though. Takes about 25 TUs and since the guys carrying gas cannons are usually a fair distance from the enemy, 1/2 a turn is meaningless most of the time.
True enough Cockroach..cant argue with that, heck cause I use 14 men rather than expensive useless tanks i could even have the boys on the back armed with them ...just a creature of habit I suppose...I like the AP so I use it :),

On a lighter note I keep running out of Female Agents,.....possibly cause I rename them to my Ex-Wifes name and use them in Extremely Dangerous situations or as front line scouts , when she dies i rename the next 1....Karen # 23 is doing well having survived 4 missions now :P

rlbell 14-01-2006 09:47 PM


Originally posted by Oldblue153@Jan 14 2006, 06:53 PM
Wow only an Unlimited supply of tanks and funds, yeah i can see why you don't understand.
The supply is not unlimited. It is just limited differently. The seventy-two hours spent waiting for reinforcements still gives me a window to lose (as I recently found out in a game of Enemy Unknown, where I lost the main base, in January, so no research for a month and precious little for the next three. It is really hard to fight the aliens during the weeks that you have neither craft nor radars. I abandoned that game.). I suppose that it is also too strong to say that I am a hopeless money cheater. I just play at a lower difficulty when I allow myself to have money troubles. Even on games where loss of a SWS threatens to bankrupt me, I still don't save that often. When I cannot afford to lose troopers, I accept bad mission ratings and get the heck out of Dodge.

I use the money cheat for the simple reason that I am affronted by the situation of being forced to save humanity on a shoestring, and unlimited funding does not make it that much easier. Reloading is a different kettle of fish.

Even before I discovered the money cheat, I still neither reloaded nor spent more than 50 turns at a terror site.

laiocfar 15-01-2006 10:27 PM

Get spare soldiers waiting in the bases and a SWS is money/space eater, they aren't so important, maybe in a fully trained squad is better SWS as explorer than an experienced xcom but rookie is cheaper that the SWS, normal weapons are better that SWS and 4 rookies means more shots that a single SWS.

To improve your playing style, build some bases as listening post. A main base must got between 8-10 long range sonar. No intecept very big aliens ships with barracudas. If a man spot an alien, try to shot him with others xcoms from safer or unsppoted hex no use the sppoter for fire if u can. If the mission goes too bad, abort it, save the Triton and experinced suviviors. Research is the key in a long term conflict. If aliens discover one of your bases will attack it frequently, so abandon that base or defend it quickly.
See ya

Guest 16-01-2006 10:28 AM

I can't get the game to work.
I have all sound turned off on it.
Clicking on it basic from windows gets me nought- it says no music, no sound then a never ending list of 'cannot find file'
From dosbox I get the initial no music, no sound then nothing.

laiocfar 16-01-2006 08:59 PM

I think that this games need to be inside C:/Mps folder to works.

Axe346 30-01-2006 04:30 PM

I know this is cheating , but have you guys tried a memory editor in X-com 1&2.
With artmoney (Artmoney main site) you can edit your money , movement ... But with X-com 2 it exits the game????

edit: address removed ...

Master MC 30-01-2006 04:53 PM

Ahaa.... Nice spam, Axe.

rlbell 30-01-2006 08:11 PM

I prefer the CWE editor, which edits savegame files. It will edit bases, base stores, aliens in containment, money, funding, craft, and soldiers.

BTW, the download now seems to be the dos cd with the animations (or it seems to be the size of the cd zipped into a file).

Master MC 30-01-2006 08:27 PM


Originally posted by rlbell@Jan 30 2006, 11:11 PM
I prefer the CWE editor, which edits savegame files. It will edit bases, base stores, aliens in containment, money, funding, craft, and soldiers.
That one totally owns.

Aquanaut 05-02-2006 10:43 PM

Hello fellow X-Commers

I had a real nostalgic trip when I discovered this site, and for the past few days I have been overjoyed to play UFO: enemy Unknown and X-Com: Terror from the Deep.

However, I have some trouble with the sound on Terror. No matter how many times I have configured the sound, I get the message: "No music, no sound effects" when I enter the game. When I configure it, I get the message: "Error writing sound config file. Null pointer assignment."

I downloaded the game from this site, and I am running it on a DOS-box. Can anyone help me? The music is part of the x-com experience, so it's no fun playing without.

Aquanaut 05-02-2006 10:51 PM

Never mind, I figured out of it! The problem was simply that the files in my terror-folder was set to read-only. By removing this, my sound worked fine. Thanks anyway for those who were about to help!

laiocfar 06-02-2006 12:11 AM


Thanks anyway for those who were about to help!
:D LOL :roflol:
I think that some problems only can be resolved by oneself, and u must know that if someone in forums got the solution will answer u in little time or never.

Acolyte 07-02-2006 12:00 PM

OK i can get along without good hwp or watewer they are called in tftd but i cant go the whole game without better armour coz plastic sUX hard.
How can i get ion or magnetic armor.

Does anybody knows any good mods for X-COM 1 & 2 (witch dont need xcomutil)
Ive seen some that changes plasma weapons into proton guns (fancy).
And a cute mod that changes laser rifle into a slightly more powerful and better looking HELIX rifle, smoke nade in an immensly powerful mamoth nade and blaster launcher into crusch launcher with more powerful shots but has no guidance.
weapons 16 it was or so.

Guest 09-02-2006 03:03 AM

To get Magnetic Ion Armor you must research (if I remember correctly)
Deep One Corpse
Aqua Plastics
Aqua Plastic Armor
Ion Beam Accelerator
LIVE DEEP ONE (probably what you've missed)
Ion Armor
Lobster Man Navigator **
Magnetic Navigation
Magnetic Ion Armor

** note some versions don't require the Lobsterman Navigator to research Magnetic Navigation

Acolyte 10-02-2006 07:43 AM

Ive caught LOTS of navigators.Well maybe there werent lobstermen.
I have a Deep one terrorist and he gave me psi lab insted.

gregor 10-02-2006 08:21 AM


Originally posted by Acolyte@Feb 10 2006, 08:43 AM
Ive caught LOTS of navigators.Well maybe there werent lobstermen.
I have a Deep one terrorist and he gave me psi lab insted.

I believe it has to be lobster man.
did you explore dead deep one (corpse)? Also explore another deep one.

Also there are a few good walkthrough available on net where oyu can get the full tech tree.

PrejudiceSucks 10-02-2006 11:08 AM

If armour's what you want, you need to get deep ones, and they need to be dead.

laiocfar 10-02-2006 09:57 PM

All u need its love :whistle:

No, but all you need its MC

Guest 11-02-2006 07:33 AM


Originally posted by PrejudiceSucks@Feb 10 2006, 12:08 PM
If armour's what you want, you need to get deep ones, and they need to be dead.
If he has Aqua-Plastic-Armor already as stated then he already has researched a Deep One corpse.

I donno Dude only other thing I can think of is that the bloody game is buggy and mebbe its one of those many things that if are researched out of a peticular order you lose the capability of further research (like the Mind probe thing you must have one in stock when a certain reasearch project is completed or you never get the chance to do it again same with Sonic Technology if you sell off all the Sonic pistols and clips and dont save at least 1 to research well you could run into trouble by the third month or so as they never seem to appear on any scenario's after that)

In any case good luck :)

PrejudiceSucks 11-02-2006 10:38 AM

Indeed, the game is amazingly buggy. For example, if you research a Tasoth Commander then you can't ever research the Leviation, although you can research the one which opens up the final mission.

Which means that you can never win :(

Guest 13-02-2006 05:45 AM

Although I've not tried any of these myself you may want to as a last resort give this a shot but I recommend you make a backup of your entire gamefile before trying out any program

Eagle of Fire 13-02-2006 06:21 AM


Indeed, the game is amazingly buggy. For example, if you research a Tasoth Commander then you can't ever research the Leviation, although you can research the one which opens up the final mission.

Which means that you can never win

I posted a hack several pages ago which allow you to get any tech you wish.

I don't want to repost it because it's an obvious cheat unless you use it to actually "debug" your game. So if you want it you'll have to search for it. All the info are there somewhere. ;)

Guest 14-02-2006 02:17 AM

Yeah as I said I havent tried it as I've pretty much found all the glitches in the game and research in a good order that allows me to get everything.

MIND YOU IF the "cheat" had been available for one of my many failed attempts because of research probs i surely woulda :P

Acolyte 16-02-2006 02:51 PM

Hey guys i found a neat trick involving proxy nades.
Aliens stop moving if you place one before him and one behind him like this


n-proxy nade.

It also works if the alien is standing next to a wall.


As i sed aliens dont move so close range ufos are harmles.
Tested on a deep one bastard.

Ive caught my deep one in the funniest way possible. He was immobilized with proxy nades, my rooke with a tazer came to shock him (carefuly coz a deep one can shoot about 5 spases) he was two spaces away when a thelmal shock launcher bomp exploaded between them rendering them both unconcious.
a quick stum raid of the building in witch the shocker alien were hiding resoulted in a quich stun (everyone in the room including the alien) ended the mission.

Bout ion armour reasearching posts ive caught a lobsterguy navigator and he gave me nothing. Some aliens are unreasearchable twice.

Guest 17-02-2006 05:16 AM


Originally posted by Acolyte@Feb 16 2006, 03:51 PM
Bout ion armour reasearching posts ive caught a lobsterguy navigator and he gave me nothing. Some aliens are unreasearchable twice.

I gave you a Linc that would fix you right up 2-3 days ago read the replies on Feb 13th again.

Since then Ive tested it too and it will fix you right up I was able to start a brand new game and have anything i wanted or everything or any combination of research items available. I also tried it on a current game and again it worked just fine.

Acolyte 20-02-2006 01:15 PM

Ok all is oll right now and i have the armor thanks. :bye:

Guest 20-02-2006 02:41 PM

You're Welcome

Have Fun :)

blue123 02-03-2006 03:30 PM

Ugh. This game runs really slow with dosbox (even on high cycles) and slow and jerky with VDMS.

PrejudiceSucks 02-03-2006 05:51 PM

Lower the cycles and it might run better, or better yet, use the Windows icon to play it with.

laiocfar 03-03-2006 06:08 AM

run it in win, the speed is a flash nut its tuen based

blue123 04-03-2006 05:14 PM

I mean, I'm using dosbox on just enough cycles to make it playable. proper windows is too slow with no sound.

Filla 15-03-2006 08:34 PM


Originally posted by Tom Henrik@Oct 24 2004, 03:33 PM
Run the game in DOSBox.
Choose Soundblaster.
Set the IRQ to 5.

Hmm I have the sound problem as well. It goes on about a write protection that has to be removed, when i try the sound setup through dosbox. I have VIA AC'97 Audio (Wave) on a laptop . Any suggestions?

Madgenius 25-03-2006 05:43 PM

Hi guys

apologies if this has already been answered somewhere, but I can't get this bloody game running smoothly in XP at all, I've tried Dosbox, VDMS, swearing at the computer etc... it's always REALLY choppy.

Any ideas, suggestions etc would be welcome



Roger 27-03-2006 06:07 AM

Help! I try to run this game in dosbox and what ever the sound configuration; when i load it it just freezes! I love Xcom Please help. This also happened with another game called Bratrayal at Krondor. It just lodas and freezes. Im going to try no sound config now.

Japo 27-03-2006 05:23 PM

Sorry can't help. :whistle:

Only that yes this game is uncomprehensibly buggy. And not only that, it's the same game that the original UFO, only with other resources, mainly graphics, but it takes around seven times as much hard drive space! And yes it's choppy while the original UFO was smooth and yes the graphics are very poorly drawn compared to the original UFO. I personally think that the developers really put their feet in this game. :not_ok:

Japo 27-03-2006 05:25 PM

By the way, I manage to run it under DOS 6.22 (real not emulated).

Madgenius 27-03-2006 08:28 PM

If Dosbox doesn't work, try VDM Sound, thats usually pretty good

Madgenius 27-03-2006 08:29 PM

Has anybody got any bright ideas as to how I can get this onto my old 486 ?

Japo 27-03-2006 09:09 PM


Originally posted by Madgenius@Mar 27 2006, 08:29 PM
Has anybody got any bright ideas as to how I can get this onto my old 486 ?
(I assume your 486 uses Windows, but it's too slow for DOSBox? How can you run Windows in a 486? You must have expanded its RAM, haven't you?)

I don't know if it's bright, but you could use my solution. I installed good old DOS 6.22 in a partition of the hard drive, and I can boot either in Windows (normally) or in DOS (real DOS not "DOS mode" or anything, for playing old games). Then it's not *as if* you were running such game under DOS, it's that you *are* running such game under DOS.

rlbell 28-03-2006 02:21 AM


Originally posted by Madgenius@Mar 27 2006, 08:29 PM
Has anybody got any bright ideas as to how I can get this onto my old 486 ?
What peripherals does your 486 have?

If it has a cd-rom, you download it and burn it to a CD. If not, you will need to download a floppy version (zipped onto four 1.4 meg 3.5" floppies) and copy it over. If you are technically inclined, mount the 486's hard drive into your internet box and copy the files directly.

Eagle of Fire 28-03-2006 02:43 AM


Has anybody got any bright ideas as to how I can get this onto my old 486 ?
I welcome you to open a thread in the Troubleshooting section if you really encounter trouble... But if you have such general questions as the one quoted above, all I'm going to say back is general answers such as:

type "TFTD" and the program should start. :bleh:

As mentioned above, TFTD is meant to be played on a DOS machine. I can't possibly think of problems you can encounter other than the normal old DOS problems. And those aren't "normal" prlblems.

stein o mite 28-03-2006 03:27 AM

anyone realize the underdogs site (the one that is said to contain the windows version of TFTD) doesnt appear to be operational any longer?

btw, thanks for all your glorious knowledge and wisdom, i just finished reading all the posts, may you bring swift doom to T´leth. :Titan:

you all rock.

stein o mite

p.s. now if only lent was over so i could actually play. :cry: :wall:

Japo 28-03-2006 02:16 PM


Originally posted by stein o mite@Mar 28 2006, 03:27 AM
anyone realize the underdogs site (the one that is said to contain the windows version of TFTD) doesnt appear to be operational any longer?
Yep, such a pity. :cry: Read about it here

including how to access to a limited version of the site (no downloads I think).

yeugz 28-03-2006 09:13 PM

[font=Arial][color=blue] hi i bought x-com ages ago and i recently re-installed it on my pc. i never actually finished the game, and i thing it's about time...
i'm playing the game in beginner mode and theres one thing that prevents me from advancing. when i'm in the geoscape, my whole team panics or becomes 'under molecular control' before i can do anything. :wall:
what can i do ??? please can someone help ???
cheers thanks!

Japo 29-03-2006 12:20 AM


Originally posted by yeugz@Mar 28 2006, 09:13 PM
i'm playing the game in beginner mode and theres one thing that prevents me from advancing. when i'm in the geoscape, my whole team panics or becomes 'under molecular control' before i can do anything. :wall:
Your team suffers molecular attacks while in the geoscape (where you can see the whole Earth)?? :huh: This game was buggy, but I don't know if I can believe that without seeing it! :blink:

I assume this happens on missions, that's another deal. If you suffer molecular attacks this means... well, that you've encountered aliens with that skill. It's one of the aliens' more powerful weapon, and you might not be prepared for confronting it at the beginning. So maybe you should leave that UFO alone, and go for the next one. If you're really playing in beginner, such hardships shouldn't turn up often.

However, different soldiers have different resistances to molecular attacks--you get to know this once you research this field. So you might want to transfer that soldier who's always targeted by the aliens' molecular attacks, and transfer him so that you've got one base with a molecular-resistant squad, that's what I do.

laiocfar 29-03-2006 03:52 AM


[font=Arial][color=blue] hi i bought x-com ages ago and i recently re-installed it on my pc. i never actually finished the game, and i thing it's about time...
i'm playing the game in beginner mode and theres one thing that prevents me from advancing. when i'm in the geoscape, my whole team panics or becomes 'under molecular control' before i can do anything. wallbash.gif
what can i do ??? please can someone help ???
cheers thanks!

What type of mission?
Against who?

I still dont get what happens, i never played on that level but in last one, i got the same problem, MC destroys the best quads if you dont upgrade to MC. For avoid this use tanks and grenades of all tipes. During night battles make the light with incendiary ammo or lights. Use your tropers in groups of 4 if there is an alien race without MC. As the MC chance raise, make smaller teams and got a group of MC experts.

Guest 29-03-2006 09:02 AM

Right thanks :ok: i'll go try that out.
By the way the mission is a terrorzone on a ship. i've never seen the aliens i'm confronting before, they look like little pink ufos which blow up real bad when they die (the buggers). And yes they use molecular control on several of the members of my squad which makes them either panic, get under molecular control and you can imagine the rest... i'm quite early in the game so how come the aliens are using one of their best weapons ?!
thanks again cheers

laiocfar 30-03-2006 03:23 AM

It happens in the first terror mission against telebrains, the key is work undercover, you should enter, shoot, and move out. Anyway, working with MS i made the first level once but in the second ABORT, doing this type of missions is a waste of people

gregor 30-03-2006 05:47 AM

1. if you don't abort, you will get all equipment form i think second misison.
2. they are not the ones using the MC. however they do have a lot of movement and will actually be used as scout. take any alien out as fast as you can and move or hide.

MC is used either by tasoth (reptile kind of guys) or aquatoids (little green ones). in XCOM they usually need to see you to use MC (note: sometimes you can see things through walls :blink: ). my advice is (if this is your first time) to save the game each turn under a different file name. that way you can seek out the aliens, reload appropriate turn and bomb them.

in ship second mission i think on beginning it's preety much safe to toss grenades among those boxes, because that's where they are usually hiding.

as for the aliens you mentioned - yes they are a nuisance, because they explode and have a lot of shots available which are quite accurate. my advice is to try and use some sonic grenade on them or other powerfull explosives. also HE clips in gass cannon make targeting a lot easier. sure they blow up half of the house on terror sites, but who cares. it's not like you will have to pay for the damage you do ;)

laiocfar 31-03-2006 04:54 AM

SAVE/LOAD during missions is to cheat. :tomato:

Its right the telebrain make the scouting and the tasoth the MC. Try by fast moving into the ship hull, once inside make lot of smoke and hit/run attacks using explosives for clear the battle zones.

xs0nIx 02-04-2006 03:17 PM

I love to play XCOM2 but even i run the game on dosbox, its still ntot working... any body has an Idea about this??? :whistle:

Snake_Plissken 02-04-2006 03:57 PM

One of the most interesting games I ever played, same thing for all of X-COM games. I finished the game in '02, after a hard work :yawn: One thing i think this game lacks, are more human made weapons.

laiocfar 02-04-2006 07:54 PM

xs0nIx, i cant help u. Try by take your problem to the troubleeshoting forum.

Snake_Plissken, X-COM II TFTD, is the same old X-COM I UFO with some changes in the aliens and the war in the geoscape is moved from the land to the water. :angry:

xs0nIx 03-04-2006 05:22 AM

ok, thanx man. but i think the TFTD version on this site is cd version. Can somebody tell me where to find a dos version??? :whistle:

gregor 03-04-2006 05:46 AM


Originally posted by laiocfar@Apr 2 2006, 07:54 PM
Snake_Plissken, X-COM II TFTD, is the same old X-COM I UFO with some changes in the aliens and the war in the geoscape is moved from the land to the water. :angry:
except from the terrorsites which remain on land or ship (dry in any case)! :bleh:

BTW: Snake Plissken is that you? Man, I thought you were dead!!! LOL

xs0nIx 03-04-2006 06:06 AM

Of course terror site must be on dry land, cause people/humans don't live underwater. :D

laiocfar 03-04-2006 11:37 PM

And what about an attack on a russian nuclear submarine. This can explain many "accidents" :bleh:

xs0nIx 04-04-2006 03:56 PM

an attack on a russian nuclear sub? hmmm... when was it? what type of alien is responsible? :angel:

Guest_Liran 07-04-2006 08:22 PM

Hey all.
I've downloaded DosBox and tried to get it work, but after he writes me what sound devices I chose (right on the start) it gets stuck.
What's wrong?

Data 07-04-2006 08:49 PM

press enter 3 times on the black screen

Guest_Liran 07-04-2006 09:03 PM

I pressed even 10 times, and my task manager still write it as "not responding"...

Sadeeq 11-04-2006 09:34 PM

Help, I can run the game fine, but no matter what i do i can not get any sound. I have no problem with x-com ufo or xcom apocalypse. :help:

rlbell 11-04-2006 11:36 PM


Originally posted by xs0nIx@Apr 3 2006, 05:22 AM
ok, thanx man. but i think* the TFTD version on this site is cd version. Can somebody tell me where to find a dos version??? :whistle:
Last I checked, it is the dos version. The reason for the huge size of the download is that the movie clips do not compress, at all. Basically, the download is the dos CD version compressed to a single file. Earlier in this thread are instructions to run it in dosbox (sometime late 2005, as it is one of my early posts)

TFTD was the first game that I got to work on dosbox.

xs0nIx 17-04-2006 10:32 AM

hmmm... tftd now works fine cause its really a cd version... :wall:

anyways, could somebody tell me how i can research the magnetic navigation??? i cant finish the game... :crazy: ive already research on aqua plastic.

laiocfar 17-04-2006 08:00 PM

Somewhere in this forum or at least in this page there are a tech tree for both Ufo defence and TFTD

xs0nIx 18-04-2006 05:29 PM

tanx, i'll find it (somehow)... :cry:

JDickson81 24-04-2006 12:19 PM

I searched this forum and could not find the answers i needed. does someone know exactly what I need to do to get the downloads of Xcom 1 and 2 from abandonia to work on dosbox?? i've tried everything i can think of and nothing is working. please just lay it out for me. thanks.

Kearnsy 24-04-2006 12:32 PM

For some people the EXE. with the sun will work on XP and others without dosbox. BUT
the one with the alien face will work for dos. When you have mounted the drive and opened the game folder run the one with the alien face.

As for THTD that worked in Dosbox perfectly for me. :blink:

Hope it works!

Blue Phoenix 26-04-2006 12:20 AM

Hmm. I'm having some trouble running this. I'll detail my process in case I'm doing something wrong.

I unzipped the folder and left it as is (after realizing that installing it is a waste of time) then to play I double click on "terrorcd.bat" then I play and it runs fine until I get to a Terror mission (the first one of the game) and everytime it crashes after I end my first turn. What happens is thus:
I do my thing (i've tried doing nothing and it still crashes). Then the aliens that I can see move around and do their thing, then when it goes into the hidden movement phase, the HUD (the commands and all that) show up on the bottom, the splash screen is squished into the remaining space and then it goes black and pop! back to the XP desktop with this box:
| 16 bit MS-DOS Subsystem
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
| C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe
| The NTVDM CPU has encountered an illegal instruction.
| CS: 0000 IP: 0077 OP:f0 37 05 0e 02 Choose 'Close' to terminate the application.

If I choose ignore then the cursor is just sitting there and not doing anything and the screen is otherwise black. Nothing moves.

So I just close and try again. Anyone have a suggestion?
I've got it all loaded on a flash drive if that matters, but I searched the trouble shooting archives and found that 1 other person had a similar problem but no one addressed it. I'm not using DosBox.


BluePhoenix 26-04-2006 02:31 AM

Apparently it also happens at other times with the exact same error message.

The Fifth Horseman 26-04-2006 09:01 AM

Tried compatibility modes, VDMSound or DosBox already? I think not. Give them a go.

Acolyte 28-05-2006 10:16 AM

Thats against logic X-COM 1 is free X-COM 3 is free but 2 is still sold strange isnt it.

The Fifth Horseman 29-05-2006 12:12 PM

That's CD-Access for you.

With well over 70 in stock, they'll be "selling" their copies for at least a few years.

Sometimes one wonders... how much of them are really original and how much are... should we say... quite not.

Acolyte 02-06-2006 02:13 PM

Well yeah they will be selling those games to the end of the world cos nobody will want to buy it when they can get its wonderful prequell or good X-COM Apocalypse 4 free. In this situation nobody would like to play the Wicrowaved steak known as X-COM TOTD

The Fifth Horseman 02-06-2006 03:19 PM

True enough.

Guest 06-07-2006 07:35 PM

Hello boys and girls here!
I downloaded both games, I mean X-com 1 and X-com 2. But both games have a problem, namely they crash on the Battlescape. I have versions for windows-use. Lately I tried to run them with Dosbox, but I can't get it started, because I don't know how to make \ for the mount command. Can anybody help me?

The Fifth Horseman 07-07-2006 11:23 AM

There is a key on your keyboard with | \ symbols on it. Just press it.
Unless that doesn't work - which means you'll have to mess around with the keymapping a bit.

Horoma 10-08-2006 08:12 AM

Personally, I like TFTD much more than the original UFO, especially because it provides more of a challenge, even at beginner level. Who didn't get his entire team slaughtered the first time he/she encountered the lobstermen. And what to think of the vicious tentaculat. I remember walking into the big central room of an artefact site, immediately noticing no more than 8 tentaculats at close distance. That really scared the hell out of me, even as an experience player. These suckers can turn your entire team to zombies in no time. I must say I never got that thrill from UFO. Despite it's flaws, and the fact that it is more a remake than a sequel, I just love this game so much.

Some tips :

- When you start your game, immediately sack aquanauts with low morale. The morale stat rarely increases, you don't want panicking soldiers, but more importantly, you don't want your better soldiers under alien control (MC).

- Try to get better weapons as soon as possible. Use gas cannons and jet harpoons (auto-fire) to start, and switch to sonic pistols/sonic blasta rifles as soon as possible. Gauss rifles (auto-fire) are great as well, but I usually skip them.

- Research is very (!) important, especially in the beginning. The tech tree is weird though. For some important advancements, like (magnetic) ion armor, you'll need to research several things in a specific order. You need a lot of luck to accidentally find it. Get your hands on the tech tree, it will save you a lot of frustration.

- Lobstermen are though to beat with regular weapons. Thermal shock launchers usually stun them in 1-2 hits however. At close quarters, thermic lances are very effective and use little time units.

- When tentaculats are in sight, always shoot them before you target any other aliens. A dead soldier is still better than a zombie. If you don't finish them right away, your mission can turn into a disaster in just a few turns.

- If you can afford it, get a transmission resolver in every base. Not only will you detect more alien ships, you will also know their type, the main alien races on board, and details about the mission. That's a lot of vital information ! Don't shoot ships on colony supply mission ! Follow them, and you're likely to discover an alien base.

- The better you play, the more likely the aliens will come for your base. Be prepared.

- The game gets a lot easier once you get magnetic ion armor and mc disruptors. You'll need some training for the latter to be effective though. Use magnetic ion armor to enter ships from above (use disruptor pulse launcher to punch the walls if needed), while the aliens are waiting at the front door.

- Never research Tasoth Commander. There is a bug that will prevent you from finishing the game if you do.

laiocfar 11-08-2006 04:35 AM

True about bug, but i am not sure if it was the tasoth... this game is heavy bugged.

melthas 15-08-2006 12:00 PM

I tried to run the game in DosDOX but it wasn't helpful. Game always lagged and sounds were frozen sometimes. I tried VDM Sound instead of messing with DosBOX, the game works flawlessly with VDM Sound but still got one problem. When I click the directions for rotating the geoscape, it starts whirling and doesn't stop before one spin, no matter how fast I'm :wallbash: How can I fix this?

Cockroach 15-08-2006 07:07 PM

I've always just right-clicked the globe to move it around.

Horoma 16-08-2006 07:03 AM

Select the "options" button in the menu bar, you can change the speed of various in-game items there. Very useful. :ok:

X-commander 22-08-2006 04:32 AM

Guys i love the game but when i try to load my agents on my plane and go to an alert..... the agents walk there!! they dont get on the plane, and the plane just flys there. pls help me

Cockroach 22-08-2006 05:31 AM

errr.....I think you need the Apoc thread.... :huh:

laiocfar 28-08-2006 06:09 AM

Anyway it isnt a problem to have troops deployed outside the transport.

Easterner 14-09-2006 04:43 AM

Just finished this game on superhuman level, almost without save/loads (only 2 times :whistling: ).
That is not so difficult if you keep the right behavoir line.

Horoma 14-09-2006 11:58 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Easterner @ Sep 14 2006, 06:43 AM) [snapback]254890[/snapback]</div>

Just finished this game on superhuman level, almost without save/loads (only 2 times :whistling: ).
That is not so difficult if you keep the right behavoir line.
Did you do it with or without the use of MC disruptors ?

I mean, it's a huge difference. With MC, you can easily own the aliens later in the game. So you just have to hang on in the early stages, no matter how big your losses, and you'll get there eventually. Without MC, however, it's a very though game till the end. It is possible to complete it without save/reload though.

With MC, strategy is usually the same : MC vets stay inside the Triton, tanks/rookies go outside looking for aliens.
1- Alien spotted
2- MC vets use MC control on alien from inside the Triton
3- Alien throws weapons in your direction
4- Alien turns around and starts looking for other aliens
Repeat 1-4 as necessary
5- Tanks/Rookies follow at a safe distance behind the last alien
6- Next turn, repeat 1-4 again (should be easier as you know where you left the mc'd aliens)
7- When the entire map is explored, the unarmed aliens line up in a row and your rookies gain experience by shooting them.

Gets quite easy and boring after a while, so I always play without MC nowadays. With that I mean MC disruptors, I still use MC readers to scan the aliens (especially time units & reactions) and MC labs to sort out MC weaklings and thus prevent my aquanauts from shooting each other.

Eaterner 14-09-2006 04:15 PM

To Horoma

Yes, you're right. When I got MC technology the game has become much easier.

I tried to attack alien colony with 2 pwt launchers, 1 tank/gas cannon and 8 soldiers with sonic weapons. Only 4 soldiers and a badly damaged tank managed to reach the undeground level, so I decided not to continue and reloaded.

Later I attacked alien artefact site with 4 pwts this time and another sodiers as artillery observers (I mean they dont fight much, only find targets for pwts). This kind of tactics was more succesful.

But, of course, I didn't even think to go to T'leth without MC. That would be too scary! :unsure:

Aphex 17-09-2006 01:00 PM

hello there, i have a simple question.. is it possible to (probably hex) edit the savegame, so i won't get kicked from the game for bad month performance? i have just made the mistake that i was saving only to one slot.. can anyone help me?

Aphex 17-09-2006 04:23 PM

you know what i mean - to someway increase the monthly rating by cca 4000 points two days before the end of the month.. :)

Horoma 17-09-2006 10:07 PM

Not sure, I've never tried this. But there are plenty of editors available, so I would be surprised if none of them had this ability. Playing without reload is more challenging anyway. If you lose, just start again and learn from your mistakes. ;)

laiocfar 17-09-2006 10:32 PM


interesting to try end the game without MC, i am about to see how it goes.

Easterner 19-09-2006 04:24 PM

Anyone here can steadily take an alien base without MC? I mean not 1 time in 10.

Horoma 19-09-2006 07:41 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Easterner @ Sep 19 2006, 06:24 PM) [snapback]256062[/snapback]</div>

Anyone here can steadily take an alien base without MC? I mean not 1 time in 10.
On Superhuman - Sure, but I wouldn't try without :
- advanced equipment like (Magnetic) Ion Armour, DPL Launcher, Sonic Cannon, Thermic Lance, ...
- experienced soldiers with enough MC strength (for defence)

On Easy - Anytime

The first part is quite easy because the map is always the same, and you know where to expect the aliens. Just fire some DPL bombs through the window of the building in the back. Then blast away the walls to the central room (upstairs) and drop some DPL bombs inside. You'll hear lots of screams from both, I can assure you. And most importantly, the MC-capable aliens are generally in these rooms. Then simply clean up the hallucinoids, tentaculats and tasoths outside, and what is left in the corridors of the building.

The second part is far more difficult. Just remember that you don't have to kill all aliens on this level. If you think you can't handle it, try to locate the symonium device, drop a pulser from above and get the hell out of there. You won't get all the artifacts and corpses (money!), but at least the colony is gone. If you do decide to wipe all aliens, you should keep your aquanauts together in a compact formation and cover all directions, I can't remember seeing the aliens useing pulsers or DPL launchers on this level.

If you have only 1 alien colony on the map, I would advice you NOT to destroy it. Instead, go for the supply ships, and you will gain more money and experience. Each active colony will drain your monthly score, but even one supply ship per month should be enough to achieve a positive balance. :ok:

Note : artifact sites are an entirely different story. On superhuman, they are very hard. :hairpull:

Easterner 20-09-2006 03:58 PM

Horoma, then what about cruise ships with tasoths & biodrones?
You cannot use dpl (always forget how those smart torpedoes are called :angry: ),
the use of snipers is very limited and those tasoths make MC attacks every turn.

My squad was armed with sonic weapons and ion armour (but with no MC training) and as a result only 2 soldiers escaped from the mission (I didnt want to lose triton).

Horoma 20-09-2006 04:52 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Easterner @ Sep 20 2006, 05:58 PM) [snapback]256298[/snapback]</div>

Horoma, then what about cruise ships with tasoths & biodrones?
You cannot use dpl (always forget how those smart torpedoes are called :angry: ),
the use of snipers is very limited and those tasoths make MC attacks every turn.

My squad was armed with sonic weapons and ion armour (but with no MC training) and as a result only 2 soldiers escaped from the mission (I didnt want to lose triton).
Yes, terror sites are quite difficult too, especially when you need to find that last alien hidden in one of the small rooms, waiting to reaction fire on the first aquanaut that shows it's face. Because the alien is stationary, he doesn't appear on the motion scanner.

I would like to add that on superhuman, you shouldn't be ashamed to abort a mission when the odds are against you. If you can save the triton, by all means do so. Aborting a terror mission will give you a bad score, but not as bad as not going at all. Sometimes you have to loose a battle to win the war. :titan:

laiocfar 21-09-2006 12:28 AM

You are the second one that i heard that abort a mission and is proud of it. The first was me ;) .
About terror missions:
1) Where in ships, if you take loses of more than 30% of the squad (counting wounded troops) abort before you move to next level. You will pay half of civilians killied by aliens. Second levels are more like semi-open areas so you will need more troops to win.

2) In Port/city or ships you can easly win a mission by carring extra firepower and using it to "clean" zones. Burn evey building before move in and use granedes and rockets to reduce to the ground any building were aliens were sppoted. This can result in huge civilians causalities, but be sure to give aliens some free turns to kill them. After that, you will have to systematic check everything avoiding to get bored and have a few sec unguarded. House to house or Room to room fighting is best served by pairs as independent units + artillery team at rear.

3) When in holiday resort, the napal tactic will not work in tunels or open areas so lets arrive at day and pray. Better to move in big groups of 6 ppl. Loses are always higher, always watch flanks and consider enemy position and weaponary. By outgunned will result in HUGE loses, once i lose near 11 troopers in 3 turns coz i tryed to overrun a building defended by a few aliens.

WAM 11-10-2006 06:52 PM

I bought TFtD first. I was so impressed I went back and bought UFO, which was a dissapointment.
THe order in which you play something often colours your judgement. I think the originality and the ability for either game to draw you in was the big feature of UFO 1 and 2. SO neither is better or worse, just different, but as I played TFtD first, I enjoyed it more, prefered the aliens, liked the OLD ONE tie in etc etc.

bradak 24-10-2006 12:34 AM

some one of you have graphic bug with tftd in battlescape when you scroll ??
i use dosbox with tftd but i dont have this bug with ufo 1
some one can help

(sory for my english i'm from belgium and no one can help me in french -_-

laiocfar 24-10-2006 03:12 AM

you should tell a little more about the "bug", for me its an ant.

Me too, i played TFTD before UFO defence. I miss from X-Com 1, the windowns and the better change that i found in TFTD is to open doors without moving in. Too bad that there are still lots of old bugs in research, in sppoting, in intercepting, etc.

another_guest 24-10-2006 07:19 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(bradak @ Oct 24 2006, 12:34 AM) [snapback]263181[/snapback]</div>

some one of you have graphic bug with tftd in battlescape when you scroll ??
i use dosbox with tftd but i dont have this bug with ufo 1
some one can help[/b]
Can you describe more into detail what the bug is, what happens when you scroll?

Gottfried 29-10-2006 08:29 AM

i had that bug too, it was because i got some strange version or it got messed up at source, really dunno why it was and saddest about it was that it occured when i was in T'leth and since then in every game or mission i started, so i had to look for x-com again and play from start :wallbash:

I love to start x-com at some higher difficulty and take few missions with basic equip or gauss rifles using all those smokes, mines, flares and stuff, this phase seems a bit like Jagged Alliance to me :)

laiocfar 04-11-2006 06:10 PM

I just wanna known if someone with the .mid of the game´s music and a game with the music ripped off can put the files in the right way to got music in game. In short: How can the music be added to a ripped music version of TFTD?

Cockroach 06-11-2006 07:25 PM

They should be in the \sounds folder. As for adding more, they have to follow the game's naming conventions for midi files.

laiocfar 07-11-2006 02:57 AM

and the game´s naming conventions are?

$pick 08-11-2006 12:10 AM

Hopefully this may help some of you old skool X-com lovers who are having problems, I couldn't get Terror from the Deep to run on my XP machine for love nor money, always crashed, i tried all sorts of slow down programs, gfx were garbled and the game crashed randomly, i eventually emailed an Atari technician to find a fix, he couldn't help me, and as his last reply from the following emails shows, i ended up working it out myself and helping the techy solve the problem., (which i did save in my inbox just coz i was amazed i helped the game technician figure out how to get the game runing LOL):--

-----Original Message-----
From: nicol muir []
Sent: Friday, September 26, 2003 5:12 PM
Subject: RE: X-COM Terror from The Deep & UFO Defense - PC - Windows Xp
Pro : International :


Firstly i'd like to thank you for the speedy and detailed reply,
unfortunately none of it worked, most of it is standard checks i had already



i did figure it out, i was checking through some gfx settings and noticed
the option for hardware acceleration, turned that to off and the games work
fine with moslo etc to slow timescale down

(right click on desktop, properties, settings tab - advanced, troubleshoot
tab - hardware acceleration slider to none) incase you get asked the same
question again.

thanks again

Nicol ($pick) Muir

Thanks I will add that to my bag of tricks. Also this helps me personaly
becuase I am a huge XCOM fan and since upgrading to XP pro I figured I was
stuck. I am very glad you found a way around this issue thanks a WHOLE lot!

If you reply to this email please do so in a way that includes all previous

Atari, Inc. Technical Support""

Hope this helps my fellow X-com Fanatics, moslo or turbo are the best pc slow down programs i've used, so very very simple to use, they let you cap/limit your cpu speed thus making the game run the way they were meant to.

Cockroach 08-11-2006 03:34 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(laiocfar @ Nov 6 2006, 10:57 PM) [snapback]265611[/snapback]</div>

and the game´s naming conventions are?
[/b] the new file the same as the one you want to replace????

laiocfar 08-11-2006 05:39 PM

they are ...errr... a kind of lost in action.... :bleh:

MrBorland 18-11-2006 02:51 AM

What is the deal with this:

As soon as one of my guys enters an alien's line of sight, the alien will continue firing retaliation shots until he is dead. On occasion, the game will enter into an endless loop of alien retaliation shots that require a manual game termination through windows.

It's as if they have unlimited time units for retailiation shots.

This happens on the first downed sub after starting a new game.

What is going on here?

laiocfar 18-11-2006 04:51 AM

I think that we already got this problem: endless rection fire. Normally the reaction fire are snap shots so max its 4 per alien. Sometimes there are some autoshots in reactions so new is 9 per alien. Be sure of dont be on open cuz it can be only an unspotted alien legion.

Zaru 23-01-2007 02:25 AM

I encountered a little problem this night. I'm playing colony mission on veteran level. I'm on second (lower) level right now, revealed all map, wiped out or concussed all monsters from the deep except one bastard lobsterman navigator who I just cannot find. I know that he is somewhere, because the level just won't end and once I saw him go berserk during monster turn, but I just can't remember where it was.
Now, I don't have any particle disturbance sensors (I don't think that they would work in this situation, anyway). I tried to blow up three lobstermen in the control center (2 commanders and one engineer which I concussed) in hope that the navigator will go panic, revealing his location, but it didn't work.
Any suggestions on how to find him? I don't want to destroy the control center in order to lay my hands on the colony equipment and live alien speciments. And even if I destroy it, I won't be able to pick up those two lobstermen commanders and several other lobster specialists because they wake up on the next turn after being picked up. :wallbash:

EDIT: I've managed to find him by killing all unconcious creatures and he panicked at last, but aparently he must be non-corporeal because center of the screen while he panicked was located here (cursor position):
what suggests that he must have walked right inside this very wall. And I cannot reach him by any mortal means.
Have you ever encountered this bug?

The Fifth Horseman 23-01-2007 12:20 PM

P.D sensors would actually help if he moved. That's why when I play any of the X-Com trilogy I always take a few with me.

All you can do in this situation is start "combing" the base bit by bit. The lobsterman _should_ be somwhere near the control center.

Zaru 23-01-2007 12:45 PM

The problem is solved. I chucked three sonic pulsers at the wall. Triple explosions destroyed exterior wall, leaving only bare rock. After that the lobster navigator was finally free and came out of the wall. :w00t:

The Fifth Horseman 23-01-2007 03:24 PM

...out of the wall?

Zaru 23-01-2007 03:37 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(the_fifth_horseman @ Jan 23 2007, 05:24 PM) [snapback]276138[/snapback]</div>

...out of the wall?
Yup. That was strange. :blink:

Eagle of Fire 23-01-2007 08:00 PM

The answer to this is simple: the panicking Lobsterman probably fell down there from an upper level after the ground was destroyed in an explosion.

Zaru 23-01-2007 08:12 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Eagle of Fire @ Jan 23 2007, 10:00 PM) [snapback]276171[/snapback]</div>

The answer to this is simple: the panicking Lobsterman probably fell down there from an upper level after the ground was destroyed in an explosion.
Nope. I checked that. Floor above was intact.
He went from the lower floor, through stairs, and straight into the wall. Certainly a bug.

Eagle of Fire 24-01-2007 01:45 PM

Possible. After all, there is a bug in the original UFO which allowed you to get out of the Avenger by the side of the craft. :P

another_guest 25-01-2007 10:27 AM

Which was a very handy one :)

Guest 13-02-2007 04:40 PM


Just a quick one, is there any whay to edit some file so windows ver. runs in custom resolution (widescreen) ?

Cheers :)

Btw this is still the best game ever after fallout2 ;)

The Fifth Horseman 14-02-2007 03:12 PM


is there any whay to edit some file so windows ver. runs in custom resolution (widescreen) [/b]
Nope. ^_^

Mic 02-03-2007 09:34 AM

i want play the game, but i have the windows version and it dosn^t run under xp. who can me help? please HELP ME i will die when i can"t play it... :wallbash:

The Fifth Horseman 02-03-2007 12:14 PM

There is more than one executable in the game directory. Run the other one.

Or download the DOS version and run it in DosBox.

Geri 05-03-2007 01:41 PM

Man last time when i wanted to download this game it was free. But what happened? Anyone who got a free download site?

Guest 03-04-2007 03:20 AM

I can't even find a site to DL it from. I bought it when it first came out, still have the disks but they don't even work anymore

Guest 09-05-2007 09:41 PM

The game was just released on Steam for $2.50 until May 11th.

raoul volfoni 11-05-2007 03:21 PM charges 30$ for this game !?!
Are they out of their mind ?

The Fifth Horseman 11-05-2007 03:47 PM

It's not. The site you've linked to is a well-known bandwidth thief that Abandonia has a major grudge towards (it's also been stealing our reviews).

raoul volfoni 11-05-2007 04:06 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(the_fifth_horseman @ May 11 2007, 05:47 PM) [snapback]289931[/snapback]</div>

It's not. The site you've linked to is a well-known bandwidth thief that Abandonia has a major grudge towards (it's also been stealing our reviews).
Sorry, I've removed any reference to it.

The Fifth Horseman 14-05-2007 02:27 PM

I just started playing TFTD again - except this time without cheating. So far I've got a number of live aliens and alien weaponry, but there is one major headache: Lobstermen. At the moment I don't have any alien weapons researched (working on it, though), and there is a bunch of Lobstermen-crewed USO's going around.
Does anyone here have any tactics for dealing with such situation? Or maybe I should just wait out until some weapons research is completed?

laiocfar 15-05-2007 03:28 AM

Hahaha... lobstermen are easy... superior combat tactics can deal with them, remember to launch a grenade to any stunned lobstermen, its very normal when you are using bad weapons. About tactics... avoid close combat and carry plenty of ammo and explosives, they are usefull to both kill them or blast obstacles. To do a tactic retreat in time isnt any shame.

Incappucciato d'Ombra 15-05-2007 07:05 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(laiocfar @ May 15 2007, 05:28 AM) [snapback]290299[/snapback]</div>

Hahaha... lobstermen are easy... superior combat tactics can deal with them, remember to launch a grenade to any stunned lobstermen, its very normal when you are using bad weapons. About tactics... avoid close combat and carry plenty of ammo and explosives, they are usefull to both kill them or blast obstacles. To do a tactic retreat in time isnt any shame.
The same for me, apart for a "little problem" : to stun a lobstearman without alien weapon is'nt so easy, on Ufo 1 the smoke serves well but in TFTD you need tons and tons of underwater-explosion and very much luck (because with stun-rod you need to enter close combat).

First of all the equipment :

1) i take at least 8 men with gauss rifle with 3 ammo reload for each men (IMHO, gauss cannon had a bad ratio "weight-ammo" versus "fire power") and a tank as scout against a medium USO (or 8-10 men and 2-4 men only with more ammo and explosive... no rifle, if i got mad and decide to attack a big USO that are carrying Lobstearman).

2) 1-2 stun rod but only if i have 12 men (can be usefull as "kamikaze" for stunning an injuried alien and then killing it with a little grenade)

3) some little grenade (see point 2)

4) 8-12 proximity grenade and the rest... Demolition charge :titan:

5) less than this... well... "run! Run! run for you life!" :hysterical: (to be honest i prefer this definition: "to execute a strategical retreat" :max: )

Now my tactic :

First of all, i don't give all demolition charge to my men, i put 2-4 of them unassiged so they appear on ground just in front of the transport exit, ready to be picked-up, armed and launched. I let out the tank (just 4 or 6 square) and look around, now :

1) if my landing position is surrounded by lobstearman i use demolition charge
1a) launched by the best launchers, because it's necessary to be precise, demolition charge must land and explode just below the hatred "lob", this because of the relative low under-armor, so 2-3 charge and lobstearman is dead.
1b) from the inside of the transport, mens in the rear activate charge and give to men in front of exit that launch it, in this way the first 2-3 men in front of exit can launch 4-6 charge.
1c) All men and the tank return inside the transport because at the end of the turn the hatch of the transport is closed automatically and the lobstearman can do nothing (if all goes well... as all of us that have played Ufo 1 & 2 at least some time well knows :D)
1d) If all things goes well i proceed..... else i become considering a "strategical retreat".

2) if there is only some lobsteraman near the transport i launch 1 demolition charge "in front" of each lobstearmans in this way the front armor drop and it is relative easy to kill them with gauss rifle.

3) as for proximity grenade, they are little powerful ok, but easy to launch far away with precision, therefore are useful to weaken armor and "open the road" for massive gauss rifle shots.

4) when Lob's armor is weakened (or when demolition charge ends) i use a men or the tank as scout, when lobstearman become visible i retreat the scout and the rest of the men, a lot behind and standing on secure position, shots with gauss.

This is difficult and require time (dozens of shots for each lobstearman) but possible if the ammunitions are enough...

Finally, i suspect that this description can be clear only to veterans of Ufo series this because :
1) my english is bad (and sometimes babelfish translate italian to english worse than a troglodyte)
2) I have omitted all the basic tactics in order to try to shorten the post (to be honest... even because i start writing the post 1 hour later and i becoming a bit confused :blink: )
3) for me, italian but "creature of the night" it's time to go to bed :ph34r:

eventually I will try to explain better, next time... just ask :)

The Fifth Horseman 15-05-2007 12:15 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(laiocfar @ May 15 2007, 05:28 AM) [snapback]290299[/snapback]</div>

superior combat tactics can deal with them, [/b]
That, and a whole heck of reloading. :tomato:
But in the end, I managed to beat a mission against _eight_ of the damn things - 230 score, two live specimens captured, no casualties. :ok:
The last one was tough, however... the thing was outside the sub, on my flank and kept hiding until I dealt with the rest of its kin.

Lessons learned on battling the lobsters:
1. Harpoon rifles barely itch them. However, since Lobstermen are so tough, it's quite possible to stun one rather than kill it with a harpoon shot. Instant live specimen. :bleh:
2. Gas Cannons are much better. HE ammo = lots of hurting Lobsters.
3. Torpedo launchers are useful to soften them up... think Large Torpedoes.
4. Hydrojet cannons are good for providing major volume of firepower. HE ammo does a good job in compensating the inaccuracy of automatic fire, too.
5. SWS can find some use. I kept going around the corner of the USO with an Aquajet SWS, firing a snap shot against a Lobsterman guard and then backing out... the dumb thing didn't move and was just so much easy kill when my aquanauts arrived.
6. Grenades are useful - that's for sure. Except Lobstermen eat them up like crackers - takes seven to nine grenades to down one.
7. STUN RODS!!! When carried by fast soldiers (circa 70 AP), they are probably the fastest way of disposing of Lobstermen. Takes two hits to down one, so either you'll need to have more stun troopers or soften the target with torpedoes and such before the stun trooper jumps out on it... and of course a frontal attack is suicide, so get its' attention distracted and use explosives to create a smokescreen for your trooper to advance through.

I managed to survive that battle (even the SWS, though I'm not quite sure how it was still running near the end... got shot up real bad), and the changes in equipment turned out the right way to go. Next terror site (Gillmen/Deep Ones) and a touched-down small USO (Gillmen again) went in a pinch.

recklessfantasy 16-05-2007 12:13 PM

Im a huge fan of both UFO1 and 2...I beat UFO1 a long time ago, and never knew there was a sequal.
I tried UFO2...things were going good, until I realized that I could never get my research to the advanced UFO crafts. I have alien sub construction, magnetic navigator, Iron beam accelerator, and most other alien sub stuff, and transmission resolver...tried interigating technicians, commanders (Except for tasoth) squad leaders and soldiers of many races but can never get the craft research to unlock. I also cant get to the MC weapon to control the aliens even with MC generator, MC lab and MC reader. Ive been fighting for almost a year without advanced crafts and my geoscape is filling up with VERY LARGE ufos that I get my behind whooped even with 2 sonic ocilitators...
sum1 plz tell me what exactly you need to research the advanced crafts...

The Fifth Horseman 16-05-2007 01:19 PM

Do you have Aqua Plastics and Zrbite researched?
What about Deep Ones (both live and dead)?


I get my behind whooped even with 2 sonic ocilitators...[/b]
Pulse Wave Torpedoes FTW.

recklessfantasy 16-05-2007 05:11 PM

I've had zyrbite and aqua plastics for a while now...actually I had them from the first month of game time LOL.
About the Deep ones, I remember I use to get attacked by them alot at the beggining of the game. So I have a dead Deep one researched. However by the time I started packing my soldiers with stun weapons, they kinda seemed to stop appearing. In return, every attack seemed to be only by Gill men, Lobstermen, tasoth, tentaqle creatures and the bio-drones, so I have plenty of them captured or stored as corpse...But I get no where with them. I also tried equipping my baracuda with P.W.T and fighting the VERY LARGE ufo with caution, but didnt work...

Incappucciato d'Ombra 16-05-2007 11:34 PM

Unfortunately the problem is this :
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(recklessfantasy @ May 16 2007, 07:11 PM) [snapback]290509[/snapback]</div>

About the Deep ones, I remember I use to get attacked by them alot at the beggining of the game.
You need a live deep one and you need to capture it in time, before they disapperar, and store it for future research (when you need it for advanced craft).

At the moment i think you have only 2 possibility :

1) restart game (or reload a previous one before deep ones disappearance)

2) shot down million of USOs (Unknow Submerged [or submersible ?? i don't remember well :blink: ] Object) and pray... pray... pray... to be precise you must shot down the USOs that goes to resupply the alien bases, generally you will find Lobstearman, sometimes Acquatoid and Tasoth... but there is a little possibility that you will find an USO crewed with Deep One.

Good luck, you need it :ph34r:

recklessfantasy 17-05-2007 08:20 AM

I guess its better for me to just restart the game...Im pretty sure I can get around and do better because I allready have a good understanding of the game. Incappucciato you said that I have to capture a deep one fast enough, but how am I gonna stun and capture a live one without the thermal launcher? do i have to use a stun tazer?

The Fifth Horseman 17-05-2007 11:21 AM

According to a nifty research tree I found just today, you need Ion Armor and Magnetic Ion Armor researched to be able to research new craft... and a live Deep one is a must for that.

As for capturing... stun tazers are one way. Another is to simply avoid using large-caliber weaponry on the thing and take it down with harpoon rifles only: every now and then the alien will be stunned rather than killed - you'll know that if the alien drops but there is no death-cry from it. I captured both Gillmen and Deep Ones that way.
Remember also that the stun tazers work best in hands of fast troops... 60 TU is an absolute minimum, and forget about heavy weaponry.

Incappucciato d'Ombra 17-05-2007 02:31 PM

AAAAAAARGHHH !! I'm a stupid! Sorry, but about 2 year are passed since i played TFTD the last time (there is even the possibility that my brain are becoming quite aged and unstable, but i prefere don't think to this :bleh: )

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(the_fifth_horseman @ May 17 2007, 01:21 PM) [snapback]290593[/snapback]</div>

both Gillmen and Deep Ones that way.[/b]
Supply ship are crewed with Gillman (one of the 4 primary alien race), Deep ones are monster linked to primary alien race (like biodrone, tentaculat etc. etc.) therefore, even if you found a supply ship crewed by Gillmen you never find Deep One again, except on T'leth, but to reach T'leth you need Advanced Craft ...

This means : the only possibility is restart game <_<

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(the_fifth_horseman @ May 17 2007, 01:21 PM) [snapback]290593[/snapback]</div>

As for capturing... stun tazers are one way. Another is to simply avoid using large-caliber weaponry on the thing and take it down with harpoon rifles only: every now and then the alien will be stunned rather than killed - you'll know that if the alien drops but there is no death-cry from it. I captured both Gillmen and Deep Ones that way.
Remember also that the stun tazers work best in hands of fast troops... 60 TU is an absolute minimum, and forget about heavy weaponry.[/b]
beyond this you can use smoke at your advantage, gillman and deep one at the begginnin appear on terror mission, when alien attemp to raid Harbour or Ship, therefore just use incendiary ammo and put fire on all :ph34r:

burt777 26-05-2007 08:45 PM

Hey everybody! I was nerding around a little and made a little batch file that i keep running on my 2nd monitor. It shows me the times at which i saved. The game lists gametime with all the saved games, but i found it really annoying that i keep forgetting (damn weed (-: ) which game i saved last. The list refreshes every 15 seconds and assumes your dos recognizes the Choice-Command. (If it doesn't, you can get or replace the last line with a ping command or something, which will look less nice.)


@echo Game 1:
@dir game_1\up.dat |find "UP.DAT"
@echo Game 2:
@dir game_2\up.dat |find "UP.DAT"
@echo Game 3:
@dir game_3\up.dat |find "UP.DAT"
@echo Game 4:
@dir game_4\up.dat |find "UP.DAT"
@echo Game 5:
@dir game_5\up.dat |find "UP.DAT"
@echo Game 6:
@dir game_6\up.dat |find "UP.DAT"
@echo Game 7:
@dir game_7\up.dat |find "UP.DAT"
@echo Game 8:
@dir game_8\up.dat |find "UP.DAT"
@echo Game 9:
@dir game_9\up.dat |find "UP.DAT"
@echo Game 10:
@dir game_10\up.dat |find "UP.DAT"
@echo** (press n to break cycle)
@choice /t:Y,15 /n
@if not errorlevel 2 goto start

Just copy paste and save as a batchfile in the game directory and dubbleclick.

i hate alien colonies 29-05-2007 09:57 PM

Does anyone know how does an alien control center look like? I'm been walking around an alien colony for ages.... can't find anything, please help.

velik_m 30-05-2007 06:47 AM

Yeah it's pretty hard to miss. it's a room inside a room, surrounded with those squicky things. There are usually three lobstermen inside. Most bottom level (i think?). Use the map to check where you haven't been.

EDIT: You did go into the second level?

i hate alien colonies 30-05-2007 08:57 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(velik_m @ May 30 2007, 07:47 AM) [snapback]292017[/snapback]</div>

Yeah it's pretty hard to miss. it's a room inside a room, surrounded with those squicky things. There are usually three lobstermen inside. Most bottom level (i think?). Use the map to check where you haven't been.

EDIT: You did go into the second level?
yes but i only had 6 guys so they were spread out very thin. there are too many doors to check. only 1 is browsing the lowest level and he only uncovered like 1/5 of it so far. (another one is in the middle floor, the rest on the top one) the rooms are huge and i haven't found any aliens yet, so the control center must be very obvious because of it's garrison like you said. thanks

gregor 31-05-2007 05:54 AM

hehe once you knw how it looks like and once you develope the PWT launcher then alien colonies are easy.

becaise you can quickly find, launch the launcher and leave the colony... that is unless you wan to collect all the goodies by killing all the aliens. but after a while that kind of get's boring...

laiocfar 03-06-2007 03:06 AM

I think that control centers are well protected against lauchers strikes and you will need to localizate it either way.

So, lets get on it. You need to get in the second level, this is best done by killing every alien in first one since its only 1 floor for foot units and entrance is well defended.
Once in the second level, you need to reagroup since your ppl will be diveded. Note that this once is a huge level with 5 floors for foot units, also is completly builded and there are plenty of objetcs. There are a few defenders scattered and disorganized, but they are lobstermen and you are forced into close combat. Have many MC operators or some movement detectors can be usefull and stunning weaponary at rear*.
The control center is in the 4th floor and got 3 commanders inside. It can be located from 3th floor. There is a stair down and 4 "balconies" around it. Also there are a lot purple tiles. In the 4th floor you will found 2 doors, they form a "U" like corridor, in the farest place of that corridor its a third door that connects with the control room. The control room itself is small and got the device to destroy in the center. Normally you dont find any opposition but 3 commanders in control room, and you will prefer avoid than confrontate.

*I move troopers in 4 men squads trying to hold a diamond formation(explorer at front, quick reactions at side and gunner[hv weapons or sniper] at rear). Since lobstermen can survive many hits, sometimes i prefer to stun down my own ppl with the gunner than have them killed next turn.

Gaghlad 10-06-2007 04:09 AM

I have a question for those of you more able with the DOS-Box than I am. I have the box, and I have the original CD's for both X-Com 1 and X-Com 2. Can I get the CD's to work using DOS-Box or must I download the version off of here?

rlbell 11-06-2007 03:46 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Gaghlad @ Jun 10 2007, 04:09 AM) [snapback]293751[/snapback]</div>

I have a question for those of you more able with the DOS-Box than I am. I have the box, and I have the original CD's for both X-Com 1 and X-Com 2. Can I get the CD's to work using DOS-Box or must I download the version off of here?
You can get the CD's to work with Dosbox. I purchased both CD's from an online retailer in 2000 and got both of them to work. In case, you do not already know, in TFTD, do not research Tasoth commanders and you cannot save the game while in the second half of the last mission.

gregor 11-06-2007 11:40 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(laiocfar @ Jun 3 2007, 03:06 AM) [snapback]292739[/snapback]</div>

I think that control centers are well protected against lauchers strikes and you will need to localizate it either way.[/b]
Negative on protection! vulnerable from above!

The control center is in the 4th floor and got 3 commanders inside. It can be located from 3th floor. There is a stair down and 4 "balconies" around it. Also there are a lot purple tiles.

you can shoot through that small opening with guided missile later on. but to do this missile has to travel straight down and it's better to choose multiple points. command center is seen if you mouseover it by the square (you can see black shadow). but it's not always hit porpperly, so it's better to add a few points in the room (just to be sure).

with a good squad you can destroy it quite fast. i had it doen once in 3 turns (true i didn't pick any equipment form the base as penaltyy, but gained some real life time for other missions).

if there is no guided missile launchers then destroying it is very hard. but the wall from command center can be breached by sonic pulsar from lower (same) level (as command post is). a few grenades and sonic shoot in the center should do it.

the most rewarding is to kill all aliens (like laicofar said they are mostly on same spots except from those brain floaters!!). they should all be killed or stunned. i sugest the lobsterman in comman center to be stunned at all possible means, since they are valuable information source. in addition to that killing all aliens get's you their equipment which you can later sell.

however doing that can be tough early in game. i suggest the use of stun rod and then grenade blast to finish them off.

to stunn the lobters in command center you need someone who has enough time units and stun rod (later stun gun is also good if you fire it in the wall).

The Fifth Horseman 11-06-2007 02:18 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Gaghlad @ Jun 10 2007, 06:09 AM) [snapback]293751[/snapback]</div>

I have a question for those of you more able with the DOS-Box than I am. I have the box, and I have the original CD's for both X-Com 1 and X-Com 2. Can I get the CD's to work using DOS-Box or must I download the version off of here?[/b]
You can get them to work. All you need to do is mount your CD-ROM drive (read the DOSBox readme to find out more about it).

Trunks950 13-06-2007 09:12 AM

is there anywhere i can download this game now without having to pay for it??? i use to have the actual game but lost the cd :( any help appreciated.

Mighty Midget 13-06-2007 09:15 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Trunks950 @ Jun 13 2007, 11:12 AM) [snapback]294166[/snapback]</div>

is there anywhere i can download this game now without having to pay for it??? i use to have the actual game but lost the cd :( any help appreciated.
I'm sorry, but if the game is for sale, as is the case here, then you can't be directed to any download site.

laiocfar 21-06-2007 07:40 PM

Why we cant give links to third parties where the game is still downloabled? Its true that its illegal from who downloads and from the third party but how affacts abandonia?

I am not complaining, i just wanna known

The Fifth Horseman 22-06-2007 01:42 PM

It's sold=downloads are warez=we don't want warez in any form here.

Japo 22-06-2007 02:39 PM

The copyright holder could get mad at you if you hosted the game for unauthorised download, but also if you just provide links to where it can be downloaded. It's logical.

laiocfar 24-06-2007 08:21 AM

Its just information, where still at sale game are donwloadble for free. I say that by publiciting with the proper note, we arent doing any damage. I think that its worst if we hide it from the copyright holder as from guest. Anyway, i understand that its better to dont be sued.

riostyx 02-07-2007 03:02 AM

i have an error where it says the system has detected an illegal instruction.
i have run the game (terror from the deep) in compatibility, and have installed dosbox.
Will dosbox work, and how do i get it to do so?

The Fifth Horseman 02-07-2007 01:27 PM

DOSBox will work only with the DOS version, mind you.

As for how... A Beginner's Guide to DOSBox

riostyx 02-07-2007 03:28 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(the_fifth_horseman @ Jul 2 2007, 07:27 AM) [snapback]297587[/snapback]</div>

DOSBox will work only with the DOS version, mind you.

As for how... A Beginner's Guide to DOSBox
I am fairly sure I have the DOS version. We got it in '95.
I will try to get it to work. Thanks.

The Fifth Horseman 02-07-2007 03:56 PM

If you have any questions, I'm here to answer them.

riostyx 02-07-2007 04:49 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(the_fifth_horseman @ Jul 2 2007, 09:56 AM) [snapback]297618[/snapback]</div>

If you have any questions, I'm here to answer them.
I followed the guide and everything, but after I set up the sound, and I go to start xcom, the game says that it cannot load e/geoscape.
Then the game looks like usual, but in blue, pink, and no text. What's wrong?

laiocfar 02-07-2007 06:44 PM

You do tried with the other executable? There are 2 of them one with an alien face icon (works properly) and another one with a sun icon (gives geoscape error). Anyway it could be a random hang since its the same error menssage. If you can copy the error menssage textual it would be usefull.

riostyx 02-07-2007 10:09 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(laiocfar @ Jul 2 2007, 12:44 PM) [snapback]297638[/snapback]</div>

You do tried with the other executable? There are 2 of them one with an alien face icon (works properly) and another one with a sun icon (gives geoscape error). Anyway it could be a random hang since its the same error menssage. If you can copy the error menssage textual it would be usefull.
I actually have the original (xcom:tftd) cd. It just doesn't work anymore.
It did work on this computer at one point while running compatibility mode, but no longer.
It comes up with the error saying that there has been an illegal instruction detected by the system.
This happened before compatibility mode after I took my turn and during the hidden movement screen.
After compatibility mode, this still happens, but only if I attempt to move a unit down stairs or off a balcony.
I reinstalled before and after I put compatibility mode on, but nothing has helped so far.

Then, I installed DOSbox, mounted to c: and all that. After I perform the sound setup, I try to start the game (in DOSbox.) I get a black screen with an error saying "Cannot open E:geodata\"
I press enter and another error comes up saying "Cannot open E:geograph\geoboard.scr."
Enter again, "Cannot open E:geograph\texture.dat." This goes on for twenty or so more similar error messages.

Xcom now starts like it normally would, but with a few differences. The screen where one would usually choose the language no longer has the pic of an aquanaught fighting. Instead, it has a blue background, with a blue rectangle inside that, with four rectangles inside that. Each rectangle is outlined in pink. No text is visible. After clicking what would be English, another black screen comes up where the intro movie and game designer's name would have been. There is a small, pixelated blob of tan, blue, red, and yellow on the bottom of the screen.

I press esc to skip the "movie" and get the screen that normally asks if you want to start a new game, load, or quit to DOS. However, this is the exact same as the language screen, but three rectangles instead of four. If I select "load" or "new game", nothing happens and the game freezes. If I press "quit," I am sent back to DOSbox and the command console thing.

Are you able to download Xcom on this site and should I just do that and see if that works? I know it is not illegal to download a ROM of a game that you already own. Also, where do I download it?

laiocfar 02-07-2007 10:54 PM

Do you got the game installed in the folder "C:\Mps\X-Com\Terror From The Deep"? I think that it can be the same error of many Sid´s games as colonization, civilization I and II; all of them requeired to be installed on "C:\Mps" folder.

About downloading, since the game is under esa protection we cant give it to you or give links or directions where its downloable; but since you got a no working copy we are are free to help ya or we dont? 5thhorseman will known better

riostyx 02-07-2007 11:11 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(laiocfar @ Jul 2 2007, 04:54 PM) [snapback]297680[/snapback]</div>

Do you got the game installed in the folder "C:\Mps\X-Com\Terror From The Deep"? I think that it can be the same error of many Sid´s games as colonization, civilization I and II; all of them requeired to be installed on "C:\Mps" folder.

About downloading, since the game is under esa protection we cant give it to you or give links or directions where its downloable; but since you got a no working copy we are are free to help ya or we dont? 5thhorseman will known better
by c:\mps folder, do you mean that you can't have a sub folder?
on my pc, xcom is in c:\mps\tftd\[data] and a "TERROR" batch file is in c:\mps\ (this does not work)
do I need to get rid of the "tftd" folder?

The Fifth Horseman 03-07-2007 12:45 PM

As far as I can tell, the game is trying to read data from its' CD. One it cannot find because it hasn't been mounted in DOSBox yet.
What you need to do is mount your CD-Rom drive in DOSBox for the game to read its data from the CD. Since it seems its' drive letter is E, that would be:
mount E E:\ -t cdrom
I also suggest you reinstall the game under DOSBox (first move the saves somwhere else so you don't lose them), in case it's actually a file corruption problem.


Are you able to download Xcom on this site and should I just do that and see if that works? I know it is not illegal to download a ROM of a game that you already own. Also, where do I download it?[/b]
1. No, because it's sold.
2. Is it? Far as I know, it is only legal to make a backup from the copy you yourself posess.
3. Can't tell you. ESA would have our heads on pikes the next day after.

riostyx 03-07-2007 02:21 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(the_fifth_horseman @ Jul 3 2007, 06:45 AM) [snapback]297757[/snapback]</div>

As far as I can tell, the game is trying to read data from its' CD. One it cannot find because it hasn't been mounted in DOSBox yet.
What you need to do is mount your CD-Rom drive in DOSBox for the game to read its data from the CD. Since it seems its' drive letter is E, that would be:
mount E E:\ -t cdrom
I also suggest you reinstall the game under DOSBox (first move the saves somwhere else so you don't lose them), in case it's actually a file corruption problem.


Are you able to download Xcom on this site and should I just do that and see if that works? I know it is not illegal to download a ROM of a game that you already own. Also, where do I download it?[/b]
1. No, because it's sold.
2. Is it? Far as I know, it is only legal to make a backup from the copy you yourself posess.
3. Can't tell you. ESA would have our heads on pikes the next day after.
I should mount the CD like I was using Daemon Tools, but using DOSbox instead? I will try and thank you very much.

The Fifth Horseman 03-07-2007 02:27 PM

I thought you were talking about a real CD-ROM in your computer's optical drive.

If you mounted an ISO image with Daemon Tools, then you'll have to use DOSBox' IMGMOUNT utility for this purpose:
imgmount E:\ (location of your ISO) -t iso

riostyx 03-07-2007 02:51 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(the_fifth_horseman @ Jul 3 2007, 08:27 AM) [snapback]297775[/snapback]</div>

I thought you were talking about a real CD-ROM in your computer's optical drive.

If you mounted an ISO image with Daemon Tools, then you'll have to use DOSBox' IMGMOUNT utility for this purpose:
imgmount E:\ (location of your ISO) -t iso
I do have a real cd in an optical drive.I know you use isos with daemon (that is not what I have), I just meant... I'm not sure what I meant. Anyways, IT WORKS!
I can now walk down stairs. However it is lagging tremendously. Do I increase the frameskip?

The Fifth Horseman 03-07-2007 03:05 PM

You do a few things about that:
1. Open Dosbox.conf and set core to dynamic
2. Change starting cycles to 10000 and the cycleup/cycledown values to 1000.
3. Change output to ddraw or overlay (surface is the slowest one there is)

Now in DOSBox experiment with frameskip and increasing/decreasing cycles until it runs at a satisfactory speed.
CTRL+F7 / F8 increase and decrease frameskip, CTRL+F11 / F12 increase/decrease cycles. I don't recommend setting frameskip too high - 1 or 2 should be more than enough.

Remember to use DOSBox v0.70 for that, BTW, since it's a fair bit faster than the previous versions (and more stable with dynamic core).

riostyx 03-07-2007 03:11 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(the_fifth_horseman @ Jul 3 2007, 09:05 AM) [snapback]297784[/snapback]</div>

You do a few things about that:
1. Open Dosbox.conf and set core to dynamic
2. Change starting cycles to 10000 and the cycleup/cycledown values to 1000.
3. Change output to ddraw or overlay (surface is the slowest one there is)

Now in DOSBox experiment with frameskip and increasing/decreasing cycles until it runs at a satisfactory speed.
CTRL+F7 / F8 increase and decrease frameskip, CTRL+F11 / F12 increase/decrease cycles. I don't recommend setting frameskip too high - 1 or 2 should be more than enough.

Remember to use DOSBox v0.70 for that, BTW, since it's a fair bit faster than the previous versions (and more stable with dynamic core).
uh oh...
norton commander will no longer auto run.

riostyx 03-07-2007 03:22 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(riostyx @ Jul 3 2007, 09:11 AM) [snapback]297787[/snapback]</div>

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(the_fifth_horseman @ Jul 3 2007, 09:05 AM) [snapback]297784[/snapback]

You do a few things about that:
1. Open Dosbox.conf and set core to dynamic
2. Change starting cycles to 10000 and the cycleup/cycledown values to 1000.
3. Change output to ddraw or overlay (surface is the slowest one there is)

Now in DOSBox experiment with frameskip and increasing/decreasing cycles until it runs at a satisfactory speed.
CTRL+F7 / F8 increase and decrease frameskip, CTRL+F11 / F12 increase/decrease cycles. I don't recommend setting frameskip too high - 1 or 2 should be more than enough.

Remember to use DOSBox v0.70 for that, BTW, since it's a fair bit faster than the previous versions (and more stable with dynamic core).
uh oh...
norton commander will no longer auto run.
I fixed nc.

riostyx 03-07-2007 03:38 PM

I fixed everything and all I need to do is tweak the cycles and frames until it runs perfectly. Thanks.

Guest 07-07-2007 02:10 AM

ok this is an ABANDONWARE site so if a game is esa protected or u have to buy it u should take it off the games list...instead of dashing peoples hopes you guys arent to bright and this site is crappy

velik_m 07-07-2007 06:38 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Guest @ Jul 7 2007, 02:10 AM) [snapback]298284[/snapback]</div>

ok this is an ABANDONWARE site so if a game is esa protected or u have to buy it u should take it off the games list...instead of dashing peoples hopes you guys arent to bright and this site is crappy
Your insight is much appreciated.

_r.u.s.s. 07-07-2007 10:05 AM

we are sorry to disappoint you to have a review on our site o_O

Bob the Dinosuar 07-07-2007 04:27 PM

This morning I saw this on Steam. You can now get X-Com for $5. Probably one of the more reliable ways to get a game this old, so I thought I'd point it out incase anyone is looking for it.
Edit: Just realized someone pointed this out, oh well.

@'Guest': X-Com dosen't have a download on this site, nor is this site crappy, what are you talking about? Sorry if you were looking for a warez site friend.

Bahut 10-07-2007 05:02 AM

A relatively easy method of obtaining alien alloy & elerium 115...

Build a base next to an alien one and take out all the supply ships that arrive.

One question... is there a way to make the window larger while running TFTD with dosbox ?

laiocfar 10-07-2007 10:49 AM

alt + enter?

laiocfar 16-07-2007 06:04 AM

I was replaying and finally discovered something interesting about promotions. Many ppl belives that its based on the personal score of the soldier (kills + missions), i always belived that it was linked to skills but never known about the "hidden" skills as the ones related to molecular control.

It was the first mission a terror zone on a port, the mission started with many aliens next to the triton exit so i didnt move a single trooper out. A few kills(4) and one of the best skilled troops get shooted by friendly fire. A letal wound without medical aid availble, i decided to scrap the mission. Back, at the base, the 20 soldiers gives 4 promotions(to officiers, no to able seamen). 2 of the troops with a kill got really good skills and get promoted. Anotherone with a kill got decent skills, no good as others who didnt get promoted. The last trooper promoted didnt got a kill and got good skills like the first 2 and better than the third one. Also a fifth marine who managed to kill an alien during that first mission didnt get promoted. Their skills are under the average of my actual personel and he get promoted to Able seamen.

So, basic promotion (seaman to able seaman/rookie to squaddie in UFO) is given with the first kill or with many missions. Promotions to officier are given according to skills (even hidden*) of the trooper.

Its true that many skills are traineable (Ex: carry many equipment to improve strenght), so a trooper veteran of many skirmish and some major battles has a big chance of being promoted while an earlier ensing transfered to do guard duties in a distant base will get no improvement and has a low chance of getting more ranks.

*This can give you hints about your troops MC strenght, soldiers with good MC skills will be promoted when having less experience and skills than other troopers... or troopers with many kills and better basic skills who didnt get promoted are weak to MC.

Japo 16-07-2007 07:57 PM

It's in the manual, at least it was in the UFO/XCOM1 manual. Promotion is granted based on skills but rookies can't be promoted no matter how hight their stats are, until they actually hit an alien and turn into squaddies (or the TFTD/XCOM2 equivalent).

laiocfar 17-07-2007 02:36 AM


Zwischy 17-07-2007 09:03 AM

I seem to remember reading (maybe in an old strategy guide for this game) that promotions for a soldier were based on their bravery score - the higher the bravery, the more likely that character would be promoted.

however, there are a couple caveats. one, as mentioned before, you have to at least hit (maybe kill?) an alien to be eligible for promotion. Also, you can only have so many of any given rank, and it's based on how many soldiers you have in total through all your X-Com bases. Finally, it does seem to help if a character has lots of combat experience and kills, but I've observed that the most experienced/highest scoring killer isn't always the one who gets a promotion.

I don't remember the numbers anymore, but I think they're in the game manual. I think it's something like 1 Sergeant for every 4 soldiers (could be 5, 6, 8, I'm really guessing here), 1 Captain to every 3 Sergeants, 1 Colonel to every 3 Captains, and you can only have 1 Commander, ever, no matter how many Colonels you have. If you want a new Commander, get your current one killed off or retired, then pray the desired Colonel promotes.

Has anyone else noticed that characters which promote highly tend to be more accurate with their weapons but always seem to use so many TUs for it that their movement suffers?

Guest 18-07-2007 04:31 PM

Hi, I'm an annoying guest user with an annoying problem I want you all to solve for me. I've got tftd working on my computer through the latest DOSBOX, but the strangest thing happens. While playing, whenever it's time for me to input text, I get a bunch of random-looking characters blasted into the field and enter is hit without my sayso. I think all this means is that I can't name my own bases and save files, but it's still worrying me.

What could this mean? I run my DOS version of tftd through a looping batch file that was included with the game... is it possible that somehow the @echo off isn't working and some aspect of the script is being bounced into the game... or something?

Guest 18-07-2007 04:34 PM

Yeah, I think that must be it. I manually type @echo off before I run the batch file and I'm then able to name my own bases. How odd! Terror.bat's first line is @echo off.

Thanks for the help everyone!

The Fifth Horseman 19-07-2007 11:32 AM

If I remember right, it should be just echo off, without the @.

faszka 22-07-2007 07:58 PM

hello everyone, please help me:

im going crazy coz i cant figure it out

Incappucciato d'Ombra 22-07-2007 09:04 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(faszka @ Jul 22 2007, 09:58 PM) [snapback]300813[/snapback]</div>

hello everyone, please help me:

im going crazy coz i cant figure it out
After building the MC Lab, at the beginning of the month the game itself will ask you to assign (if you want) men in training on each bases that have an MC Lab :)

faszka 23-07-2007 12:09 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Incappucciato d'Ombra @ Jul 22 2007, 10:04 PM) [snapback]300835[/snapback]</div>

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(faszka @ Jul 22 2007, 09:58 PM) [snapback]300813[/snapback]

hello everyone, please help me:

im going crazy coz i cant figure it out
After building the MC Lab, at the beginning of the month the game itself will ask you to assign (if you want) men in training on each bases that have an MC Lab :)

thanx a lot

12turtle12 25-07-2007 10:13 PM

hello everyone, how do I do anything in this game? No just kidding, but I did download this and I really can't figure out what to do. Are there any easy start walkthroughs for this game? Most stuff I can figure out but the learning curve on this game is a little difficult for me for some reason...

Incappucciato d'Ombra 26-07-2007 01:27 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(cazgotsaved @ Jul 26 2007, 12:13 AM) [snapback]301383[/snapback]</div>

hello everyone, how do I do anything in this game? No just kidding, but I did download this and I really can't figure out what to do. Are there any easy start walkthroughs for this game? Most stuff I can figure out but the learning curve on this game is a little difficult for me for some reason...
The manual itself can be helpful, it's contain also very basic info that can give you some ideas about the game.

Then here you can find a F.A.Q./guide. It contains "particular" information but also some paragraphs that could help you.

Another possibility is here but you need to browse the entire section dedicated to TFTD, this can take very much time, without real guarantees to find something :blink:

I cannot be more specific, because your request is somewhat generic and, to help you, i need to write a dedicated super-easy walkthoughs that can request at lest some hour :blink:

Therefore try to be more specific, for example :

"I'm in the 20th day of the 1st month and no USO were sighted, i need to launch my fighters? I need to pray? I need to shot at microprose? :blink: "

and i can answer : "Nothing of this, you had chosen a very bad position for your first base, therefore : be very patient or restart the game (the second option is the better plus read the F.A.Q. on, it contain a paragraph about the better location of the first base)"


"I've placed my first base but what building are needed first? i need to resarch something or nothing? Can i enlist engineer, scientist and soldier..... and it's necessary to enlist now or i can wait?"

and so on... :)

The Fifth Horseman 26-07-2007 09:55 AM

If TFTD is a bit too hard for you, try beating UFO: Enemy Unknown first. The controls and principles of the gameplay are basically the same.

12turtle12 26-07-2007 01:04 PM

oh oops, actually that's the one I was talking about. And to answer the "be more specific" comment/question
I'm talking about just starting out the game, but you answered just fine, I didn't even look at the manual (yes, I know, I should have) so thank you!

Guest 02-08-2007 04:44 AM

UFO & TFTD is way better than Apocolypse IMO . Apo. is so easy compare to the other 2. I cleared all 3 and i must say! UFO is the best!
To win TFTD iss quite simple. have soilders carry at least 5-7 homing water missile and 2-3 mind-ontrol char. and 4-5 front line. Then its done. will need a few guy to be ur supply carrier too coz there are like 2-4 stages and the ammo will run out real fast. around 50+ enemys >_<;

Guest 02-08-2007 10:33 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Guest @ Aug 2 2007, 05:44 AM) [snapback]302387[/snapback]</div>

UFO & TFTD is way better than Apocolypse IMO . Apo. is so easy compare to the other 2. I cleared all 3 and i must say! UFO is the best!
To win TFTD iss quite simple. have soilders carry at least 5-7 homing water missile and 2-3 mind-ontrol char. and 4-5 front line. Then its done. will need a few guy to be ur supply carrier too coz there are like 2-4 stages and the ammo will run out real fast. around 50+ enemys >_<;
I agree, Apocolypse is crap IMO... UFO Uknown is #1 and TFTD is #2...

Guest 02-08-2007 10:41 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(cazgotsaved @ Jul 25 2007, 11:13 PM) [snapback]301383[/snapback]</div>

hello everyone, how do I do anything in this game? No just kidding, but I did download this and I really can't figure out what to do. Are there any easy start walkthroughs for this game? Most stuff I can figure out but the learning curve on this game is a little difficult for me for some reason...
So you start and you are asked to put down your first base... so you do that (only in water). You want your first base to cover important high profile countries, because those are the ones that pay your bills. So either put it somewhere in Europe, or somewhere in North America, gulf of mexico maybe, something like that.

Once you have your base then you go to your Base screen. Check it out, look at all the options.. etc..etc..
Go to Aquanots, thats your soldiers basically. You can re-name them if you want. Then you want to equip your Triton, thats the ship you will send out to fight the Aliens face to face.

I would begin construction on the Wide Array Sonar (so your radar can cover more ground) and also Live Alien Containment, so any live aliens you capture don't die, cause you will want to interogate the bastards later on.

Once you think you have things setup, then move time forward faster, by clciking on 1 day. Eventually it will stop .. most likely it will say that a small alien ship is detected, so then choose 5 sec time, so you go normal time. Click on your bsae, pick one of the Baracudas and then click on the alien ship and tell it to intercept. Once it gets to it you will be presented with a top view of a battle type screen.. nothing fancy. Click on the buttons on the top right .. just go with Aggresive Attack... your barracuda will shoot down the alien ship. So good.. now you have a crash site. Your baracuda will go back to base.

Now click on your base again and tell your Tritan (make sure you have equiped the Triton with your soldiers and any weapons you want) to intercept the crash site. When you go there it will ask you if you want ot land.. yes . you do.

Now you are at the re-arming screen. Here you basically tell each soldier what to carry. If you don't know what any of these weapons do, then read up on them in the UFOPEDIA which is one of the options in your base screen.

So anyway, arm them, when you are ready hit GO. Usualy want to save the game before you start a mission.

Now you are in the best part of the game, the squad combat .... you tell each of your soldiers to get out of the ship and start to move around... notice that when you tell your soldier to move his TUs drop. thats the amount of points you can use on that turn. Once you moved all yoru guys how you want, then you click on End Turn and now the Aliens move. If an alien moves within range of your guys you will see it... if not, you don't see anything.

Thats it! ... those are the basics, from here you play how you want, and do what you want, and have fun with it! Its pretty hard not to have fun with this game.

Base commander 12-08-2007 01:33 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Guest @ Aug 1 2007, 10:44 PM) [snapback]302387[/snapback]</div>

UFO & TFTD is way better than Apocolypse IMO . Apo. is so easy compare to the other 2. I cleared all 3 and i must say! UFO is the best!
You can say UFO is the best. But what are you talking about difficulty level!? The first levels are easy but wait till they pull out the bigger guns. I got killed fast. Am I just playing Apocalyse wrong?

In TFTD I am destroying the aliens. I am doing so good I'm getting 10,000,000 in funding!

Maybe it's just how I play.......

akaliptos 12-02-2008 11:36 PM


Cylon13 20-08-2008 12:12 PM

"Out of range" grenade bug
Hey I'm playing TFTD windows version with some fixes and I've got one problem in that game: I can't throw any grenades not in underwater and not on land because of message what tells me "out of range" :confused: all the times even when I press on the tile one square from my aquanaut :wacko: which sucks because I get times I wish I could throw a grenade at the aliens and send 'em to hell!

Any ideas how to fix that problem? :rolleyes:

Oh and all types of grenades have that bug in my game.

Cylon13 24-08-2008 12:50 PM

You people ignore me for a reason? You know what? Just f*** it. Don't want to answer my problem?.. FINE, I just started a new game and I am now being able to throw those grenades again.

But your ignorance is just terrible.. you could at least tell me that you don't know what the reason is or you don't know any fix to this instead of ignoring me and making me to wait about 1 week for no reply... sheesh.

dosraider 24-08-2008 12:52 PM


Originally Posted by Cylon13 (Post 334349)
You people ignore me for a reason? You know what? Just f*** it. Don't want to answer my problem?.. FINE, I just started a new game and I am now being able to throw those grenades again.

But your ignorance is just terrible.. you could at least tell me that you don't know what the reason is or you don't know any fix to this instead of ignoring me and making me to wait about 1 week for no reply... sheesh.

The Fifth Horseman 24-08-2008 02:37 PM

No response = "we don't fucking know what's wrong, so we're not going to spam the topic with replies telling you that".

Cylon13 24-08-2008 03:54 PM

Ah yes, of course.

_r.u.s.s. 24-08-2008 10:21 PM

also, fucking deal with the fact that you're going to get ignored plenty of times if you keep this attitude

fucking ^_^

PsychoBob 14-09-2008 06:26 PM

How i can Download Games?

Please helping me

_r.u.s.s. 14-09-2008 06:32 PM

it's protected

we not helping you

The Fifth Horseman 14-09-2008 06:58 PM

The explanation is the second news item on the front page. Here's a direct link to the news item:

It's SOLD, so we aren't going to give you a download link - doing that would go against our policy. :rulez:

jasonmloh 26-06-2009 10:26 AM


Originally Posted by PsychoBob (Post 336694)
How i can Download Games?

Please helping me

However, do check in from time to time, you will never know when the game will be available for download. It took me almost a year before the game that I was interested in was available once again. So be patient, there will come a time when things will change for the better. :)
Anal Cams

The Fifth Horseman 26-06-2009 12:13 PM

Well... you CAN buy the thing on Steam. Completely legal, like.

CSDanger 22-08-2010 02:00 PM

Well Abandonia, without giving any links of course but this game is definetily free to download. :) No warez or something trust me I just had to use Google and found it already on a legal site.

I didn´t read the other posts because reading over 600 posts is also too much for me haha. But in fact I love this game. I remember that I had already a version from a game magazine 11 years ago. Now I have it again and its still a classic. But I ever just played the first few days. Finding a alien ship, destroying it, secure the crash site with my soldiers and so on. But I don´t know if I do everything right. I ever build my first base between Europe and America between North and South Atlantic but I guess the aliens are often more in the Pacific? My statistic is saying so. Or does it maybe depend where I have my base that the aliens then are definetily far away in another ocean? Hehe so much to learn maybe I can find some kind of a strategic guide.

And you know what I came about to think of as played it the last time? I thought "How the game would be if I play on the alien side?" Would be much fun too. :3:

The Fifth Horseman 22-08-2010 02:14 PM

You'll have to ask the people running X-Com: The Two Sides about that. :)
Also, "free to download" doesn't mean it's legit. :)
Specially not when it's sold. :)

CSDanger 24-08-2010 08:04 AM


Originally Posted by The Fifth Horseman (Post 412453)
You'll have to ask the people running X-Com: The Two Sides about that. :)
Also, "free to download" doesn't mean it's legit. :)
Specially not when it's sold. :)

Yes your right. :) I also heard about some kind of a remake of those games in the internet. I will try this game out you mentioned. Hopefully it also has AI to play against. :)

Well, the site from where I downloaded it there was also UFO Enemy Unknown and X-Com Apocalypse to download for free. But also Sid Meiers Civilization 2! O.o But there I´m 100% sure that this is not free to download normally because Sid knows that this game is kind of a gold mine. Only about Doom they are not brave enough to give it for free haha. :smile2: Seems Id Software takes much care. Well this is their right of course. :) Just strange that the site is not kind of a warez or pirate site. :dunno:

Ah well if anybody is trying to ask me now where I found those games I don´t want to talk about it. :bleh1: I don´t want to get in trouble with Abandonia. I just can say use Google. Shouldn´t be a problem for you all. :)

jasonmloh 20-11-2010 07:20 AM

I don't mean to sound like a broken record but can someone tell me how to recover from under molecular control ? the aliens tend to control my soldiers and use them against me. I wait for a few turns hoping that the soldier will recover but my entire team became ghosts. Hope someone can help me with this problem.

Thank you
thai girl Cam

The Fifth Horseman 20-11-2010 10:20 AM

IIRC, Molecular Control expires after one turn. The aliens CAN, however, attempt it again.

You just need soldiers with extremely high MC strength scores - or those whose MC is exactly zero (they can't use MC, but aren't affected by it either).

jasonmloh 24-11-2010 06:08 AM

OK, Roger that. appreciate the help.

Thanks the fifth horseman.
affair Cams

The Fifth Horseman 18-03-2011 10:06 PM

Something fun:
Listen to the game's theme. Then to this. Amusing, huh?

Eagle of Fire 19-03-2011 05:10 AM

TFTD is pretty much UFO with a new story. The system is still the same for the most part.

In UFO (like in TFTD), you can't see the psi power of your squaddies until you research and build the specific equipment. Because of this you probably do what most people do and keep almost only the squaddies with the higher accuracy and time units... But every new recruit have the same amount of total stats, and if they are great somewhere they have to be poor somewhere else...

Yup, it sometimes pay to keep the low accuracy and low TU guys in your squad.

Dinic 14-07-2011 09:30 AM


Originally Posted by Eagle of Fire (Post 424797)
TFTD is pretty much UFO with a new story. The system is still the same for the most part.

It's more like a new skin :OK: Only this one has one mean bug, when you capture tassoth commander alive, it doesn't research all the necesary things, and game can't progress, it's just a question of your luck...
But I like this one more, because it has better atmosphere, and the music is awesome, it's taken from the movies like the jaws and the day earth stood still (like someone pointed allready).

The Fifth Horseman 14-07-2011 02:40 PM

New skin and some gimmicks in the form of underwater weapons and two-part missions.

Eagle of Fire 14-07-2011 07:00 PM

It is, but then again that's exactly what I would have expected from such an early sequel at the time.

I really hate sequels which change the game completely around. So much that you simply can't understand why it is labeled under the same name.

cyberleon 12-08-2013 06:15 PM


Originally Posted by Jman4117 (Post 52357)
Excellent game, but rushed out the door with most of the code reused from the original. From a tactical standpoint its far ahead of X-com, play this one on beginner after beating the original on superhuman. :evil:

Strategy Tips:
P.S. - Be on the look out for the research bugs. Whatever you do, DON'T research a Tasloth Commander, it is not a legal unit and will likely corrupt your save.

Also, here is the list of research bugs, I didnt see it elsewhere and didnt want to read through all 50 pages (12.08.2013) - With following these simple orders, iwas able to get all researches on Superman difficulty within finishing under 35 Alien Submarine missions.

The list is a Quote, but the guy who released it forgot to leave his name in that txt file ... however, i changed it a bit so that german and english users can make good use of it (I hope) - c ya around :D


English // German
terminology // Terminologie
Deep One // Ungetüm
Gillman // Kiemenmensch

Keep this order of research in ANY CASE! //
Für folgende Sachen diese Reihenfolge auf jeden Fall einhalten:
1. Deep One Corpse // Ungetüm-Leiche
2. Aqua Plastics // Aqua-Kunststoffe
3. Plastic Aqua Armor // Aqua-Plastik-Panzer
4. Ion Beam Accelerator // Ionenbeschleuniger
5. Live Deep One Terrorist // (lebendes!) Ungetüm Terrorist (z.B. mit Thermotaser oder Thermalschockwerfer fangen)

Only AFTER these 5 points research Ion Armor and Magnetic Navigation //
Erst dann nach Belieben Ion Armor und Magnetic Navigation.

Tasoth Commander must not be researched AT ANY CASE!
Sonst noch wichtig: Tasoth Commander darf _AUF KEINEN FALL_ erforscht
werden, sonst kann man den Leviathan nicht kriegen.
Viel Spass damit ;)

gregor 20-02-2014 06:23 PM

I've ran into a bug where if you do not have the M.C. contorler and you research the deep one live you od not get the MC disroptor or any M.C. weapons. ok so i gave my self M.C. disruptors by hex editing the save files.

only then i read there is a patch out there that apparently solves all thse known bugs. i think i will try to hunt it down.

there is a really nice wiki about these Xcom series with lots of good info.

i have a quesiton for the more experienced ones - i had this event that Australasia switched to alien side. while the first South china was my fault the Australasia seems to have switched because i didn't destroy one alien infiltration craft. is one craft all it takes for them to flip? the thing is at one point there were about 5 alien vessels all very large while i only had 2 bases. :suspicious: it was difficult to catch them all at once. i've managed to get 4 but one got away.

so my quersiton is there a way to hax the country back to you? it's kind of ridiculous these countries that flipped are actually the most protected ones. the ones with alien colonies and terror sites seem to be fine to support me.besides it's kind of stupid when you have such high score in a month and the country flips sides.:cry:

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