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Mystvan 29-10-2017 02:36 PM

Osprey's patches

Originally Posted by Osprey850 (Post 469317)
Some of you folks might be interested in a little utility that I recently put together to provide more modern mouse controls in the game (when played in DOSBox under Windows). Specifically, you can give context-sensitive orders with the right mouse button, scroll the map with the mouse wheel and select multiple units without having to hold down a key first. More info is at PCGamingWiki, where I uploaded it:


Originally Posted by Nilex (Post 469410)
And that someone would be me :smile2:
<-- yub, same guy from Vogons, lol

Dunno if you fallen off Mars and suddenly started helping retro gaming everywhere or what, but I glad you are doing what you are doing :OK:

If, like what Nilex said is correct, I would have a suggestion for you, Osprey. :idea: If you have more extras like this of existing games in the Abandonia games collection, you could offer them in Forum Offers.

Osprey850 29-10-2017 06:05 PM


Originally Posted by Nilex (Post 469410)
And that someone would be me :smile2:
<-- yub, same guy from Vogons, lol

Dunno if you fallen off Mars and suddenly started helping retro gaming everywhere or what, but I glad you are doing what you are doing :OK:

Thanks. I've been on this kick since Summer, going through some of my favorite old games and setting them up how I like them once and for all. In doing so, I've found some things that I could improve and have shared some of them. It's nice that people find them useful.

If you want to see everything that I've uploaded so far (including a very similar mouse helper utility for Dune II), visit the following page:


Originally Posted by Mystvan (Post 469426)
If, like what Nilex said is correct, I would have a suggestion for you, Osprey. :idea: If you have more extras like this of existing games in the Abandonia games collection, you could offer them in Forum Offers.

Thanks for the suggestion. I'd rather keep them hosted elsewhere, but thanks, anyways.

Nilex 29-10-2017 07:07 PM


Originally Posted by Osprey850 (Post 469427)
Thanks. I've been on this kick since Summer, going through some of my favorite old games and setting them up how I like them once and for all. In doing so, I've found some things that I could improve and have shared some of them. It's nice that people find them useful.

If you want to see everything that I've uploaded so far, you can check them out at the following page:

Especially, if you find my Warcraft Mouse Helper useful, I have a very similar one for Dune II, as well.

Ha, I've been on the very same kick too! Thank you for the link, I like your taste of games :smile2:
Dune2, Jedi Knights, Strike Commander and Warcraft patches are amazing. Took em all. Your D2/WC patches in particular effectively make the vanilla mechanic obsolete, all while keeping-in with original spirit of the games. Remarkable :OK:

Osprey850 29-10-2017 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by Nilex (Post 469428)
Ha, I've been on the very same kick too! Thank you for the link, I like your taste of games :smile2:
Dune2, Jedi Knights, Strike Commander and Warcraft patches are amazing. Took em all. Your D2/WC patches in particular effectively make the vanilla mechanic obsolete, all while keeping-in with original spirit of the games. Remarkable :OK:

Thanks. If you didn't know, there are two good fan recreations of Dune II: one called Dune Dynasty and one called Dune Legacy. They're Windows programs that allow high resolutions, add features like right-clicking and selecting multiple units at once (something that I can't simply add via utility), fix bugs and make gameplay tweaks. They're pretty nice and sort of make my mouse helper obsolete, but I put it together, anyways, in case there are others like me who prefer playing the original DOS version of the game. I can tolerate and appreciate a few modern improvements to games, especially to things like control schemes, but I don't like to deviate too much from how the game looked and felt way back when or else it doesn't feel quite so nostalgic anymore.

Nilex 29-10-2017 08:29 PM

In same boat as you, my red line are changes to AI. An unfortunate but necessary compromise in absence of original source code. Thanks for the plugs I'll defo take a look at both. When I did my D1+2 package I got neck deep side tracked by Super Dune II and its set of patches that all I wanted was to wrap it up ASAP. My glass would spill over had I discovered them right there and then :)

Your mouse helpers are a Godsend for us purist who only want minimalistic quality of life improvements. No substitute, defo not obsolete :OK:

Japo 30-10-2017 11:49 AM

Thanks Osprey, love to see this kind of stuff

Osprey850 30-10-2017 08:57 PM

Apparently, a moderator split these replies from the Warcraft thread into their own thread here. I don't think that my "patches" are really deserving of a thread, but maybe he just wanted to clean up the Warcraft thread, since this discussion was getting off topic and he didn't want to just delete it. Anyways, I just wanted to clarify that.

Nilex 30-10-2017 11:34 PM

Minor issue with D2 mouse helper:
Selecting and middle clicking construction yard for repairs automatically starts production as well. May affect all production buildings but haven't tested.

If you allow for two hopefully small feature requests:
1) To make spacebar emulate vanilla RBM screen centering without interfering with regular typing like savegame naming.
It's used only to skip Intro/Briefing text and select Mentant topics. Would fit perfect in tandem with my custom e/s/d/f
mapper for map scrolling. In any case feels like a good key choice because of proximity of all other command keys.
2) To make it compatible with Super Dune II.
But if it requires more than it recognizing SUPER.EXE (mod executable) in addition to DUNE2.EXE then I wouldn't bother.
Hoping it's just down to that little detail. It might work since the two are essentially the same game with different colors.
Tried renaming the EXE myself but mod wouldn't start then, simply gotta be named SUPER.

Patch proved extremely useful in my short test. Unit movements and slab building/placement... saves a lot of finger/wrist acrobatics :OK:

Osprey850 31-10-2017 10:27 PM


Originally Posted by Nilex (Post 469445)
Minor issue with D2 mouse helper:
Selecting and middle clicking construction yard for repairs automatically starts production as well. May affect all production buildings but haven't tested.

Yeah, I wondered if I should leave that and ultimately did. I reasoned that, if you were building something, anyways, it would automatically repair the building, which could be seen as convenient. Obviously, it's not good, though, if you want to repair without building anything. I could solve it by removing the 'R' binding from the middle mouse button, but then you'd have to manually repair buildings with the 'R' key or clicking on the Repair button. Do you think that that would be better than how it is?


Originally Posted by Nilex (Post 469445)
If you allow for two hopefully small feature requests:
1) To make spacebar emulate vanilla RBM screen centering without interfering with regular typing like savegame naming.
It's used only to skip Intro/Briefing text and select Mentant topics. Would fit perfect in tandem with my custom e/s/d/f
mapper for map scrolling. In any case feels like a good key choice because of proximity of all other command keys.

Hmm. I had forgotten that the right mouse button centered the screen or else I might've redirected the functionality to something else.

Ok, I've tested giving the spacebar that functionality and it works, but with the drawback that using it during briefing/mentat text dismisses two screens of text instead of one (since the right mouse button uses a left button click, and the left button dismisses text, as well). You can still use the left button to dismiss single screens of text at a time, just not ideally with the spacebar anymore.

Another option that I've just tested is making the right mouse button center the screen, like it originally did. The drawback to that is that the screen centers on the destination that you send units to move to or attack. For example, if you send a soldier to attack an enemy harvester, the screen will center on that enemy harvester.

Do either of those sound better than simply not having the screen centering functionality available at all?


Originally Posted by Nilex (Post 469445)
2) To make it compatible with Super Dune II.
But if it requires more than it recognizing SUPER.EXE (mod executable) in addition to DUNE2.EXE then I wouldn't bother.
Hoping it's just down to that little detail. It might work since the two are essentially the same game with different colors.
Tried renaming the EXE myself but mod wouldn't start then, simply gotta be named SUPER.

Ah, I didn't even think to consider Super Dune II.

Hmm... that's strange. It doesn't fully work with the original Super Dune II (not Super Dune II Classic, which is SUPER.EXE).

Oh, I see. The original Super Dune II is based on Dune II v1.0 (not v1.07) and the mouse helper doesn't fully work in v1.0.

Nilex 01-11-2017 12:23 AM

Oh nice, I'm pleasantly surprised you gave it so much detailed thought :OK:

After hearing the possible regressions I think it's best to leave everything as-is for now. For production buildings I'll simply press R. It's more than workable, no worries.

Sorry for the Super Dune II confusion - my bad. I indeed use Classic v1.5g (fixes many ridiculous original mod bugs) with SUPER.EXE. It has been a while so I've forgotten.
Downloaded it from this site of all places: Has nice readme inside with install instructions.
This isn't part of proposed leave as-is, I'd still VERY much love MouseHelper with SD2 - Classic :smile2:. But not at the expense of making you lose too much time on it.

Osprey850 01-11-2017 02:51 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Here's a new version, if you'd like to test it and give your thoughts.

It adds support for v1.0, Super Dune II and Super Dune II Classic (SUPER.EXE).

Because all three of those strangely send units the retreat order when the 'h' key is used with them (something that doesn't happen in v1.07), I've had to remove the harvest command from the right click and have assigned it to middle click, instead. That's unfortunate, but harvesters are pretty autonomous, so maybe it's not a big deal.

I also removed the repair ability from middle click.

None of this is final, so feel free to give me your thoughts.

Nilex 01-11-2017 03:04 PM


A nice thing is that I don't have to put another Helper inside .\SD2 folder because I run it with shortcut - from same place as regular Dune2, but using different conf (which then [autoexec] to \SD2\SUPER.EXE). Me thinks it works because shortcut "Start in" box shares the path with Helper.

No unexpected behavior to report.

Thank you a lot for your work on this :OK:

Osprey850 01-11-2017 08:39 PM

That's good to hear. If you can think of anything else for me to add or tweak, let me know soon. I'll give it a day or two and, if nothing, I'll upload that as the official v1.2. I don't mind adding features or trying to solve new issues before I upload. I do mind finding bugs or new things to add after I've already uploaded, though ;).

Osprey850 09-02-2018 07:02 PM

FYI, I've uploaded new versions of my mouse helpers for Dune II, Warcraft, Outlaws and SkyNET.

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