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zirkoni 25-08-2013 08:27 PM

WTF Google? Seriously, W T F
So, for a while now when I have been watching videos on Youtube sometimes this Google+/Use your full name notification has interrupted the video. Usually I've just reloaded the page or pressed cancel or something and it would go away but this time I accidently pressed OK.

As a result I was created a Google+ account (which I didn't want) and my Youtube account was disabled. I couldn't even watch my own videos anymore and my subscribers couldn't access my channel. For a while there I actually thought that Google had managed to delete all my videos (about 400 videos, maybe ~4000 minutes total).

After a while I managed to delete the Google+ account. This restored my Youtube account but all my videos had been set private. Luckily I could select all the videos and easily set them all public without having to do this for every video individually. However, as a result of the videos being private for a while (I guess) all my videos have disappeared from the Youtube/Google search results. I had some videos which were fairly popular (~100000 views) and some of them came up as the first search result in Google and Youtube with certain key words. Well, not anymore.

Even though I make these videos mainly just for fun and because I like watching them myself it's still nice to see other people watching them also. But since my videos have now disappeared from the search results I guess less people will find my videos. Some of my videos can't be found even by using the search function on my channel. Thanks a lot Google.

Sorry for the long rant. I just wanted to share what happened.
And I hope Google would stop trying to force people to use Google+.

SGP 25-08-2013 09:27 PM

Tell them to re-instate your video rankings or you'll open up a can of whoopass on them. :)

Threats of physical violence always work for me. :OK:

Lulu_Jane 26-08-2013 06:50 AM

I hate being forced to use my real name online. I can think of only two sites/applications where I do and that's because it's directly related to my work.

The Google push for real names was partly (apparently) because of the ridiculous nature of comments on youtube, but humans are amazing and it turns out that having your real name next a racist, homophobic or just outright dumb words doesn't actually stop people racist, homophobic and dumb.

Why not just enter a dummy name? Or make a new gmail account with a dummy name? :)

StaaViinsZ 12-09-2013 07:51 AM

Long Rant?

Originally Posted by Zirkoni
Sorry for the long rant.

Long rant? LOL, I've posted things longer than that from a docile comment on Star ratings.XD Then again, I space mine out, so perhaps my 3/4ths page is the same as your 1/5th when spaced appropriately? Perhaps, but still, I think mine are a bit longer.

Anyway, I wrote a whole review on a game compilation once just because I hated it so much. The whole thing is so full of sarcasm it's ridiculous. I can post it here if you want to share rants!:hihihi: Which I doubt.

Anyway, I just use StaaViinsZ for everything I do on the internet, practically. Other than that I have other nicks. I don't know how creating a Google+ account would've caused the Youtube channel to weird out, though. You should E-mail Google's Tech Support since it's such a serious problem.

zirkoni 13-09-2013 05:32 PM


Originally Posted by StaaViinsZ (Post 456974)
Long rant?

Usually my posts are 1-2 lines long and I never complain about anything (until now)...

StaaViinsZ 13-09-2013 08:50 PM

Unfortunate, my dear man.

Originally Posted by zirkoni (Post 457034)
Usually my posts are 1-2 lines long and I never complain about anything (until now)...

'Haps for you it 'tis a long rant, then!

I say, someone spur this fellow on, if he can't bring himself to write something this long each time joins the forum, 'haps we should!

Go on, then! Sour! I mean, SPUR! SPUR! SPUR, I say! Right in the CPU! SPUR!

No, don't spur him to complain, spur him to write! Develop this skill which may have been so thrown back with all these 1-2 line posts!

Okay, I'll be quite now.

zirkoni 07-11-2013 11:35 AM

Now you can't comment on Youtube videos anymore without a Google+ account. And even tracking the comments left on your videos is apparently disabled without Google+. :picard:

twillight 08-11-2013 04:11 PM

The whole tracking-comments thing is disabled even WITH a goggle-account.

AND this change (on what I said NO but still happened) removed my avatar, chanel-description etc.

Japo 08-11-2013 05:21 PM


Originally Posted by twillight (Post 458011)
AND this change (on what I said NO but still happened) removed my avatar, chanel-description etc.

That's by design, now Google doesn't want an avatar from you, but instead a high res mugshot so their bots can recognize you on any picture across the Web :D

Maybe we should all change our Google+ profile pic to

twillight 09-11-2013 05:25 AM

i'm just watching the "settings" menu of my(? still mine?) chanel on youtube, and you should too IMMEDIATELLY.

The basic setting is you'll be spammed by zounds of email (which lines also suggest dubious personal-info handling), and other things what sound like this Google+ would be a Facebook what instead only telling things people you personally marked tells about you to everyone on places you never even hear of.

Japo 09-11-2013 09:54 AM

I opted in Google+ long ago, I can't remember the reason, probably none, although I expected that the change would be compulsory after a period, like it's now revealed. I just don't post stuff intentionally on it (don't use it as a social network), and I don't have any picture or personal information or even my complete name on it, and I already configured everything--yes by default it's like Facebook more or less, plus they also have your email, search history, etc.

I do have a couple of reviews of places on the map, because it helps other people, the same way that I also need them when I go to an unknown place. The difference is that previously it was possible to write reviews anonymously ("a Google user") and now you must log in. But this change happened much earlier than the YouTube one.

twillight 09-11-2013 11:42 AM

There is actually 1 good thing in this whole mess:
you get a free goggle-account.

(I needed anew for my coming tablet)

Smiling Spectre 09-11-2013 05:02 PM

I think, you always could get free google account, twillight. :) At least, I didn't hear about anyone who had problems with aquiring one. :)

twillight 11-11-2013 03:44 PM

When I tried to get a google account via NOT a phone, it wanted from me SMS-confirmation, what means it is not possible as free.

BUT important stuff is, I just found out if you got this google-account-thingy on youtube you can click on the place your avatar supposed to be, when a menu-bar appears there you'll be able to find a "switch account" button, with what you can just change back to your god old youtube-account, and can forget about the whole misery.
It does keep the new google-thingy, but you no longer have to remain frustrated:woot:

Japo 11-11-2013 05:03 PM

At least when you already have a gmail account, Google asks for your phone, to (among other things) be able to retrieve your gmail safely if you forget your password. But you can decline. I haven't provided my phone number for that use, although I guess there's no point in my case, because they already have it (I have an Android phone).

twillight 12-11-2013 06:08 PM

More important stuff:
google removed all my subscriptions, tagged videos, EVERYTHING not own-stuff.

This is SHIT.

This makes me want to download stuff instead of cooperating this piracy.

zirkoni 13-11-2013 06:46 AM

Since this change every Youtube video I have watched stops loading at some point and the only way to fix this is to reload the entire page and use the seekbar to continue watching from where it stopped before.

twillight 13-11-2013 03:40 PM


Originally Posted by zirkoni (Post 458086)
Since this change every Youtube video I have watched stops loading at some point and the only way to fix this is to reload the entire page and use the seekbar to continue watching from where it stopped before.


Japo 13-11-2013 07:38 PM

Are you sure that's not because of changing from Flash to HTML5?

Oddbrother 13-11-2013 07:52 PM

YouTube did start establishing Google+ a long time ago before we were required to make the changeover. I didn't think I'd need it at first, so I didn't bother.

But when the time came to now requiring it, I didn't mind. It was easy to keep the YouTube username, avatar and subscriptions, and I'm glad they decided to give us that option.

The aggravation of having to re-learn a re-done system may be there, but the learning curve isn't as complicated as people claim it to be. It's pretty much like making the switch from Windows 7 to 8.

IIRC, if you had a YouTube app on your MID, you might still be able to comment without making the switch.

But from the looks of things, the word "Google" may not be used as a verb anymore.

To conclude, I'm okay with switching over to Google+. But I just don't expect to be using a dedicated page for an account/profile I simply use on YouTube.

twillight 15-11-2013 04:25 PM

#1 I refused to change into this

#2 My avatar got removed

#3 Inbox got removed

#4 when i did hit "return to old account" it created an entirely new account

#5 fortunately SOME RANDOM USER (so NOT google) gave me this link
It brings to an account-choosing page, where I at least got back my playlist (not that anything indicates which is my old account, as my old avatar is on another channel, and the remaining channels have the same nick and standard google-avatar)

#6 any sane person changed back from Win8 to Win7 as Win 8 is SHIT:ph34r:

Eagle of Fire 16-11-2013 03:08 AM

Yeah... Ever since I noticed that Google gobbled up Youtube I knew this was coming. And that it would never be any good.

Basically, any site which offer you a specific content but force you to sample 10+ other kind of content simply to be able to look at one specific is crap. That's called branding and marketing and they actually make tons of money with this on your back, without asking your permission or giving you anything in return.

yoga 16-11-2013 07:19 AM


Originally Posted by twillight (Post 458022)
i'm just watching the "settings" menu of my(? still mine?) chanel on youtube, and you should too IMMEDIATELLY.

The basic setting is you'll be spammed by zounds of email (which lines also suggest dubious personal-info handling), and other things what sound like this Google+ would be a Facebook what instead only telling things people you personally marked tells about you to everyone on places you never even hear of.

Google+ is junk.
But Google is pressing all YouTube users now to enter its idiotic social network G+. This way Google will goto hell.
yoga is proud NO member of any social (fascist) network.

twillight 17-11-2013 10:50 AM

HERE is the link how to get rid of google/G+ transformation of your youtube-chanel.

NOTE: youtube inbox is deleted by google (the archive stuff remains, but no new comment-tracking, no PMs, no other such things).

Youtube just got killed by google.

RRS 21-11-2013 08:51 PM

...and I discovered few days ago that my ancient Opera 12 (few months old *gasp*) is not enough for Google Drive, so I can't edit my docs...

Hunter Hunted 22-11-2013 10:36 AM


Oh, Google. You missed the boat again. :lame:

chris_doom_k. 25-11-2013 04:34 PM

I detest this practice of google with google + integrating into my youtube channel and i hope that they will switch it back. I was forced to use google+ and a new youtube account was made with my videos there but not my avatar. The avatar remained to the old account and when i log in, i have the option to choose between 2 accounts, one blank with uploads, the new with my full list of uploads, i don't even know how this happened and i won't waste energy thinking the crap that google caused. To watch my comments i don't have to open my google + page though, this can be done through the youtube page so i won't bother use that pathetic service again. I am sure google will see many inactive google + accounts and even less traffic on youtube, they deserve it because they don't respect the people who made youtube big as it is today.

MyVitalRemains 27-11-2013 12:38 PM

Youtube and Google have been going downhill lately. Not only do they require SMS verification for an account now (which may lead to major security and privacy issues) but they've also been integrating Google accounts into EVERYTHING. Although some may view it in a more positive light, I think that it will lead to more bad than good in the long run.

Japo 27-11-2013 05:35 PM

Truth to be told, SMS verification isn't required. Although Google is quite insistent on enabling it--I don't know if it can be disabled back. I do think that the main reason for this particular policy is security, since they already have the phone number of any Android user anyway.

MyVitalRemains 27-11-2013 09:54 PM


Originally Posted by Japo (Post 458349)
Truth to be told, SMS verification isn't required. Although Google is quite insistent on enabling it--I don't know if it can be disabled back. I do think that the main reason for this particular policy is security, since they already have the phone number of any Android user anyway.

Well, actually, now if you would like to create a Youtube or Google account you are REQUIRED to do so. If you have a preexisting account you don't have to, but you'll be spammed about it.

Ykes211 18-12-2013 10:40 AM


Originally Posted by zirkoni (Post 457999)
Now you can't comment on Youtube videos anymore without a Google+ account. And even tracking the comments left on your videos is apparently disabled without Google+. :picard:

What is it they say, 'One account, all of Google ...'

Or something equally annoying

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