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TotalAnarchy 15-04-2012 07:20 AM

YES, an interview with...
...whomever you suggest. We need at least one interview for the mag, and nothing is planned yet, noone has been contacted. I was thinking about Joe Hitchens, founder of Sleepless Software, has worked on various projects before that including Zone 66, Jill of the Jungle series etc.

Tracker 15-04-2012 08:48 AM

Should be some big name we haven't heard about for years. But Hitchens would be fine, never heard about him before. How about Ron Gilbert, Al Lowe, David Braben...? Plus we should ask Lulu to look around the rings if she can find someone we need.

TotalAnarchy 15-04-2012 08:55 AM

Big names are hard to convince to answer to an almost unknown magazine. They might be even against associating with something abandonware related, in the first place.

Tracker 15-04-2012 10:05 AM

Unknown... why don't we show it in their faces with facebook, twitter and whatnot? We could also make a YT ad for the zine...

Panthro 16-04-2012 08:15 PM

A suggestion: how about the two guys from Andromeda, creators of Space Quest, Scott Murphy and Mark Crowe?

They're looking for all the exposure they can get, as they'll be announcing a new game soon.

TotalAnarchy 17-04-2012 06:38 AM

I don't know about that. God knows when we'll be able to release the new issue. By that time, they might not be interested anymore. But I'll keep the option in mind.

Lulu_Jane 22-04-2012 09:02 AM

The two guys seems like a good bet actually.

Also, Christie Marx is around our fb occasionally, but she's working on new projects and probably an ab thing would not be wise for her.

Lulu_Jane 22-04-2012 09:03 AM

Oh, also, Ben Crowshaw (Yahtzee of ZP fame) was interviewed for the site eons ago, it might be worth recontacting him.

saibot216 23-04-2012 11:26 AM

Considering he's doing let's plays of abandonware games now (most recently, Dreamweb) it would be good to get another interview, I think.
I once had a brief chat with the maker of Azrael's Tear back when I was looking for it. Don't know if he'd be worth contacting.
If we could contact someone involved in Neverhood that would be pants-wettingly amazing.

Tracker 26-04-2012 06:27 PM

We have the internet at our service, with facebook and google. What else do we need? Time, and balls, mostly.

chainsoar 02-09-2012 08:49 PM

Richard Garriott.

saibot216 26-10-2012 03:28 PM

If an interview with Garriott happened, I'd want to hear him talk mainly about the first Ultima because that game is gloriously insane and I love every second of it.

Kelbert 14-12-2012 02:04 PM

It would be cooler to interview Garrett.

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