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JoM 24-10-2003 07:11 PM

UFO - Enemy Unknown Problem
I've found that UFO refuses to show you anything on Windows ME. The program's running but it's just a black screen. You can click and get responses from the game but see nothing.
(When running both the UFO Defence.exe and the one with the Sun icon).

In Windows 98, when running the UFO Defence.exe I get a garbled multiple screen image where it is impossible to read anything. Upon running the .exe with the Sun icon, I find the game running perfectly until I choose the option to land and begin a mission at an alien crash site. At that exact moment the game crashes and quits to the desktop.

I hope this helps you and could someone tell me how I am to prevent the multiple screen occurence as described above so I can enjoy this great game.

Johnmike 25-10-2003 09:54 PM

Me, too!

Johnmike 25-10-2003 09:55 PM

Try checking the troubleshooting forum.

LotharGR 14-04-2004 10:26 PM

Another proof that the Windows ME are the worst windows ever! :) In WinXP the game runs perfectly ( at least in my PC )

The Niles 16-04-2004 09:08 AM

Mhhh.. I have Windows ME as well but although buggy UFO Enemy Unkown ran without DOSBox for me. I had to save often. Every time I had a crash I could simply reload from the last save and start again. The crashes are random. Annoying but workable. ME is the worst piece of crap ever published by the Microsoft corparation.

Danny252 17-04-2004 08:02 AM

UFO is terrible! If the graphics work then it crashes after a few minutes! I get 2 aliens alive and loads of tech on my first mission but it crashes when I go to my second! :'(!

LotharGR 17-04-2004 01:00 PM

What operating system do you have?

Danny252 17-04-2004 04:12 PM

XP on a high-end system

LotharGR 17-04-2004 11:28 PM

I have the same, but the reasons for this problem you have can be one of a million possibilities... Maybe it has something to do with any program running in the background, but thats just a speculation. Try disabling any anti-virus programs etc.

Danny252 18-04-2004 07:10 AM

And I would use Dosbox to make it more reliable.. but it aint a dos game...

Now to go thru my little icons bar..
net connection, MSNM, BTsign,ATI remote stuff, getright, cancer research prog, Traffic meter, SETI@Home client, anyDVD player..winzip qwik pick..ATI screen options and programs.. remove the zip drive safely thingy, Intel active monitor, Cellest accelorator(Hey is that why the HOTU pics are blurred?) and my virus scan..
think its any of those?

LotharGR 18-04-2004 09:31 PM

What is the cellest accelerator? :P

LotharGR 18-04-2004 09:33 PM

Well... If i were you i would disable all of them and see if it works :) and if it works without anything running in the background then i would search for the program that is causing the problem by running one program at a time simultaneously with UFO .- by the way, you need all this ? It is always a bad thing having many programs run in the background ( except that they slow down performance, many of them are not so "innocent" also :) )

Bob 28-06-2004 02:11 PM

I get the random crashes but after like 50 mins and stuff so just realise its time to move :) just save it after a big event or before landing a mission.

My only problem is the mouse no matter what i try on my machine and my spare you can scroll the whole map just by slightly scrolling.

no problem on my mates machine though.


FreeFreddy 28-06-2004 02:48 PM

If you don't play the game in DosBox, but in Windows XP or 98, I would say the crashes happen because of too fast memory OR just because the computer is too fast - if the second is true you have two options:
1. Play the game in DosBox - shouldn't crash there
2. Use a slowdown program together with the game, I would recommend SlowDown, you can get it here for free:

About the mouse, I think there's the same solution about it (you did mean it is too fast didn't you?) - SlowDown.

Tom Henrik 28-06-2004 03:26 PM

I had the same problem when running UFO on WinXP.

Just go to settings and change the scroll speed of the mouse. You can slow it down here, so that it does not bother you 8)

Bob 28-06-2004 05:13 PM

tried slowing down in windows and ufo even when using click to scroll its too fast.

Will try slowdown

thanks for replies

lasdlt 02-07-2004 04:58 AM

XCOM2 runs fine on Windows ME for me, although there is a graphical glitch that obscures the lower-right portion of the screen.

Hellblade 05-09-2004 06:28 AM

I'm offering my copy of DOS-version UFO:Enemy Unknown to this website. Somebody tell me how to upload it.

Kosta 05-09-2004 11:44 AM

There is no way to slow down ufo actually. It uses some kind of strange timing mechanism that's impossible to alter.... I've tried all sorts of things, nothing worked. For dos or windows version

Eagle of Fire 23-09-2004 04:44 PM

I managed to slow down UFO once with MoSlow, a slowdown utility for DOS.

The problem with UFO is that there is actually two programs in one. When you are in the GeoSphere, one program is used. When you enter battle, the GeoSphere program calls the Tactical programs and then you play the battle, then the Tactical program calls the GeoSphere program again etc over and over again.

With MoSlow, I had to manually change the game speed between the GeoSphere and Tactical program because they were not playing at the same speed... Needless to say, it was more than bothersome... <_<

FreeFreddy 23-09-2004 05:08 PM

Try this one out, it's little more user friendly, I think:

Jumjalum 06-10-2004 06:35 PM

This may seem obvious, but there are settings in the tactical section that let you slow down the scroll speed and animation speed. It took me a while before I noticed them.

radiv 09-10-2004 09:13 AM

I think i there is a XP fix somewere. That will allow you to run them perfectly under windows XP with correct speed and no problems, i'll look for it :)

MicahDG 24-10-2004 12:56 AM

If you're still having problems, you might want to look at some of the solutions for UFO here:

Danny252 26-10-2004 07:29 PM

will do, sometime..

Rogue 04-11-2004 04:22 PM

I have UFO iso which works great in DOSBox (it's not 'fixed' like one in download section).

It might help people who are running Me or fast computers.

Tom Henrik 04-11-2004 05:06 PM

How big is the size?

Mad-E-Fact 04-11-2004 05:12 PM

No problems here on XP SP1, runs like a charm straight from the zip. :)

Rogue 05-11-2004 02:25 AM


Originally posted by Tom Henrik@Nov 4 2004, 06:06 PM
How big is the size?
25Mb with documentation in PDF, adobe (DOS and Win Version), install and floppy.

I can install game on my PC and create zip of it.

Also, PDF is about 5Mb. Care to upload it to abandonia?

FreeFreddy 05-11-2004 12:51 PM

Sure, why not? Just don't forget to zip the .pdf manual too. ;)

Rogue 05-11-2004 01:51 PM

Not the problem (even zipping PDF files does not save much space), but what to do with zips? :D

FreeFreddy 05-11-2004 01:58 PM

You could ask Kosta for an own FTP account. Just PM him and ask. ;)
If you get it, you can upload games and similar stuff there.

D-1-Viper 05-11-2004 06:33 PM

well i played the game for about 30 min and it crashed but the first ufo i encounterd waz a landed one never happend to me before other than that it worked fine

Rogue 15-11-2004 12:58 PM

I uploaded DOS version of the game and manuals for the game, and now we need to wait for kosta to move the stuff from FTP to site.

locutos 16-11-2004 12:02 PM

I got Windows ME and it works fine except the problems with the battle situations from time to time (I save before landing for safety) I don't think it's the ME , I think It's the game.

Morrin 16-11-2004 12:10 PM

Why was the ME crappiest OS ever?

Rogue 16-11-2004 12:31 PM

I don't think it 'was' a believe it 'is'. :D

It's a junk OS made for Microsoft to fill some more money without any good work. Mostly people downgrade to Win98 or upgrade to Win2K or XP if they have ME.

Eagle of Fire 16-11-2004 07:40 PM

I remember the game crashing regularly with my old 486. Saving regularly (i.e. everytime I did something important or after 10 minutes of play :D ) and before beginning any tactical battle did the trick, tough it was very annoying.

Rogue 16-11-2004 07:46 PM

First I played it on Amiga and never crashed (HD Install), then I got PC and finished the game (again never had a problem), and rescently tried some save editor and played for some time, and again did not have any problems. :blink:

Danny252 16-11-2004 08:37 PM

Download these 2 files and follow instructions. after I got this it works as smooth as ever!(As in it didn't crash after 2 mins.. Infact it didn't crash!)

The Fifth Horseman 14-12-2004 01:56 PM

In my case, it runs, but horribly slow, damn, it was running twice as fast on my 486DX4/100 before the poor thing died its final death.

lonesoldier 14-12-2004 02:33 PM

However I used the old UFO Defense.exe as it works better than the modified one (for me).

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