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Tom Henrik 28-12-2004 07:06 PM

Feel free to comment and discuss this game here. Also, if you have any useful tips or tricks don't hesitate to share them with the others! Thanks!


Tom Henrik 28-12-2004 07:10 PM

We had a serious check before adding this game, and all our research indicates that the game is indeed abandoned.

1. Westwood (or rather eagames) have stopped selling it.
2. The support for the game shows a dead link.
3. HOTU doesn't have a BUY-link for it.
4. The game is not on the TUOL Warez list.
5. Sold Out Software (who owns the sell out rights for the C&C series) doesn't sell it.

So.... YAY! :D

Fawfulhasfury 28-12-2004 07:21 PM

I love this game!!! My cousin has it, and now I will have it!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!

Tom Henrik 28-12-2004 07:39 PM

Link works now :ok:

BlackMageJawa 28-12-2004 07:45 PM

Bah, the movies were the best bit! Without them there's no point playing. Gotta love all that really bad acting.

Mind you, Red Alert's soviet accents are better than everything else, ever.

punch999 28-12-2004 07:49 PM

the funniest tho is ra2 acting :sick: :sick: :sick:

is a good game but i have ra1 and there is no need for me to get this

except to get into the nod and watchamacallit thing

ACE135 28-12-2004 08:01 PM

great!!!! i enjoyed all the C&C games and this is the only one i`ve never played!! :bye:

Tom Henrik 28-12-2004 08:10 PM

Btw... If anyone has the movies, I am interested in knowing how big the archive would be.

If it is within reason, we will swap the archives :bye:

Yamcha 28-12-2004 08:15 PM

I played tiberina Sun so i must try this one

Stroggy 28-12-2004 08:47 PM

I believe its better than Tiberian Sun since Tiberian Sun was a bit... dull (gloomy colours and such) at times.

But, as said, without the movies its not that great.

"I am Seth, just Seth"
"From God, to Kane, to Seth"

einherjar 28-12-2004 08:59 PM

Wal-Mart still sells this game. It comes in a set with other C&C games.

Yamcha 28-12-2004 09:06 PM

and there is still the gold C&C pack with all the C&C included the first one

goblins 28-12-2004 09:19 PM

Still the question to ask is a global distribution in place - not really - is it actively supported nope. Still good work guys i guess if anyone at the rights holders gets narky you can just take it down. Still its over 7 years old so it wouldnt be econmical to keep selling it.

Kestral 28-12-2004 10:35 PM

Please don't tell me you guys removed the midi to, because it was the best part

goblins 28-12-2004 11:02 PM

dunno the admin team will know more about that.

Eagle of Fire 28-12-2004 11:11 PM

Well guys, you just made my day! One of the best games I ever played ever is on the site now. :D

C&C is so better in every aspect to Red Alert, I am really wondering why Red Alert been so popular...

Oh wait... Yes, I remember now... Having hundreds of mindless tanks being thrown to another player by a another mindless player who can't be bothered to think about strategies while the second player go plane and nuclear bomb heavy 'cause "it's cool", while setting the game speed to fastest... :yawn: :angry:

Well, it is really a down if you can't see the (albeit small) videos and hear the music. It was really adding to the theme and atmosphere of the game. And I beleive that C&C still have the most interesting and incredible install video I ever seen. :ok:

Kestral 28-12-2004 11:57 PM

There needs to be a better rip for this game, i mean there is a windows mode on some rips i know with working midi, i mean u striped the game of everything and the game is horribal in dos mod I mean its a good game but for present comp we neeed that windows mode =D

goblins 29-12-2004 12:02 AM

any suggestion on a better rip for he windows version.

Tom Henrik 29-12-2004 12:03 AM

If any of you have a better version and wants to share it, then go ahead :D

goblins 29-12-2004 12:05 AM

LOL sorry personally cant help there but im sure someone can or a google search might turn something up

Stormrider 29-12-2004 12:16 AM

I have the Gold-Version (Videos + SVGA Graphics+Windows) on CD so i have no need for that. I would be glad to share it with you, but its the German Version which wouldn´t help you or is someone here who wants to learn it :D

cheesegrater 29-12-2004 12:23 AM


C&C is so better in every aspect to Red Alert, I am really wondering why Red Alert been so popular...
I thought Tiberium Dawn and Red Alert were the same game in different flavours. I saw no difference.

Eagle of Fire 29-12-2004 12:30 AM

C&C (Command And Conquer) is the original game. No idea about Tiberian Dawn.

Red Alert sported the name "C&C: Red Alert" with the obvious reason to be the sequel to C&C, add sale profits by sporting a very good tile name and mostly to confuse buyers into getting a "new and improved" game.

I beleive the newer titles also are sporting that name... I think their last title goes by the name of "C&C: Generals" or something like that? Still, it has absolutly nothing to do with the original game, except for some very obscure history links...

Ravenoustoxic 29-12-2004 01:06 AM

This game is great but is der any C&C version dat contains "Skirmish"... i hear dat ders one abandone C&C version dat contains "Skirmish game" i think it's called "Command And Conquer Red Alert-Relation" how about upload dat version?

I like to play Skirmish game dan Campaign... Thanks :help:

einherjar 29-12-2004 01:20 AM

I don't know where you people live, but it's still being sold at Wal-Mart where I live.

Eagle of Fire 29-12-2004 01:27 AM

Are you sure you are talking about the original Command and Conquer game? Like I said earlier, all the follow up sported the name C&C to boost sales and etc.

einherjar 29-12-2004 01:42 AM

Positive. The set is a collection of C&C games, and among them was Tiberium Dawn. I know this because I considered buying it Saturday with a gift card I had acquired on Christmas (I ended up going with Warcraft 3 with Frozen Throne).

Tom Henrik 29-12-2004 02:11 AM

Command & Counquer is the most used name for the game.

The complete name is Command & Conquer - Tiberium Dawn.

You learn something new every day ;)

goblins 29-12-2004 02:21 AM

C and C - tiberium Dawn is a second installment

Nowdays i think C and C - Generals is the latest installment - its a nifty marketing gimmick.

Ravenoustoxic 29-12-2004 02:27 AM

I badly like to play C&C with Skirmish game .... any C&C version so please upload any C&C version with "Skirmish game" i hate campaign game!!! hint please search for C&C red alert -relation i hear its abandon now! :help:

goblins 29-12-2004 02:36 AM

C and C red alert if you can find another site that has it for download let these guys know about it and they can look into it - thats another one if its all ok to put up id like to see it up.

And dont forget to click on the ads by google banner ad at the top of the page (best to click on the white writing and right click to open it in a new window - its 5c to the website every time we clcik on the banner ads (click each time you make a post) that way abandonia gets a steady stream of income from these banner ads - it supports the websites to stay up and running.

And it makes the money for google and also it costs the advertisers real dollars to use the feature.

Eagle of Fire 29-12-2004 02:44 AM

There is no original C&C games who support skirmishes. There is however a tool which allowed you to create your own "scenarios" and your own maps. I unfortunatly don't remember the name of that tool, but I remember using it in the good old days.

I think Red Alert was the first game to support skirmishes. And that's the part I like less from any game, I usually play for campain and solo missions.

Edit: This link has several utilities on it which might be usefull for anyone. Just be warned that the site might not be very respectable, my programs blocked several pubs and spyware.

goblins 29-12-2004 02:51 AM

If anyone can find that sceniro map editor on a google search let us know - it could be uploaded as extras for the C and C games put up on this site. Any manuals or cheats i guess would also be welcomed.

einherjar 29-12-2004 03:09 AM


Originally posted by Tom Henrik@Dec 28 2004, 10:11 PM
Command & Counquer is the most used name for the game.

The complete name is Command & Conquer - Tiberium Dawn.

You learn something new every day ;)

That's... what I said.

PsyK 29-12-2004 03:30 AM

all the info you need

Eagle of Fire 29-12-2004 03:36 AM

I just downloaded and tryied the game available on download on the site and I must say that's a very bad version of the game.

It seems to run without DOSBox or VDMSound, but then the sound get floppy just like if my computer is too fast for it. It doesn't work with VDMSound. I managed to get it work with DOSBox. Altough the units seemed to go at the right speed (or maybe I could have even get the speed a little faster) I remember that it takes way more time to get reinforcement in the first NOD mission than only a few seconds. There might be a speed problem here.

When I tryied to play the second mission, an error occured saying something along the line "can't read mission data". When you choose your next mission, you sometime have a choice. In the second mission of the NOD, you get such a choice. I choose the arrow on the south. I guess the archive is not complete.

I also remember that C&C originally shipped with 2 CD's. The first CD was for GDI, and the second CD was for NOD. The first mission of the NOD was on CD1 (GDI) but the rest was on CD 2... Might be the problem.

Yet I really don't understand how you managed to get that game to only 15 megs! I tought it was way bigger than that...

JJXB 29-12-2004 03:40 AM


Originally posted by Stroggy@Dec 28 2004, 09:47 PM
I believe its better than Tiberian Sun since Tiberian Sun was a bit... dull (gloomy colours and such) at times.

But, as said, without the movies its not that great.

"I am Seth, just Seth"
"From God, to Kane, to Seth"

TS was ok if you modded it (like i did :))

Nemesis 29-12-2004 04:04 AM

I remember how i use to spend hours playing the demo over and over again :bleh:

goblins 29-12-2004 04:17 AM

anyone got a better version out there ?

still 15mg are you sure both CDs have been included ?

Nemesis 29-12-2004 04:22 AM

the demo i downloaded is 9 mb with only 3 missions so i dont think this archive contain everything

goblins 29-12-2004 04:23 AM

what is the size of the file unzipped - remember these files are zipped mostly so their size can be up to 7 times as big.

Griezel 29-12-2004 05:07 AM

22.5 megs unzipped

Eagle of Fire 29-12-2004 06:09 AM

I have a good news and a bad news.

The good news is, I found a file nammed "Command.bat" which allows you to switch from game CD so you can play NOD missions. So just ignore my last comment on not being able to play NOD missions earlier.

The bad news is that there is definitly something wrong with DOSBox. Whatever cycle or game setting I try, I can't manage to bring the game to work like it is originally supposed to do. So far nothing critical, but it is sure annoying for me.

The game is always slowing down when I have a lot of units on the screen. When you think I had the habit to play this game with my 486 and never encoutered that problem, you can understand how problematic this is for me. Plus it is not running on the right speed. The efficiency points at the end of the scenario are from the money you gathered, but the leadership points goes for the time needed to finish the scenario. So far out of two missions that I used to have almost perfect on both, I did not manage to get more than 50% leadership in either. This is because of DOSBox somehow, I don't know what could be the problem. Maybe a future release will solve this.

For now on, no fun for me to replay this great game. If at least the movies were included, then I would have tryied my luck with NOD since I never finished them... But it would not be the same dominating the World with Kain without turning the Ion Cannon back on them at the end... :twisted:

Stroggy 29-12-2004 09:05 AM

Actually the original C&C was just C&C, or Command & Conquer.
Tiberian Dawn is name that was born in the fan-community.
Thus you have:
Tiberian Dawn -> Tiberian Sun -> Tiberian Twilight

Tiberian Twilight is the name given to a possible sequel to Tiberian Sun.
Ofcoarse looking at what Mark Skaggs and his group did to Red Alert in Red Alert II, and what horrors may be waiting for us in the future with Red Alert III (yes, it is being made), I for one hope they don't create a final sequel.

goblins 29-12-2004 09:49 AM

dosbox still seems a bit slow - running sim earth on my system 1.3 GHz intel it still runs a bit slow. So i guess C and C tiberium sun would be the same.

JJXB 29-12-2004 09:57 AM

i only have an 850mhz duron and tiberian sun runs fine (even on the non menu selectable resolutions)

goblins 29-12-2004 10:02 AM

dunno might need to raise the cycles - dunno i just got the basic hang of dosbox. Could have something to do with memory perhaps i dont have as much on this as i could have.

JJXB 29-12-2004 10:11 AM

umm... i thought you were onabout tiberian sun, i think you might be meaning tiberium dawn now. i didn't need dosbox for tiberium dawn as i downloaded gold edition for windows from cgarchive.

goblins 29-12-2004 10:40 AM

actually simearth for one and battleisle 1 for starters LOL. Yes tiberium dawn sorry typo there i keep thinking tiberium sun he he.

The Fifth Horseman 29-12-2004 10:58 AM

I have the full CD for NOD, unfortunately not the GDI one.

Eagle of Fire 29-12-2004 11:51 AM

I have a 2 gig mhz computer here, I don't think speed is a matter. I brought the cycles to 20000 without a problem, but the problem itself subsisted.

If it's not a speed problem, perhaps there is something wrong with my version of DOSBox. For starters, I'll check if I have 0.63 which I don't even remember to have downloaded and will try later.

goblins 29-12-2004 11:54 AM

as stated ive just started fiddling with dosbox and i found my programs are running ok now - also put it up to 17000 cycles with no problems - i had it on the default before of 3000 and that was what was causing the slowness.

Finally fiddled with the settings and came up trumps thanks agian.

Tom Henrik 29-12-2004 12:08 PM


Originally posted by the_fifth_horseman@Dec 29 2004, 11:58 AM
I have the full CD for NOD, unfortunately not the GDI one.
Try to make a CD image of the NOD CD, I have a plan :sneaky:

Tell me what the size is when you zip that CD image afterwards. :ok:

Nuke 30-12-2004 09:18 AM

i got original gdi and nod cd

Nickman 30-12-2004 10:37 AM

I've got a Win 95 edition of C&C, it's the original version, but it's been modified to work under windows with higher resolutions and stuff :).
I made an ISO of it and rarred it and now it's almost 400MB in size...

Eagle of Fire 30-12-2004 10:44 AM

I just downloaded ver.0.63 of DOSBox. I was still running 0.61, silly me.

The problem is way less important on 0.63 and it actually bring the game bareable. The problem still exist tough, and is easily noticable when a building get blown up. It never happened to me when playing the original on a true DOS machine, if someone would be wondering about the quality of the game.

Guest 30-12-2004 11:49 AM

people do you remember the the expansion to Command And Conquer ?

Command And Conquer: Covert Operations was it called.

seriously Command And Conquer is one of my all time favorites.

JJXB 30-12-2004 12:06 PM

my friend is a real C&C freak and he saw covert ops on sale and bought it and he complained it wouldn't play. i then told him that its the expansion for the original LOL

Tom Henrik 30-12-2004 01:09 PM


Originally posted by Nickman@Dec 30 2004, 11:37 AM
I've got a Win 95 edition of C&C, it's the original version, but it's been modified to work under windows with higher resolutions and stuff :).
I made an ISO of it and rarred it and now it's almost 400MB in size...

Did you make a seperate archive for both CD's?

I want 2 different archives - one for GDI and one for NOD

JJXB 30-12-2004 01:13 PM

you can download C&C gold for windows at cgarchive. thats about 25mb in the archive they allow you to download and it includes gdi and nod.

Tom Henrik 30-12-2004 01:52 PM


CGArchive tells you to save up credits before downloading.

The Win 95 version of the game is still sold. The DOS version is not.

JJXB 30-12-2004 02:03 PM

you get a couple of free downloads there if you don't register and the second point is an issue that should be taken up with the owner of the site

Nickman 30-12-2004 07:17 PM


Originally posted by Tom Henrik+Dec 30 2004, 02:09 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Tom Henrik @ Dec 30 2004, 02:09 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Nickman@Dec 30 2004, 11:37 AM
I've got a Win 95 edition of C&C, it's the original version, but it's been modified to work under windows with higher resolutions and stuff :).
I made an ISO of it and rarred it and now it's almost 400MB in size...

Did you make a seperate archive for both CD's?

I want 2 different archives - one for GDI and one for NOD [/b][/quote]
This was just the ISO of the GDI CD, I guess the NOD CD will be about the same size.

Tom Henrik 30-12-2004 08:38 PM


That is unfortunately WAAAAY more than we can place on the site at the current time :(

Nickman 31-12-2004 08:42 AM

To bad, I guess the original DOS version would be a bit smaller, not shure though... Maybe if someone could try it?

Stroggy 31-12-2004 08:58 AM


Originally posted by Tom Henrik@Dec 30 2004, 09:38 PM

That is unfortunately WAAAAY more than we can place on the site at the current time :(

maybe once I donate those €200 we'll be able to work something out?

Maikel 31-12-2004 09:03 AM

I'd rather have those massive amount of mb's on the server being filled with other great games then with some movies for 1 game. But that's just me :angel:

goblins 31-12-2004 09:04 AM

stroggy donate 200 euros then click on 5 different banner ads a day - thats 25c a day - if you visit daily thats $1.75 a week and $6.00 a month in banner ad revenue per user - if say 50 active users did this monthly that would yeild a modest $300. I think its a valid contribution and i always do it - i pay a flat fee in terms of bandwidth so by clicking the ads im not paying any extrafor my ISP connection give it a go - it keeps small sites like this alive.

Sl0vi 31-12-2004 07:24 PM

hmm... 15 mb for this game??? how ever did you manage to make it that small???

Anyway, I own 95 version of the game (both CD's), and the Covert Operations expansion pack. But since the 95 version is still being sold and also because I have a lousy 56k connection (and live on some remote islands), I'm afraid I'm unable to share it.

"Spoiler warning" Also someone here mentioned that Red Alert and C&C got nothing to do with each other. Not true, the story line fits perfectly, RA takes place b4 C&C, complete soviet campaign and u'll see. I also have RA with both Counterstrike and Aftermath expansions. And if I were 100% sure these games were abandonware, I would gladly share them. Red Alert 2 on the other hand has nothing to do with C&C.

Also, The games name is simply just Command & Conquer. The name Tiberium Dawn does not belong, I don't know where you guys got it from.

I've never heard of a scenario editor, nor a skirmish mode for C&C. This was introduced in RA. There are however many fan made editors for RA. If you want more on RA, search for the red alert archives.

Ravenoustoxic 02-01-2005 03:55 AM

hehe i apologies for my mistake wat i realy mean is "Red Alert-Retaliation" not "Relation". the Relation version was on playstation only. any Skirmish version?


jag 02-01-2005 05:01 AM

I own the Win95 version as well as the Covert Ops Expansion, yet this is the first time I've heard of it referred to as 'Tiberium Dawn'.

Whatever, it still rocks.

ChampionTycoon 02-01-2005 06:37 AM

Troubleshooting problem

What's up dog and everyone
Dear Administrator
The game Tiberian Dawn was amazing when i first download and play it. However, things went wrong when I finish the first NOD mission because when the second mission is just about to start the game said that it had been unable to read the scenario and the screen just went dark and blank. Therefore, I can't play it. Can you please tell me what can i do or can you please fix the problem and put it on the download link again so I can download it again. Please do something about it because I really want to play the game.
Thank you [/b][/b][/b][/b]

JJXB 02-01-2005 06:40 AM

read what eagle of fire said.

Eagle of Fire 02-01-2005 07:57 AM

Would be nice if an admin post it in the game description a la Stunts... I feel like we will get this question often.

Timpsi 02-01-2005 02:57 PM


Originally posted by Tom Henrik@Dec 30 2004, 02:52 PM
The Win 95 version of the game is still sold. The DOS version is not.
Yes it is. For example at Chips&Bits.

radiv 02-01-2005 03:08 PM


Originally posted by BlackMageJawa@Dec 28 2004, 08:45 PM
Bah, the movies were the best bit! Without them there's no point playing. Gotta love all that really bad acting.
If the Admins wants me to extract the movies and convert them to a small modern movie format i'll do it.

and "Red Alert 2 on the other hand has nothing to do with C&C."

It's the rest of the story after RA... America wins the RA war, sovjet gets a american controlled president, this president betrays america beacuse of the evil assistant named Yuri.

*Small Spoiler*

But, in the end of the RA sovjet, you're being contacted by Cane. (wich connects the NOD/GDI stuff to the Sovjet/USA). But the Tiberium wars are actually happening many years after the latest Yuris Revenge (no connection between CnC and the CnC:RA universe are shown in the RA2 games).

The newest CnC: Generals has nothing to do with any of the other games, it's not made by Westwood Studios (some of the programmers from RA2 was in EAs team, and it used some Westwood Technology), and is just some kind of silly replica of the Iraq and terror wars.

Tom Henrik 02-01-2005 05:12 PM


Originally posted by Timpsi+Jan 2 2005, 03:57 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Timpsi @ Jan 2 2005, 03:57 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Tom Henrik@Dec 30 2004, 02:52 PM
The Win 95 version of the game is still sold. The DOS version is not.
Yes it is. For example at Chips&Bits. [/b][/quote]
Thanks. Link changed.

Kestral 02-01-2005 11:50 PM

LOL then tell cgarchives the windows version is still being sold pfffffffffft, chips and bits can bite me sometimes, they can have the right of saying if something is abandoned? wait deja vu, i think i asked this somewhere

undead 03-01-2005 12:27 PM

hi im new i just downloaded this game but i have a problem the sound is very choppy i use dosbox anybody has a solution since i loved playing this game on the playststion thanks

Eagle of Fire 03-01-2005 01:08 PM

Increase cycle rate in DOSBox with CTRL-F12 until the game is acceptable. CTRL-F11 will reduce cycles.

Nuke 10-01-2005 10:09 AM

I still got bouth cds Nod and Gdi but i dont know how to make cd images....

Timpsi 10-01-2005 10:27 AM

Hm. The game is still for sale and yet it's available for download? :huh:

OMFGMAN 15-01-2005 05:14 PM


iplayedthisgamewheniwas6 15-01-2005 06:55 PM

:sniper: :rifle: :wall: i'm sure nod is impossible, mission 13 just has a messed up base and infinate amount of mammoth tanks come at you :Titan:

i know everything about C&C 15-01-2005 07:11 PM

just to annoy everyone :D

[quote] you're being contacted by Cane

cane is a walking cane

kane is the Brother Hood Of Nod leader

:help: sovjet?? whats that...i think you mean soviet

marko river 17-01-2005 02:05 PM

All right, time for me to say something.

First of all, apologiez 'cause I haven't been here since New Year to say something about this game, so now I read there were several confusions. Let's start.

About game:

1. Name is only Command and Conquer. Tiberium dawn is not offical name and never was. Kosta or Tom, please remove this.

2. This is the first (and with caps FIRST) C&C game ever. I explaines in review that it started the series. After it, came C&C: Red Alert and Red Alert 2. Story followed Kane, but the idea of C&C series wasn't just part 1, part 2 and so on. So they were all C&C: "something". So when I say C&C only, I'm thinking on this part, the first one.

About archive:

1. Archive is not to small. As i wrote in my review, game did came out on 2 CD, one for each campaign. more then 90% of the game were movies and anims. Game itself, as you can see, took only 20 MB. And you even can choose what to shoot with Ion cannon at the end og the NOD campaign, only you won't see the movie.

2. Archive is the first version of the game, RIP version to be precise. Gold edition had better graphics and never really looked and felt (yes, I said "felt") like first one. Besides being only abw version, I would still upload this version of C&C. I think it would be sily to swap version with gold pack. When site grows enough to upload whole CD images, do it.

3. As Eagle of Fire understood, you can switch between CD, that is campagins. Kosta or Tom, please add what he said in my review as IMPORTANT NOTICE.

About speed:

1. I guess it has some slowing with lot of units. Still, before cycling Dosbox, set game speed in game options.

2. I couldn't make it to work like it worked on Pentium 133 MHz. Perhaps I'm not good enough, so someone should really solve this one.

Something for my own pleasure:
I was really hooked up for this game, actually first one I hooke on PC. I remember there was one game that get 70 comments oin 4 days, so I was glad to se that you people discussed it a lot (50 posts in 2 days)

This is bot legendary and great game. Enjoy!

Stebbi 17-01-2005 02:56 PM

HOW can you hate campaign if there was no campaign i would never play it man :eeeeeh:

marko river 17-01-2005 03:53 PM


Originally posted by Stebbi@Jan 17 2005, 04:56 PM
HOW can you hate campaign if there was no campaign i would never play it man :eeeeeh:
I totaly don't undestand what you just said...

Ravenous 20-01-2005 04:23 AM

i prefer skirmish than campaign so sterbi u can play the skirmish unfortunately this game does not contain any skirmish game i wonder if the gold version contains skirmish game.


Eagle of Fire 20-01-2005 12:04 PM

No version of C&C support squirmishes. There was, at the time of the game, numerous fan-made map&missions tough.

A lot of those maps could be seen as man-made skirmishes, but they were allways the same. Nothing random.

ChAoS 22-01-2005 07:37 PM

LOL why didnt people ask me ? I could provide the Win95 Gold version plus XP fix ... well i only got the german version so ... might be a bit difficult for ya ;)
KANE IS ALIVE ! (Chaos>) :rifle: :help: (<Havoc)

Stroggy 22-01-2005 08:09 PM

as a sidenote Petroglyph (the original team behind C&C) has announced its latest game: "star wars: empire at war" the screens look quite nice. You can view them here

While the team behind Red Alert 2 is further milking the C&C title with Red Alert 3.

Blood-Pigggy 22-01-2005 08:13 PM

Red Alert is not abandonware, otherwise they wouldn't be making sequels (Same to all those sites that put Warcraft on their pages) It's still being sold all around stores.

Stroggy 22-01-2005 08:18 PM


Originally posted by Blood-Pigggy@Jan 22 2005, 09:13 PM
Red Alert is not abandonware, otherwise they wouldn't be making sequels (Same to all those sites that put Warcraft on their pages) It's still being sold all around stores.
thats what I said.
If it was abandonware they wouldn't be selling it in dvd-boxes

Blood-Pigggy 22-01-2005 08:21 PM

What's weird though, is that almost nobody owns W98, or under, so this game is basicly incompatible with most systems that we have today.

Stroggy 22-01-2005 08:22 PM

no, thats not true.
I can plain it on windows XP. There is a patch for it.

Blood-Pigggy 22-01-2005 08:24 PM

Yeah, but that's not a patch for the game itself (??) I mean, it's not made for it, it doesn't have right out of the box compatibility and usually that warrants a game to be withheld from stores.

Stroggy 22-01-2005 08:24 PM

yes it is, I think the patch was even on the CD.

Blood-Pigggy 22-01-2005 08:27 PM

No, my bro bought a brand new copy, he said it didn't work, (Error: You need at least W95) and that was a few weeks ago.

One question, when I play Tiberium Dawn, why does the sound get all choppy and messed up?

Stroggy 22-01-2005 08:30 PM


Originally posted by Blood-Pigggy@Jan 22 2005, 09:27 PM
No, my bro bought a brand new copy, he said it didn't work, (Error: You need at least W95) and that was a few weeks ago.

Look I know what i'm talking about. I bought the game myself in the DVD package and I can play it right now straight on windows XP with the patch made for red alert.

Blood-Pigggy 22-01-2005 08:31 PM

But it doesn't work, that's all I'm saying, we bought it and it still has the error, I don't know if the CD convulsed into itself and lost some data or what, but he had to send it back, they sent him a brand new one, it didn't work, he sent it back AGAIN, the third time it worked.

So I this is what I don't get.

Are you talking about the bundle? Because of course it would work.

Stroggy 22-01-2005 08:35 PM

No i'm talking about the DVD case version of red alert.
If you can't find the patch on the CD you can download it here

but you said it yourself, something was flawed on the cds... which doesn't change the fact that it is still widely being sold and thus not abandonware.

Blood-Pigggy 22-01-2005 08:36 PM

But why when I play Tiberium Dawn is my sound choppy. It's like someone put their hand in front of a microphone of the middle of the sound.

Stroggy 22-01-2005 08:38 PM

I have the same problem with Red Alert 2 and the same problem when I tried to run the original red alert under dosbox.

Blood-Pigggy 22-01-2005 08:47 PM

RA 2? You being serious? That's wack.

Stroggy 22-01-2005 08:48 PM

yes, its strange. I can play red Alert with no audio problems whatsoever. But all movies in red alert 2 have this 1-second silence every few seconds. Its really weird (not that the movies are worth watching)

Blood-Pigggy 22-01-2005 08:50 PM

Wait, is it just the sound, or does the movie pause too occasionaly?

Eagle of Fire 22-01-2005 08:53 PM


Please, this topic is about C&C which is a game available on this site, not Red Alert or newer. If you want to talk about Red Alert I advise you to start a topic in "Favorite oldies and newbies".


Blood-Pigggy 22-01-2005 08:54 PM

Yah, but do you know how to fix the sound in Tiberium Dawn?

It doesn't work on DosBox either.

(Hope this isn't off topic)

Stroggy 22-01-2005 09:06 PM


Originally posted by Eagle of Fire@Jan 22 2005, 09:53 PM

Please, this topic is about C&C which is a game available on this site, not Red Alert or newer. If you want to talk about Red Alert I advise you to start a topic in "Favorite oldies and newbies".


we aren't off topic, wiseguy.
Its a common error in C&C games. I think it has to do with the filetype (I think these are all .MIX) Theya re used in all the C&C games (TD, RA, TS, RA2)

Eagle of Fire 22-01-2005 10:10 PM

I don't mind people going a little off topic, but I noticed that you were talking about Red Alert for a whole page now. That's why I pointed you guys to the right direction.

For the sound in Tiberium Dawn, it worked perfectly for me with DOSBox. There is no music because I beleive it been ripped away tough. It got to be because if I remember well the archive is really small for such a game...

Don't forget to play it with ver .63 (or latest if there is a higher version) because I ran into issues when I tryied to make it run with 0.61. 0.63 Was running better, but still not perfectly.

Stroggy 22-01-2005 10:14 PM


Originally posted by Eagle of Fire@Jan 22 2005, 11:10 PM
I don't mind people going a little off topic, but I noticed that you were talking about Red Alert for a whole page now. That's why I pointed you guys to the right direction.

and then we came back on topic until you interupted us, well done.

anyway, make sure your sound options are configured correctly, they can be quite a bother.

Bensch 07-02-2005 09:46 AM

Oh darn, I just now found out that the Strategy-Section has more than 1 page... :whistle:

C&C was the 2nd computer game I ever played and it became at once one of my all-time favorites. Kane, you rock :)

Evilzealot 10-02-2005 03:54 PM

This was the first c&c game i played.

HI 11-02-2005 02:54 PM

Is this a full version or a demo?????

Stroggy 11-02-2005 02:58 PM

This is the full version but, sadly, without the movies.

derbidrd 13-02-2005 12:13 PM

It does not work with XP? :not_ok:

Eagle of Fire 13-02-2005 06:03 PM

Use DOSBox.

vegaslash04 15-02-2005 07:41 PM

Yes I bought the red alert 2 & yuris revenge combo pack. My problem is I have downloaded both and both go to the westwood screen then the screen goes black. I can hear the game, and the audio, but the screen remanis black. I dont know what to do to change this. I thought it might be because of my virtual memory but I freed up more than enough space to to fufill game needs. ANY help would be greatly appreciated!

planecrash 21-02-2005 08:10 AM

I having a problem with this game in dos box i can make team (eg Ctrl 1 = team 1)

but when i dont use dos boxs it ok :wall: but the sound sucks

can some plz help me plz?

Eagle of Fire 21-02-2005 04:44 PM

Be sure to use the latest version of DOSBox (0.63). It worked fine for me.

Dreadlord 21-02-2005 05:02 PM

Hey, this is the only game that had decently acted FMV movies!

Yay, Tiberium Dawn!

Vlokkuh 24-02-2005 01:45 PM

Dudes.... this was the most revolutionary game ever!

Chaos 24-02-2005 09:26 PM

yeah, but the movies whould be cool.

anon. 04-03-2005 09:15 PM

hey i read back on the previous posts that some1 wanted Command and Conquer: Red Alert on the web site.
i dont mean to spam, but i found a link that gives the full game plus expansions aftermath and counterstrike, thats totaly spyware free
i also dont mean 2 get off topic etheir
just click on the link below, download the game and have fun! :sniper:
:ok: :rifle: :cheers:

Dreadlord 04-03-2005 09:16 PM

Thank god the link isn't there.

Guest 04-03-2005 09:16 PM

Modified by Omuletzu
Reason: Message directly linking to warez!!

Guest 04-03-2005 09:17 PM

sorry i almost forgot :whistle: :wall:

Guest 04-03-2005 09:19 PM

also since RA doenst work with xp, youll have 2 go into the files and set the program with compatablity with Win 95 (got in the property's and click on compatiabliy

Dreadlord 04-03-2005 09:19 PM

The only problem is that that hardly ever works.

anon. 04-03-2005 09:20 PM


Dreadlord 04-03-2005 09:22 PM

It hardly ever works, XP's compatability thing is kinda crap.

Guest 04-03-2005 09:22 PM

worked 4 me

BeefontheBone 04-03-2005 10:06 PM

is that not warez? i thought RA hadn't been abandoned...

Nyerguds 10-03-2005 01:02 PM


Originally posted by Eagle of Fire@Dec 29 2004, 04:36 AM
It seems to run without DOSBox or VDMSound, but then the sound get floppy just like if my computer is too fast for it. It doesn't work with VDMSound. I managed to get it work with DOSBox.


Yet I really don't understand how you managed to get that game to only 15 megs! I tought it was way bigger than that...

It works with VDMSound, but ONLY if the VDM sound blaster setttings match those in the configuration file CONQUER.INI

The fact they got it down to 15 mb is beause it doesn't contain the movies (some 400 mb on each CD) or music (some 50 mb). Make no mistake... the C&C1 music is NOT MIDI.

Anyway... anyone that HAS the original (DOS) game and doesn't get it running in XP or Win2000... look here:

There's also a very good guide to get C&C Gold (AKA C&C95 - the Win95 version) running in XP/2k:


hmm... I could make loads of improvements to this download actually... remove the annoying side selector on startup & such... I made a general.mix with the missions of both sides in it a looong time ago.
file is, if anyone's interested... it won't work on this C&C unless you either hex edit game.dat to fix the "conquer.mix" string or rename the mixfile to conquer.gdi and select GDI in the mission selector though (or conquer.nod and the Nod side... you know).

Also note that the conquer.bat batchfile might not work in XP because the "c&c.exe" isn't in quotes, and XP can't handle the "&" character very well.

YM2149 10-03-2005 09:01 PM

"I believe its better than Tiberian Sun since Tiberian Sun was a bit... dull (gloomy colours and such) at times."

actually Tiberian Sun is sequel to Tiberian Dawn and it is not dull, if you added expansion pack (Firestorm) you would see that story goes on and gets more interesting...

and as for modding as someone said above, TS is great !

shame that stupid EA hasnt released Tiberian Twilight... instead they made stupid Generals...

Nyerguds 11-03-2005 12:42 PM

and now.. RA3.. BAH :(

Stroggy 12-03-2005 12:51 PM


Originally posted by Nyerguds@Mar 11 2005, 01:42 PM
and now.. RA3.. BAH :(
Indeed, I wonder what over-the-top villain we'll get this time. I bet €5 it'll be a (soviet) woman in some tight red/black outfit :angry:

Nyerguds 12-03-2005 05:31 PM

I have a 3-language version of DOS C&C.... English, French & German. 17 mb. Only requires VDMS to run.
If anyone can tell me where/how to upload it, it's yours, people. And unlike what's on the site now it's the latest version, WITH the Covert Operations expansion pack.

(the game was sold in those 3 languages in Europe. I acquired all files from friends online, and put em together :))

bigwig992 19-03-2005 03:52 AM


Story line order:

C&C Red Alert --->C&C Tibierium Dawn-->C&C Tiberium Sun
 * * * * * * * * * * * \
 * * * * * * * * * * * *------>Red Alert 2

 C&C Generals

Red Alert, Red Alert 2, and Tiberium Sun all have their respective expansion packs I didn't mention. Red Alert 2 doesn't relate much to the rest of the story line of the C&C series, so most people in the C&C community agree that the story line branches off into another 'universe'. It's also accepted that Generals has absoloutly nothing to do with the C&C story line.


Release order:

C&C Tibierium Dawn, C&C Red Alert, C&C Tiberium Dawn, C&C Red Alert 2, C&C Generals.

The way they were released is not the same order as the story line, but they do a great job.

Also, a confirmed Red Alert 3 is in the works at EA. Not sure if this will somehow relate the Red Alert 2 storyline (highly unlikely) to the Tiberium ones, or be another game set between Red Alert 1 and Tiberium Dawn, this is on everyones high hopes list. Though, it could just be an add on to the already spun off Red Alert 2 universe. Saddly enough, if it's anything like Generals, it will have absoloutly nothing to do with the storyline, which has made C&C so enjoyable.

Nyerguds 19-03-2005 01:14 PM

Uhh... you got TD in there twice. I suppose you mean TS the second time, right?
And even then, you forgot to add C&C Gold between Red Alert and Tiberian sun.

Oh, and it's "Tiberian Dawn". And for all that still dont't believe that that IS an official name (more specifically the project name)... it is mentioned in the readme file of the latest DOS C&C version. Which I included in the currently uploaded version at Abandonia.



 * * RED ALERT is the next Command & Conquer game from Westwood Studios, and
 * * is expected to release in the 3rd quarter of 1996, (or sooner!). *A
 * * FAQ for RED ALERT will be released later on that covers the details

There you have it.

undisclosed 20-03-2005 12:39 AM

For all I know, there might not actually be a RA3 in development, besides the community mailout 4 months ago, there has been no official confirmation, and already, 2 high profile staff members have left EA, and Mark Skaggs has supposedly taken a leave of absence.

Nyerguds 20-03-2005 09:24 AM

The mailout was an official confirmation though. You think they're going to post beta screenies whenever they make some progress? Please... this is EA, not some open source project. -_-

ziambel 21-03-2005 02:16 PM

I have downloaded C&C but I can't choose any side -_- GDI or NOD. Somebody help ? :cry:

planecrash 21-03-2005 09:13 PM

cNc (later adding the name and now know as TIBERIAN DAWN) was first cNc game
and was released because Dune 2 was a big hit.
later red alert was released and plane on red alert 2 were start too they were told to work on cNc TIBERIAN SUN.

after start work on ra2 but again were side track to make other games. later ra2 was finished a plans for number 3 were post on fan site. however cNc genrals was made which was a let down. then more new or chat about finishing ra3 was sent to cNc fans but sry busy again work and some other games like LORT BFME.

also westwood or ea released some expansion pack like (Covert Operations) with games update and gold updates.

lets how CnC get the story like good again cNc genrals storys were not as good and same with RA2

but nothink will beat the end of the Nod campain in the first cNc... icon cannon lock on to Paris....BOOOM


Morbid_Pathologist 21-03-2005 09:22 PM

C&C Generals was more then a let down, its an insult to everyones intelligence, for that EA deserve to be put out of business, they've compeltely ruined a perfectly good series with their 3D crap, its just like changing a 2d fighter to 3d...DONT DO IT, IT DOESNT WORK!111

oh yeah, make sure theres a file called "GENERAL" in there, or else the missions wont load, the release probabyl comes with 2 named as GDI/NOD, maybe, thats how i did mine, and when someone wants to download it off me (school LAN, 100mbit =D) they can copy it off me with the 50mb of mods :D

Guest 22-03-2005 11:15 AM


later red alert was released and plane on red alert 2 were start too they were told to work on cNc TIBERIAN SUN.

after start work on ra2 but again were side track to make other games. later ra2 was finished a plans for number 3 were post on fan site.

there were NO sequels planned for RA (which leads DIRECTLY to TD). until later when Westwood Pacific came along with that stupid idea.

Guest 24-03-2005 09:46 PM

There's something I don't understand. If you click 'start new game' you have to choose between NOD and GDI, but I can't click on both of them. Bug?

Avatar 25-03-2005 11:33 PM

anyone know why it wont work in dosbox? it says sdl not found reinstalling may fix the problem
but i tried reinstalling dosbox and no avvail.

Nyerguds 26-03-2005 08:12 AM


Originally posted by ziambel@Mar 21 2005, 04:16 PM
I have downloaded C&C but I can't choose any side -_- GDI or NOD. Somebody help ?* :cry:
That is odd indeed... I mean, I've seen a similar bug on C&C95, when not running in Win95 compatibility mode, but I've never seen it in DOS C&C. What Operating System are you using? And are you running with VDM or not?

The file you'd need is called "General.MIX" (dammit people, disable that stupid "Hide Extensions" option in windows), and I personally created the one in the current download, so I'm 100% sure it has all missions of both sides in it.

And if I recall correctly, you'd still continue from the choice screen even if the missions weren't there. It would just give an "Unable to read scenario" error.


anyone know why it wont work in dosbox? it says sdl not found reinstalling may fix the problem
but i tried reinstalling dosbox and no avvail.

That seems like a DOSBox problem rather than a C&C one... besides, unless you're running on Linux, there's no need at all to use DOSBox. The readthis.txt in the download explains how to run the game with VDM Sound.

Oh, and by the way... people who don't mind downloading an additional 330 mb can download the briefing movies (mind you - only the briefings, not the action FMV's) here:;38648

Guest 26-03-2005 11:32 AM

Well... That file, general.mix, I just have it, but it still doesn't work. And what is VDM? (maybe a strange question for you, but not for me).

Nyerguds 29-03-2005 12:22 PM

VDMS is a sound emulator. While DOSBox needs huge amounts of CPU to emulate an entire DOS environment, VDMSound takes hardly any CPU power at all to emulate just the sound card. Oddly enough, just this small sound card emulator is usually enough to get old games running perfectly. On my XP Pro it gets 90% of all old games running, even those that don't run at all without VDMS.

You just have to make sure the sound settings (Port, DMA and IRQ) you set in VDMS are the same that are set in the game. For C&C you can check those in the config file CONQUER.INI

About that general.mix... if it doesn't work, try this one:
file is
It doesn't have the German or French stuff though... using this file to run one of the different-language versions may crash the game.

Guest 29-03-2005 11:57 PM

Ummm Ive been having trouble installing this game on my Xp, but I found a solution, that I just thought I'd share.

Taken from site:

Hey Everyone, OK I got it working today on my XP for the first time, so thanks to the guys who made the patch file.
So to help the rest of you, this is what you got to do:
1. Explore your CD for the Setup.exe and goto the properties of the application.
2. Click the Compatability tab and select Windows95 as the compatibility.
3. Then double click the Setup.exe and instal as normal.
4. Then click the Download tab at the top of this page and click on the link and download the patch.
5. Then extract the file thipx32.dll file to the installed directry and replace the original
6. Select the C&C95.exe and goto the properties of the application.
7. Click the Compatability tab and select Windows95 as the compatibility.
8. Fianlly run the game, and presto!
This work well with the original, but I have no idea if the LAN will work. And now after so long I can re-live the good old days of Command -&- Conquer

Get the patch here

I dunno if this helps only those of us, with the original cd's or not, but I hope it helps anyway. ;)

BeefontheBone 30-03-2005 10:12 AM

That's all fine for the Gold (Win 95) version, but not relevant to the DOS version we have here AFAIK.

Nyerguds 30-03-2005 12:31 PM

yeah. Also, LAN does NOT work. the patch actively disables it because the old LAN protocols C&C's LAN multiplayer is built on are incompatible with XP's

Hunter.exe 03-04-2005 01:05 AM

:D c&c is the best startagy i have ever played oh and i have gold and it runs fine on win 98(this is with the origonal cds).

no name 05-04-2005 08:19 AM

You damn tank rushers...
cnc:generals where the first where, you did not have tank rush to win the game.

Morbid_Pathologist 05-04-2005 10:49 AM

hah, generals is a joke, you can EASILY tank rush...and its slow...and looks horrible...and has nothing to do with C&C at all (in my mind it doesnt)

you can use this app called TCP/IP ( i think thats the name) since the XP patch doesnt disable serial play you use that program...i havent tried it myself, but theres a site (on planetC&C somewhere) with the instructions...nyerguds knows...

Nyerguds 07-04-2005 07:15 PM

The app is called TCP/COM.
Full explanation on how to do it is here.

I already played C&C that way. DOS against Gold even. Worked fine.

dwarfo 08-04-2005 07:11 AM

The commad & conquer series are perfect, i mean i have an old notebook and i play command & conquer when i`m off home, it`s nice feeling when you pack out notebook out in car when going 4hours on the back seats and play even c`n`c :rifle: :blink:

paul 12-04-2005 11:21 PM

hey can i run this on xp at all

MasterP 13-04-2005 08:59 AM

The first PC strategy I played. I still have working discs too. :sneaky:

Ein_anubis 14-04-2005 11:28 PM

[font=Arial] i can play the extra missions, but not the campaign. nothing happens when i choose a side. n e 1 know how 2 fix this?

BeefontheBone 15-04-2005 12:18 AM

*sigh* read the rest of the thread...

X-guy 17-04-2005 06:05 PM

i have RA2 it's great :D i have both disks allied and soviet i can try to put it online so people can get it i dont have the expansion called yuri's revenge or the no disk patch but still, it's good. Theres a Skirmish part for people who doesn't like campaign and I can include some mods and a map made by me and also some maps from the RA2 page. If anybody wants to tell me if they want RA2 email me @ please let me know anything you want to tell me by email. Here's to the RA2 website:Red Alert 2 page

Nyerguds 18-04-2005 01:23 PM


Originally posted by Ein_anubis@Apr 15 2005, 12:28 AM
i can play the extra missions, but not the campaign. nothing happens when i choose a side. n e 1 know how 2 fix this?
Right... I'll upload a pack with a savegame of the first mission of both sides. Thaty should fix the problem.

BeefontheBone... no real solution for the problem has been given so far :ph34r:

Bob the Dinosuar 18-04-2005 09:06 PM

I noticed this was a bit late to add to the disscussion...but here's some stuff taken from wikipedia....

In 1998, Westwood was acquired by Electronic Arts (EA). In response to what they perceived as unwillingness to maintain the Westwood's brand and independence from EA's side, many long-time employees quit. Several of these went on to found Petroglyph Games. One of the last games released by Westwood, "Command & Conquer: Renegade" (an action which mixed elements from first-person shooters and real-time strategy games) failed to meet consumer expectations and commercial goals Westwood and EA had set for it. In March of 2003, Westwood Studios was closed by EA and all willing staff were absorbed into EA Los Angeles. At the time of its closure, Westwood employed more than 100 people. Their last game was the MMORPG Earth & Beyond.

Some time after the closing of Westwood Studios a new company, Petroglyph Studios, was formed consisting mainly of former Westwood employees. Some of these people include, Chris Rubyor (aka: Delphi), Adam Isgreen (lead designer of Red Alert), and Frank Klepacki (Music).

so West Wood's dead, and EA owns the copyrights.....

oh yeah and here's all the C&C games.....

List of Command & Conquer games and series

Tiberian Series
Main article: Command & Conquer: Tiberian Series
Tiberian Dawn
Covert Operations (expansion pack)
Sole Survivor
Tiberian Sun
Firestorm (expansion pack)

Red Alert Series
Main article: Command & Conquer: Red Alert
Red Alert
Counterstrike (expansion pack)
Aftermath (expansion pack)
Red Alert 2
Yuri's Revenge (expansion pack)

Generals Series
Main article: Command & Conquer: Generals
Zero Hour (expansion pack)

those aren't all in order....

but West Wood was disbanded, not just bought out...

Doubler 19-04-2005 12:36 PM

But they've left a great legacy, wouldn't you agree?

BeefontheBone 19-04-2005 01:25 PM

well, the older stuff anyway - generals and renegade were pooey

Wingman 19-04-2005 05:31 PM

Woohoo! Good ol' C&C. This site is great :ok:

Guest 23-04-2005 02:32 PM

i have downloaded and followed all the instructions on how to sue dosbox and all, but when i actuallt winzip the game the icon that flashback had is not there and when i look into the dir. it doesnt say that c&c is a directory wtf do i type helpme pls


Dino 23-04-2005 04:41 PM


Originally posted by BeefontheBone@Apr 19 2005, 02:25 PM
well, the older stuff anyway - generals and renegade were pooey
I agree that older stuff is great, original c&c remains for me one of the best games of all time! Renegade was really bad, but I can't say that generals are bad, they are actually pretty good, far better than I actually expected...

Doubler 23-04-2005 06:10 PM

I've never actually played Generals, so I can't comment on that, but Renegade was indeed seriously weak; so weak, I'd forgotten all about it, while I still have it lying around here somewhere, LOL

omg 24-04-2005 02:01 AM


Originally posted by Stroggy@Mar 12 2005, 01:51 PM
i wonder what over-the-top villain we'll get this time. I bet €5 it'll be a (soviet) woman in some tight red/black outfit :angry:

Ioncannon 24-04-2005 02:39 AM

I don't see how all of you think renegade sucked... it was a really fun game, I would waste hours playing it, I just don't understand....

Nyerguds 01-05-2005 03:05 PM


Originally posted by Guest@Apr 23 2005, 03:32 PM
i have downloaded and followed all the instructions on how to sue dosbox and all, but when i actuallt winzip the game the icon that flashback had is not there and when i look into the dir. it doesnt say that c&c is a directory wtf do i type helpme pls


The instructions included in the game don't say anything about DOSBox at all.

Christian IV 01-05-2005 03:28 PM

:ok: :ok: :ok: :ok: :ok:
Westwood was one of the very best of all the early
game companies, I keep coming back to their visuals,
the ease of interface and the great plot lines, they are
the best, I think in some ways, of most ....I havent
played the Generals series or c and c yet, so don't know
Sorry they got absorbed and disbanded.
At least we still have the games and continue to experience
them thanks to Abandonia et al.

ImmoMan 02-05-2005 10:57 PM

Heh, funny to see C&C in this list. I wouldn't call it abandonware, it's still very alive for me. And I play it regularly. Pity I lost my original DOS CDs, I only have the Gold version now... :( Anyone here have ISO images of the two DOS CDs that I can download?

Tuomo 04-05-2005 08:44 PM


Originally posted by Eagle of Fire@Dec 29 2004, 07:09 AM

I found a file nammed "Command.bat"

Could you give me a link for this file?

Guest_Vincent 05-05-2005 10:59 PM

I love Command & Conquer and hate EA mostly for what they did to Westwood. Whie I don't need this game (I have the original version and its expansion, Red Alert and both expansions, Tiberium Sun, and Red Alert 2) I'm proud that more people can play it now because of Abandonia. Good job.

DCLeadboot 18-05-2005 08:45 PM

It's a good game in itself, but I'm rapidly going off it because it is too hard!!!
I try every tactic I can on those silly set-piece missions (the ones where you have a set task and not enough troops to complete it!!)
:wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall:

I have got as far as NOD misson 7 - trying to steal some GDI helicopter and destroy a village. Either my troops are pulverised trying to get my engineers there, or the [INSERT UNREPEATABLE DEROGATORY TERM HERE] destroy my captured helipad!


DCLeadboot 18-05-2005 08:46 PM

By the way, I need some cheats that will enable me to build instant ION cannons and nukes, or something like that. A map reveal would be handy too!

Guest 06-08-2005 06:53 AM

go here for the game: Ebay
god, i love google's cache LOL. I spent hours looking for this game to complete my C&C collection.

btw, ADMINS YOU DONT HAVE TAKE IT DOWN AND SHOULDNT!!! The Internet Privacy Act signed by bill clinton says that you have the right to exclude ESA or w/e from those legally allowed to even view the site. this means that they have no right to complain if find what they dont like! They must obtain a warrant to search the site first, and they cannot use evidence (or have foreknowledge of) what is here. :w00t: :angel: :sneaky: :bye:

so just post something like this in ur homepage, and no one can complain about copyright b/s:

The Internet Privacy Act signed by Bill Clinton means that we can exclude authorization to access our site to certain individuals. We herby exclude ALL anit-piracy, corporate, legal, and law-enforcement organizations from accessing this site. We also exclude ANYONE who wishes to sue us in a civil or criminal suit now or ever. This means that if you find something here that violates the law, and you follow suit, then you are breaking the law (and illegal evidence is non-permissible in court, as the Supreme Court has made very clear in numerous cases) unless you have obtained a warrant to search this site. Such a warrant cannot legally be based on information obtained on this site (as a result of Supreme Court decesions), including this disclaimer. Therefore, we claim no responisbility for what is here and/or posted here by other members.

note that i am not a lawyer, but i am pretty damn sure that unless you put something on your site worth a twenty $20k+ lawsuit, you will have no problems.

A. J. Raffles 06-08-2005 07:59 AM


Originally posted by Guest@Aug 6 2005, 06:53 AM
The Internet Privacy Act signed by Bill Clinton means that we can exclude authorization to access our site to certain individuals.
Surely an act signed by Bill Clinton would only affect the rights of Americans?:huh: Either way, it's Kosta's decision, since he's the owner of the site, and he has said NO, so no matter what Bill Clinton did or didn't sign, don't post download links and stop this warez-talk, please.:not_ok:

Guest 06-08-2005 07:04 PM

i'm not warez talking actually, that link is from THIS site. i found it through google's cache of the page, which may be found here:
*link removed*

in any case, i am not a member of these forums, so i dont fully understand who your admins are, where they live, etc. HOWEVER, it doesnt matter where the admins live as far as the internet privacy act is concerned, it matters where the SERVER is.

i wont discuss this legal stuff any further, but i would like people to know that i think it would be VERY sad if this game were to disappear forever. it is the core of a long series of games, which has a VERY large communtity. to prove my point, check out these sites:
*links removed*

and many, many others. The C&C community is now celebrating 10 years of the game, and both WOL (EA's online service for C&C), and XWIS (XCC WOL IRC SERVER, provided by are VERY active with online gamers. I am one of them.

Edit by Tom:
Well, with so many active gamers, how can the game be lost to history?
Now stop thise warez linking.

Guest 06-08-2005 07:10 PM

btw, if the answer remains NO, then i understand. it's a pity tho... :cry:

Tom Henrik 07-08-2005 02:00 PM

Uhm... We were requested to remove the game, by the people looking out for it's copyright. It doesn't matter to us whether or not Bill Clinton gives us permission to host it. What matters to us is what the makers and copyrightholders think. If they say no, we acknowledge.

It's all a matter of respect. If you create something, you are entitled to see it dwindle off into history and get forgotten. This is your wish, and everyone else should respect that.

Guest 08-08-2005 04:28 AM


Originally posted by Tom Henrik@Aug 7 2005, 02:00 PM
Uhm... We were requested to remove the game, by the people looking out for it's copyright. It doesn't matter to us whether or not Bill Clinton gives us permission to host it. What matters to us is what the makers and copyrightholders think. If they say no, we acknowledge.

It's all a matter of respect. If you create something, you are entitled to see it dwindle off into history and get forgotten. This is your wish, and everyone else should respect that.

you obviously dont understand that the people who used to be in Westwood got unfairly bought out by EA games, which is currently doing illegal things to their employees, and using unfair tactics to force out competition in an already tough economy. The founders of westwood created this game, not EA. If you were contacted by EA, then you should not respect that. I SERIOUSLY DOUBT that Westwood's founders would want this game taken down.

In fact, many people have left EAW and formed Petroglyph. No one is going to be sad (except the @------- who are doing these things) when EA dies (and it will eventually). Go to any C&C forum and ask if they'd rather see Ra3 done by Pertoglyph than EA. Ask what they think of the online gaming and support that they have given their C&C games. I gurantee you that the poll will turn out "Petroglyph" and you may even see a few flames directed at EA. In fact, just go LOOK at a C&C forum. You'll find lots of topics there about the many crimes by EA games. I remember reading one particular insteresting note in which a top executive left EA because he was sick of what he saw :sick:.

Long story short: If you were asked to take it down by the Westwood founders (and they were not intimidated by EA), or Petroglyph, take it down. If you were asked to take it down by EA games, or EA games told you to take it down through the ESA, then don't respect it.

Guest 08-08-2005 04:30 AM

btw, i see you have replaced my link with "Ebay". Please put the link back up. Especially since EA would rather it not exist on Ebay anymore either, since as I have already stated, EA wants to get rid of all good games - for the wrong reasons.

^^Read Above^^
| | | |

Guest 08-08-2005 05:14 AM

btw, sorry for the tripple post, but i dont have another way :(

anyway, i just want to be very clear about one thing: Tiberian Dawn is never going to dwindle and be forgotten, since it is the core of the entire series except Ra1, Ra2, and YR (Ra3 is not believed to follow the Ra1 storyline, if it is ever created). After a whole decade, the C&C community is as vigorous as ever, and still growing in strength. There are thousands of community members (on forums, etc), hundreds of thousands who have (and still do) play online, and probably millions who have played the game. People are joining C&C online in large numbers. How do I know this? I've roasted their bases over and over.

Havell 08-08-2005 05:56 PM

The "Internet Privacy Act" is a Myth If it ever did exist, then it certainly wasn't signed by Bill Clinton. Anyway, like A.J. said, if it did exist, it wouldn't apply to this site anyway (the site's owner being in Croatia and the servers in The Netherlands).


Guest 08-08-2005 08:07 PM

interesting. I had seen that claim elsewhere of the IPA, and I am glad to now know the TRUTH. LOL!

Anyway, I still dont think you'd face legal consequences for releasing this game, and i think it should be left up as i have explained above, but the decision is that of the admin. I have said all i really have to say here, so the admin can now make his decision based on all the information I have provided.

So the final answer is... <waits for final answer>

A. J. Raffles 08-08-2005 08:25 PM

For God's sake, the answer will still be no. Just accept it.

Guest 08-08-2005 11:33 PM


Originally posted by A. J. Raffles@Aug 8 2005, 08:25 PM
For God's sake, the answer will still be no. Just accept it.
so be it.

dont get pissed at me. i'm just doing what i thought was right. I have no more to say.

Coganthegreat 13-08-2005 03:21 PM

I cant get past the commando mission for GDI. :wall: The special ops missions are hard as crap.

skittles04 19-10-2005 07:35 AM

dose any one know how to get skirmish mode on c&c p5 i gots a p256 running windows 98se i am running the windows version of c&c or in other words c&c95 and can't seem to find the skirmish mode no where .... how the hell do i get it ...oh btw so u all know incase u r woundering the story line behind the c&c games is like this redalert is the prequal and then it gose c&c then tiberium sun then red alert 2 then genrals then red alert 3 wich is atm still in development ...LOL take it from me i know im a c&c fanatic or a zelot even ....LOL LONG LIVE THE WORLD OF C&C :Titan: :sniper:

The Fifth Horseman 19-10-2005 08:50 AM

Skirmish was introduced in Red Alert. First C&C didn't have one.

laiocfar 19-10-2005 12:53 PM

There is going to be another C&C?

SupSuper 19-10-2005 03:05 PM


Originally posted by laiocfar@Oct 19 2005, 01:53 PM
There is going to be another C&C?
Yes, Red Alert 3:
Though it's being developed by EA so I wouldn't get my hopes up.

laiocfar 20-10-2005 03:03 AM

I didn´t like C/C toomuch but played it like insane, anyway, EA has done good strategy games, i liked Shogun and their ea´s coppies like Medieval or Rome

SupSuper 20-10-2005 07:22 PM


Originally posted by laiocfar@Oct 20 2005, 04:03 AM
I didn´t like C/C toomuch but played it like insane, anyway, EA has done good strategy games, i liked Shogun and their ea´s coppies like Medieval or Rome
The question isn't if it'll be a good strategy game, but rather if it'll be a good C&C game. Generals was a good strategy game. However there was hardly any connection to C&C: not in the story, not in the gameplay, not in the interface, etc. In the end it just had "C&C" for marketing purposes.

In C&C the key was always speed, you didn't have any upgrades or anything, you had a constant sidebar on the right to quickly deploy buildings and units and didn't need any special commands to capture buildings, everything was straightforward. That's what makes it different from other strategy games. Generals is a different, slower game, like Age of Empires or some such.

laiocfar 21-10-2005 12:10 AM


In C&C the key was always speed, you didn't have any upgrades or anything, you had a constant sidebar on the right to quickly deploy buildings and units and didn't need any special commands to capture buildings, everything was straightforward.
......if they do something similar to the Total War series (shogun and others)..... nope, not a goood C&C game but maybe a nice game :bleh:

skittles04 21-10-2005 02:41 AM


Originally posted by laiocfar@Oct 21 2005, 12:10 AM

In C&C the key was always speed, you didn't have any upgrades or anything, you had a constant sidebar on the right to quickly deploy buildings and units and didn't need any special commands to capture buildings, everything was straightforward.
......if they do something similar to the Total War series (shogun and others)..... nope, not a goood C&C game but maybe a nice game :bleh:

LOL even tho C&C had its cons its pros outway them a million to one ... yes the acting was pathetic and the graphics for its time were second rate .... but still it was a good game ... im tryin to build the whole c&c collection and then wen i get my p4 built i am gunna install the whole lot ... just for the hell of it ... i have god only knows how many c&c desk top themes not to mention the action figures they sell now ..... LOL any spear chance i got wen i finnished paying bills and $**t i always go on ebay and buy some c&c collectables.

laiocfar 27-10-2005 11:28 AM

No ebay no, if u can´t pay they take a piece of fleash from u and they keep your soul too! :twisted:

Blood-Pigggy 27-10-2005 11:35 PM


Originally posted by skittles04+Oct 20 2005, 09:41 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (skittles04 @ Oct 20 2005, 09:41 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-laiocfar@Oct 21 2005, 12:10 AM

In C&C the key was always speed, you didn't have any upgrades or anything, you had a constant sidebar on the right to quickly deploy buildings and units and didn't need any special commands to capture buildings, everything was straightforward.
......if they do something similar to the Total War series (shogun and others)..... nope, not a goood C&C game but maybe a nice game :bleh:

LOL even tho C&C had its cons its pros outway them a million to one ... yes the acting was pathetic and the graphics for its time were second rate .... but still it was a good game ... im tryin to build the whole c&c collection and then wen i get my p4 built i am gunna install the whole lot ... just for the hell of it ... i have god only knows how many c&c desk top themes not to mention the action figures they sell now ..... LOL any spear chance i got wen i finnished paying bills and $**t i always go on ebay and buy some c&c collectables. [/b][/quote]
I actually think the Total War games are several times better than the C&C games (especially Rome) but that's what I think.

P.S. Graphics for it's time second-rate? Are you insane? C&C had great graphics for it's age.

Nyerguds 18-12-2005 10:18 AM

Well, compared to Warcraft 2 they DID miss out on SVGA...

Why isn't this page linked to its info page anymore?! :cry:


Originally posted by laiocfar@Oct 20 2005, 04:03 AM
I didn´t like C/C toomuch but played it like insane, anyway, EA has done good strategy games, i liked Shogun and their ea´s coppies like Medieval or Rome
Get this in your head dammit... C&C is NOT, I repeat, NOT an EA game. It's made by WESTWOOD :ranting:

SupSuper 18-12-2005 05:46 PM


Originally posted by Nyerguds@Dec 18 2005, 11:18 AM
Well, compared to Warcraft 2 they DID miss out on SVGA...
The Gold version featured SVGA graphics.

Nyerguds 07-01-2006 07:43 AM

That one was made after Red Alert. In '95,when C&C was released, it DID miss SVGA.

And why isn't this topic linked to the game info? :(

Tom Henrik 07-01-2006 02:38 PM

Good question. No idea, but will look into it. :ok:

gufu1992 07-01-2006 07:06 PM

The good:
Awesome intro's and movies between missions
Nothing but agresion(though you still got harvey's)
(C&C and TS only)-Interesting lifeforms such as vesceroids
Interesting side's
Easy to MOD
Good music

The bad:
graphics aren't very well made
Generals aren't real C&C game!

Tom Henrik 07-01-2006 08:12 PM

The linking has been fixed now, thanks to Kosta :ok:

Rodolfo 25-01-2006 12:06 AM

hola soy de chile, este juego es muy bueno, deberia estar la version para windows 95, tiene mejor resolucion y todo, ojala lo pongan

lo busco hace tiempo y no lo puedo encontrar

Master MC 25-01-2006 12:11 AM

Please, speak a language I understand...

Guest 18-02-2006 07:41 AM

so can i download the game from here?

Eagle of Fire 18-02-2006 08:37 AM

The answer is no.

Guest 18-02-2006 03:06 PM

deem :not_ok:

SupSuper 18-02-2006 03:16 PM


Originally posted by Rodolfo@Jan 25 2006, 01:06 AM
hola soy de chile, este juego es muy bueno, deberia estar la version para windows 95, tiene mejor resolucion y todo, ojala lo pongan

lo busco hace tiempo y no lo puedo encontrar

"Hi I'm from Chile, this is a very good game, the version for Windows 95 should be up, it has better resolution and everything, I hope you put it up.

I've been looking for it for a long time but can't find it."

gregor 23-02-2006 06:47 AM

I have two questions. Was playing C&C gold and:

1. what is the purpose of commando in last NOD mission? he can't get off from that small island...

2. why could i use the nuke only once? why it didn't recharge? it just dissapeared from the right side... if you can use it only once any tips where the best use would be?

it's stupid that NOD dont' have any transport available (like GDI has APC) for engineers...

Army equiped with latest technology available gets stopped by sandbags :D

Doubler 23-02-2006 11:43 AM

1: You propably had to blow up something with it. Really, I don't remember that mission too well...
Wait. Was the last NOD mission not that one where you had to destroy three GDI bases? I can't remember a commando unit in it... :blink:

2: It's single use only. Sometimes you can cripple the enemy with it (Destroying the vehicle factory and construction yard), but if I'm right that's not the case in the campaign. Imho you should use it to injure the enemy defense as much as possible just before your assualt. :)
I always thought it quite useless compared to the ion cannon.

gregor 24-02-2006 05:25 AM

ugh... yes basically there are 3 bases. one is not defended. you start on an island and later oyu get another construction yard unit to go across.

the funny thing is that computer leads his units to the coats as if he wanted to get across but he can't. also the funny thing is that commando is also on some sort of island with a church. there is an icon showing that you can blow up the church (it has money inside) yet the commando is reluctant to do it.

hmm then nuke is very inneficient because computer builds his defences quickly. it's more efficient to capture the non defended base first and then you get helipads with apache helicopter. not as efficient as Orca, yet very usefull for defences or killing the harvester.

the biggest problem is that NOD doesn't have any vehicle in which you could transport your engineers. so they are not that usefull. in fact most units on their side are crap. Red Alert was much more balanced.

and one more thing: if only computer wouldn't be cheating and if only you weren't on defense while you are on ofence. :blink:

Eagle of Fire 24-02-2006 06:42 AM


in fact most units on their side are crap. Red Alert was much more balanced.

Nod is the strongest side, especially in multiplayer. And Red Alert more balanced than C&C? I'm going to laugh so hard again it will hurt! :roflol:

You just made my day. Talk about newbie talk. :)

gregor 24-02-2006 08:20 AM

i was talking about campaign missions not multiplayer.

Doubler 24-02-2006 04:51 PM

Anyway, I always finished those last missions by using obelisks as offensive weaponry :D
Always a wonderfull sight when you deploy one at the enemy base ^_^

Iirc you don't have money troubles in that last assignment :)

Eagle of Fire 24-02-2006 09:31 PM

The only missions I had a problem with, as NOD, were those stupid kamikaze, unit only based missions. All the rest was easy, even easier than GDI. You just need to know how to play them, they are really the opposite of the GDI.

Blood-Pigggy 24-02-2006 09:42 PM

I enjoyed the unit only missions.
I never had a problem with them.
But I did hate the "Defend the base" missions.

gufu1992 25-02-2006 03:48 PM

You meant C&C siege

Cordless 27-02-2006 05:07 AM

How Would I go about getting this game I miss it bad and it isn't sold anymore..

gregor 27-02-2006 05:13 AM

it is still available on number of sites on the internet. just do a quick search and i am sure you will find something...

i would post you the site here but we are not allowed to spread warez. :bye:

Guest 17-03-2006 12:24 PM

Umm... It's being sold again, in the $40 The First Decade collection pack. Well, the Win95 version of the game anyway.

The collection sucks though. They just slapped em together on one DVD without testing anything >_<
Loads of bugs in it.

cybermarc22 17-03-2006 10:53 PM

All C&C games are great specially the first C&C. I had when it was for sale and it is one of the best games in abandonia!

moogle 17-03-2006 11:15 PM

Hehe, I still have mine :)

_M@gno 21-03-2006 04:41 PM

This is my favourite strategy game! I still have the original Macintosh version (the 2 CD's) but my Mac doesn't work... so I can't play it anymore :cry:

gregor 21-03-2006 06:52 PM

well all i can say is search the abandonware ring.

sometimes you can find what you need. afterall this is a CLASSIC GAME. and that is what you need. ;)

DCLeadboot 15-05-2006 03:42 PM

Please! Doesn't anybody know any cheats at all? Just one tiny nuke, please! :cry:

gregor 15-05-2006 07:58 PM

i dont' know about the cheats, but there are a couple of trainers available on the net. with them you can boost the money.

snake289 27-05-2006 05:32 PM

i need cheats has well C&C is HARD!!!

The Fifth Horseman 29-05-2006 11:54 AM

AFAIK, there are no cheat codes for C&C.

gregor 29-05-2006 12:24 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(snake289 @ May 27 2006, 05:32 PM) [snapback]232588[/snapback]</div>

i need cheats has well C&C is HARD!!!
you can find trainers on the net.

Guest 01-06-2006 09:36 AM

I am sorry but C&C are still being sold by EA just look at the C&C First Decade!!!

The Fifth Horseman 02-06-2006 02:28 PM

Yes, that's true.

So, did you check your eyesight recently?
We have a buy-link for this game, not a download-link.

Guest 23-06-2006 03:15 PM

how do i get CNC 95 to work, ive got the game but it wont work on my UbEr_[]DrO windows XP :S

The Fifth Horseman 23-06-2006 03:18 PM

There are a couple things you might want to try, starting with Compatibility modes. Right-click on the executable, [Properties]->[Compatibility]. Try experimenting with that.

Guest 20-07-2006 11:46 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(gregor @ Feb 23 2006, 07:47 AM) [snapback]209664[/snapback]</div>

I have two questions. Was playing C&C gold and:

1. what is the purpose of commando in last NOD mission? he can't get off from that small island...

2. why could i use the nuke only once? why it didn't recharge? it just dissapeared from the right side... if you can use it only once any tips where the best use would be?
1. You can capture Transport Helicopters with engineers. There's one on the starting island. Capture it and you can save the Commando
Also, to blow up the church, first move the commando straight south of it.

2. It DOES wipe out an entire BASE, you know... just make sure you destroy the CY in the north base and the CY in the lower right corner and you can permanently annihilate the southern base with it.

Best target is the middle of the base, so you take out both the refinery, the Adv comm center and the power plants to the south of it.

Well, either that or the War Fact, Refinery, barracks and some power. But then you still got that pesky ion cannon.

Nyerguds 20-07-2006 11:47 AM

ahh, sorry... that was me ^ :P

Eagle of Fire 20-07-2006 03:57 PM


2. why could i use the nuke only once? why it didn't recharge? it just dissapeared from the right side... if you can use it only once any tips where the best use would be?
Nukes work strangely. The immediate area around the blast is the place the least damage will be dealt, and the medium to the long ring is where the damage will be heavy.

Keeping this in mind, you can blow up about any building in the game in one hit. You only need to aim well and scale the explosion accordingly. Unless I'm mistaken, you can even destroy command centers this way... And it's the only way to destroy a command center in one hit in the whole game..!

The Fifth Horseman 21-07-2006 02:39 PM


Nukes work strangely. The immediate area around the blast is the place the least damage will be dealt, and the medium to the long ring is where the damage will be heavy.[/b]
And that's the same as in real world, too.

ocoloco 08-12-2006 05:07 PM

i 've got two questions,

i have the old c&c win95 version

i got it running in XP with the patch and win95 mode

1. how can i run the funpark extra missions? i don't know how or where to place the funpark parameter in windows XP, i don't use dosbox or anything else

2. is there anyone who has a complete overview of the missions?

i got this so far;

1. estonia

2. estonia

3. latvia

4a. poland warzaw (find crate)

4b. poland bialystok (protect the village)

4c. belarus (find crate)

5a. germany hannover

5b. germany dresden

5c ukraine ......

5d ukraine kiev

6 czech ostrava


Potatoe 08-12-2006 06:49 PM

Make shortcut to the excecutable. The you have to put something like -cd -funpark after the target in to the target box. More info at , or some other site... Google it.

laiocfar 08-12-2006 09:02 PM

In GDI campaing you move from Estonia trough central and oriental Europe and end somewhere in balkans? I am not sure about it, long since i dont play it.
NOD brothers should move from north Africa to south until destroy GDI´s superweapons.

Luso 13-02-2007 05:00 PM

first is dune second is C&C

C&C is best then Dune but Dune was the first so, C&C is the continuation :)

Eagle of Fire 14-02-2007 07:02 AM

Actually, Dune was a Strategy/Adventure game based on the movie. Dune 2 is the RTS prequel to all other. C&C is not at all the continuation of Dune 2, but a new game altogether with another story completely separated from Dune 2.

If you said that because of the review, I suggest you re-read it carefully again.

The Fifth Horseman 14-02-2007 03:58 PM


Dune 2 is the RTS prequel to all other[/b]
Disputable at the very least.
Consider that Final Frontier was published in 1987.
While Dune 2 may have ignited the RTS boom, it was not even the first RTS which Westwood had their hands in developing (Battletech: Crescent Hawks' Revenge scoops that prize).

Cosmonaut_Roger 14-02-2007 08:59 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(the_fifth_horseman @ Feb 14 2007, 04:58 PM) [snapback]279238[/snapback]</div>


Dune 2 is the RTS prequel to all other[/b]
Disputable at the very least.
Consider that Final Frontier was published in 1987.
While Dune 2 may have ignited the RTS boom, it was not even the first RTS which Westwood had their hands in developing (Battletech: Crescent Hawks' Revenge scoops that prize).
I'm going to have to one up you there and mention The Ancient Art of War
It came out in 84 or so, way back when, and I think its regarded as an RTS.

Command and Conquer. A classic. I used to love to use cheats and build a massive army of grenade troops that filled the whole screen, and then send them off to attack a base. Hilarity ensues.

Nyerguds 15-02-2007 08:10 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Potatoe @ Dec 8 2006, 07:49 PM) [snapback]270915[/snapback]</div>

Make shortcut to the excecutable. The you have to put something like -cd -funpark after the target in to the target box. More info at , or some other site... Google it.
Just "funpark". Forget about the -cd thing, it's meant to run the game without CD, so that won't work unless you got the First Decade setup where all files are on your hard disk.

As for the -cd parameter... the syntax is
C&C95.EXE -cddirectory to use as CD

C&C95.EXE -cdC:\Games\CNC_CD
--> uses "C:\Games\CNC_CD"

C&C95.EXE -cdcovert
--> uses subdirectory "covert" in your C&C directory

C&C95.EXE -cd.
--> the dot is the DOS notation for "current directory". This makes it look for the CD files in the C&C directory.

Note that just C&C95.EXE -cd without anything behind it simply DOESN'T DO ANYTHING. If you run it like that the game will still ask for a CD.

Also note that if you don't have the C&C files in the specified folder OR your C&C game folder, the game will most likely crash or hang when it doesn't find its files.

Guest 31-08-2007 08:00 PM

Hey, command and conquer is free now you know. Its available for free download on, so im going to guess they wouldnt mind if you put it up for download here too :D

Sebatianos 31-08-2007 08:41 PM

Can you be a bit more specific? All I can see are different patches and files connected to C&C, but I cann't see the acctual game to be released as freeware - so sorry (unless you can really prove it - I'd be very happy if you could).

Doubler 31-08-2007 11:00 PM

I guess he's talking about EA handing out C&C for free to celebrate its 12th anniversary:

I'm not entirely sure what this does with it's status. I'm guessing further liscencing info may provided with the ISO downloads. :unsure:
I'd love to see this back up on AB/AR :brain:

Sebatianos 01-09-2007 10:30 AM

Seems interesting indeed! This would be (if nothing else a great edition to the ISO cellar!

Nyerguds 01-09-2007 10:24 PM

The ISO's are put online straight away, bare ISO downloads, no readmes, disclaimers or anything, so I'm guessing this means it's freeware now...

It should certainly mean the old DOS version download should be put back on Abadonia now, IMO :P

Dogwolf 02-09-2007 10:37 AM

This is pure gaming GOLD

Westwood Was Good 09-09-2007 12:50 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Guest @ Aug 31 2007, 09:00 PM) [snapback]308073[/snapback]</div>

Hey, command and conquer is free now you know. Its available for free download on, so im going to guess they wouldnt mind if you put it up for download here too :D
That is exactly what I had in mind. Please get DOS version up again :kosta:

I have been searching a lot for a non Windows version, but I only found a German one which I do not like because of the cyborgs and stuff. Many thanks in advance.

gufu1992 09-09-2007 01:29 AM

I want to see the cyborgs...

Dave 09-09-2007 10:59 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Westwood Was Good @ Sep 9 2007, 02:50 AM) [snapback]309815[/snapback]</div>

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Guest @ Aug 31 2007, 09:00 PM) [snapback]308073[/snapback]

Hey, command and conquer is free now you know. Its available for free download on, so im going to guess they wouldnt mind if you put it up for download here too :D
That is exactly what I had in mind. Please get DOS version up again :kosta:
No no and no.
Don't ask it again...the game seems available only for run and download it at westwood official site as soon as you can :)

Nyerguds 15-09-2007 05:44 AM

Nonsense. There aren't any disclaimers anywhere around the download that prohibit sharing, so this means the game is freeware now. Dozens of other sites are already mirroring these CD images, too.

Dave 15-09-2007 12:26 PM

We won't host it until the situation won't be clear.

Moonypond 16-09-2007 05:23 AM

The game is only available for September so won't that mean at the end of September it's not freeware?
The game is still being sold under the TFD pack.

Dave 16-09-2007 10:21 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Moonypond @ Sep 16 2007, 07:23 AM) [snapback]311132[/snapback]</div>

The game is only available for September so won't that mean at the end of September it's not freeware?
The game is still being sold under the TFD pack.
Sure, that's what I was trying to say :)
So guys, please don't ask it again.

From the official site: Did you know for the month of September you can download the original Command & Conquer 95 for free? CLICK HERE!

Guest 01-10-2007 05:08 PM

It will be up till October 3rd. Download it. After that, it won't 'officially' be free anymore.

--puzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzabug--

scarslilpyro 02-10-2007 03:09 AM

Are you referring to the very first one?

Guest 03-10-2007 09:47 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Guest @ Oct 1 2007, 06:08 PM) [snapback]314168[/snapback]</div>

It will be up till October 3rd. Download it. After that, it won't 'officially' be free anymore.[/b]
This is not true. EA is removing it from their servers because of the bandwidth strain. However, the many sites that are still mirorring the CD images CAN CONTINUE TO DO SO.

This means that C&C1 is now freeware, and you can safely put back the download on Abandonia.

gregor 03-10-2007 11:28 AM

if that's true that's fantastic!!! Although as Freeware it will probably end up on Reloaded
I wonder what will be next (since they asked us to stay tuned). I was thinking Red Alert, since they are not that much different in graphics.

btw - anyone knows how to use the trainers for C&C Gold as they don't seem to work at all under WinXP (catching the wrong memory).

Dave 03-10-2007 04:02 PM

The game is still sold in two different packages:

The Command & Conquer Saga with the following titles:

-- Command & Conquer™ (Aug. 1995)
-- Command & Conquer The Covert Operations™ (April 1996)
-- Command & Conquer Red Alert™ (Oct 1996)
-- Command & Conquer Red Alert Counterstrike™ (Mar. 1997)
-- Command & Conquer Red Alert™ The Aftermath™ (Sept. 1997)
-- Command & Conquer™ Tiberian Sun™ (Aug 1999)
-- Command & Conquer™ Tiberian Sun™ Firestorm (Feb. 2000)
-- Command & Conquer Red Alert™ 2 (Oct. 2000)
-- Command & Conquer™ Red Alert™ Yuri’s Revenge™ (Oct. 2001)
-- Command & Conquer Renegade™ (Feb. 2002)
-- Command & Conquer™ Generals (Feb. 2003)
-- Command & Conquer™ Generals Zero Hour (Sept. 2003)
-- Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars™(Mar 2007)

For $49.99.

And Command & Conquer: The First Decade

Sold = not freeware/ way to put it on site now.

gregor 04-10-2007 06:33 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(David86 @ Oct 3 2007, 04:02 PM) [snapback]314479[/snapback]</div>

The game is still sold in two different packages:

Sold = not freeware/ way to put it on site now.
Unless of course Westwood alows the linking to their downloads... But we have to wait and see if they will keep allowing the copying of the game -which would effectivelly make it abandonware - i.e. no support and publisher doesn't mind someone is copying it (wont' prosecute the person for sharing the game for free instead of selling it). I believe that would be the grey area Abandonware sites strive to. That basically no one with copyright minds if the game is copied.

As for bundles - well i am sure there are a couple more games here that are offered as a part of the package.

The Fifth Horseman 04-10-2007 06:39 AM

If the publisher releases a game as freeware, it doesn't matter whether it is sold or not. Vide Electro Man - still sold @ epicclassics, but released as freeware some time ago.

Dave 04-10-2007 09:44 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(the_fifth_horseman @ Oct 4 2007, 08:39 AM) [snapback]314534[/snapback]</div>

If the publisher releases a game as freeware, it doesn't matter whether it is sold or not.
Sure, but AFAIK Westwood (EA games) didn't release Command & Conquer as Freeware, this is the point.
Until that we can't allow a download. (or until a permission)

DeathDude 04-10-2007 01:36 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(David86 @ Oct 4 2007, 03:44 AM) [snapback]314570[/snapback]</div>

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(the_fifth_horseman @ Oct 4 2007, 08:39 AM) [snapback]314534[/snapback]

If the publisher releases a game as freeware, it doesn't matter whether it is sold or not.
Sure, but AFAIK Westwood (EA games) didn't release Command & Conquer as Freeware, this is the point.
Until that we can't allow a download. (or until a permission)

Yeah originally C&C was released as a limited distributed freeware title for September, when it goes down from the EA servers then we will see what happens, plus if it is mentioned by EA that other third party sites will allow the game for download (need a quote pretty much) then at that point it could be considered freeware.

kmonster 04-10-2007 05:44 PM

I don't see what's beneficial in making C&C available for download on this site. Just adding a link to a site which legally offers the download will provide those who want the game the chance to get it without having to bother about legal issues. Better save your time and bandwith for gems which aren't obtainable elsewhere.

Nyerguds 05-10-2007 04:24 AM

The version on the site here isn't only a different and older version of the game (not the Win95 version but the 100%-ignored-by-EA-and-totally-not-sold-anymore original DOS version), it's also in three languages.

So for people who might want to see the REAL original C&C1, and/or play the game in French or German, this is a pretty nice download.

Also, it's a 'lite' version without the videos or music. Not everyone can spare the bandwidth to download about a gigabyte of ISOs.

Guest 07-10-2007 02:22 PM

Maybe somebody should ask permission(or see if the game is freeware now) from EA to host the DOS version......

_r.u.s.s. 07-10-2007 02:26 PM

there was this discussion on forums, if they allow us we will if they wont we wont

Steeltemplar 07-10-2007 08:44 PM

C&C was the first RTS that I ever played. It was a love-hate relationship to be certain. I loved the music and some of the action. Playing that one mission as the commando was awesome. However, certain things did frustrate me to no end. The main thing was that if I left some soldiers in a place and did not check up on them every few seconds, the enemy would often come by and massacre them while they just stood around. Aaarrgh!

gufu1992 08-10-2007 02:14 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Steeltemplar @ Oct 7 2007, 08:44 PM) [snapback]315136[/snapback]</div>

C&C was the first RTS that I ever played. It was a love-hate relationship to be certain. I loved the music and some of the action. Playing that one mission as the commando was awesome. However, certain things did frustrate me to no end. The main thing was that if I left some soldiers in a place and did not check up on them every few seconds, the enemy would often come by and massacre them while they just stood around. Aaarrgh!
This ain't any ol' RTS - you need 10 people for basic RTS unit.

_r.u.s.s. 08-10-2007 06:38 AM

you mean that its not real time strateggy? o_O

Dave 08-10-2007 11:41 AM

Please go ahead gufu :huh:

gufu1992 08-10-2007 05:43 PM

I mean what this isn't you standard RTS - you need here few 100's of troops to win a skrimish.

WARNING:C&C Tiberium Dawn is a FREEWARE!
It is completely legal to download it from anywhere for free - it's only not avalible at EA servers because they crashed.

Thats what I know...

DeathDude 08-10-2007 06:22 PM

Until EA puts out a press release or some sort of definitive statement that can be quoted, that says that other sites can keep the large downloads up, and it is okay on their behalf, then it can be considered freeware. ;) It was considered a limited download for September and was stated by EA at the time, so hence this is why C&C has this tricky status atm.

gufu1992 08-10-2007 07:17 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(DeathDude @ Oct 8 2007, 06:22 PM) [snapback]315299[/snapback]</div>

Until EA puts out a press release or some sort of definitive statement that can be quoted, that says that other sites can keep the large downloads up, and it is okay on their behalf, then it can be considered freeware. ;) It was considered a limited download for September and was stated by EA at the time, so hence this is why C&C has this tricky status atm.
You do not deny what C&C fan say...
I know what it's untill september - but I just read what it's only avalible n EA's server in september.
Let me find the exact quote...


In a short note: Few days ago, I said in a recent news that after october 1st (and then october 3rd) you wouldn't be able to download TD legally anymore, but I totally missed the point. You won't be able to download it from EA servers because the download exploded their bandwidth, but downloading it from other places is still legal.[/b]
The place where it was found:here

Warning - Banshee (The guy who posted this) has full contacts to predator (EA C&C relations guy).
Basicly: EA > Predator > Banshee

Another, more official web-site:here too!

DeathDude 08-10-2007 08:09 PM

Gotta check out all sources for these sorts of thing, with freeware sometimes its a tricky realm with commercial based titles (oh and btw I'm a administrator at AR aka Abandonia Reloaded where we host and showcase freeware games. ;)) Hence why need to be pretty sure, before someone starts reviewing it for example and then later something comes up where EA says okay everything C&C related comes down (Hopefully that doesn't happen)

Looks like it may be a go then to be showecased. :)

gufu1992 08-10-2007 08:30 PM

Those are both official C&C News sources. They can be believed. :)

Guest 17-10-2007 06:44 PM

Regarding c&c gold,
There was a reply from the c&c3 community manager APOC on the EA forums today:

"I have received a couple e-mails on this matter and have not yet replied with an answer.

So here it is, yes it is freeware now. Many hundreds of sites have it available from the files that were hosted on our official site which I am finally removing today. I sneakily just kept them up there for a while but now since many sites have it, its no longer necessary.

I assume that is the answer you guys were looking for. I don't think i'm having a fit about it :)


If c&c gold is truly freeware, shouldnt c&c95 dos be freeware too? If so abandonia should allow a free download of the game...

Dave 17-10-2007 06:55 PM

If it's true you'll see C&C on Abandonia/Abandonia Reloaded soon...could you post a link please?

Nyerguds 18-10-2007 07:21 PM

Actually, my question was "Is command & Conquer 1 freeware now?"

In that case, DOS C&C should be included.

Anyway, you can count it as abandonware from the moment WW released C&C95 anyway, and since C&C95 is freeware now, there should be no legal problems whatsoever with the DOS version.

DeathDude 18-10-2007 07:36 PM

From the sounds of it, it looks like just the version that was released in September would be freeware, I'm not entirely positive that would include the other versions, since it was just said the version that was hosted is freeware.

Nyerguds 18-10-2007 07:55 PM

Oh come on... EA acts as if the DOS version never existed. They even literally called C&C95 "the classic that started it all", while C&C95 was actually released in '97, even AFTER Red Alert 1.

The game is 100% the same except for the screen resolution anyway.

gufu1992 18-10-2007 07:59 PM

We're talking EA here... they know what no one is going to try to find the game in store (thus they don't provide it there), and buy pack only for it.

Nyerguds 18-10-2007 08:06 PM

Honestly, it's really REALLY simple. It is the SAME GAME. The games are 100% identical except for the screen resolution, and it is obvious EA sees them as the same game anyway.

After all, they released C&C95 to give people "the classic that started it all". I can't see any harm in giving people the REAL one.

I only uploaded the DOS version to Abandonia because of the vintage feel of playing it in 320x200. I could just as well have made a C&C95 pack back then (in fact, I had), but I thought the real original deserved its place here at Abandonia more than the hi-res version.

Not to mention, the DOS version has LOADS less problems running on modern operating systems.

When the First Decade pack was released, I also made a DOS C&C addon for it. It was really popular and EA never minded about it.
(Heck, how could they? I fixed about 80% of their C&C1 and RA1-related problems in TFD. They used my fixes & suggestions in their official patches <_< )

gregor 19-10-2007 09:11 AM

i think Nyerguds is right. we should put the dos version back and give link to Windows edition...

Afterall if one is "freeware" then so is the other - story, characters, graphics, music, sounds etc. and everyhting else that might be protected considering gameplay was released (well except the code itself).

Nyerguds 19-10-2007 03:51 PM

And even the code is the same... it's just a port of the same code to run natively in Windows, with an increased resolution as an added bonus.

I've been hex editing the exe files of both versions for years (it's the only way to mod the game), and the internal data is pretty much exactly the same.

Also, I think the reason EA isn't releasing the source code of the game is quite simply because they never had it. Must've gotten lost when they took over Westwood.

Dave 22-10-2007 11:15 AM

From official site:
We were excited to giveaway the original Command & Conquer to all C&C fans around the world during this celebration. We will no longer be hosting the files here on our official site but if you wish to download it, we strongly encourage you visit any of our fans sites in the links section on our official site here, or such as sites as, to obtain the files.

We look forward to the 13th anniversary of Command & Conquer, thank you for your undying support!

The Command & Conquer Team

I think we can finally consider it Freeware :)

gregor 22-10-2007 01:27 PM

see! i told you so!!!! :-P Looking forward to seeing it on Reloded - original DOS as well as 95 version (at least a link to this one)


just finished the GDI campaign... first time without cheating. final mission was like hot knife through butter...

I mean i basically parked my MCV next to their base (just far enough form obelisk to reach it. then i sandbagged them in, stole their ore, created an attack squad while smashing the obelisks using ion cannon (i also replaced the obelisk with a sandbag). the helplessness of the brotherhood was apperant. a few airstrikes later i erased that CHEATER of the map.

now it's time for nods, although I HATE their missions! mostly tactics as i remember and less strategy. i really don't like those commando mission and those missions when you get only a couple of units to smash the enemy... i like to build and to create my own base. my own defence system. so maybe i will try multiplayer instead.

i would only like to see the videos form NOD, so if there is a site where they have some savegames a link would be appreciated. I once found the site for Red Alert that had all the stuff like that but i can't find it anymore... :-(

Dave 24-10-2007 03:11 PM

@Admins/Updaters: Do you think we could provide a download link?
Or we should wait Kosta?

The Fifth Horseman 24-10-2007 03:41 PM

The admin controls for main site (including the OW list) are still down. We have no other course but to wait.

Guest 25-10-2007 08:50 AM

Bit of a tip, dunno if anyone has posted this yet but with C&C before you kill off the comp on the mission let the tiberium/err ore grow wild.. and harvest it!
The more $ you have at the end of a map carrys over to the next map
example 1000 as 100, 2000 as 200 ect..
and look for the bonus boxes on some maps for extra $
hope this helps ^_^

gregor 25-10-2007 09:23 AM

Well according ot the news on the site, there will be no updates for now...

yeah mining extra pays off.

later on you can invest that money for best defencive "weapons" (like sandbag). :D

Nyerguds 26-10-2007 08:01 AM

@guest: Unless the next mission turns out to be one without a base... then you went through all that trouble for nothing :P

@Gregor: Learn to beat the game without exploiting the AI weaknesses, plz -_-

gregor 26-10-2007 08:09 AM

beating game is finding the AI weakness and use it. :D
liek for exampelthat he will attack the northermost building and then planting him a turret to attack it...

anyway Red Alert has this solved a bit. but i still haven't finished the last missions without extra cash from trainers. mostly because i wasn't familliar with events that will take place.

same here... my base defences were still quite good. i had probelms only in last mission... so i sandbagged them...

basically i knwo that the problem i had before is because i valued Orkas (and in RA other air units) too much while the bulk of force should be infantry and tanks. i lost too many air units before and so i had low cash flow...

resources are still quite limited and most of all this game is sort of race who will get Tiberium faster. only that computer cheats..

Nyerguds 26-10-2007 09:11 AM

The northern building thing isn't really correct..
First of all, it's the northern unit or building. Doesn't matter which it is.
Secondly, this only applies to airstrikes and units set to Hunt mode.
If you take superweapons, for example, they do a threat assesment. Nod will always use the nuke on either the Advanced comm center or the base defenses. GDI will target the ion cannon at base defenses, in this order: Obelisk, SAM, turret.

This means you can outwit the Ion Cannon by building one SAM site as decoy (it doesn't get destroyed by the ion cannon unless it's opened) and using blocks of 4 turrets instead of building Obelisks. Sure, it costs more, but it kills anything :)

Oh, and note that sandbagging doesn't work in RA1.. the units destroy any walls in their way. And you can't build structures on sandbags in RA1 either.

Eagle of Fire 27-10-2007 02:10 AM

You can one shot a GDI factory with a NOD nuclear strike if you aim it right, and you can usually win an attack against NOD bases in singleplayer by taking out the power plants first. :)

Ion Cannon can one shot Sam Sites and Obelisks of Light. Very usefull to know.

A very common multiplayer strategy is to build an APC carrying two Engineers and (usualy) three Miniguners. Make sure the Engineers get in first and last. You want to surprise them with an Engineer ASAP once you get there if that's possible, and if he dies then the Minigunners will cover fire for the second Engineer to hopefully capture something so you can build directly in his base (capturing a rafinery this early is often gameover).

When you capture Rafineries it's always better to time your attack so the ennemy Harvester is in the Rafinery. Capturing the building at that time let you capture the Harvester at the same time.

In multiplayer you can build Transport Helicopters and Commandos. If the ennemy is at the very top of the screen, you can try to "stealth" your way in with the Helicopter. Send it at the very top square at the other side of the map and then send the Helicopter on a square on the top of the map in the ennemy base. Only the shadow of the Helicopter will be visible and it won't appear on radar. Surprise!

There is a cheap bug in the unpatched version. When you sell units such as Rafineries or Silos, you get money for the amount of Tiberium left in the building but it still get transfered back to your other building. Build several Silos and then just keep building and selling them making sure they never get full. Endless cash supply without the use of cheat codes.

Try to micromanage your harvesters so they always leave at least one spot of tiberium at each patch they harvest. By the time they get to the tree or to the furthest patches, the nearest patches should have grown back enough for one full load.

Hotkey "x" scatter your squad randomly... :whistling:

Miniguners owns Bazooka men.
Grenadiers owns Flamethrowers and weakly armored vehicles.
Flamethrowers own Miniguners.
Bazooka men can be devastating against flying units, weakly armored vehicles and small tanks. They owns Flame tanks if they are fast enough.
Group of Missile Trikes own undefended harvesters.
Groups of Miniguners own Obelisks of Light.

Mamooth tanks owns all. ;)

That's mostly what I remember from the game. Been a very long time though.

gufu1992 28-10-2007 01:36 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Eagle of Fire @ Oct 27 2007, 02:10 AM) [snapback]317400[/snapback]</div>

Group of Missile Trikes own undefended harvesters.
Oh - but you forgot one thing...

Nyerguds 28-10-2007 01:56 AM

-in Single player, if you save the game while a nuke is exploding in your base (BEFORE the white flash), then exit the game and reload your savegame, the nuke will simply disappear. This is apparently due to the nuke logic not being loaded yet, because if you first play some other game where a nuke explodes and then load the aforemented savegame, the Big Flash of Doom WILL occur.

-There's a trick to let soldiers walk over a corner in a wall by making them move around the corner and clicking inside the walled area exactly when they're cutting the corner (and are thus technically on the wall already :P ). Only one soldier at the time will walk over though.

-you can detect stealths on radar by looking for places where you get an attack cursor without seeing a unit.

-if you select a helicoper and you get a "Move" cursor (instead of a "Can't Move" cursor) in a tiberium field, there's a stealth tank there. The same applies to a bulding's concrete bib and some beaches in temperate and winter theater that helicopters can't land on.

-while a harvester is harvesting, select it and press "s", and it will immediately have harvested the tiberium patch it is standing on.

...and there's looooads more bugs where those came from :P

Eagle of Fire 28-10-2007 02:35 AM


Oh - but you forgot one thing...
Yeah, so? The computer very rarely manage to squash my infantry, so it's even less likely with bikes which are faster. ;)

gufu1992 29-10-2007 12:40 AM

One blocks exit, another squashes... Fun!

Thorsfew 05-11-2007 08:29 PM

Ok, Ive waited a longtime for this gameto be released freeware.
I could havejust brought it from a shop, or D/L from another site,
but I will have lost that excitment, that memory lane feeling, like a child at xmas.
Build up the "want" the "desire", because unlike most "old" games this one is full of great touches, and I will wait for Abandonia to feed us thier link. I owe it to you (no cash prize monies to offer (donnations), just loyaty and faith. Purposefully self harming my game playing by refuseing to sucome to temptation of D/l.
P.s. although the links are removed from the EA offical site they do mention where they can be downloadd from....just for those of you that cannot wait for Abondonia to release.

Abandonia keep things above board, and must have the best, most accesable, easy to use software sites EVER. Hat of to you all. May you continue to represent the community, and gaming franchise with your "above the board" legal and honest dealings with "software of yest'a'year" :titan:

The Fifth Horseman 06-11-2007 08:46 AM

First of all, the only version that can be made available from Abandonia's servers is a ripped DOS version.
Second, the full version may appear in the ISO Cellar, but that's only for registered users (ATM the registrations are disabled due to AB's most recent move).

Nyerguds 12-11-2007 09:06 PM

I can make a ripped Windows version for you people too, if you want...

Nyerguds 22-11-2007 10:05 AM

So... how about getting this back online, now? :)

Dave 22-11-2007 11:55 AM

I think it's a great idea, but Sebatianos said we aren't ready to put material on site.
Adding more games!
Btw you could provide a C&C ISO for our ISO Cellar ;)

Grand Dad 27-11-2007 06:25 PM

Perhaps it still among the best of the C&C games, even the newer ones with the possible exclusion of Red Alert II.

Nyerguds 28-11-2007 07:04 AM


Originally Posted by David86 (Post 312011)
I think it's a great idea, but Sebatianos said we aren't ready to put material on site.
Adding more games!
Btw you could provide a C&C ISO for our ISO Cellar ;)

I don't even know if I can access that...

Also, I should give the DOS C&C ISOs then. You can find the C&C95 ones on all big download sites nowadays, and AFAIK this side is dedicated to DOS games. That's also why I originally made a pack of the DOS version of C&C for this site.

The Fifth Horseman 28-11-2007 07:50 AM


Originally Posted by Nyerguds (Post 312567)
I don't even know if I can access that...

You can. Any user with over 20 posts can.

KajQrd 12-12-2007 08:12 AM


Originally Posted by the_fifth_horseman (Post 310452)
First of all, the only version that can be made available from Abandonia's servers is a ripped DOS version.
Second, the full version may appear in the ISO Cellar, but that's only for registered users (ATM the registrations are disabled due to AB's most recent move).

I was wondering why don't you just link from the C&C site to one of the major gaming site (fileplanet, 3dgamers etc.) that has the file on their servers? That way you save bandwidth and abandoneers looking for the game on your site will find it and be able to download it (from a server that can better handle the strain) and you won't have to restrict it to registered users.


Mark Langdahl

The Fifth Horseman 12-12-2007 09:16 AM

DOS version vs Windows version. Not the same thing.

americanswan 20-12-2007 01:58 AM

I am dying to get this game.

Why don't you have it yet?

Because my employer is an elementary school that blocks strange url's that deal with games.

GRRRRR is blocked even.

Is there a place where I can get the iso's that my employer hasn't blocked?

I wish I could download it from here.

The Fifth Horseman 20-12-2007 12:59 PM


Originally Posted by americanswan (Post 314280)
I am dying to get this game.

Why don't you have it yet?

Because the recent simultaneous server move and site upgrade has messed up half of the place and we're not finished fixing it yet.


Originally Posted by americanswan (Post 314280)
Is there a place where I can get the iso's that my employer hasn't blocked?

If you ask nicely, someone could upload the ISOs to Rapidshare or a similar place.


Originally Posted by americanswan (Post 314280)
I wish I could download it from here.

We might add the game into our "ISO Cellar" soon. To access that place you need to have 7 days of membership and 20 posts on the forum.

Dave 21-12-2007 12:58 PM

I have both ISOs (NOD & GDI) and the instructions to run them under XP (all downloaded from EA official site).
Now I don't have time to upload them, but the files are still in my Hard Disk.
Let's see what I can do. :rolleyes:

The Fifth Horseman 21-12-2007 07:00 PM

I happen to have the ISOs for the DOS version.
Will see when I can upload them. :D

Dave 29-12-2007 07:13 PM

Mine is up :)
Have fun guys!

Nyerguds 03-01-2008 05:57 PM

David86... the whole point of the discussion in the last pages was that we DON'T want the Win95 version that EA released up here since this is a site for DOS games. We want the original DOS version.

Oh, and could the status of game in the Oldwarez list be updated? It's definitely freeware.

_r.u.s.s. 03-01-2008 07:06 PM

well, i have no clue how was the topic before but if you are looking for DOS rip as well, here it is

Nyerguds 03-01-2008 07:13 PM

I sure wasn't.. I made the DOS rip that was up on Abandonia.. which is quite a lot better than the one you posted there.
That DOS C&C is a version with separated GDI and Nod general.mix files. It's quite a hassle selecting which missions you want to play before even starting the game. On top of that, it's not even patched to the latest version.
In fact, on my system, it doesn't run at all without DOSBox. It immediately crashes with a General Protection Fault, even when I run it with VDMS.

_r.u.s.s. 03-01-2008 07:15 PM

thanks then

Dave 03-01-2008 08:11 PM


Originally Posted by Nyerguds (Post 315388)
David86... the whole point of the discussion in the last pages was that we DON'T want the Win95 version that EA released up here since this is a site for DOS games. We want the original DOS version.

You don't want it.Talk for you.
Everybody is free to help and upload links into ISO cellar, I am not interested in what you want or think.
The DOS version is already on site, I already asked if it's possible to allow the download, but all is "freezed".
However I think you should learn the good manners.

Luchsen 03-01-2008 09:36 PM


Originally Posted by Nyerguds (Post 315388)
this is a site for DOS games.

Meep, wrong, the candidate lost it's five pieces of eight. ;)

David superbly said the rest in his last post.

The Fifth Horseman 03-01-2008 10:01 PM

Nyerguds, I understand you want to be helpful and all, but the Covert Operations expansion pack is still sold.
Since EA did not announce releasing the expansion as freeware, nor have you produced any proof of acquiring special permission to use a portion of its content, I had to remove your link.
Part of a game's data (maps, sprites, sound FX, music, cutscenes, models and textures) is just as much subject to the copyright laws as the whole thing.

Nyerguds 06-01-2008 05:14 PM

Ah yeah, sorry about that... I kinda thought I was pushing my luck with that one :p. Though I posted the same thing on the EA forum and no one has even frowned at me for doing it there.

Though I know this doesn't change anything legally, I kinda disagree... it's not being sold anywhere anymore... at least, not without having to buy all of the First Decade pack. Which kinda defeats the point of releasing C&C95 for free, especially since the (only 216kb big) expansion pack is essential for playing any addon missions for it.

maguido 23-05-2008 06:53 PM

C & C
I'm not american,and english isn't my home tongue so expect
some grammatical errors;)
You can download the ISO version in (GDI)

AlumiuN 26-11-2008 07:34 AM

I've uploaded two _jewelcase_ shots (:bleh: @ Luchsen) and a CD shot to the FTP. I might also be able to get some English boxshots sometime soon. :)

Luchsen 26-11-2008 03:55 PM

Then we'll wait for the English boxshots to update them together (there are more than sufficient to update till then anyway). I think you still got me wrong. :oh:

AlumiuN 27-11-2008 06:58 AM

Alright. It might be a while, it's my grandfather's C&C and I only have the jewelcase here. The box is still at his house, so I'll have to find the time in between doing nothing and doing some more nothing to go over there and pick the box up. :p

Also, how have I still got you wrong?

Luchsen 27-11-2008 09:14 AM

I don't dislike CD case shots. I was only puzzled since you normally resize to 1000 pixels of width. And suddenly it was quirky 524 pixels! I didn't consider that you are scanning your boxes near to the resize dimensions, what means that your CD case shots naturally are smaller than the resize dimensions and so resizing them isn't advisable.

Bobbin Threadbare 27-11-2008 11:36 AM


Originally Posted by Nyerguds (Post 315388)
this is a site for DOS games.


Fubb 27-11-2008 06:43 PM

Speaking of 7 days a skeptic which Bobbin supplied, i urge you all to play that great series!

5 days a stranger
7 days a skeptic
Tilbee's Notes
6 Days a sacrifice.

All are made by a guy named "yahtzee" and im sure just searching "5 days a stranger yahtzee" would get you on his site where you can also get his other games too..

ONTO C&C....anyone know of any mods to this game?

gregor 28-11-2008 10:23 AM


Originally Posted by Fubb (Post 343252)
ONTO C&C....anyone know of any mods to this game?

To me Red Alert sort of seems like mod. In fact i remember when there was a cool trailer for it - i though it will be an expansion to C&C or a second part. Instead it happens in another universe.

AlumiuN 29-11-2008 07:23 AM

Red Alert AFAIK was supposed to be a prologue to C&C, and there is a quote from Kane in the Windows installation, but I think they designed the series differently after that.

gregor 01-12-2008 01:35 PM

stil... "nod" got beefed up, "gdi" got nerfed... but basically you get same units with some additional ones to make it all more balanced. so it sort of looks like a mod.

yeah they diverted with the story. still interesting games, both of them.

ayoeness 04-01-2009 06:43 PM

...woops nothing.. somehow landed in the wrong thread...

Goeny 21-01-2009 10:21 PM

To be honest i don't believe this game is abandonware.
I recently bought the First Decade from EA Games and it includes Command and Conquer.

I really love this game and i played the whole series from this first one. (Actualy Dune2 was the first one)

Nice to see the game in here but if i were admin/mod here, i would check a bit further if it really is abaondonware.

Luchsen 21-01-2009 10:26 PM

We checked it thoroughly, and it is freeware.

AlumiuN 22-01-2009 05:12 AM

EA released this as freeware on the eve of the release of C&C 3. :)

FernandO19Q 06-07-2009 07:16 PM

Is there a way i can play this on multiplayer?? is only a modem dial up conection??

If is a way please share it.


LVC 03-08-2009 02:21 AM


Originally Posted by Tom Henrik (Post 40401)
Feel free to comment and discuss this game here. Also, if you have any useful tips or tricks don't hesitate to share them with the others! Thanks!


I hate to tell you this, but EA Games holds the copyrights and sells this game. It can be Found in "C&C The First Decade", and you are illegally distributing it at present. Just a note to help you evade a law suit by a rival corp.

Micheal Goode, CEO Lupa Vulpa Entertainment.

Luchsen 03-08-2009 02:28 PM

EA has made C&C freeware on August 31, 2007 to celebrate C&C's 12th anniversary, despite of the The First Decade from 2006 still being widely available commercially.

LVC 04-08-2009 08:09 AM


Originally Posted by Luchsen (Post 378408)
EA has made C&C freeware on August 31, 2007 to celebrate C&C's 12th anniversary, despite of the The First Decade from 2006 still being widely available commercially.

Well then I stand corrected and will have to get the folks down in Research and in Legal to do better work before they trouble me over these things. Good to know.

justkc 12-10-2009 07:03 PM

Great game, though this "lite" cut removes some of the charm a la movies. If it's pure RTstrategy, I can just dork back to Dune 2.

pietry 11-04-2010 01:35 PM

Great game!!!:rocks:

eugene425 03-07-2010 09:51 PM

Yes, it's a good game, and definitely not tolerate any objections. Steep game.

twillight 05-07-2010 09:00 AM

I have a mission of GDI I could never solve:
You had a repair station, but could not build, harvest or construct anything.
The NOD was in the northeastern corner, had an opening to its base from east and one from south.
You had no air units.
The NOD had an Obelisk (that's the "ultimate lasertower", right?).

As no matter what the Obelisk could eliminate ALL my forces I saw no chance destroying their base.
As the tiberium grew back there was no chance for just sitting and shoting pidgeons.
As I could not build anything I slowly bled to death.

Any idea for that mission?

eugene425 05-07-2010 10:55 AM


Originally Posted by twillight (Post 408863)
I have a mission of GDI I could never solve:
You had a repair station, but could not build, harvest or construct anything.
The NOD was in the northeastern corner, had an opening to its base from east and one from south.
You had no air units.
The NOD had an Obelisk (that's the "ultimate lasertower", right?).

As no matter what the Obelisk could eliminate ALL my forces I saw no chance destroying their base.
As the tiberium grew back there was no chance for just sitting and shoting pidgeons.
As I could not build anything I slowly bled to death.

Any idea for that mission?

Number of mission? fifth, sixth?

MrFlibble 09-07-2010 12:48 PM

This is most probably mission 12 (rescue Moebius). First off, find the village and look for a money crate there. That'll help you hold out longer. Then, as usual in C&C, the enemy base has a weak point - either a poorly guarded back entrance, or power plants exposed to long-range fire. Use a Hummvee to scout the map, eventually you'll find that weak spot, and exploit it. You can capture the Airfield to get Stealth Tanks on that mission, use them to mop up the rest of Nod forces in the area.

Nyerguds 22-08-2010 06:50 AM

All you need to do there is destroy all SAM sites anyway... a strike against their power plants and construction yard will remove the threat of the Obelisks, and then you can do precision strikes to take out the SAM sites. When the SAMs are gone, you get a new evac helicopter, you can put Moebius inside it, and win.

BostonGeorge 22-08-2010 12:23 PM

I remember this hard mission. I used a little trick to solve these hard missions. I know, I know :sucks: but C&C 1 had this gun-turret-trick. All you have to do is to sell a turret and when it's going to disappear klick it again and hit the "S" key to stop the selling. The turret will not disappear but you'll have 4 Minigunners for free. You can replicate this over and over until you have grand armys of minigunners. You can do this trick also with sam-sites, obelisks and nod-turrets ... I think with every building.

It's kind of cheating though but sometimes it really helps to get over the first frustrating minutes of a mission.

Nyerguds 22-08-2010 02:55 PM

They fixed that in v1.22. And the hi-res Windows '95 remake (C&C Gold / C&C95) is based on that DOS v1.22, so it's not possible there either.

Oh, and it only worked with defense buildings. Other buildings have no use for the Stop command anyway.

The silly part is that they 'fixed' it by disabling the Stop command for defense buildings... kinda annoying sometimes.

BostonGeorge 22-08-2010 04:46 PM

ah Ok! I always have asked myself if this trick is available in the C&C SVGA-Version. So obviously it is not. Then it's just: Exercise! Exercise! Exercise!

Nyerguds 23-08-2010 09:49 PM

Maybe I should look into that... make the S button work again, and only block it if the building's current command is "selling". If I find the code that does that -_-

crysta1 11-09-2010 05:53 AM


I just read a few posts up and realised people made the same point as me :x

gregor 11-09-2010 06:53 AM

One word: Sandbaging - build sandbags to enemy base and close them in. then build your army and destroy them....:ouch:

Nyerguds 23-11-2010 11:09 PM


Originally Posted by gregor (Post 413506)
One word: Sandbaging - build sandbags to enemy base and close them in. then build your army and destroy them....:ouch:

One word: lame.

Abandoned Witch 07-05-2011 07:23 AM

It is still one of my favorite Real-Time Strategy games.

twillight 09-05-2011 04:15 PM


Originally Posted by Nyerguds (Post 417696)
One word: lame.

Another word: creative.

Eagle of Fire 09-05-2011 11:38 PM

Another word? Cheap.

Another word? Cheating.

Bottom line: neat to know if you can't get good enough to finish a mission. Nothing else.

Dinic 13-07-2011 09:44 PM

I have a problem with the decade edition version, I can't get past the certain mission, I always get the ''out of memory'' error. Don't know what to do??
I tried the game on desktop with xp and win7, and on laptop with xp and none worked, the same error at the exact same moment. I built the base and got enough army, and when I tell the army to go out to research the teritory, error pops out. I installed the latest patches, even tryed the unofficial ones and none helped.
Please help if anyone konws!

MrFlibble 16-07-2011 10:52 PM

Take a look at these threads, maybe the solution to your problem is there:

jacoboram126 19-07-2011 02:09 PM

I loved the orignal command and conquer red alert the first part it was the simplest and the most fun to play.

KrazeeXXL 26-07-2011 10:04 PM

iirc "sandbaging" wasn't possible in the SVGA version of C&C1 anymore ^^

Eagle of Fire 26-07-2011 11:48 PM

It depends what you mean by "sandwalling". I remember using sandbags to go build buildings way farther away from my construction yard range. You can set up good traps this way.

Panthro 27-07-2011 07:50 PM

In the original version, you could build sandbags all the way to the enemy base (depending on fog-of-war), and the enemy would never target the sandbags, so you could pen them in.

MrFlibble 28-07-2011 09:41 PM


Originally Posted by Eagle of Fire (Post 431542)
It depends what you mean by "sandwalling". I remember using sandbags to go build buildings way farther away from my construction yard range. You can set up good traps this way.

Yeah, I've also used this to arrange my buildings neatly. But sandwalling is walling off the AI with sandbags inside their base, cutting the resource income and generally incapacitating the enemy. Never tried that, sounds like a lame and boring cheat/exploit tactic.

Can0dope 26-09-2012 06:34 AM

Download doesn't work for this game...

The Fifth Horseman 26-09-2012 07:14 AM

It seems to start just fine for me. Can you describe what specific problem you are encountering with the download?

underdrag 24-10-2013 09:28 PM

does anyone know of any cheat editor or trainer that can work the abandonia version of this game? the trainers i found so far either can't read the savegame created by the abandonia version OR it's made to work only with the win95 version. the game.dat editor i used to use doesn't work either because ths version doesn't need the DAT files???

thanks in advance.

CnC-er 09-11-2013 06:35 PM

Latest version
To get the latest version of this game, updated to work on Windows 7/8 (including 64-bit) go to:;cat=25

under-raged dragon 06-12-2013 07:02 PM


Originally Posted by CnC-er (Post 458032)
To get the latest version of this game, updated to work on Windows 7/8 (including 64-bit) go to:;cat=25

that was not what i was asking for... and i think my version of win7 is 32 bit anyway.

MrFlibble 06-12-2013 10:56 PM


Originally Posted by underdrag (Post 457827)
does anyone know of any cheat editor or trainer that can work the abandonia version of this game? the trainers i found so far either can't read the savegame created by the abandonia version OR it's made to work only with the win95 version. the game.dat editor i used to use doesn't work either because ths version doesn't need the DAT files???

The latest version of the game (v1.22) indeed replaces GAME.DAT with GAME.NEW (with a blank GAME.DAT file just to avoid some compatibility issues). I forgot why exactly this had to be done though. Something realted to Covert Ops or somesuch.

Anyway, I'm afraid I can't suggest any cheat programmes that work with the latest version. There has been an EXE editor, I think by Vladan Bato, but I have no idea if it's available (Vladan Bato's website doesn't seem to have it).

I guess you'd have better luck asking around at the CnC Communications Centre, Nyerguds of all people should know something. Also, you can try Googling through, there certainly are old cheat apps for C&C but I have no idea what version they might work with.

A few utilities can also be found here.

Nyerguds 25-04-2016 09:08 AM


Originally Posted by underdrag (Post 457827)
does anyone know of any cheat editor or trainer that can work the abandonia version of this game? the trainers i found so far either can't read the savegame created by the abandonia version OR it's made to work only with the win95 version. the game.dat editor i used to use doesn't work either because ths version doesn't need the DAT files???

thanks in advance.

The old CCEDT probably works with it. You might need to rename the to game.dat for it to find the file, though.

This edits the unit stats in the game itself, btw, not savegames. Some changes (hit points, stealth ability etc) might not work on existing units in savegames, but will only apply once the mission is restarted or to new units of the type that are built after the change.

akatras 3 18-02-2017 06:49 PM

Hi, I have a problem installing the game. On Windows10 it wont open the cnc_xx. If I try it in DowBox it says: Bad command or file name
What can I do?

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